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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1922, p. 4

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ORONOFAIR THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEP- TEMBER 28th and 29th A GENUINE AGRICULTURAL FAIR The management believe Live Stock make the best outside attrac- tion and have increased the prern- !uums and added more classes. Horse Races, Baby Show, Stock Parade, cvening attractions. General ad- mission 25c. Send f or prize list and ist of attractions. C. A. Chapman, President. Adolph Henry, Se'y.-Treas. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE WEEK OCTOBER 2-7 MONDAY-TUESDAY Constance Bianey In 44Midnight" Round Four of "The Leather Pushers" WEDNESDAY Hoot Gibson In "The Fire Eater" Chapter Three of "Robinson Crusoe" THURSDAY Doris May In "Boy Crazy" Christie Comedy "Exh Quietly" .Aso "RADIO" FRIDAY-SATURDAY Ethel Clayton In "Beyond" Mermaid Comedy "For Lands Sake" COMING MONDAY-TUESDAY OCTOBER 9-10 "FooI's Paradise" With Dorothy Dalton, Mildred Harris, Conrad.Nagel, Theodore Kosloff, John Davidson, Julia_ Faye. A picture thaf sweeps frorn Texas to Sianm, and gathers into a hundred lavîsh scenes the love and beauty of the World. 1 Cornes in twoE Large, (two and smahl) sizes, saal 35c one baîf tiimes 60C Kersiake' s Drug Store Phone 49 Bow'manville, r1. I THE GREAT INTERNATIONAL Plowing match Tractor and Farm Machinery Demonstration WILL BE HELD AT LINDSA Yy ONT October llth - l2th - l3th, 1922 Tractors and Parm Machinery will be in operation duringý the three days of the Demonstration. Wednesday, October i lth Farm- Machineey Denion»tratioýn Thursday, October l2th Walking and Riding Plow Competitions in Stubble, and Tractor Plowing and Farm Machinery Demonstrations, Friday, October 13th Walking and Riding Plow Competitions in Sod, and Tractor Plowing, Best Tearna and Equipnilnt, atsd Farm Mh4vinery Dernonstrations. There wilI b. a demonâtration by the Hydro.'Electtic Power Commission, demoubtrating use of. ight and power on Caosadi&n Farms. $3,000.00 OFFERED IN PRIZES Do flot lai! to Ikeep thoe date, inluimmd. For full, particularr apply to J. LOCKIE WILSON, Parliament Bide&.. Toronto. Frut & Ornamental re Shrubs, Perennials, Small Fruits Order Now For Fali Planting Send For Price List Birookdale Nurseries (Near G. T. R. Depot) Phone No. 7 Bowmanville 1CARÎD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Quinn, Car- lisle Ave., wishes to thank their frîends for the sympathy and many kindnesses extended to themin their bereavement by the sudden death of thi itenephew, Eldon DeBow. CITIZENS ATTENTION! A public meeting will be held in the Council Room on Frîday, Sept. 29 at 8 p. m. Short addresses will be given by Rev. D. W. Best and Mrs. Florence Smyth, Supt. of Hospital, on "The needs of the Hospital". Ail ladies holding talent money must make returns on or before Friday evening. Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs, treas- urer, will be present to meet the ladies. All those who have been unable to enlarge on their talent money, please return the $ at once as books must be audited on Monday. Let every friend of the hospital at- tend. Bumps! Bruises!! Sprains!!! iWrenches!!!! Rheumatics! !!!! Neuralgia! ! !!!! Some list of every day ail- mnents, don't you think? "Nyal's White Liniment" is just the thing to use for any of the above mentioned troubles. We have had so many tell us of the wonderfull way this relieves pain and soreness that we feel justified in saying we will refund your money if "Nyals White Lin- iment" does not help you. Just gtet a bottle and have it handy for use, if any of the above ailments attack you. Especially useful for the Bumps and Bruises of. children. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 28, 1922. DARLINGTON Mrs. Jacob Brooks and son Andrew motored down from Agincourt and visited with Mrs. E. J. Burk. Mrs. Burk accompanied themn home... Miss Wi-nnie Gage, Town, is with bier cousin, Mrs. D. W . Downey .... Miss Mary Wood- visited Mrs. J. M. Rowe and Miss Mary Hume, Town. F. F. Morris Co. Furniture Sale ends Saturday-buy now and save. Read McMurtry & Co's. advt. for bargains in dry goods and groceries. E NFJE LD Mr. and Mrs. W. Robbins, Tor- onto, have been visiting at Mr. W. Smith's ...Mrs. Edwin Ormiston lias been under the dotor's care but is- improving . ... Mrs. Wallace Scott who has been iii is convalescrng... Messrs. Geo. Cochrane, Jas. Starks,1 John Strong, Thos. Taylor and W. J. Ormîston have been successful ex- hibitors at the recent faîl fairs... No service in church here next Sun-1 day on account of Enniskillen an- niversary. Ladies' Aid wîll meet on Wednes- day, October 4, at the home of Mrs. Russell Ormiston. Roll Caîl to be1 answered by a bible verse, contain- ing the word help. Every lady of the community cordially invited. F. F. Morris Co. Furnîture Sale ends Saturday-buy now and save. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. Albert Arnot and Mrs. C. J. Pascoe, Toronto, were recent guests of Mrs. HL J. Werry .... Mrs. Fred Rogers and Mrs. Frank Jones, Whit- by, visited at Mrs. H. J. Werry's and Mrs. J. Slemon's .... Dr. and,. Mrs. Ferguson spent Sunday at Uxhridge . ... Miss Florence Hart, teacher, spent the week-end at ber home in Toronto, .... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gow,j Cavan. visited at Mr. J. Bradley's i and with other friends,,,.. Mr. and4 Mrs, Geo. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Fredl Ellis visited Mrs. Ellis' sister, Mrs. McKendry, Cobourg, on Sunday. . S. S. Rally service was observed here Sunday evening. The address by Mr. F. J. Groat of Hampton was helpful and inspiring and thorough- ly enjoyed by al.... Mrs. Stanley Petn and children visited at Mrs. T. Gldr'. Condratulatio-ns to M.Wîll Hamilton and bride (nee Reta IRobbins), Rochester, N, Y., who were married 1last week at Ro- chesfter'sndr.ar nk Rhobbins.... hesftersndr.arenk hoiding at. Miss Mary Brunt, Oshawa, visited at Mr. D. Brunt's .... Miss Laverne Griffin, Bowmanville, visited at Mr.1 W. friffin's .......Alaege ýiuniber from our burg attended Bowman- ville and. Lindsay Pairs, ... Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held in Enniskillen Methodist Church on Sunday, October lst, at 2.30 and 7 p. M. Rev. A. K. Edmison, Orono, will preach and Hampton choir will furnish music at both servic-es. Thank Offering of $150 is asked for. Corne and 'help us make our Harvest ser- vice a success. F. F. Morris Co. Furniture Sale e~nds Saturday-buy now and save. ii.. fl. e35et.t.ana n.i. uiiato., in HAMPTON floral tributes consisting of many vistor: M. ad rs.R. . vr-wreatbs and sprays were beautiful. Oishawa r.atnJ.J res S Mr-There werc four flower bearers. tue, Osaa tJ .Vru'Mr The number of friends frorn far an*d E. Kerslake. Clarernont, with bis near wlio coagregated at the fun- parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Kers- eéral betokened the high esteem in lake; Mr. W. W. Horn and Mrs. which dhe and lier hueb.Aad wer)e R. Avery with frieads in Toronto; held. Besides the aeighbbors there Miss Helen Middletoa, Zion, speat were friends present frorn Toronto, the week-end with the Misses Horn; Little Britala, Nesticton, Oshawa, Mr. and -Mrs. A. Parker, Toronto, Bowrnanv!tlÈ, Columbus, I Solina, Mr. C. H. Burrows, Oshawa, at Mr, Hampton, Haydon, Enaiskillea, Ty- J. H. Burrows'; Dr. J. H. Elliott and rn n orie Dr. F. C. Trebilcock; Toronto, cal!- rn n orie ed on friends la the village on Sua- CARD 0F THANKS day; Mr. and Mrs. S. Allia, Bow- manvi..e; spent Suaday with Mr. andi Mr. Fred L. Smith and son, Enais- Mrs. Jno. Wakely; Mr. and Mrs. J. killîca desire to tbank their fricnds B. Horn and family, Peterboro, andand neighbors for the kindness and Misses Margaret and Editb and Gor- syrnpaty extended to tbcm duriag don Horn, Honolulu, at C. Hora's;ithe ilînessanad death of Mrs. Smith Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billet aad child- and for the beautiful floral offer- ren bave returned frorn the West; iags. Miss Myrtle Pascoe, Toronto, guest of ber aunt, Mrs. Geo, Taylor; Mrs. Mr. T. Hill, Mr. J. virtue aad Miss W. Ranton and Margaret, Trenton, Mary virtue, Toronto, gucats of Mrs W., J. Virtuc; Miss Muriel Trull, Bowmanvillc, at borne; Mr. and Mrs. Theu Alger and daugbter, Oshawa, at T. Sykes'; Miss Minale Horn bas re- N turncd from a pleasant visit wltb a m i ja frieads ia Toronto, Streetsville and n ri fu R a Kitchener ... . À number from here atteadcd the fair at Lindsay on Sat- Are you aware that al urdavy. Mr. C. Horn and Mr. J. artificial lighit contains J. Vru assisted la the judgiag at fllackstock Pbir. . ... A corn and certain rays which, are weaner roat was'enjoycd by a num- very injuriôus to the eyes? ber of theyoung people laàt Thurs- day c vcning .... Rally Day was ob- served la our Sunday School on Sun- You should consult our day. A splendid program was ren- Optometrist regarding the dercd iacluding a fine pageant by seven youag ladies underdirection conditions under wÏhich of Mrs. (Rev.) Jones. Attendance you are working and have was large. i dieyuatow t 1.League on Friday eveaing was in hi. dieyua ow a charge of Mr. Harold Salter. Aftcr 18 best. devotional exercisca Misses Mary Soucb and Norab Horn favored witb bIs technical know- a piano duet. Major Gili of Bow- lde o ih n t manville, spoke to the boys on Boys' lde o ih n t Work and Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson effeet on the eyes will en- spoke to the girls' on C. G. I. T.-al i o dîey Work, after wbich Mrs. Barron and abehm t ad sey , Mrs. Soucb sang a duet. and, if necessary, to select 1Brightea up your living rooms. the proper lens for the Cover up that faded, sbabby paper, witb some of the attractive wall protection of your eye- paper wbich A. E. Jcaaings is clear- sioyht. ing out this week at 25 % below regular prices. Corne in and look 'cm over., 39-t Consult our Optomietrist. F. P. Morris Co. Purniture Sale R. M. Mitchell. He ends Saturday-buy now aad save. knows. «'Have your eyes examined". R.M. Mitchell &Co. Druggists Optometrists Phone 92 Bowmanville BURKETON A cable bas been received frorn Mrs. F. Waterhouse- saying their party laaded safely iu Eagland on the 24 inat, .,..S. S. at 10.15 a. M. (3hurch at il a. m. Everyone corne ...The C. G. i. T. G-lass meets as usual Monday eveniag at 7.30 p. m. ...League to4ight-Citizetns' Night-in charge of Miss Tena Mc- Kaight. All are welc ore.... The trees in their autumn dress are very beautiful, and the chiliy evening9 remind one that winter is apr :ch ing. A goodly number of our citi- zens atteaded- Lindsay Pair on Sat- urday. F. F. Morris Co. Furniture Sale ends Saturday-buy now and save. MAPLE GROVE Service Sunday afternooa in charge of W. M. S. Miss Gale, Oshawa, will speak... .Pastor Boyce is attending Coaference in Toronto ~.... Mr. Wallace Muaday felI and broke bis -leg at Bowmnaavllle Pair' last week, but is doing nicely..., Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf and fam- ily, Mrs. Corey, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Knapp. Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. Fred Lane's..Miss Elsié Samis gave a birthday party last Saturday afternoon to about 15 girls and boys when all had a jolly good time.... Mrs. Win. Nichols, Miss Addie, Mrs. Bert Wilkins and daughter Doris, Ebenezer, visited at R. R. Stevens' on Tuesday ..,..Miss Irma Power is at- tending Normal at Peterboro .... Quite a aumber from here attend- ed the 'Sunday Scbool Rally at Eh- enezer Sunday. F. P. Morris Co. Puraiture Sale ends Saturday-buy now aad save. Don't do your shopping until you have read McMurtry & Co's. advt. OBITUARY Mrs. Fred L. Smith, Enfield. After a week's illness of acute bright's disease, Mau I Trewin, he-1 Ioved wife of Mr. Fred L. Smith, En-i field, passed to reýt on Monday morning, September i 1,aftèr ail- ing for some time. M"ý- Smith was bora near Haydon 47 ago and was the daughter of Wm. Tre- wln and the late Mrs. Tre,, n. She' lived there until shc r-ried and sînce then bas lived ju h of En- feld.. She was a i 'ýr of the Methodist Cliurcb and ai ,ays took great interest in all pertaiaing to church and Ladies' Aid work, and was always ready and willing to do bier share. She leaves to mourn lber loss besides lier father wbo is in bis 94th year, lier devoted busband and one son Frank. three sisters, Mrs. H. Colacott, Tyrone, Mrs. W. Smith.'l' Enfield, and Mrs. H. N. Scott, T y-1 rone, also three brothers: Messrs. Si-!' las, Willlarn and Sydney Trewin. The heartfelt sympatby of the whole community is extended to the bereaved ones-ia their ,affiction. The funeral on Wedaesday was largely atteaded and was conducted by lier pastor, Rev. G. T. McKenzie, Enais- killen. Interment tooli place at Union Cernetery. The paîl-bearers were Messrs. Wm. and Arthur Smith,11 Byron J. McLaughlia. Hoskin Smnith , TYRONE Rev. J. E. Beckel. Betbaay, and Rev. W. 'T. Wickett excbange pul- pits next Suaday, the former takiag Sunday School Raly services and the latter takiag aaniversary ser- vices.1 AUCTION SALE Thursday, September 28-Wrn. Strong & Sons will seil by auction on lot 28, con. 7, Darlington, farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 P. -M. Sec bills. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer, 38-2 Friday, October 6-John Henderson, lot 16. con. 3, Darlington, wMl sell 30 head of dairy cows and young cattle, mare and colt, 30 corda stove wood, quantity corn, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See bills. James Bishop, Auctioneer. F. F. Morris Co.. Furniture Sale ends Saturday-buy now and save. BUILDERS' ATTENTION! We are prepared to do all kindu ol concrete, plastering and brick work. Specialists in cernent finishng in amU its branches. Estirnates furnished and satisfaction guaranteed. Peter Martin & Son&, 24-t Elgin-et. N., Bowrnanilo ýPAINTING,PAPER HANGING ETC' I wish to announce to the people of Bowmanville and viciaity that I arn prepared to continue the work of the late W. H. Fraser. Ail or- ders for' painting, decorating, kal- soming, etc., will receive prompt and caref ul attention, ý Phone 363j, Jas. H. Abernethy, OdelI-at., Bow-- manville, 37-tf THE MOST COMF1ORTABLE PAIR regardless of the style are usually the ones that you wear out first. Someone bas said that we can neither be good nor good-natur- cd in Shoes that ihurt. OUR SHOE REPAIRING keeps ail the the style and lengtbens the1 comfort, restores good, looks and lîfe of your shoes. Try us. Ci. W. lupg The Repaie Man King-st, E. Bowmauffle It's Not How Much You Spend m-But How Wisely This store has always prided itself in the real genuine values it gives for the mon ey. At no time have we been able to give better values or better service than we are giving to-day. A comparisori of our goo.ds and prices with other, stores will impress you more than lever that it pays to buy at the West End Huse. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THIS W EEK ARE EXCEPTIONAL VALUE GIVING DAYS 15 Mostly ail Fali weight, including Blue Serges, Tweeds and Worsteds. Near. ly ail are 2Oth Century Make. Regu- lar $35.00 and $40-00. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $17,95 JUST A FEW 0F THE MANY BARGAINS FROM, DRY GOODSDET 28 in. Cotton Velour, suitablej for, kîmonas, Very 'Special at ý39c yard Far-cy Plaids, suitable for skirts and school dresses, Very Special at 59c yd 36 in. Madras, In cream, Regular 50c, Sale Price 39c per yard 25 in, Bleached Bath Towelling, Reg. 59c, Sale Price 39c per -yard 42 in. Tapestry in Rose and Cardinal, suitable for curtains, Regular $1.25, Sale Price 98c per yard 48 in. Colored Madras in rose, tan and blue, Reg. $2,*25,' Sale Price $1.59. yd 72 in, UnbleacUed Sheeting, Regular 50eSale Pirice 42c per yard Boyq' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, Reg. 55e, Sale Price 35e Ladies' Lisle Hose in grey and brown, Regular Up to $1,00, Sale Price 2 pair for $1.00 36 in. Factory Cotton, Regular 25c,' Sale Price 19c per yard JGYFUL NEWS FROM GROCERY DEPARTMENT 13 lbs. Granulated Sugar St. Lawrence for $1,00 Eclipse No. 1 Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 85C Cyrus No, 1 Bread Flour, 24 lb. bag 95C Fresh Dates in bulk 2 lbs. for 25c Minto Tea, fancy spoon in every pkg. 1 60c per lb. VanCamp's Assorted Soups, 2 tins 29c Lion Brand Maccaroni 2 pkgs. for 25e Pan Yan Beef Steak Sauce 2Oe bottle Lipton's Instane Cocqa, ½1b.Pkg. Cream of Barley for breakfast 28c pkg X Ray Stove Polish 5c per tin English Lavender Toilet Soap, 6 cakes for 25e Handy Washing Ammonia, 3 pkgs 23c Fine Large Bananas 30e per dozen Nice Juicy Oranges, 35c and 50c dozen Watch our Windows for Other Speelals McMurtry &Co., Ltd. t r ,THE LATE WILLIAM B. COX, SOshawa, who died on Tuesday, Sep- ýtember 5th, 1922. Obituary was ýpublished in James Papers on Sep- ýtember 14. PHONE83 BOWMANVILLE,

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