Feeling run down and out of tune these days? Eat our Bread-plenty of it, morning, noon and night. It will build up your whole system and make the good red blood circulate. It's liglit and flaky and easily digested and will add relish to your whole meal. CHRSTI'SBAKE'KcRY The Cash & Carry B akery Phone 97 Bowmanville FE ED TH'wwE HUÜ"N GRY T HREHbERwS WELL Last year we made a big hit by making a specialty of THRESHERS' ROASTS ,LARGE-TENDER and JUICY-with LOTS 0F NOURISHMENT Our good country friends are already- asking us for more Threshers' Roasts like we supplied them a year ago. We're doing it, too. Phone 2925 and we will send you one of those choice roasts by mail. W*ibert- J. Dudley Horsey ]Ploek Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville De' Tey1Dm a nd More Help every member of your f amily to liberal slUces of Tod's Bread. Jt's the best thing in the worl ! for thcm.. 0f course they'll eat lots of it-that's to be expected. But don't worry, give-them al Tod's Bread is the most nutritious 1muscle-builder they can- eat. they want. and greatest TIHOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville There are Dollars Lying .About Your Farm --t waste wood which one of my Toronto Saws wMl readily tira mta fine fuel. T=res o ec o frmequimet 1 know of which wM so8 quicidy pay fo tefaaTaotSa.Tas why I rccommend it so highly. Toronto Saws are all-steel constructian-nequire littie powe ta o>perate--give many years of dollar-saving service. Yau can't realise the saving in time, mouey and labar which yon'l amake with modern equîpment on your f arm until you bave seen, the *Toonto lUne. MIl be glad ta expiain more fuily atý any time. CHAS. HASTINGS Pump Maker i DRàNT~ Hampton '1 BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 5th, 1922. PLEASING FAREWELL A pleasant social gathering was EUROPEAN CORN BORER held at the home of Mr. Milton J. jWerry, Tyroue, on Wednesday after- Iu 1922, instead of iucreasing very mlon, September 27th, when the markediy -as in 1921, the European 'Win One" Class of Tyrone 5unday Corn Borer in the worst infested Schooi met to participate in a fare- parts of Elgin County has actuaily weli to their teacher, Miss E. M. decreased and has caused lcss injurY. Werry, who ils removing to Ottawa The decrease is attributable to the to reside with her brother, Mr. F. f oI1owing re'commennatiolns haviing W. O. Wcrry- of the Dominion As- been practised by moat of the farm- tronomical Department. During the ers of that region. The control evening Miss Edythe Ciemens, Presi- operations consist bri.efly of: dent of the class, read the following 1 Feeding the crop and destroy- address: ing ail remuants by piowing dowui Dear Miss Werry,-Realizing that or by burning, to kili most of the the conclusion of the tcaching of our borers. iSunday Schooi Class, so far as -you 2 Planting the main crop as late are concerned, has been nearly reach- as experiencýe shows ils saf e for ma- ed we have met here ta pay our turing the corn. itribute of respect to the hours which Pianting a trap crop early, on iyou have spent in the preparation whih te blk f te egs iilbeand again in the teaching of our laid by the moths ênd the -borersSunday School lessons during the in it easily destroyed. past years. We have always found Iyou truc, to your obligations as our Owing to the preference of the teacher as weli as a friend who was moths for laying eggs on carly plant- 'always wiiiing to offer hier home and cd corn, a trap crop consisting of everything it contaîned for the use of at least ten regularly spacýed rows of the class whether for a nîght 'of flint corn should he sown in the corn games or for a business mejeting. We field two weeks in advance of the have always f cit sure of a hearty main crop even if it entaîls special welcome at your home whether we preparation of the ground required were in trouble or planning some for this strip. On the other hand, oca flair and decpiy appreciate thc main crop, prcferably dxtyour- kind thoughtfurnýess for cach ,£hould býe sown as late as will allow and ail of us whcn well or when un- thel crop to mature before frost. a bic to join in the class plans due About the, middle of August begin to iiîriess. to cut these trap-crop rows at ground level with a hoc and feed to stock by As a slight token of our deep re- the end of the month, in order to gard for your truc and faithfui ser- destroy the borers in the stalks. The vice of the past ycurs, we wouid ask remuants should bc raked up and you to accept this as a siight'out- burncd. ýward sigu of our appreciation of your presence with us and hope its SUNDAY SCHOOýL WORKERS use will remind you of yrour Tyrone _______ lass. We one and ahl join in bcst Annual Provincial Convention cf the wishes for a future of service and Ontario Religions Education happiness. Counci Meets, Toronto, October The Win One Girls. 23-28. A beautiful Chintz Comforter The 57th Annual Provinci al Côn- made by the girls themselves was venionofSunay chol orkrsof ;prcscnted to Miss Werry with the the Province of Ontario is to be held godwsejfeeymme.Sp in assy HllToont, drin thper was scrved and a very happy inas e eekofOTorono. rngtehour, cnjoyed. The girls have de- lastweekof ctobr. cided to furnish a room at Willard The Convention which last.s a full Hall, Toronto, costing $125 which ils weýek wiil bie the iargest and mostlJa very laudahie and ambitious effort important get-to-gcther gathering of and we wish Vhem success. people who are directlr inteicsted Hin During the cvening Miss Florence Rcliîous Eduction tha Ontrbo ardiner, a member of the class, Who has ever seen. i-, also Secretary-Treasurer of Ty- The theme of the Convention is'xyne Won'en's Institute, on behaîf "Wýorship" and one of the principal "of that Branch presented Miss Werry f entures of ail the ýses3sions, from with an addres-s and a gold lined sil- Tuesday until Saturday, will be1 ervices rendered in many.ways and Masic-Worship, conducted by Prof. er bon hon dish in recognition of b. Agustine Smith of Boston. various times to the Institute., The in addition to his contribution to acldress was as f ollows: the convention by demonstratngtheý place of Music in Worship, Prof.i Dear Miss Werry,-The Women's Smith wiil prescrit on Fri.day nightInstitute asks you' to acccpt this lit- his own -Pageant, "The Light of the:tic gîft and kind wishes, to. carry Worid", the music for the Pageant with you into your new home. Wc being -furnishýed hy the (Jrpheusifeel that we as a society are losing Choral Society, of Toronto. loune of our esteemed memberÉ las Two the oustadin leder inyoa were always so willing to help Rcligious Education bu America,-adyorceyfce nd ptis Margaret Slattery, on Girls' Work, have been v@ry heipful durnug the will deliver three addresses;' and Dr. years yoa heli5ed in the Institute. We T. G. Soares, Professor of Reîigious Moe that you will stili think of us EductioI Ciono Uiverityen'd help in any way possible. The sEduas ourorCficagtims.ni erymothers especially are*very grateful spoent leadrs ie in s.ayOtholfor the interest you have always and ong leopdes work nOutaroshown in their teen age hoys and andYoug Popl's orkin ntaiothey know that your influence over wiil aiso take part at different ses-ithem bas always heen for the good. sions of the Convention. 1 Nothing ever seemed to be too It ils expected that 3000 delegates 'mach trouble for you in prepariug from ail parts of the Province wll nssoar-rgrm i-h Sunday be in attendance. The arrangement Shoadb odigteby'i- for carrying thraugh the extensivelterschoiand eby sibasdo t enys ri-1 program of addrterestnd cnthuiasm hasbeen re- departmental and denominational W nwta eaegigtoI rallies and sessions are being under- Weko thtw ar gin taken hy ainýe Committees s1tupb sadly miss you from our commanity, the Toronto Religioas E ducatiori b ut our loss will be someone eise's Council, under the direction of Rev. gain. We hope that after you, get C. W, DeMilie, successor to Rev. T. 'settlcd iu yoùr new home you wiil A. llalpenny, as General Supýerin- stili carry on this work as you seem tendent of the Ontario Religions Ed- s' well fitted for it. If some of ucation- Council. the teen boys in Ottawa receive the ___________help you have given here we are con- vinced thcy will make more loyal citi- CAPTURED BY GREEKS zens. We wiil be giad to wcicome you ta The many friends of Mr. D. Nich-,aur meetings any tîme yoa arc oison, Pembroke, formerly organist'around Tyrone visitirig. Our kind of Bowmanviile Methodist Church, thoughts will f ollow you to your ncw will be interested in the f oilowing home.. article which appeared in Pembroke i' Wishing you every saccess. Signed Observer of September 21, 1922. on ýbehaîf of Tyronîe Institute. This extract is from a letter from Ms. R. McCullough, F. Gardiner, his son Alfreddatcd August 23, S. S. rsSe'.Ta. Aigerian Prince, Alexandria, Egypt,Prs c'-Tes and wiil be înteresting to the rend-1 Tharsday mo_ýning a delegation crs of The James Papers especially from the Women's Missionary So- in view of the situation in the East.Iciety waited on Miss Werry and ex- "Back again in Alexandria. Aften pressed the4 appIreciiîn of bier we left Tamagusta we went ta Laru- .work in conriection witb that Asso- aka (Cyprus) and - Limasole, dis-'ciation. Mrs. Rd. batherly t-ead charged a little cargo in each port, the following address and Mrs. (Rev) and then set out for Messina when!W. T. Wickett made the presenta- the great adventare happeued. Your tion of a pretty grey leather baud- son was arrested, together with the bag. shipmates ,by a very unworthy lit-i Tynone, Sept. 27, 1922. tic gunhoat belonging to the Greek' Dean Miss Werry,-As the time of navy. The-charge \vas attempting iyour sjun aog u rw torncontraband. It seems that soiua aog u rw tai rau --- - shorter, we your fniends of the Wom- cd ta diseharge our cargo on -to ethe he bas been connccted for many Greek mari of war. After that we!years. Besides the work- already were allawed ta go, and proceeded re ferred ta she bas donc faitbfui ta Messina ta report aur lass, Need- work as Superintenderit of Girls' less ta say the Turks, were awfuiiy jJwark in the Township Suriday School displeased". .Association in ,the District League Alfred Nicholson îs commencirig;anid as District Organizer of the Ibis third year as midshipman iri the Womcn's Missionary Society ln Bow- merchant service. The "Algerian manville District. The best wishes Prince" iW operated in the Mediter- of this community f ollow ber ta ber ranean by the Furness Withy Line.j new home bu the Capital City. j Men, yau are invited to inspect aur new display of fail suits and overcoats in newest materials and latest styles. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. PAINTING fflave your house palnted naw, uend post card to J. Brennan, paînter, paper hanger and grainer. KqJsomîn1ng and tinting. Terme reasonable. Addresu J. Brennath, Elgin St., Bowmanvlle. 28-sme LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money ta boan an Farm and Town Property Rayai Bank Building, Bowmanviile. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money ta boan. Bands far sale. Offices: Bleakley Black, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: 'Office 102, House 366J music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bawman- 'ville Methodist Church, is prepared ta take pupils for Piano and Vaice Cult- ure. For terms phone 12, "Green- Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m*. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medaiist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sician and Surgeon. at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Resideuce, Wellington Street, Baw- mauvilie. Phone 108, C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Callege, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence ou Church-st., Bow- manvilie. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons Graduate of Royal Dental College, ,Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Baw- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. \DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry' Toronto University. Graduate of the Rayai .Coilege of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. bouse phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Rayai College of Dental Surgeons. Liccnsed to practice lu Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in nil its branches, Office -King-st., BowYmanv-ille. Opposite Bank of Moutreal, Phone 301.' FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most compiete equipment. Sunday and night cails promptly attended te. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. THEO M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and bouse' Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197-r3. 1-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Cails Promptiy Attended ta. Office King-st. W., Stateaman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. GEORGE CHENERY General Contractor in cernent work, house foundation, etc. Estimates furnished. King-st., Bowinanville. 18-t SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING Complete Commercial and General Im- provement CO urses. Students accepted at any tlme. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL- L.EGE, Oshawiq and Toronto, M_ A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. ICONSULTING ENGINEERS JAMES PROOTOR & REDFERN LTD 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. jBride~s, Patvements, Waterworks, IPower Plants, Incinerators, Factor- rie Arbitrations, Litigation. Phone Adel. 1044 Cable ',JPRCO" Toronto. OUR FEES-Usually pald out of the mioney we save our clients. -Agenc. Ahl limes of FIRE, LIFE, AXCCIDENT, SICKNESS,1 AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. Edith V.'Scobeli, Agent 2nd door w.t .ofmthe "Bit 20" Bowmauffll. ont".i r More Cattie A F your progressive ideas for caffle raîsing are beyond the financial resources at your command, tatk the matter over witih the loca Manager of this Bank. STA.NDARD SERVICIE aîs P*»àwg Pwr TUE STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, .- H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, - - . E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle an-d Newtonville Branches J. Scott Mantgomery, Manager Don't Compromise With 'YOur Stomnach We're mighty caret'ul in the -selection of Our Groceries, and see to, it in every instance. that al Canned Goods, Vegetables, etc., are fresh and wholesome. It's a big satisfaction knowing that your own judgrnent is backed by our careful choosing-and, our prices are always as low as the market allows. C. Mot C"AWKE,.rR & SO)'âvN BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE a ) Truly comfortable perfect upon the mattress! sleep that depends. You know how vital sieep is to health and your whole welfare! Can you possibly afford anything butthe most perfect mattress ever made! Get it NOW-whiie this splendid opportunity is yours-Ocuober only- Fre at ess %Cover with every purchase of a New 7"a Sa.try - tress You need mattress-covers to protect 'va1uab1e mattresses fram dust, stains and wear. Well made from best quality Sea Island cotton with double stitched seams. Washes over and over again. - the perfected mattress with a thousand silent coiled steel springs each independent of ail others ensuring per- feCt distribution of weight, -no sagging, resilient, sleep The Marshall labelI indu cingi Every Marshall mattress is ventilated, kecp- is the mark of ing- it sanitary always. superîority. AI- NOW! wbile this splen- did club off er is yours- October only see the Marshall mattress and free mattress cover at the deal- ers. Then decide. Decide for permanent comfort now! ways look for it. The Marshall Guarantee applies only when it is attached. Beware of imitations. Comfortable sleep from now on! Marshall Ventilateci Mattress Co., Limited Toronto - - Ontario Makers of the "Marshall Ventilated Mattress"-the "Mar- shaldown" Mattress-The Marshalfelt Mattress and Marshall "Shock-absorbing" Cushions for Automobiles. SoIId in Bownianvîlle By F. F., MORRIS CO. I lA