Plnow 'Points YOUR BUY THEM FOR LESS AT MASON & DALE'S Points 55C Sioles EACH, 50bc to clear while they last, ail makes. Mason & Dale's llardware mne 145 Bowmanville Good Food, Fair Prices, Efficient Service--Ou r Aim ,.air prices-honest weights-cheerful and efficient service and quality formula for success. Groceries is our Always- a complete stock of fancy and, staple Groceries at the Iowest market prices, Corne in and see for y ourself-or 'phone in your order, and we'Il be glad to deliver, KARRY PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE île Loyal To YouirOwn Communliity No need of buying bread made out of town when you can get good nourishing and whole- some 'hread such as we make for 8c A LOAF CHRISTIE'S BAKERY The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville M BOWMANVILLE, OCT. l9th., 1922. DURHAM OLD BOYS "Trade andJeweler" Magazine of GOOD SEÂSON OF BASEBALL Toronto bas the following news item which manv of our readers will be Secretary Paterson Reviews Season's interested in. Mr. Chas. H. Haddy Play and Makes Tiniely S5uggestikrns is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. F. To Executive. A. Haddy, Bowmanville: "One of the younger wholesalers in the trade At a meeting of Bowmanville Arn- that is rapidly coming to the front is ateur Athletic Association held. last the Haddy, Boddy Co., of Toronto. week the following report which will The members of this, firm are al interest our many readers was pre- pretty well known in the trade, sented to the Executive by Mr. G. end,- with thîs excellent connectioin O0. Paterson, Secretary of Basebali and true,"team-owrk" they are enjoy Committee: ing constantly increased sales. This Gentlemen:--As Secretary of the bas necessitated an expansion of Basebali Committee for the current their sales force so that they now year I have the honor to present c.over aIl of Canada, though only a this my report on the activities just ittle over one year establisbed. This brought to a close. 15 encouraging and an expression of confidence in jewellery trade condi- The problems which faced your tions.ý In accordance with their comte athenfirst fthise eonpolicy of expansion Mr. "Ernie But- wuier noasI aven douTthein x- ler, well-known with the Goldsmiths acivekf ns, msan. Thipe fn-Co', is now covering Quebec and the ancig o unfors ad euipentMaritimes. Mr. Fred Whorton is was made possible only by the un- returning on bis western trip to the qualified success of the 24th May catadi okn owr oee Me. We recommend that thls better business than on bis previous samie day be made an annual affair ti* this year. Mr. Boddy is cover- and that the opening bail game be.j ing Ontario. Mr. Haddy, who is rÎlayek1 then. Th~e roundîng out Office Manager, reports that the of a team and the ascertaining of the'"leidPer" ei1vr oua playing positions of the various, and that they are enjoying consid-1 athietes for wbich tliey were best eal ucs ih taogwt h suited was a factor in the loss of eal ucs ihi ln ih h many games in the first haîf of the retail .ieweler". scbedule. The condition of the diamond at the outset of the season LETTER FROM TOM MINC.AY was far from being in keeping witb ____ the class of bail played in the League. Aohro h ~ os Wie The upkeep of the grounds was a Aot Baosteal 50 yes Ago. cause of no little worry to your coin- AotBseaf5 Y sAa mittee and we strongly urge tbat Tbr ougb the kindness of Mn. Jas. next season a competent gnounds-i Wilcox we are permitted to publish man be put in charge with neumera- from Mn. Tom W. Mingay which ne- tion thus taking the responsibility off' calîs more basebaîl ancient bistory. the Committee, We would also 'Mr. Mingay, who is a brother-mn- point out that it is of the bighest im-1 law of Bowmanville's well known poranc tht te lyîn ou ofahardware merchant, Mr. W. H.,Dus- new diamond be taken up witb the tan, is a graduate of The James Pap- Agriculiural Society in so f ar asî ers' publîshing establishment and hie drainage and positi'on is concerned' isstili a leader in the 'Art Presen- this Faîl. vative'. being a dispenser of 'Fine As the season progressed the Play-, Commercial, Society and Bank ers benefitted by thein expenience Priinping' at Tecumseh, Mich. Here's and reasonable succeea soon f ollow- la few extnacts from bis letter: ed. The second baîf of the scbdule Dean Jimmy-Your interview is stili fresb in ahl our minds and this with the editor of the Bowmanville Executive shouid look back with Statesman, printed in bis paper of just pnide at the showing the boys' August 31, brought back to my mmnd have made. We are of the opinion1 those later days of your career with that if the team bad a good relief Ithe Bowmanville Basebail Club and pitchen even better results might~ my own brief period as its secretary have been obtained. Without sing- after the deatb of W. R. Climie. I hing out any one player, for they ail well nememben ahl the old players gave the best they had, we feel we you mention ail but Dave McAlden, would err in our duty ifý some men- but as I left Bowmanville in May, tion were not made of Lloyd Cham- 1878, hie must have played with thej bers wbo as a pitcher was a tower club that year. With you Ithink of strength to the team. there wene just as good basebaî1 . Th suportgivn totheteai bymatenial then as thene is now, andI the town was indeed cmedbe have foloeth a l m lfl Wben we considen that Bowmanville and- can't see but that there were is not only' the smallest town in the just as good hitters, just as good Central League but the smaîîest fielders, just as good pitchers and town in the province supporting a catchers, (yourself among the senior bail teamn then you wilî neal- latter), as there are to-day, but the ize that the publicity derived cannof game bad not then been developed be estimated. Having, as it does, into an everyday professional pas- a proven commercial value to the as- tbea the snw. Iwllrm sociation it sbould behoove tbis ex- e h game we played against the ecutive to sec that it'continues.- Guelph Maple Leafs in the semi pro league, and the catcher of that We recommend that the manage- team-one Jack, Maddern. It was ment and secreterial end Of tbe played on the lst of July, 1877, 1 team be segregated. The work is ftbink, ,and we beat them, If miy too much to expect for one màn. We necollection serves me aright Sam[ suggest that the gate admission be Hughe-later known as Sir Samuel- made 50c arnd that the revenue to be Hughes played with the teami occas- had from motor cars be realized at ionalhy. Like Ed., Livingstone lie 25c. This is the samne as charged was a young school teachen in those by almost all other clubs. days. Amn I ight in this, on bave We must compliment the Finance the years that have passed, befogged Comm:ttee on the able way in wbicb rny brain. I bave been a nesdent of the gates were handled. We were Michigan since January 8, 1881, and' glad zucb competent men were on although I bave been back to ]Bow- that Commttee. nianville several times-my brother- We offer as a solution to the in-law Wîll Dustan, the bardwatre transportation difficulty that a tan- man living there, I marnied bis sisten nif be' drawn up for the different Mary in July, 1878, 1 have neyer had towns on the circuit and that mem-_ any inclination to go back to stay. bers of the Association who use their The U. S. A., despite its many faults cars be benefitted at fixed rates. is good enougb for me. We bave a We also suggest that the Associa- good basebail teani bere and I ofteni tiOnrecgniz insomewaythe serse a good close game. I wouhd inco the payn s ofew the eaerw- like to have been in Bowmanville to veaeo thsecutiesofthecie.Whatbave had a good chat with you, and leae tis xectiv todeêde hatcame mighty near being there, but formn thîs should take. business is brisk witb me and I had Some mention sbould be made to Put it off until a more convenient and we wouid say a letter of thanks time. I used to publish the West trom this executive sent to Mn. Geo. Durham News froni December 1876, W. James for the reporting to the to May, 1878, part of the tme in local and outside papers the results partnensbip with "Big Push" Wilkin- of the games. son. I knew lots of the boys in The nucleus of a good team is the old factories--Johnny Mitchell, alrçady in oun midst and with care Tony Mitchell, Bill Pope, Stabliker, and good coaching a championsbip Bey. and John Fogg, Billy 'Sampson, eam is possible. This will require Jîi Chamberlain and othens. the election of a 'stnong Basehal With kindest regards to you, I Committee and the continuation of am., Yours sincenely,' the whole-hearted support o! the As- Tomn W. Mixsgay. BANK OF MONTREAL .Established over 100 years Bowmanville Branch: J. A. McCLELLAN, Manager. *,.s~ "4- s- -~=- ~ ~ ,~ ~A 4 Special Victor Records Noiv on Sale, (Chîcago-Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and Mis Orchestra 18946 Early in the Mornîng (Blues)-Fox Trot t Paul Whitemau and His Orchestra l'lBulld a Stairway to Paradise-Fox Trot (Featured by Paul f Whiteman and Mis Orchestra in Georg e White's 'Scandals") -18949 eaulWhitemian and Mis Orchestra You Renind Me of My Mother-Fox Trot (From the Musical tComedy "Utie Nellie Kelly") Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra {ruez-Fox Trot 18947Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra 1Wlsh 1 Knew-Fox Trot Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra (All Over Nothing at Ail (From "Spice 18%3Jf 122) leen Stan1ey-Billy Muirray ' lI Stand Beneath Your Window To- INight and Whlstle I. Aileen Staaley-Billy Murray A Ail on 1O0inch Double - Sded records, formerly sold for 85c.. now, t ','j Reduced 7 w5 at any His Master's Voice U Manufac:urd b Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Umilted, Montreal lý, Phc One Dehivery Daily Give us a trial-you'Il get better meats and better service at the right price. Our pricps are reasonable and the cuts so tender and full of flavor. Phone your order in afternoon and it wiIl be delivered by 8.30 next morning., G. .Edmondstone, One door east'of F. F. Morris Co. Phono 21 Bowmanville SPORTING NEWS SPORTING NEWS SPORTING NEWS These cool evenings have the boys The Goodyear Hotel Bowling AI- t Encouraged by the splendid show- talkiiig hockey. ley has again become alive with the ing Bowmanville baseball teain chatter and roar of the enthusiastic made the past season the B. A. A. A. Mr. W. A. Edger will represent bowlers. Already some top notch Executive bas decided to engage an Bow anvll, A m te r A hleie s-scores have been m ade. Drop in out of town hockey coach to , hand -. sociation at annual meeting of O. some night and look them over, le the local 0. H. A. Intermediat& H. . i T ron o.The local tennis tournament isl and Junior teams. Bowmanville Despatch from Kingston says: stili holding forth and the process fl bas alway s had the reputation for "Teddy" Gallagher, who pitched for elimination has swept many aspir- having good hockey players, but as, the Oshawa Central League team ants for the coveted silverware to the one eypert zaid they lack the 'ini- this past summer, has returned to spectators gallery. The officials in side dope' on this popular winter- Kingston, where he will remain un- charge have ordered the contestants sport. We hope a professionai tii next February. He wlll thenj to speed up bef ore Jack Frost covers coach will have the desired effect of- join the Toronto Leafs and go southl the greens with his snowy white* injecting this super knowledge !n- with them on their training trip. mantîe. to the weilders of the hickory. G. O. Paterson, Secretany Basebail Committee, Bow- manville A. A. A. P. S.-Allow me to personally ex- Press MY Own appreciation for loyali and genuine support the boys have given me. It was a pleasure and a deligbt to be connected witb such gentlemanly playens. I cannot ne- cali one instance of nowdyism during the whole season and- I shahl look back upon basebail in 1922 as a mighty happy summer. What suc- cess they bave had is entirely due to themselves and I take no part in it, in fact, sometimes during the season I often tbougbt I was a hind- rance rather than a benefit to you and tbem. G. O. P. Dutjrgin's Shoe Repair Shop, King St. W., (two doors east of Statesman Office,) Bowmanville, where you can get first class shoe repairing and prompt service. Keep the soles and heels in gobod repair and you protect the whole shoe. H. C. Durgin Bandmaster'Chamber Commerce Band Sleep is the great nounisher of in- fants. and withlout peaceeful seep the child will flot thrive. This can- not be got if the infant be troubied with worms. Miller's Worm Pow- ders will destroy worms and drive them' from the system, and after-ý wards the cbild' will be tindis- turbed. The powders cannot injure the most delicate baby, and thene is notbing so effective for restoring the health of a wormworn infant. ONE WAY TO GET AN EDUCATION Some time ago, writes a subseniber to The «Youth's Companion, I was traveling in Europe witb a young lady who lived in a small town way Down East in Maine, and who was more genenally înformed in the bis- tony, literature, art and music of al countnies we visited than those who had lived in and had the advantages of a lange city. "Where were, you educated?" I asked. "I1 was brougbt up in my home town and on The Youth's Companion". was ber reply And the sanie libenal education is in The Companion for anyone who will seek iit. Try it for a yean and see. The 52 issues of 1923 will be~ crowded with serial stories, short stonies, editonials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscrihe now and receive: 1. The Youth's Companion-52 is- sues in 1923. 2Ah the remaining issues of 1922. 3. The- Companion Home Calendar for 1 923. Ail for $2.50.' 4. Or include McCall's Magazine, the montbly authority on fashions. Both publications, only $3.00. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth Ave. &St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. Subscriptions Received at this Office. h mi SA HARD ROW TO HOE may prove to be a rich row to harvest. 0f al the many classes that go to make Up the strength of Canada, the fariner appreciates best the value of patience and inclustry and the importance of thrifty living. With courage and determination 1 acres into rich sol. This Bank knows the farmer, his problemns and difficulties, and knows, how to serve hirn in a practical manner.' We shall I e plcased to have you consuit xvth our nearcsr Brarich. Jk 1~ A