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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1922, p. 4

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DÀRLINGTON 'Mr and Mrs. Gar-net -Symons vis- ited with Dunbarton friends ... . Mrs. W. H. Wood spent Sunday with Mis. W. W. Aluin, town . .. Miss Henrietta Mann, town, recently visited Mrs. Blake Short and Mrs. Garnet Symons ... Mr. Levi Bartlett is visiting at Mr. Ed. Armstrong's, Nestleton.... Apple pie kers are on very active ser- vice every fine day now. Cîop fair- ly good. ENFIELD Viitors: Mr. Stephens and Mis- ses Stephens, Oshawa, recently visit-~ ed at Mr. W. Prescott's; Mr. Elmo Ashton and Miss Irene Ashton and Mr, P. Densem, Toronto, and Mr. and Mvs. Frank Martin, Guelph, at Mv. F. T. Ashton's; Mvs. John Hep- burn and Miss Ida McCulloch havel been visiting in Tweed. . Particulars next week o fthe chicken pie supper te be held here on Monday, Novem- ber 5th .... Mrs. Geo. Martin (nee Rebecca Whitlock) passed away on $aturday, October 21 in her 8th year of pneumonia. She had been ailing for soe time. She is sur- vived by'her husband andl two sons, Frank of Guelph and Herbart of; Dryden, an.d oe daughtar, Mrs. F.J T. Ashton, and quite a number of1 grandchildran. The funeral service 1 on Monday was iu charge of bar pastor, Rev. G. T. McKanzia, Ennis- killen. Intarmant took olace at Pine GroeaCamtery, Prince Albart. Besidas the neighbors and friends several from a distance attended the funaval. Mrs. Martin made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Fred T. Ashton for a number of years, formerly living in East Whitby near McKenzie's School. She was of a quiet disposition and made a large number of friands. She was a mem- bier of the Methodist Church. The pal-bearars wae-Massrs. F. T. Ashton and Elmo Ashton, Wm. Ash- ton, Frank Martin, Cee. Ormiston and Arthur Ormiston. The bereaved have the sympathy of the frîen.ds and neighbors. HAMPTON Everyone prasant enjoyed the Leagua nmeeting on Fviday evaning in charge of Miss Mary Souch, 3rd Vice.ýPrsident. Sevenal phono- graph selections. wera given one of which was the Scriptura Lesson. Prasident Hilton Petars gave a vary intarasting talk on farming. Mis. (Rev.) W. W. Jones is te be con- gvatulated on the splendid talk sha gave on Mexico dwlling on the custems and dress of this people. The meeting closed with the Langue Benediction. A good meeting is baing prepared for this week's speil- ing mtach. The woîds wiil be takan fromn tha first çight chaptars of lst Corinthians. ,Ail get busy ...... Hampton Wombn's- Instituta will meet at Mis. C. W- So6uch's on Thur-- day, Nov. 9 instëad of Nov. 2. Lad- ies please take notice of postponmant of meeting-. visitor's: Mr. and, Mrs. Dencasteri and M\iss Lepha Mr. and Mrs. Miltoni Avery, Bowma'1viIlEý, Sundayed at ýMv. R. Avery's and W. W. Horn's;l Mrs. Beattie, Ceemore, visited bei daughtev. Mrs. H. Cowling; Mi. E. Ward and sons, Toronto, were guests at Mr. T. Sait er's; Mr. Swaithwaite and Miss Lillian Wiliiamson, Toron- te, at Mr. E. L. Williamson's; Mis. Jessie Hamilton visitiing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Clarke; Mis. I. Clarka and Miss Audrey, Toronto, at Mr. L. Crydrrnan's; Mr. and Mis. W. R . Bailey and Donald, Kitchener, guests at"Mr. C. Horn'e; Mis, J. Ben-' nett, Bowmanville, at Mr. T. Wray's; Miss Ida Jones spent the week-end with Mis. Roy Langmaid, Solina; Pleased te report the sick somewhat improved lu health... .Miss Muriel Trull, Bowmanvilla P. 0. Staff, Suni- dayed at home... ýMiss Lottie Hornn has accepted a position in Oshawa. . .Epworth Langue is pvaparing a concert for Thanksgivingniglit. Par- ticulars later .... Miss Wilma Leach 1h visiting friends in Toronto. Bowmanville BURKETON Citizen's night at League this week1 Miss Tena McKnight in the chair. Everyone corne. . .. A little girl has corne to stay at the home of Mr.i Adams... .The C. G. 1. T. Class will1 meet in the basement of the sehool- house next Saturday aiterneon toJ quilt the qults fo rthe fire-suffevers of Northern Ontario. The class meets next Monday evening at the1 home of Mrs. Thos. Baillie at the us- ual heur. MAPLE GROVE Mr. Fred Stevens, Mr. Cannon, Mr. Theodore. Judd, Newcastle, spent the week-end with the former' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens ...Mr. and Mrs. Everett Roar, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacott, Salem, spent Sunday at Mr. L. C. Snowden' s .... Mr. Lorne Stevens motored to Cambray last week and visited rela- tives .... Mrs. Bell and daughter Dorothy, St. Catharines, are visiting her sister, Mis. H. A. Farrow.. Names overlooked in last week's re- port of the Jubliee; Mesdames Fred and Howard Flintoif, Oshawa; Mrs.' G. Everist, Toronto; Mrs. Leask, Oshawa; Mrs. Fred Davidson, Osh- awa; Mrs. Begley, Toronto; Ms. Fred Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Reynolds, Town; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Power, Miss Merle, Mr. Gordon Power, Orono; Mrs. Lewis, Moore- field; Mr., and Mrs. Noble Metcalf, two children and Miss Carrne Powèr, Town; Mr. John _Qay, Leshard. EBENEZER The ladies of King-st, W. M. S., Oshawa. visited oui Auxliary Thurs- day and gave an interestlng and. helpful pregvam. Our ladies served lunch .... The Aduit Bible Ciass will hold its. monthly meeting this Thurs- day. . . The Bible Study at League will -be taken by Miss Carne Courtice and the topic will be discussed by Mr. Cedric Parsons. Don't forget the election of Fourth vice-Presi- dent .... Last week League was in charge of the Third vice-Presîdent, Miss Muriel Penfound. Bible Study was takenr by Miss ilattie Osborne. Pastor Boyce gave an instructive ad- dress on Chuvch Union. Refresh- jments were enjoyed at the close of the meeting .... Rev. E. B. Cook, Newcastle, is expected to preach i World's Tempenance Sunday in the S. S. and Dr. C. W. Siemon, Bow- manville, is expected to address the school. Don't miss all these ser- vices. . .. Miss Carnie Coiýrtice and Miss Muriel Penfound are delegates to the great Provincial S. S. Con- ,vention held in Massey Hall, Toron- to, this week. . .. Many £rom this, community attended the Golden Jub- fiee services at Maple Grove last Sunday and Monday and weve de- i ighted, one man being overheard te .remank after Sunday merning service ;that hie had just listened te one of the finest sermons hie had ever heard . ..Miss Annie Parsons gave a party on Wednesday evening in houer of h er friend Miss Lizzie Whiffen of Belleville, at which over fifty friends ;were present from Oshawa, Kedron, .Ebenezer, Darlîngton and Bowman- ville. The evening was very enjoy- Sably spent in playing games and other pastimes. Lunch and'candy .were served when everyone joined in 1social chat and music. ... Mr. and ,Mrs. James Wbiff en returned home t'O Belleville on Saturday after spend- ing a f ew days with Mr. and Mis. J. L. Parsons. . .. Miss Lizzie Whiff en 1returned' home with hier parents on .Saturday after spending a mont's ;holidays with her friend Miss Annie Parsons ... . Miss Pearl Parsons ac- Scompnnied by Mrs. Reid of Oshawa ;attended. the party gîven, at hier 1home in Darlington on Wednesday A eveniflg. Jas. Bishop, Oshawa, has had nearly 30 years' experience as suc- cessfui auctioneer. He conducte ail kinds of sales. Local represent- .ative, Tom Percy. 40-t IApparel For Your Feet Pro per Fitting Footwear Women's as ilustinted in black kld with wait soles at $11.00 pair Black or Brown Caif, Mac- Kay soies, priced at $6,75 pair Wornenr Oxfords or Strap Styles from $5.00 te $8.75 pr Ladies' Gaiters $2.25 to $3.50 pair, fasbionad te fit. Men's Boots as ilustratad in black or brown caif, goodyear wlt soies, No. 1 grade, pricad at $8.50 per pair Men's Brogue Oxf ords for solid wear at $9.00 per pair Spats fon men at $1.75 paie Cash Shoe Store Mis. Emmer$on, Port Ferry, at Mis. o ver $12. 6%/opar annum on ap-1 George Reid's; Miss Foster, Peter- proved notes. boro, at Mis. Hl. J. Werry's; Mr. O. ___ _____ Byers. Toronto, at Mr. Nathan By- eis'; Miss Florence Hart, teacher, U t* spent the week-end at her home inij0n al win and Master Bill, Oshawa. Mn. Fr t and Mrs. Win. Trewin, Bowmanville, Fr Stck and Imp",ments at Mr. Tbeo. Semon's; Mis. E.1* Thao. M. Siamon bas .nec'ived in- Stapies visited relatives at Ponty-1 structieons ftom pool; Mr. F. Waterhouse and Mr. Fred Preston, Burketon, at Mr. Geo. W. T.-SYMONS Preston's; Mis. Ferguson and Mr. Lot 1,Cn ,Drigo Clarence Ferguson, Uxbridge, Mr. 0. 1,Cn ,Drlgo Silversides, Zaphyr, at Dr. Fergus- (' mile north Tynone Station) on's; W. M. S. had a very success- te seil by public auction on premises fui quiiting. . . .While Miss Florence TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Brunt was driving iast week witb omnigah23 'ic bier brother Harold, the boise shied foow cing a 23 'lc h and upset thern. Miss Floraucçe re- floig ceived injuries in bier back but glad HORSES-Bay Mare, 9 years old,1 te be able te report rîhe is recovering Heavy Draught,-Bay Mare, 10 yaars nicey .... A goodiy number were out pld, Heavy Draught, Chestnut Dvîv-1 te bear Rev. H. Wilkinson, a former îng Mare, 6 years, would make showI pastor, Sundny evening. The choir mare. was assisted by Mr. H. J. - Siernon, COW-i 0:0w, 8 yeans eld, extra Toronto, wbo delighted ail with bis good cream cow, Duiham. solo "The Prodigai Son". HENS-About 30 liens. SenorsofLeaue iî enertin IMPLEMENTS-Deering,, Binder, Senirs f Lagu wil eteraingood as new; Deering Rake Reaper, the Juniors te a masquanada onl brand niew; Deevîng Dise Harrow; Halloween uight. Deering iron Harrow; Massey-Harris Mower; Massey-Harris Combined Seeder and Cutivator; Veiity Twin SOLINAI Plow; Verity Single Plow, naw;Frost' & Wood Sulky Rake; Log Relier, Recent visitors: Mns. D. Heddon, good as new; Chathamn Fanning Miii, Toronto, and Mis. Fordham, Hamil- new; Massey-Rarris Chaf uttai, ton, at Mr. John Pascoe's; Miss Jonas, hand or power, new; Massey-Rarris Hampton, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's;, 3 H. P. Gasolina Engina, new; Wag-1 Mis. R. J. Luke, Kadron, at Mr. A. on; Set iron Trucks; Set Bob Sieighs; L. Pascee's; Mis. John Penfound,I Set Ligbt Sieighs; Set Henvy Rai- Oshawa, at Mr, W. T. Bake's; Mns. ness, good as new; Set Ligbt Rai- John Baker at Bethasda; Mr. and, ness; Cutter; Buggy; Democrat; Mns. Fred White and daughters, Mr. Cart; Stock Racks; Hay Rack; Tur- and Mis. W. C. Werry and Miss Aud-I nip Raèk; Gravel Box; Wagon Box;; vey and Miss Olive Roag, Osbawa, at Scufflers; Planet Jr. Bean Scuffier Mr. J. -T. Rundle's; Mr. and Mis. J. and Harvestar; 2-ton Stock Scale, J. Lord, Bowmanvilae, and "Mr. andl Wiisons, complete witb Rack; Smali Mrs. Thos. Eliott, Hampton, at Mr.1 Scales, 240 ibs; Windmill Pump;- John Pascoe's; Mrs. Thes. Stainton, Cistaîn Iron Pump; Iron Vice, large; Oshawa, at Mr. R. C. Scott's; Mr.; Anvil; Lot of Tools; Ceai ilI Bar- and Mis. C. Mackey, Bvookiin, at rai; Sbeep Shaaring Machine; Forks, Miss M. Hogarth's; Miss Vara Baker Shovels, Picks, Hees, Axes, Wîne bas retuînad home from Hampton; Fence Stretchers, Hny Fork Siings, Mis. D. Montgomery at baer brothar's, Roes, and other articles tee num-ý Mi. W. vanNast; Mms. W. vanNest anous te mention. wns caliad te sea baer fathar, Mr. FEED-About 25 tons Hay; 1 John Arnott who bas been seriously acre Coin Stalks; % Acre Mangolds; ili; Mis. W. vanNest and son Ar- %, Acre Turnips. net, Mis. S. Edgar Wanry and son BEES-22 Rives Pure Italian Ex- George, recentiy mada business trips tracter and Supers. te Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Moase and WOOD-Several1 Cords Steve daughter Giaca, Mis.ý Jas. 'Jebseu Wood. and Miss Reynolds, Hampton, at Mr. FURNITURE-i Supreme Range; A. J., Reynolds'; Mn. and Mis. T. 1 Refrigerator, new. Scott, Columbus, Mr. H. Pascoe and TERMS-On bay., coin, idots, Miss Crossrnan, Kedron, at Miss Ho- poultry, grain, wood and ail surns gartb's; Mr. and Mis. John Wright, under $15, cash; ovar that amount 6 Blackstock, guasts of Mis. Norman E. rnonth' credit on aproved notes, in- Wright's, Spruca Groe Faim...... teîst at 7 % par annum. 43-2 Messrs. Ivan M. Law and Aif Ayra weîe successful axhibitors at Wood- bridge Fair .... Mis. John Reynolds ZION is irnproving nicly .... Mr. and Mis. L. C. Paseae, Enfiald, visited his Miss Sberwin, Oshawa, spent the fathar Mr. Richard Pascoe wh ois stilI wveek-end witb bier friand, Miss Jas- confined te bis ... ... . Messrs. J. sia Balson ... . Mr. and Mis. Cao. J. Baker, Harold Pascoe, E..R. Taylor, Northcote and Ruth, Toronto, were Eveîatt Crydarman, Hilton Tink and guests at bhis brotbei's, Mr. S. A. Allan Balson waîe at Orono on Fil- Northote.... Mr. J. G. Langmnid day last stock judging in the Junior bas moved to thair naw borna in Osh- Farmars' Field Day. The fermer awa. Mr. and Mis. Langmaid will. ncted as judga .... This community certninly ha missed lu many associa- regrets the vemoval te Oshawa of tiens around Zion, but oui bast wîsh. Mr. and Mis. J. G. Langmaid who as go with them. Mr. and Mis. C. hava been good public spirited citi- H. Mumford bava moved lu and we zens and will be much missed...codialy welcome them te the cern- A Hailow'an Masquevada wiii be munity ... . Mis. W. J. Langmaid, beld at Sens' Rail on Monday nigbt Oshawa, visitad at hier son's, Mr. A. next Noembe 30 wbe a oedD. Langmaid. .-.Miss Woods, Orono, pegtNmbll 30,andaedn a od- was guast at bier sister's, Mis. G. H. mission of 15e and 10e for thosa net Armour ...Misses Vea and May in cstue. urnkînpiewil haBell were at their home ovar Sun- instumd.Evayboybinn pie.llb day.. Sorry te report that Mr. Frac Lanu ed. Eeting thbi wak pis.la Langrnaid bnd'bis foot rua over b chagmet ngaold Psce, th Vicethe thresbing machine outfit ...... Phrgsient. avoW. W. ouas ladVicuMr. Fved Spry, Oshawa, visited at Presden. Re. W W.Jone le inMr. A. T. Stainton's ... . Soie thrcats prayer. Lasson wns rend by Miss ara preaaent arnong the, scbool Loratta Nayier; solo by Miss Marion childien, Master Raiph Giaspbali be- Thompson; and the topic was taken iug confinad te bis be..... .Be sure by Miss Alice Weîy anud Mr. Chas., te take lu the chien pie on Novais Shortridge. Mr. Elgin Taylor pie- ber ist. . .. Masquerade at the Sun- sided. Next meeting wiii be beld day Schooi roorns on this. Fniday Nov. 7th.. Ms. N. E. Wright an- uight. Be sure to corne ahong. tertained Wednasday eveuing Mns. James A. Pbiliips and son John, Mi. and Mis. N. S. B. James, and Mr. Eight pages of the Woiid's Bast and Mis. Gee. W. James and son Comics, ail in colors. In Sunday's William, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Heraid and Examiner, Cicago's Best Pascoe. Nerwspaper. Buy it to-day from A. 7 bars soap 49e at McMrtry s .Nichoils. td ri st i Ou eetHAYDONtAu in S e Ourrecntvisitors: Mr. and Mrs. u to sS l H. Collacott, Tyrone,, Mr. and Mvs. Theo Siemon and Master John, Mr. Farm Stock and Implements and Mrs. J. Siemon, Enniskillen, and Mr. R. Siemon, Toronto, at Mr. S. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer, ha& Trewin's; Miss Stella Siemnon and reeeived instructions from . friend, Toronto, at Mr. Thos. Slem- MILTONJ E R on' s; Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery withONJW R Y friends at 'Oshawa .... Wedding belils are ringing .... Missionary pro- Lot .13, Con. 7, Darlington gram on Sunday morning was con- (Tyrone) ducted by the leader, Mr. R. Siemon. to ell by public auction on the Miss Coultis gave a very întevesting premises on reading on "Mission Work", Mr. R.FRD Y N V M E r Siemon gave an address on the Mis- F IA ,N V M E r sionaries work among the Indians. . Commencing at 12.30 o'clock the *.Epworth League servic 1e on Sun- following: day night was largely attended. The HORSES-1 Team Dark Baya, President as usual opened in the de- General Purpose, 1 Light Bay Filly, votional and musical exercises. The 7 years, General Purpose, 1 Yearing program1 was then presided over by Filly, Draft, 1 Sueker, Sired by Black the 4th vice-President, Mr. C. Slem- Model, 1 Brood Mare, bred to Black on. The topic on "National Con- Model. fession" was given by the vicePresi- CATTLE-1 Red Cow, bred April dent ini charge. A most helpfui 7. 1 Red Cow, bred May 10, 1 Red and inspiring address was given by C0W, bred July 26, 1 Roan Cow, Re-. Principal F. J. Groat of Hampton, newed, 1 Farrow, 2 Cattie, 2 years, tknfrom Rev. 20.12, which was4 Cattle, 1 year, 4 Calves. tene yalpesn. Isr- SHEEP-15 Breeding Ewes, Ox-. mental numbers were giveni by Mrs. fordGsi Sow bdsepteRmbe 1 Theron Mountjoy, 1Prof. A.* Beech, PG - 4 re etebr1 Mr. T. Greeit and Mr. C. Siemon. A 4 MP MNT2 WgosMc IMiemonS2 agosnMe reading by Miss V lM izad Laughlinb Top Buggy, Rubber meeting closed with the Mza Tire BaIl Bearings, 1 Top Buggy, Benediction. Democrat, Grindstone, Deeing Binder, Deering Mower, Massey-Har-, ENNISILLENris Seed Drill, Massey-Harris Rake, 1 ENNISKLLEN Cutter, 1 Set Bob Sleighs, Roller, 2 Sets Harrows. National Gang, 2 (Received too late for last issue) Walking Plows, 100 f., in l. Rope, visitors: Mr. H. J. Slernon. Tor- Apple Bottom, Spray Pump, Stock onto, Rev. H. Wilkinson, Ponty- Rack, Hay Rack, 1 Set Double H-arn-1 pool, at Mr. John Slemon's; Mr. and ess, Brass Mounted, 1 Set Double Mrs. Blake Short and family, Mr. Harnes9, 2 Sets Single Harness, Chaf and Mrs. Garnet L. Syrnons, South Cutter, About 15 loads Corn, well' Darlington, visited their aunt, Mrs. saved. About 20 tons hay, Timothy Chas. Stewart; Mr. and Mis. Wm. and Mixed, 3 acres Turnips, Forkés, , Smith and family and Master Frank Hoes and other articles. Smith Sundayed at Mrs. N. A. Camp- bell's, Oshawa; Miss Elsie Oke, Tor- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE- onto, who has returned fron iher Souvenir Cook Stove, Souvenir Heat.. three months' trip abroad spent the e r No. 20, nearly new, 1 Bedroom week-end at her father',s, Mr. Wes- Suite, Ta ble, Magnet Cream Separ- ley Oke; Miss Gert#e Oke, Bow-jator, Daisy' Churn, Sanitary Closet, manville. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halli 3 Hanging 'La3rnps and other Furni- and family,Mrs. Art Wilkinson.an.dj ture. Miss Bernice Wilkinson, Whitby, TERMS-On Hay, Corn, Roots ,rnpt Sndavat r. esle Ok's: and all sums of $12 and under, cash; T'me Todhunters Pure Cocoa, 1 lb. package 2 for 35c Lion Brand Maccaroni, 2 pkgs. 25c Fresh Mince Meat in bulk 25c per lb Christies Fancy Assorted Biscuits, 30c per lb Cooking Figs, very choice 20e lb Fresh Dates in bulk 2 lbs. 25c Black Ceylon'-Tea in bulk 50c per lb Alymer Pure Apple Jelly, large jars, 29c each Tiger Brand Red Salmon, tail tins, 29c each Prepare. yourselves With rtXbbers for the comîing wet and cold weather. We are offering great reduetions in both fine and work rubbers for men and boys' on Friday and. Saturday.. We stock Dominion Rubbers. Men's Fine Rubbers, all shapes of toes, narrow, medium and wide, sizes 6 to 10, $1.35 Men's Heavy Black Laced Work Rub- ber with white sole and heel, reg. $4,00 value at $3.50 Men's Heavy Black Laced Rubbers with red sole and heel, $3,50 value at $3.00 To Buy" We read- a despatch in a Toronto paper last week that Marshall Field & Co., predieted higher prices, partîcuilarly in drýy goods. Travellers bring us the same .news and from prices being quoted for futuire deliîveries we are inclined to be- lieve that right nôw is a good time to do your early winter buying. BUY.NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOW We are trying to make our store service right in every particular. We know our prices are right and once again prove it 15y nlans of these Sp>wecials for Frîday & Saturday, Olct. 27-280 "You Save by Buyi*ng at McMurtry' s" Boys' heavy ribbed fleece lined Hose, Very Speejal 49c Ladies' Black Silk Hose, all sizes, regular $1.69, . Sale Price $1.29 ;36 in. Chintz in practically all shades, regular 39c at 32c 36 in. Checked Scrim, regular 45c, Sale Price 35c 72 in. Unbleached Sheeting, reg. 50e, Speejal 42e 24, in. Bleached Bath ToWelling, reg. 59c, A"Snap 39c 29 in. Wrapperette, suitable for Child- ren's Dresses, Special Z5cyd Ladies' Dust Caps in pink and white, with lace trimmning at 25ceac~h 32 in. Prints, iîght and dark, SpecîaI 25c 40 in. Factory Cotton, regular 30c,ý Sale Price 25e Jet Enamel Stove Pipe Varnish 12c bot Large Yellow-and Red Onions, il qt. basket 50e McLarens Jelly Powder, ail flavors, 3 pkgs. for -25c Full supply International Poultry Ton- ic at ieduced pricess Be sure and see our window display for Hallowe' en. Gold, Comfort, Surprise and, P. & G. Soap,7 Bars 49c Engli!sh, Lavender Toilet Soap, 7 Cakes for 29c Men'q I-eavy Black Buckled Rubbers with red sole, and heel at $3.00 Men's Heavy Black Buckled Rubbers, plain black sole,, sizes 6-11 at :$1.50 Boys' Fine Rubbers, sizes 1 to 5 at $1 Boys' Fine Rubbers with heavy rolled sole, sizes 1 to 5 at $1.15 Boys' Heavy Laced Work Rubbers, sizes 1 to 5, $2.65. Youth's Fine Rubbers, sizes il to 13 at 95C Youth's Fine Rubbers wîth rolledsole, sizes Il to 13 at $1.00 Youth's Heavy Laced Work Rubbers, sizes il to 13 at $2.25 McMurtry &Co., Ltd. PHONE8 BOWMANVILLE "You Save _by Buying- at McMurtry 's" "You Save by Buying at McMurtry's" SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL FOOT TROUBLES W. CLA UD E IVE S Auction Sale' Household Furniture Thee. M. Siernon, bas neceived in- structions fîom MR. H. T. ARGUE te sali by public nuction at bis resi- dence lu SOLINA Ail bis valuable housaboid furniture, etc., without resaive as ha is giving up bousekeeping on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6 (Thanksgivîng Day) Cormencing at 1 o'ciock sharp, the following: Radiant Home parler cook, steve; nickla trirnmed Souvenir range, wood or ceai; Simmons 'and Clougb ongan and ;stool; wasbar and wringar; 3 feather bads; a large number of ail- wooh white and gvay biankats; sheats; quilts; rugs; dishes; glasswnre; i5ibs Daiy tan; piihows; springs and mat- tresses; mohair sofa; couches; bur- anus; 4 rockiug chairs; 1 doz kitchen and paîhor chairs; Singer sawingi machine with attacbments; picturas;I large libîary of usaful books; 1 par-1 loi and. 2 kitchen tables; bedroom1 sets and bedsteads; banging iamp;1 fleur cbest; wbaelbarrows; 2 baud' slalgbs; gindstonas; forks; boas; 6 grain bags; cvesscut and bucqsaw; wasbtubs; knitting machina; cup-, boards; shovels; carpenters' tools;j iamps; minrois; pails; 5 barrad rockl haens; 2 pullets; 3 cockenals and 101 other articles tee numerous te mention. Parties wanting good funnituva wouid dowell to attend this sala. TERMS-On ahi sums of $10 and undan cash; ovai that amount 6 months' cradit wili be given parties furnishing approved notes with ln- terest at 6 % par annurn. "Good

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