FEE"D THE HUNGRY THRESHERS WELL Last year we made a big ht by making a_. specialty of THRESHERS' ROASTS LARGE-TENDER and JUICY-with LOTS 0F NOURISHMENT Our good country friends are already asking us for more Threshers' Roasts like we supplied them a year ago. We're doing it, too. Phone' 225 and we will send you one of those choice roasts by mail. Wilbert J. Djudley Horsey- Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville -jy More Help every member of your family to liberal s lces of Tod's Bread., It's the best thing in the worlI for thcm. 0f course. they'll eat lots of it-that's to be expected. But don't worry, give them al Tod's Bread is the most nutritious muscle-builder they can eat. they want, and greatest T"HOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Talle Madïe fr PAîtular Trade, You- Buy Tailored Clothes-- Why Not Buy Tailored Shoe Y-%ou choose -a tailored suit, because it is mi Ù from ch çoice material, by ekilled hands, anc iùadeê-to your size in a style that suits you. For exactly the saine reason, you should1 tailor-made shoes. Astoria, Ali-Leather SE are tailor-made -to your size, anc made d is buy ,oes A, in styles that suit your foot. Astoria material is flawiess. Astoria Shoca e- are made fauitlessiy. Good shoes, like good clothes, wear longer-the value is there. COPELAND SHOE STORE BOWMAN VILLE 0 o The .Best Tonic Feeling run down and out of tune these days? Eat our Bread-plenty of it, morning-,-~ noon and night. It will build up your whole system and makçe the good red blood circulate. Jt's Ji git and flaky and easily digested and will add relish to your ýwhole -meal. CriSbTIESb DAERY Lincolns. F. B. Glaspeib cbeaned out the Cotswold class. 1 HEAVY SHIPMENTS 0F CATTLE b. F. Wenry & Sons, Kadron, won several pnizes on cattla. Toronto, Septaýbe16.-_Since S. A. Northcott, Ta-unton, was August finst the movement of liva awanded e-lb the pnizes for bobsteins. stock from Western Canada to the A. A. Colwill, Newcastle, swept the, Eastern- markets has been unusually n ns with Tamwonths but oaa won heavy. Shipmeats cousist almost gy Lloyd Saowden, Maple Grove. entiraly of beaf cettle. The char- acter of this business is sucli tue-t Mrs. M. Wilkins won pnizes lin Fine fast service by the areiîways is an as- Arts, Orne-mental ead Fiowens. santiai, ead in this respect the Cea- Mrs. T. Pancy, Miss Regina Percy adian National Railways e-ne me-king ead Mrs. W. Caldwell won- several records bstweea Winnipeg ead Ton- prizes on Ladies' Wonk eand Orna- onto yards. Trains of from f oty mental. to fifty cars of stock are quite us- On Fiowars A. Dilling,, F. B. ual, a-nd fast tume is me-de possible Lovekin, W. b. Tonkin, Mrs. Alex. by the spldndid tangents aad the Taylor, Mn. R. Brooks, Mrs. F. y le-ck of curves by this routa. A mons wene winners. train of 72 cars of cattie we-s ne- For sheaf of White Oats F. W. L. ceived Septembar l6th et nioa Tamblyn, C. A. Che-pman ead Mrs. L. Stock Yards, West Toronto, making Middleton wene winnens. the trip from Wianipeg ln 75 houns, T. Bottreli & Son won many it lievin g left Winnipeg on Septem- pnîzes on Fruit, Pouitry ead Veget- ber lBth. This, probabiy, la the jables. iongest train of live stock ever re-1 F. B . Lovekin won saveaei rize 4ceived at Toronto froin the *est. jon fruit ead cooking. tBOWMANVILLE, SEPT, 28th, 1922 DISTRICT MEETING Several Interesting Speeches LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR'S Delivered. SPEECH AT THE FAIR The financial District meeting and In the, course of his reply the spiritual coaference for Bowman- Lieutenant. Governor said: It is a ville District was held ln King-st. great pleasure for me to meet on an Methodist Church, Oshawa, on Frî- occasion such as the present so many day. 0f the eleven circuits Orono of the townsfolk and people fromi the was the only one not represented. surrounding country. I say~ on Morning session opened with de- such an occasion as this, because ag- votional exercises conducted by Rev. riculture iis tho basic industry Of Geo. T. McKlenzie. Rav. 'S C. Canada, and it is a good sign of the Moore, Chairman of the District, times when the people take an intel- presided. Reports on missionary, igent interest in it and turn out in educational and social service work large numbers to support and en- were presented by Rev. W. B. Cas- courage this fair. well, Rev. John Coburu and others. bers we can see for ourselves the, Afternoon session opened with a best products of the neighboring devotional service conducted by Rey. farms, set out la the most attractive E. B. Cooke. manner and we learn a good deal more Rev. Mr. Coburn discussed the abou ouselvs ad ou prducng Social Service work advocating an capacity than we othenwise could. educational 'campaign throughout It is ail-important that we should bethsDtrcansoilevcebe. weM-posted on our own rasources, hsDtrcansoilevceie. that we should know what we pos- Rev. W. W. Jones ,B. D., of bamp- sess and what we can do, so that we ton,, gave a splendid outline of the may have confidence in ourselves as work done and opportunities offered a community and as a people. Fur- to Leagunes and Sunday Sehools in thermore, -an agricultural show fost- the District. Thers wene 22 sen- ers a spirit of emulation, of friendly ior leagues, 10 junior leagues, 6 rivalry which is a fine thing for any mision circles and 4 older boys' and locality. It breaks the dead level girls' organizations. Contributions and the weary routine of if e to to general Sunday School fund which the day's work too often sinks amouiited to $456, an increase of in lifeless dreaniness, and it stins up $140; to missions $1822; and to al competition and a desire to excel in purposes $11,943, an increase of ail the wnlks of rural life and eff ort. $612; 29 Sunday Schools with a Your presence is also an encourage- membership of 6,715, an increase ment to the farmer, and that in itseif of 55..d InS regard to the number is a great public service. of Sunday School scholars joining As I have said, farming is at the the church, hie stated that more than very root of our national pnosperity 79 per cent came in from 3 circuits. and anything that will help to bring bey. Geo. W. Sparling, B. A., prospenity to the farmn will prove a spoke on the missionary situation as, valuable contribution to the coun- it faces the missionary in China. be try's wealth. But, again, this fair, said China's attitude was not so on the excellence of which I heartily much anti-christian but anti-Japan- cogrtlaethe directors and ex- e955. The missionaries were seek- hibitors, oas and ail, is more than a ing to develufp Chinese leadership îfarmer's show. It includes a vaniety and are pinni ng their faith to the of manufactures, the product of the native church for the work of sav- factory where the trained skil of iag China. themechanie turns the raw material 11ev. G. R. Clare, President of into the beautiful and useful com- Bay of Quinte Conference, spoke of modities required in our homes to his visits to the different districts render if e comfortabls and toler- la the Conference and gave a gen- able. eral talk on how to promote enthus- Both these uines of production, iasm and zeal for missions, stating that of the flarmn and that of the that we are stirred by our difficulties factory are equally necessary to ail and the appalling need of the gos- the people. Oas represents the pel; andasked how many believed la food by whc elv;teohrtemssions and how much do they be- implement by wbicb tillage is made lieve? possible, without which there would 11ev. W. T. Wickett, Tyrone, ra- bs no farming, and the utensils and ported the, missionary contributions housshold fu1ýnishîings and conven- in the district for past year and the isaces without which home life in objectives for the next year. town or country would not be pos- Evsniag meeting was oIened by sible on a basis of Christian civiliza- the Chairman of the District, after tion. My point is that to-day no which President Clans took the class of citizens can live apant and chair. independent of its neighbors. evJonCurgaea ey To live there must be co-operation earnest address in which hie stated and in -co--operation there must be that wnr cannot settie what is right mutual trust and confidence. To the or wrong it only proves which party1 upbuildiag of this community or of is the strongest. 1 The essential nny commuaity there must theref ors wonk of the church was to go out and be goodwîll, a getting-together of aini men and women to Christ, to classess of aIl interests, a realiza- challenge the young peopls to be tien of horw --w-e -all --pend--on-ach -men- -ad- wome oLlihest -type-.- other and 'of how ascessany it is The evangelis-tic! church bas a 3-fold that ws should have unity of aim caîl in winning men 'and women to [and of interest. We can thus best God: First it musthave a eaad serveour oa aid îtsnibutry i- dïefii'econsciousaess of God; sec- trict or nsighborhood from that ond, have a spotless and dlean mem- centre we can expand to the coun- bership; and third, the clsansiag of try,' to the province and to the Do- the commuaity lif . The gospel is minion. the only solution for ahl difficulties. Bsginaing at home and tnying to 1ev. George W. Sparling said hie have it self-contained we can best *vas glad of the pivilege of' brancb out and widen our business hearing the previous speaker'.; ad- so as to have an easy, nature-i in- dress. He said they would ste-rti terest of business for the advaatage next Wedaesday on thein long jour- of ail. When our home market has ney Westward ead coatrasted the besa supplied we then have the wid- difference in the outlook 'thenane-d er market of the wonld before us and now. Thea tbey were strangers to the question of export tre-de and people ead language they -knew transportation so closely connected aotbing of the customs or the task. as to hcalamost oaa, arises. This awaltfnig them. For the past 12 is a most important question to the 'years they.had basa able to preachi farmer whose basf and grain sseks la Chiasse. Though the city tbey an outlet; to the fruit grower, and lived in was oaa of the dirtiest in the daryman also-in short to the China, hae belîevsd it could yet ha producer generally, and it is a ques- cleaned Upaad spoke of the woader- tion calling loudly to-day for the at- ful things accomplished since hae tention of the very hast minds of knew it, a church, hospital ead oun business world. schools had been enected and were Before closing 1 wish to say a doing good work. bis story of what word to the cblîdren who are f orm- one layman had accomfflshed for ed up in front of me la sucb llarge the spree-d of the gospel was very numbers. Fîrst, I wish to compli- wondsrful and the audience listen- ment you on your fine appeareace. ed very attsativsly whils bie reaeted You are the very picturs of heaith me-ny incidents la connection with an important tbing for the town. this m-n's 1f e. You are smartly aad comforte-bly 11ev. Mn. Moore addsd a f ew clos- drsssed ead youn marching behind ing words and the meeting was dis- your school banners has basa a most missed by the benediction by bey. attractive sight. Your parents are J. b. McBain, B. A., of Simcoe-st. proud of you to-day and they are Church. _______ aaxious for your wnlfara every day. You go to school so as to prepare OSHAWA FAIR for tbe day when you must te-ke up the mantîs your parents let dowrn Among prize winasrs on pure wben old age comas to theni and bred Clydesdale horses were W. J. maturity to you. Ormiston, Eafield, ste-lion lst; Hae-,r Four thiags I would wish you al- T. Je-mes, Columbus, staliion cOlt ist, ways to remember-lst-Love and mars and f oal 2nd, 3-yr old finly obe yor prens; nd-oveai 3rd; heavy draug-ht mare ead foal Insurance Agency. Ail lines of FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT., SICKNESS,1 AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEe, Edith V. Scobeil, Agent zmd do« 'woet of the. "Bis 2w, Dowmavill.ont"I. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina-i tor will drive worms fromn the sys-, tem. without injury to the child bce- cause its action, while fully eket-I i v e , i s m i l d . P A I N T I N G Have your house painted now, nend post card ta J. Brennan, painter, paper hanger and grainer. Kalsomîing and tinting. Ternis reasonable. Âddrem J. Brennan, Elgin St., Bowmanvlile. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm, and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 851. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money, to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 366J music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is'prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For ternis phone 12, "Green- Court", Argyle Street. 49-8m*. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy. sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel oHospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assstant-Dr. C. W. Lyons Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office; King-st. East, Bow- mnanville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 p. m. daîly except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ilonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. bouse phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL. Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed te practice in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches.: Office Bank of Montreal, Phone 301. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. iMost complete equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended ta. Bowmanville phones 10 and 84. *Branch at Orono, THEO M. SLEMQN, AUCTIONEER Farm and bouse Sales a Specialty. Ternisnioderate. Enniskillen P. O 'Phone 197-r3. 1-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or] Night Calîs Promptly Attended ta. Office King-st. W., Stateaman Block, Bowmanvîlle. Phone 243. GEORGE CHENERY General'Contractor in cement work, house foundation, etc. Estimates furnished. King-at., Bowmanville. 18-t SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, B DOK K EEPING Complete Commercial and General Im- provemnent Courses. Students accepted Ét any time. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, Oshawik and Toronto, M. A, JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, èWhite Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- Thousands would give a fortune for perf ect sleep-the blessing that other thousarids enjoy on, The New Marshall Sanitary Mattresses! Perfect sleep is vital-indispensable-lit de- pends upon the miattress. Decide NOW-while th'is splendid club off er is yours--while you can get a FreeMattessCoe with every purchase of a Marshall- S tay ttress You need mattress-covers to protect valuable mattresses from dust, ste-jas and wear. Well made from best quality Sea Island cotton with double stitched seams. Washes over and over again, The New Marshall Sanitary Mattresses are a revelation of thoroughness final achievemient in Coin- fort! The mattress of near- ly a thousand sulent coiled steel springs, each indepen- dent, for perfect rest. The mattress that is ventlated --sanitary always. Don't wait! Rememnber this big off er is for Septem- ber. See the free mattress cover and New Marshall Sanitary mattresses at your dealers-then- decide. No obligations incurred. in every detail-the TheMarshall label is the mark of superiority. .AI- ways look for 1V. The Marshall Guarantee applies only when it is attached. Beware of imitations. Sleeping com fort from now on!, Marshall Ventilated Mattress Co., Limited Toronto Ontario Makers of the "Marshall Ventilated Mattress"ý-the "Mar'- shaldown" Mattress-The Marshalfelt Mattress and Marshall "Shock-absorbing" Cushions for Automobiles. 36A Sold in Bowmanville By F.Fe.EMOlRRIS G.f The Exchange of V ictory Bonds I~f~WlThose desirous of taking advantage of the privilege >Zj~r of exchanging their rnaturing Victory Bonds for the ~4~7j>Jnew issue are inVited'to hand themn in at any one of our branches. We will gladly see to ail necessary details. 4U0 TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY.THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Brancb, . - . H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, . . . . E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches- J. Scott Montgomery, Manager Dont ompromise With Your Stomach We're mighty careful in the selection of our Groceries, and see to it in every instance- that al Canned Goods, Vegetables, etc., are fresh andl wholesome. Jt's a big satisfaction knowing that your own judgment is backed by our careful choosing-and our prices are always'as low as the market allows. C. M.'CAWKELR & SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE The Cash & Carry Bakery Bowmanville Phone 97 à 1 I r~1 M £ Mi I