G R Bargai-n In Stoves Steel Supreme Ranges We have 2 Steel Suprerne Ranges which have been used and were replaced by eiectric stoves. These stoves are being sacrificed at a bargain for quick sale. Act quickly. We left whie last. Ma-tk Phone 1i APPLE BASKETS'75c EACH have a few good strong Apple Baskets eh are being sold at 75e each while they Lson & Dale's Hardware 45 Bowmanville A n Early Start Everything points to, good business this Eall. Already we have noticed a steady increase in our business this nonth. Local merchants in other lines of business are enjoying the sarne experience Bsuy In Bowmanville We are doing our part to, make it both a pleasure and profit to "Buy in~ Bowrnanville". Without îi'n any way boasting, , we feel we are in a position to 'serve you best' when you are looking around for. Gzifts That Last Such as Silverware, Flatware, Diarnonds, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, China, and many other articles taken frorn our large and at- tractive stock. ALEX LLIOTw Diarnonds and Jewelry Bowmanville OCe Delîvery Dalily Give us a trial-you'll get better meats and better service at the right price. Our prices are reasonable and the cuts so tender and full of flavor, Phonie your order in afternoon and it will be delivered by 8.30 next rnorning. G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Go. Phone 21 Bowmanville LOOK PRETTY NICE IN, ANY HOME We are showing this week a beautiful Dining-Room Suite finished in WaIniit, newest design, 9 pieces, standard price of which is $225.00, you can buy it Friday or Saturday for $180. We only have the one suite at this price-it means a dlean saving of $45.00. IVORY BED ROOM SUITE This is a very attractive suite that any woman would be pleased to have in her home. We expect to seil this suite before, Saturday night as it is priced right. Watch Our advt next week for dlean out of Big UphbIýtered Chairs WILLIAMS &CANN Undertaker & Embalmer Furniture Dealer Bowmanville Ontario executors their names and fui1 particulars Dori< ' cf their dlaims and that after such last no sda Siger mentioned date the executors wili pro- i thing.ay ee ceed to distibute the assets of the de- ting r trd, ' ceased among the parties enttled there- Ing;1or at any to having regard only to the cueditors f sugicl e M t y F UM which they have then ueceived notice. P lSLril p, Liaghi, ut n d saO nt&A . n dderodsonl'gbeefi. oa - Dominion Bank Buildings, Dr. Chaie's Oinlleft wm l ena7012 » MAanufactured by Bertliner Solictors fou Executors.1 deaieri, or EdmaMao, Bates & C04.Lam11d Dated at Lindsay this l9th day of Toronto.BSaple Box free if yofl nebbmcmh1 miSeptember, 1922 39-31 paper and enZ056 2.O.IIIP PDIPl -* BOWMANvILLE, SEPT. 28th, 1922 SEPTEMBER WEDDING Couns are painful growths.. Hol- loway's Corn Remover will remove LOCAL AND OTHERWISE i Snowden-JeweII them. At Horsey Street, Bowmanville, Mrs. Jos. Coulson, Newcastle, was the marriage took place on Wednes- recent gues fMs .Bnet day, September6, at three o'clock of RAILWAY TaM&ALS O i Miss Olive Duif, Ashburn, was a Rena Pearl, daughter of Mrs. Jewell BOWMEA BVILES O Fair Day visitor with Miss Margaret and the late W. E. Jewell to Mr. --MAVIL Girven. William Eber Snowden, son of Mr. Grand Trunk Railway. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heron, Ash- and Mrs. W. J. Snowden, Bowmian-> Going East Going West burn. were recent guests at Mr. Alex ville. The ceremony was conduct- Express 8.42 a. mi. d Express 4.22 a. ni Elliot's. ed by Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B. A.,i Express 10.38 a. m., d Express 5.46Fe Miss Mildred Jacobi of Torontocosi of the bride, beneath an arch a. mi. daily except Mondaymis visited hieu aunt, Mrs. C. Wesley Thned with painis, ferns and asters. Passenger 1.23 p. mi.Ms! Matthews. Tebride who was given away by Pass'ngr 3.09 p. mi. Pass'ngr 8.42 am surn1 Pro. P Gllipi, Tronospetier brother, Mu. Bert W. Jewell, en- Pass'ngu 2.02 p., m. opera theowek-end it ispbTrother, Mr. tered the drawing rooni to the strains Local 7.19 p. ni. Pass'ngr 7.13 p. m. th ekedwt i rteM.of Lohengrin's Wedding Marcb play- Express 9.5 .n.dEpes82 .i lf G. A Gilisie.ed by Mr. T. W. Stanley, organist Express 12.29 a. ni. d Misses Colla Jennings and Carrne and leader of the Bowmanville Meth -___ I. Painton, Whitby. weue Faiu visit- odist Church of which the bride was Cinadian Pacifie Railway instal ors at Mus. Wmn. Painton's., a member. She looked charming in Going East Going West Messrs. Jas. Gir ven ,Robt. Bllot, a gown of white canton crepe and Express 10.18 a. mi. Express 5.47 a-.'m savirý Robt. Hendry, John Smnith and John radium lace with silver tuimmings Pass'ngr 2.05 p. mi.* Local 8.20 a. ml MCI Balfour, Peterboro, spent Sunday at and wore a veil of embroidered net Epress 9.16 p. mi.* Express 5.08 p. m- a furi Mu. Alex. Elliot's,. caugh~t wi th orange blossonls, hieu Express 12.20 a. ni. Local 7.00 p. m* Me The Oil of the People.-Many oils only ornament being a white gold *Daily except Sunday. have corne and gone, but Dr. Thomas' and dianiond bar pin, the gift of the C. B. Kent, Towu Agent. ter eý Eclectuic Oil continues to maintain groom. She carried a bouquet of its position- and increase its spheue sunset roses. aainNtoa la. exact' of usefulness each year. Ite sterl- During the signing of the.r egister Wet nd N Eto a t Bound ing qualities have broughit it to the Miss Reta R. Cole, A. T. C. M., F. We t Bud Es oy front and kept it there, and it can C. C. M., sang sweetly "Because". Trone Station truly be called the oil of the people. Coveus were laid fou fifty gestsf Pass'ngr 8.15 a. mi. Pass'ngr 6.34 p. mi Tbousands have benefitted by it and the luncheon being seuved by girl would use no other pueparation. fuiends of the bride.ý Mus. W. W. Tamblyn and Du. and Later the happy couple left fou aN Mus. Edgar Gausby, Masters Arthur trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and NEW LAMP BURNS 94% Po and Billy Gausby niotoued froni Buffalo, the bride travelling !in a AIR hn Toronto and spent the week-end at suit of navy tricotine, with grey- Mu. J. R. Cole's, Bethesda. duvetyn bat trinimed with silver and BesEltrco Ga- - Bowmanville Wonien's Institute ospueys._____ will meet on Friday, September 29, Ininediately foilowing the cere- nwo an htgvsa at the home of Mus. Frank Oke, mony, Dorothy Louise, daughter of A _________tht gve a King-st. E. Rally Day-every Mu. and Mus. Fred J. Wight, New- amazmngly brilliant, sof t, white light, member be present and bring an- castle. and Pauline Louise, daughter even better than gas or electuicity, other., Be ready fou Roll Caîl. of Mu. and Mus. Kenneth E. Cox, has been tested ,bythe U. S. Govern- It is usually saf e to say that when Bowmanville, were baptized. ment and 35 leading unîversities andi d On Friday evening, August 25, found to be superior te, 10 ordinary a child is pale, sickly, peevish and Miss Gladys Weese entertaîned about lanip.s It burns wîthout odor, smoke.I restless, the cause is worms. These wnygrsi oooftebieoros-opu igui iml; parasites range ithe stomach and tet il i ooiftenrd-o-oien upn ui ipe testines, causing seulous disorders of to-be and presented hieu with a clean, safe. Burns 94 % air and 6%G the digestion and preventing the in- jardinere table, a buass jardinere common kerosene (coal-oil). fant froni deiving sustenance fuo and a f ern. The inventor, P. N. Johnson, 246 fod. Mile'sWrmPodes,~ A week previous to lheu marriage Craig St. W., Montreai, is off euing* to . fodstro igtesworm, orrt hes a numb er of girl friends met at the send a lamp on 10 days' FR Etil faiso hdiestioigtewrson ndrve tebome of Miss Jewell and gave hieu a or even to give one FEE tolthe first relsto the orgestion nh reahato. icellaneous shower. user in each locaiity Who wili heli Nsovembhe rgisse f o a aon . Gu Among the many useful gifts re- hlm intuoduce it. Write bum to-day Noveberisse ofRodandGunceived was a handsome dlock froni for ffuil particulars. Also ask bum in Canada is a particularly attract- the Metbodist Choir. to explain how yen can get the agen- efc ive number. Maruy M. Moore i _______ cy, and without experience or money at bis best la "Sar' Anu", an inter- mk$20t$50pr onh est:'guipping tale. Other stories are WINNIPEG WEDDING mk 20t 50 e ot.forrn cf a bigb quality. "Logs", de- scriptive of lumbeuiug scenes andý Morow-Chambers incidents in lives of brawuy nmen who At eigbt o'clock on Satuuday even- Chi ropracti.c Ai labor in it. is :one of outstandinig,g September 9, St. Luke's Angli- SIa dutet)Go resumes with Mu. M. U. Bate.s as of an eauly Autunin wedding when Remove the Cause of Dibeafe editor, and this should be a guaran- Donna Enid, eldest daugbteu of Mr. without Medicin i or Knife. Chir- and s' Itee that the departinent wlll enjOy and Mus. Wmn. Chambers was united oprýactors have remarkable nuc- la its cid success, and wiii be of the in marriage to (Capt.) Rupeut G. ces& In removinât the cause of. saine high standard that it has been Morrow, only son of Mu. and Mus. Appendicitis, Deafnesa, Aithina, el i n the past., The other depautnients Geo. S. Morrow, foumerly of Osh- Rheumattam. Liinbago, Lame are f thir sual exellece. De- wa. Atistic groups of painis, Baek, Contipatiot-, Piles, Female Itailed accounts of D. R. A. and O. feunis and giadoli banked the chancel Diseases, Stomach and Kidney RB. A. matches, and the other regu- and altar rails, while tulle bows cen- Troubles. Nervou.mesin many ~lau features of the magazine are Of, tered ýwith delicately shaded sweet forma respond readily te Chiro. .similar quaiity. Publisbed montbly peas marked the pews reseuved for practie. at Woodstock,' Ontario, by W. J. Tay- the guests. Shoutly before the ap- ..PONI lor, Limited, pointed hour the clergyman, Rev. Examination Frs at Office. - Astbma is Torture. No one who Deane Findlay, the bridegrooni and DR. S. M. JONES. power of asthma kuows what such sou took their places at the chancel 86 Simco. St. N. Oshawa suffering is. Tbousands do kuow, rail and a few minutes later the Plue. 224. however, froni experience bow fi- strains',of the Lohengrin Bridai measurable is tbe relief provided by March played by Mu. Wetheuseed that niauvellous preparatien. Dr. announced the ceming of the bride J. D. Keliogg's Asthma Reniedy. and hieu attendants. The bride, who For yeaus it bas been uelieving the was given lu miauriage by hieu father, most severe cases. If you are a was beautifuily gowned in soft ivory sufferer do net delay in securing this chaumeuse, the long waited bodîce remedy froni your druggist.t caught at tbe aide with ostuicb roset- tes, the sleeves and long panels of MR. W. HISLOP'S SISTER DIES beavily embroidered Canton Cuepe _________ weue finisbed witb deep ostuîch fringe ,. The court train of old French lace ~ Death cf Mrs. Janet Hislop Coopei-p withý georgette facings f el grace- , Whitby. fully froni ber shoulders. Heu veil ~ t~ Ou wortby townsman, Mu. Wil- of bridal tulle was arranged lu cor- liani Hislop, Blil-st., bas the deep enet effect sud held lu place with sympathy of bis fellow citizens In orange blossonis. Heu bouquet was the demnise of bis sister Janet, widow a sbower of white roses and lily of of John Cooper, Wbitby, on Tues- the valley. Heu only ornament was day. Septeniber 12, aged 74 years. a nechiet of pearîs. Heu two sis- Among those attendiug the funer- teus. Miss Nouab Chambers, as maid ai on Tbuusday l4tb iust. weue: Mu. cf houer, and Miss Doris Chambers William Hislop, Miss Nettie Ormis- as buidesmaid, wore imperted gowus ton, Mr. and Mus. J. B. Aluin and of blue and rose taffeta with touches famuly, Mu. and Mus. Neil Yellow- of Silver. Their bats were cf rad- Norman Pingle, Bowmanville; Mu. georgette an.d streaniers cf silver, "is M and Mus. Robt. Gray, Newcastle. Iu- They carried sheaves of American teunient was at Greveside Cenietery, Beauty Roses. Little Miss Peggy Brooklil. MeKiunon, niece of the groom, made Mus. Cooper, maiden namne Janet a charming flower girl lu a daintyV i t Hislop, was eidest daugbter of late fuock of white French organdie iu John Hislop, and was born on the petal effect. She woue a winning 4th concession cf West Wbitby littie French bonnet of white crepe Township, where she lived niany edged in piak with Freuch blue and yeaus, greatly beloved by a wide cir- pale pink band-iade flowers, and cie cf fuiends for heu khndly disposi- streamers lu the sainie toues. She tion and suuny temperament. She cauried a basket cf white and pale iCooper. Mu. and Mus. Cooper lîved usheus weue Mu. Harold McLennau jon the 4th concession until 14 years and Mu. Ivan Chamibers. Iage,. when they moved to Whtby, Dnring the siguing cf the registerThe O'lo which was their home ever sînce. Mr. Victor Scott sang "O Fa0ir, O % agr. Cooper passed away seven years siIcr' Hl" tth ocu Mus.Cooer mde wie ciclecf etondwas bld .At the siecencf-od~g"M erta Agne iso.o SiBs Ln onwofthe liigreoya om maiere ec-1re taO o ae 18 day or'night Bowmanville >)od Food, Fair Prices, Efficieént Servi*ce--Ou r Aim ,Fair prices-honest weights-cheerfui and ient servi.ce, and quaIity Groceries is our iula for-success. lways a complete stock of fancy and staple ,eries at the-lowest mnarket prices. Corne in see for yourself-or 'phone in your order, and 1be glad to deliver. HARRY E 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE 'J mi ie Ecnomical F urnace Properly Installed, eedfig expensive coal into a furnace-never ;ng a day for frorn 10 to 15 yearq--costs a tidy of money! That is what ybu do when you ate your furnace 7 or 8 months a year for the of the furnace. McCLARY'S SUNSHINE FURNACE ilied the coireet McCiary way means to you a ng of coal every day for ail thoseyears. In lary's Sunshine you will be absolutely sure of niiace that wvill heat ail rooms-and save coal, .Clqry's -S-tnshine Furnace installed only af- xperts have carefully planned a systern that Lly meets your particular requirements. Consult Us About Your Heating Problem. Giree naway & Elliott Consulting Engineers 1. Je 'SPECI.-1AL- ster's-Voice" >r Records on Sale -k i ,n the Morning-Waltz.- k Trot (Cui -s Orientale.) rhy Sweet Voice") (From "Sameoiiand-Deli1ah") VHITEMAN AND RIS ORCHESTRA 4ice"-Vfrtor Record 18940 10-inch 85c,.- Wooden Soldiers-March de bois) (From "La Chauve-Souris) Star-Gavotte Elegante qATIONAL NOVELTY ORCHESTRA oice"-Victor Record 73366 10-inch 85c. lagher and Mister Shean Lvely Mr. Gallagher!" lagher and Mister Shean )lutely Mr. Shean!" )rs ED. GALLAGHER-AL. SHEAN olce"-Victor Record 18941 10-inch 85c. hwar them played on the amotr o1a lagter's Voice dealers Gram-o-phone Company, Limited, Mon freal. 16 -