New 'Wall Papers Just, reelved a large shipmaent of Fail papers suitable for any room, Very r eason 'able in price, from 15e per roll upWard. Very choice designs and colors. W.T. Allen 1 CBig .20" Bookstore Bowmanvîlle il .7 THE GREAT INTERNATIONAL Plowilng Match Tractor and 'Farm Machinery Demonstration WILL BE HELD AT LINDTSAY, ONT. October llth - l2th - l3th, 1922 Tractors and Farin Machinery will be in operation during the Uiree days of the Demonstration. Wednesday, October il th Farm- Machinery Demonstratioei Thursday, October l2th Walking and Riding Plow Competitions in Stubble, and Tractor Plowing and Farm Machinery Demonstrations. Friday, October l3th Walking and Riding Plow Cometitions in Sod, and Tractor Plowing, Best Teams and Equîpmglnt, an~d Farm Machnery Demonstrations'. There wiIl be a .demonstration by the Hydro.ýElect.ric Power Commission, demontrating use of ight and power on Caýmadian Farms. $3,000.00 OFFERED IN PRIZES Do flot fail te keep these dates in mind. For full particulars apply to, J. LOCKIE WILSON, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. 39-3w Fruit & Ornamental T rees, Shrubs, Perennials, SmaIl Fruits Order Now For Fali Plantîng Send For Price List Brookdale Nurseries (Near G. T. R. Depot) Phone No. 7 Bowmanville One Delivery Dailly Give us a trial-you'11 get better meats and better service at the riglit price. Our pricps are reasonable and the cuts so tender and full of flavor. Phone your order inafternoon and it wlll be delivered by 8.30 next morning. G. A. Edmondstone f One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21, ý Howmaville BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 12th, 1922. Phlox-Mrs. W. Couch. Cosmos-, ____________________Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. C. F. Awde. Salvia-Mrs. H. McDonald. Mrs. H. G McKay. Snapdragon-Mrs. W. Y'UCouch. Sword Fern-Mrs. H. G. Orono I-all Fair, l MeKay . Apýau yigu Clarke Agricultural Fair Prize List 1922 <Concluded from last issue.) Grain and Seeds Judge-Frank Small, Toronto. Red Faîl Wheat-F. Brimacombe, C. A. Chapman. Spring Wheat, hard -Gordon Powers. Spring Wheat, Soft-Albert Morton, F. Brima- combe. Barley, six rowed-F. Brimacombe. White Oats-P. Walk- er, John Aluin & Son. White Small Peas-Albert Morton, S. D. Souch. White Beans-S. D. Souch, Milton Elliot. Flint Corn-W. R. Bahl, H. J. Souch. Dent ýCorn-Gordon Powers, C. A. Chapman. Sheaf Faîl Wheat-I. T. Chapman. Sheaf Spring Wheat-John Allin & Son. Sheaf White Oats-John Allin & Sôn, F. W. Tamblyn. Sheaf Bar- ley-F. Brimacombe. Sheaf Oats, Field Crop-F. Brimacombe, C. A. Chapman, 1. T. Chapman. Sheafý Corn, Field Crop-C. A. Chapman, W. F. Rickard, D. J. Gibson. Dis- cretionary-Sunflowers-F. W. Tam- blyn. Vezetables Judge-Frank Small, Toronto Beets, blood, table-Miss E. Wad- doîl, W. R. Baîl. Carrots, red, table-J. D. Brown, F. Blackburn. Carrots, white-F. B. Lovekin, Jas. Branch. Cabbage, winter--J. D. Brown, W. J. Riddell. Cabbage, red-W. J. Riddell, F. B. Lovekin. Cauliflflower-Mrs. Eagleson. Cel- ery-Jas. Branch, J. D. Brown. Cit- rons-John Allin & Son, F. Black- burn. Mangels, red-Luther Barra- bel, Albert Morton. Mangels, yel- low-J. D. Brown, F .Brimacombe. Mangels, sugar-N. Aluin, J. D. Brown. Onions, red-F. B. Love- kmn, Jas. Branch. ýOnions, yellow- -F. B. Lovekin, Jas. Branch. Par- snips-W. J. Riddellý,-Mrs. Eagleson. Pumpkins Field-Geo. Mitchell, F. Blackburn. Pumpkins, pie-F. Blackburn, Rev. J. W. Rae. Squash, summer-F. Blackburn, S. D. Souch. Squash. Winter-Geo. Couvier, C. A. Chapman. Tomatoes, red-W. J. Riddell, Luther Barrabel. Turnips, swede-F. W. Tamblyn, Mrs. G. W. Bowen. Watermelons-W. R. BaIl, Jas. Branch. Muskmelons-Jals. Branclh, F. B. Lovekin. Potatoes. early-P. Walker, J. D. Brown. Po- tatoes, late-P. Walker, C. A. Chap- man. Collection of Potatoes, named-F. B. Lovekin. P. Walker. Exhibit of Farm Products-F. B. Lovekin, Jas. Branch. Discretionary Peppers-Jas. Branch. Mock Or- anges-F. W. Tamblyn. Fruit Judge-W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Bowmanville Collection Winter Apples-W. F. Rickamd, W. H. Gibson, F. L. Squair. Alexander-W. F. Rickard, F. L. Squaim. Duchess-F. B. Lovekin, W. F. Rickard. St. Lawence-F. W. Tamblyn, F. L. Squair. Graven- stein-W. F. Rickard, Harold Giib- son. Wealthy-F. B. Lovekin, W. H. Gibson. Snows-W. F. Rickard, W. H. Gibson. Cranberry Pippîn -W. F. Rickard, W. H. Gibson. Mc- Intosh-W. H. Gibson, F. L. Squaim. Gano-D. J. Gibson, W. H. Gibson. Blenhein Pippin-F. W. Tamblyn, W. F. Rickard. Baxter-W. F. Rick- ard, N. Allun. Hubberstone Non- such-D. J. Gibson. Fallowater- W. H. Gibson, F. L. Squair.- Ontar- io-ýD. J. Gibson, W. H. Gibson. Seeks-F. L. Squair, F. W. Tamblyn. Ribst'one Pippin-W. D. Bragg. Tal- mon Sweets-F. L. Squaim, J. D. Brown. Belleflower-W. H. Gib- son, F. L. Squair. Northern, Spy- F. L. Squaim, W. F. Rickamd. Gold- en Russet-D. J. Gibson, F. L. Squair. Rhode Is. Greening-W * H. Gib son, A. A. Colwill. King- Di. J. Gibson, W. H. Gibson. Bald- win-F. L. Squair,' W. F. Rickard. Ben Davis-W. F. Rickamd, F. L. Squair. Stark-D. J. Gibson, F. B. Lovekin. Crab Apples-W. D. Bragg, F, B. Lovekin. Pears-F. Allia., Bartlett-F. Allia, D. J. Gib- son. Sheldon-Mrs. W. Coucb, F. Allin. Flemish, Beauty-F. Allin, F. W. Tamblyn. Louise Bonnie- Harold- Gibson.- Buerre Bos-F. W. Tamblyn, N. Aluin. Duchess- F. Allin. Buerre'Clairgeau-W. H Gibson. Winter Nelles-Jas. Branch. Collection of Plums-F. B. Lovekin. Col. Golden Drop- Jas. Branch. Imperial Gage-Miss E. Waddell, F. W. Tamblyn. Lom- bard-Jas. Branch, F. W. Tamblyn. Rein ýClaude-F. W. Tamblyn, F. B. Lovekin. Glass' ýSeedlig-D. J. Gibson, J. D. Brown. Red Grapes- Mrs. G. W. Bowen. Black Grapes Jas. Brandi. Flowets and Plants Judge-S. J. Jackman, Bowmanville. House Plants-Mrs. H. Rowe, Mms. H. G. McKay. Geaniums-Mrs. H. G. McKny. Foliage Plants-Mrs H. G. McKay. Ferns-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. H. Rowe. Nasturtiums in vases-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Miss E. Waddeul. Phlox Drummond-F. W. Tamblyn, Mrs. W. Couch. As- tems--Mms. H. G. McKay, Miss E. Waddell. Petunias-Mms. W. ýCouch. Dahlias-Mrs. W. Couci ,Mrs. H. G. McKay.1 Verbenas-Mrs. H. Rowe, Ewan Rainey. Zinnias-F. W. Tamblyn, Ewan Rainey. Pan- sies-Miss E. Waddell, Ewan Ramn- ey. Plant in Bloom-Mrs. H. G. MceKay. Geraniums in Flower- Mms. H. G. McKay. Geraniums in Flower, Double-Mrs,, H. G. Mc- Kay., Do, Single-Mrs. H. G. Mc- Kay. Begonias, tuber-Miss E. Waddell, Mrs. H. Rowe. Begonias, any other kind-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. H. Rowe. Gladiolus-Mrs. H. Rowe. Hanging Basket-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. H. Rowe. Table Bouquet, basket desgn-Mrs. H. G. McKay, F. W. Tamblyn. Table Bouquet, mixed-F. W. Tamblyn, Mrs. H. G. McKay. Table Bouquet, one kind-F. W. Tamblyn, Ewan Rainey. Hand Bouquet, mixed- Mrs. W. Couch, Miss E. Waddell. Hland Bouquet, one, kind-Ewan Rainey, Mms. H. G. McKay. Floral Desin-Mrs. Ir. Rowe, F. W. Tam- blyn. Cut Flowers--F. W. Tam. blyn, Mrs. I. G. MeKay. Perennial THE MOST COMFORTABLE PAIR regardless of the style are usually the ones that you wear out first. Someone has said that we can neither be good nor good-natur- ed in Shoes that hurt. OUR SHOE REPAIRING keeps ail the comfort, restores the style and good looks and lengthens the 1f e of your shoes. Try us. G. W. ilmlpage The Repaît- Man E. Bowmanviil. -ildiwel. Guest Twe- bieLin. en-Mrs. Thos. Percy, Mrs. H. P.- A. disgruntled one remarks: "Home1 Wier. Fancy Bath Towe1s-_Mrs. is a vastly overestimated spot. It'al Thos. Percy, Mise R. Perey. Guest lthe bridie path for every hobby, the' Towels, worked in colors-Mrs. H. exercise ground for every grouch, P. Wier, Mrs. Thos. Perey. Pillow the bench show for every vanity in Cases, ýembroidered-Mrs. Thos. the family". Percy, Mrs. M. Elliott. PiIlow Cases,____ crochet, insertion or lace-Mrs. Thos. Percy, Miss CoIwill. Fancy Bed PAINTING,PAPER HANGING ETC Sheets--Mrs. W. Caldwell, Mrs. M. Elliott. Worked Hand Towel- Ail orders for painting, decorating, Mrs. W. Couich. Mrs. H. P. Wier. kalsoming, etc., will receive prompt lland Towel with crochet insertion- and careful attention. Before dec- Mrs. Thos. Perey, Miss R. Percy. orating see my samples of artistic Cross Stitch-Miss R. Percy, Mrs. waIl paper and get iy prices. Phone Thos. Percy. Fillet Crochet-Mrs. 363J. Jas. H. Abernethy, Odell-st., Thos. Percy, Mrs. Caldwell. Collect- Bowmanville. 37-tfj ion of Fancy Work-Mrs. Thos. Percy, Miss R. Perey. Discretionary Prizes-Tea Set-Miss M.* Clark. JAS. BISHOPIÎ AUCTIONEER Handkerchief-Mrs. M. Elliott. Ap-, pliqued Quilt-Miss Gibson.Apl-IAil kinds of sales attended t - Pluasu-Mr. H G.McKay. lis- cretionary-Sun Flowers-C. F. Awde. D)airy Products and Provisions Judge-Mrs. M. Richardson, Columbus 5 lbs. Butter-Mrs. F. Blackburn, Mrs. G, W. Bowen. Crock or tub of Butter-Mrs. P. Blackburn, Mrs.1 G. W. Bowen. Oatmeal Jam-Jams -Mrs. H. Rowe, Mrs. H. G. McKay. Brown Bread-Mrs. L. Barrabeli, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. Home-made Bread-Mrs. E. Eagleson, Mrs. H. Rowe. Currant Loaf-Miss Ethel Colwill, Mrs. L. Barrabeil. Date Loaf-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. J. R. Cooper. One Dozen Buns- Mrs. L. Barrabeli, Mrs. F. Black- burn. Tea Biscuits-Mrs. M. El- liot, Miss E. Wa.ddell. Hermits- Mrs. M. Elliot, Mrs. E. Eagleson. Ginger Cookies-Mrs. L. Barrabeli, Mrs. W. Couch. Graham Cookies- Mrs. H. Rowe, Mrs. W. Couch. Layer~ Cake, dark-Mrs. H. Rowe, Mrs. H. G. McKay. Do, Light-Mrs. L. Barrabeli, Mrs. E. Eagleson. Marble Cake-Mrs. H. G. MeKay, Mrs. E. Eagleson. Graham Gems-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. H. Rowe. Apple Pie-Miss Waddell, Mrs. H. G. Me- Kay. Pumpkin Pie-Mrs. Eagle- son, Miss Ethel Colwill. Lemon Pie -Mrs. Eagleson, MissEthel Colwill. Tart Pie-Mrs. Eagleson, Mrs. HI. Rowe. Honey in comb-Rýobt. Mor- ton. Honey, extracted-Robt. Morton. Raspberry Vinegar-Mrs. F. Blackburn, Mrs. H. G. MeKay. Orange Marmalade-W. H. Gibson, Mrs. J. R. Cooper. Grape Fruit Marmalade-Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Mrs. E. Eagleson. Jelly, 3 varieties-- Mrs. H. Rowe, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. Mixed Pickles-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. T. Percy. Catsup-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. H. G. McKay. Chili Sauce.-Mrs. M. Elliot, Mrs. Eagle- son. Cucumber Pickles--Mrs. H. G. MeKay, Mrs. W. Couch. On- ion Pickles-Mrs. H. G.« McKay. Mustard Pickles-Mrs. H. G. Mc- Kay, Mrs. W. Couch., Meat IRelish -Mrs. T. Perey, Miss Colwill. Can- ned Fruit-Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn, Mrs H. G. MeKay. Bean Pickle-Mrs. HI. Rôwe, Mrs. H. G. MeKay. Pickled Pears-Mrs. Eagleson, Mrs. H. G. McKiay. Discretionary-Pickled Beets-Mrs. Eagleson. Canned Vegetables-Mrs. W. J. Watson, Mrs. H. G. McKay. Women's Institute Sofa Pillow any kind-Mrs. J. R. Cooper. Centrepiece-Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Mrs. H. G. Macdonald. Cro- chet Work-Mrs. G. W. Bowen. Canned Fruit, 3 varieties--Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. H. W. Rowe. White Bread-Mrs. E.' Eagleson, Mrs. H. W. Rowe. 6 lbs. Butter-Mrs. G. W. Bowen. Cut Flowers-Mrs. H.1 G. Macdonald, Mrs. J. Cooper. Gra- ham Gems-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs H. W. Rowe. Layer Cake, dark-1 Mrs.. F. W. Tamiblyn, Mrs. H. G. Me- Kay.. Roll Jelly Cake-Mrs. E. Eagleson, Mrs. J. R. Cooper. Plain Biscut-Mrs. E. Engleson, Mrs. H. G. McKay. Berry Pie-Mrs. E. Eagleson ,Mrs. H. G. McKay. Ap- ple Pie-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. W. H. Rowe. Cheese Tarts--Mrs. E. Eagleson, Mrs. H. G. MeKay. Mus- tard Pickles-Mrs. H. G. McKay. On-; ion Picklei-Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. W. H. Rowe. Cucumber Pickles- Mrs. H. G. McKay, Mrs. G. W. Bowen. Currant or Grape Jelly- Mrs. W. HI. Rowe, Mrs. H. G. McKay. Apple Jelly-Mrs. G. W. Bowen, Mrs. H. G. McKay. Discretionary Prize -Canned Beets, Beans, Canned Corn--Mrs. H. G. McKay. Domestie Manufacture Judge-Miss M. Magson, Toronto Quilt Cotton, Appliqued-"Mrs. W. Caldwell, Miss Jean Weatherspoon. Do, Pieeed-Miss Jean Weatlier- spoon, Mrs. M. Elliott. Chintz or Chintz trimmed Apron-Mrs. L. Beal, Miss Gibson. Ladies' Pullover Knit-Mrs. Thos. Percy. Sweater Coat Knit-Miss Gibson, Mrs. Thos. Percy. Child's Bonnet, Crochet-- Miss Gibson, Mrs. J. R. Bell. Child'a Bonnet, Knit-Mrs. Thos. Perey, MrsI W. Couch. Tam, Crochet-Mrs. Walter Couch. Child's Coat, Cro- chet or Knit-Mrs. W. Couch, Mrs. W. Caldwell.,Hand Knit Men's Wool Gloves-Mrs. W. Couch. Kitchen Apron, most useful-Mrs. W. Couch, sMrs. J. R. Bell. House Dress, most useful-Mrs. J. R. Bell, Mrs. Thos. Percy. Hand made worked rug- 7Mrs. M. Elliott. Fancy Bed Spread -Mrs. W. Caldwell. Mrs. J. R. Bell. s Ladies' Work Bedroom Set, iSpread, Sham & Cover -Miss E. Colwill. Ladies' Set Fancy Underwear-Mrs. Thos. Perey, Mrs. J. R. Bell. Table Runner Crochet-Mrs. W. Caldwell, Mrs. M. Elliott. Table Runner, any ýother kind-Mrs. Thos. Perey, Mrs. ý_W. Caldwell. Centrepiece, any Baby Show Girls-Best Baby Girl under one year: Olive E. Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono, ist. Muriel Morton, daughter of Mr. and Mms. Geo. Morton, Kendal, 2nd.4 Mildred'Aluin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allia, Orono, 3rd. Best Baby Boy under one year: Kenneth Sheckleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sheckleton, Leskard, lst John E. Syer, son of Mm. and Mrs. E. Syer, Leskard, 2nd. Wm. B. Mercer, son of Mm. and Mrs. H. Mercer, Orono, 3rd. WHERE TG HUNT IN CANADA There are many distric ts to the Canadian National Railways where the hunter can get his limit bag of game. In the provinces of On- tamio and Quebec they are numer- ous and within a f ew hours tmavel of your home. The excitement of the chase is wonderfullyfascinating, and in addition, a week or two in the woods furnishes the kind of a vaca- tion. Abundance of Moose, Deer, Bear and game birds are to be oh- tained with a minimum of effort and expense. Appuy to nearest Cana- dian National Grand Trunk Agent for hunting literature, or write C. K. Howard, Genemal Tourist Agent, Toronto. It Has Many Qualities. - he mani who possesses a bottle Tof 'Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is armed against many ilîs. It will relieve a cough, break a cold, prevent sore throat; it will reduce the swelling from a sprain, relieve the most per- sistent sores, and will speedily heal euts and contusions. It is a medi- cie hest in itself. ..±ta,±ng irmL ai i mii eVUandflIUi- plements, real estate and furniture. Nearlv 30 yearz' experience as suc- cessful auctioneer. All sales at- tended to promptly. No extra charge for distance. Apply to Jas. Bishop, phone 287, Oshawa P. O. or Tomn Percy, Bow- manville. 40-t Durgi*n s Shee Repair Shop, King St. W., (two doors east of Statesman Office,) Bowmanville, where you can get first class shoe repairing and p rompt service. Keep the soles and heels in good repair and you protect the whole shoe. H. C. Durgin Bandmaster Chamber Commerce Band Tire Repairing by Modern Methods Your worn or injured tire will receive skilled attention in our Vulcanizing Shop and its life wil be lengthened. We will repair it according to modemn methods-tbe best methods known to the tire in- dustry. AlI material that we put into your tires will be the, best mater- mIas procurable. Bring in your worn casinge- there may be mileage la them If there is, we will see that you get it. If yo'ur tires are net worth repairing, we'll tell you. WE SELL TIRES Jamieson -Bros. EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS Bowmanville Oshawa Cbildren'a Work Apple Pie-Miss Agnes Waddell,j Miss Bemniece Couch. Loaf Breadi -Miss Bernice Couch. Best mad e Apron-Miss Bell, Miss Bernicel Couch. Sideboard iScael-Miss'1 Bernice Couch. Best Dressed Dol' -Agnes Waddell, Bernice ýCouch. Pair Socks--Bemnice Couch. Yoke, Crochet-Miss Bell, Bemnice Couch. Fancy Work Bag-Bemnice Coucb. Centre Piece Embroidered-Miss Bell Pin Cushion Embroidered, Linen Top -Bernice Couch. 'Pillow Cases, hemstitched-Bernice Couch. Draw- ing to illustmate Nursery Rhyme- Bemnice Couch, Agnes Waddell. Col- lection Cut Flower&--Agnes Waddell. Best Display Insects-Bernice Couch. Deicorative and Fine Art Judge-Mrs. J. A. McClellan, Bowmanville. Collection China Painting-Miss A. Colwill, Miss E. Waddell. Bread and Butter Plates-Mrs. H. G. Mac- donald, Miss E. Waddell. Burnt Wood Wok-Mrs, W. Caldwell 2nd. Decorative Painting on China-Miss E. Jardin ere-Miss E. Waddell. Salad Bowl Hand Paint- ed-*ZMiss E. Waddell. Cups andý Saucers Painted-Mrs. H. G. Mac-i donald, Miss E. Waddell. Wood Carving-Miss E. Waddell 2nd. 0u Painting, Portrait-Miss E. Waddell, Miss A. Imwin. Do, Figure-Miss E. Waddell, Miss A. Irwin. Do, Animal-Miss Dorothy Jobnston, Miss' E. Waddell. Do, Marine- ýMiss E. Waddell. Mrs. W. D. Bragg. *Do, Landscape-Miss Dorothy John- ston, Miss E. Waddell. Do, Fruit -Miss A. Irwin, Miss E. Waddell. Do, Flowers-Miss A. Irwin, Miss, Dorothy Johaston. Do, Original- Miss A. Irwîn, Miss E. Waddell. Wat- er Colors, Figure-Miss Domothy Johaston, Miss A. Irwin. Do, Por- trait-Miss E. Waddell, Miss A. Ir- win. Do. Animal-Miss Dorothy Johnston, Miss E. Waddell. Do, Marine-Miss Dorothy Johnston, Miss A. Irwin, Fred Lake recom- mended. Do, Landscape -Miss E. Waddell, Miss Dorothy Johnston. Do, Flowes-Miss E. Waddell, Miss A. Irwin. Do, Fruit-Miss E. Waddell, *.Miss A. Irwin. Do, Original-Miss A. Irwin, Miss E. Waddell. Sepia any subject-Miss A. Irwin, Miss Dorothy Johnston. Crayon Dmaw- ing Portrait-Miss A. Irwin, Miss E. Waddell. Crayon Drawing, any other subject-Miss E. Waddell, Miss A. Irwin. Pastel Portrait- Miss A. Irwin, Miss E. Waddell. Pencil Drawing Figure-Miss A. Ir- win, Miss E. Waddell. Do, Animal -Miss A. Irwin, Miss E. Waddell. Do, Landscape-Miss Dorothy John- ston, Miss A. Irwin. Pen and Ink Sketch-Miss Dorothy Johnston, Miss E. Waddell. Collection Kodak Pictures Lawn or FarmQs-Mîss A. Irwin, Miss A. Colwill. Do, any other kind-Miss Dorothy Johnston, Miss E. Waddell. Disretionary-Two Busts in Plaster, 1 Bowl-Fmed Lake. Races at Orono under Orao Driving Club on Friday. Ciass A Sunny Jim-Geo. Caldwell, Port Hope 1 1 1 Kelly-H. Davidson, Janet- rville 3. 2, 3 Lloyd George--J. Kilgour, Peterboro 2 3 3 Clasa B Furiosa, Jr.-F. J. Grigg, Oshawa 1 1 1 Ganlefast-Ed. Jones, Pet- cerboro ý2 2 3 eggy Arthur-W. Arthur, Janetville' 3 32 NeIlie Yukon-I. Walters, Port Hope. 4 Dr.. The Kid dies Love Candy Tool Everbody loves Candy-erom Mother, Sister, SWeetheart, down to the kiddies Remember them on COANDY "lrDAY Thursday, October l2th For every need you'll find Candy of then quality kind at THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville s b USED ARMY Ho rse, Blankets WOOL LINED, REGULAR $8.00 GOING FAST AT Haif, Price Buy now before they are ail gone., Mason & Dale's lardware- Phone 145 Bowmanville s I j; JE For Attention of Public School Trus tees One only, walnut, piano case organ, cele- brated Dominion make, slightly used but has had ail worn parts replaced. Much reducedprice to clear quickly. F. J. Mitchell '. la m-ý Fa Box 3â3, Bowmanville Tel. 105