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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1922, p. 2

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I Have Brought the i City To You NY MAN who goes ta, the big cîty ta bny JcoheS, thinking that there he will get higger selection, more style or lower ptoces, sbould come la to see me.*' ll save him the ezpeamc and timne Of a trip to the city. Ia Dres-S-well Clothes I affer- -_over 200 of the newest fabrics I every possible celer, sliade, weave and pattern. -over 40 styles, varying from the conzer- vzitive 2 and 3-sack mnodels to the latest peated back, belted, pateb - pocketed inorels. -and prices from $26.00 per Suit and up.. made te yeur measuire wltb values that wlll mnake any big ci ty shopkeeper slt up and take notice.1 Sa, before you make your next purchase, drap in ta see what I offer. You'1l be under na obligtion ta buy. Guaranteed, of Course -yet Prices are Reasonable J. T. MO"LLON Ladies' and Gents' Cleaning and Press- ing, Opposite Goodyear,1-lotel. Phone 255 Bowmanville M M M M M M Heqwalth Giving Bread tieY oung Canada is full of vitality-always on tego--*never s[ill a minute. We wonder how hedoes--it. 3lother's, careful to see that he is properly nourih~d.That he eats such foods as will build him up- and keep, him healthy andý happy. Tod's bread is just such food for the active youngsters. l3aked by experts who use only the purest and best of materials,' our bread is in truth the staff of life for them. Grown-ups also, find it wholesome and tasty, the kind that makes them ask for more, Baker and Confectioner Bowrnanville i For Sale By F. F. MORRIS CO. BOWMANVILLE T he Risk is too Great for the Small Premum 1 here is no saf ety without fire insurance- no'one can afford to take the chance. Truly the premium is insignificantly small- and the risl, is too great to take. Whether i-t be a small home, a barn, an office structure or maînmotli factory we will provide the right kind of insurance at the right price. Simply phone us and our representative will cali, explaining oui' plan in detail. J.'J. M A SON & 0SN Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phono 50 Bowmnvill I - i I BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 16th, 19221 THE EDITOR TALKS We heartily congratulate our oic frîend and Durham Old Boy, Editor Richard White whose wif e was a Bowmanville girl (nee Miss Talling), on entering upon the 38th year as editor, publisher and proprietor of the Milton Reformer. Brer White acknowledges that he is getting on in years but does not feel the weîght of age and promises to serve his constituency so as to be worthy of coatinued patronage. The Reform- er has ever been found on the side of every good cause and deserves the liberal support of the good peop- le of Milton. We rend the other day of an old fashioned spelling match, such as were held ln our school days, in which it was stated that an old lady of 87 years spelled down 25 gradu- ates of the schools of to-day in a 3- hour contest. We often think that the old-time subjects of common every-day English, încluding rcading, witing, spelling, punctuation and composition, which were given major attention in the enniier dayq, should be given more time in our prirmary and secoadary schools. Any busi- ness man in Canada, employing schoo l graduates in office and busi- ness positions to-day, will corrobor-ý ate this view we thýink. We often wish so ardeatly that we might reach the ears of young men we see who remind us of a gold fish in a bowl-moving about but get- ting nowhere or accomplishing any- thing worth while. llow very glad we would feel if we could mrite la these Talks some article of advice that would stimulate enlightened self-interest ln such young'men that would resuit la stirning them to fit themselves for ýbetter positions- make them bight, active, helpiul, industrious, ambitious and success- ful. Postions are coastantly open- ing for bnight, energetic, capable young mea at good salaries. Thous- ands of young folk of both sexes have by study and self-application fitted themselves to assume respon- sible, remuneratîve positions. Edu- cation and effilcieacy linked with en- eegy eand perseverance can attain for the average person possessing these qualities any reasonable ob- jective. Good positions are now ready. Are you? If not, why? Coasiderable discussion is taking place amoag women church workers in Toronto respecting best methods of raising money la the varions branches coa.ducted by women. It in a debatable question how best to plan to raise the money necessary to carry on in order to aid missions and other deservîng interests that appeal for financial help. The pro- blem would be easily solved, if every- body would contnibute their fair quota acc5rding to their ability. The old adage "Many hands make light work" or the other equally forceful, "Many mickles make a muekle" il- lustrates the point. The trouble seems to be that too f ew people ai- low their honest to goodness con- science guide them in their church givings.' Not by any means will al ladies agree with Mrs. Courtice of Toronto who is quoted in a city pap- er thusly:' "Mrs. A. C. Courtice, who represeated the District W. C. T. U., voiced her fear that the real church mea and womea were not taking enougli interest in their duty as citizens. They were so occupied with the detaîls of carrying on their churches they had no time for their duties@ in the world. If women spent less time on preparing ýbazaars to raîse money, they would have more time for character building", said Mrs. Courtice, who hoped that the budget system would mean that . churches could get their money more efficiently and economically". SCHOOL TEACHERS SALARIES The editor of this journal la an article on public achool teâ.chers' sal- aries a f ew year& ago expressed the wish that the tîme would soon corne when every Canadian teacher would receive not less than $1000 a year -and beworth more., From the list of teachers in Inspectorate No. 1 with salary received for this year published ia this journal on October 5, it would appear that our wish is soon to be a fact, la respect to the amount of salary. From Major E. E. Snider's report compfi1ýd in Sieptember, anid pub-v lished -as stated, it will be found iag la 1869 la S. S. No. 10, Cava, at a salary of $320 which was a fair salary, $400 a year being consider- Oda very higli salary. We are glad to1 seé that the membens of thé noblest peofession on ýearth, are> at last being fittingly remunerated for their services. CAN YOU HELP THEEDITOR? We want the co-operatian of our readers in West Durham in getting the news ln every part of thetown- slips of Clarke, Darlington'and Cart-. wright. We have a number of ex- cellent ýcorrespondents but they do not cover ail of West Durham- Wei are anxious to cover the entire news happenings in the town and district every week. When there is a wed- ding, a birth, a death, or a vieitor to the family, or any of the family goes away on a trip, any social or business chu rch, sehool or any other meet- ing, anything and everything that is news, or can be moulded into news, write it out and mail it, phone or cali. With your assistance we can report ail the newsthat occurs. in a manner satisfactory to ail. 1 No person ought to feel that their do- ings are too unimportant to receive mention in this paper-and if youý tell these things to us yourself it will be sure to appear, and remember that we want ail news when it is fresh-not a week old. i CÂNADA'S TRADE EXPANSION Meelings Being Held to Diacuss West Indian Trade. A series of coaferences have ne- cently been held la Canada to ia- vestigate ways and menas of increas- iag jrade between the Dominion and the Islands of the British West la- dies. Trhese conference were organ- ized byý the Canadian Manufacturers Association, and inciuded represent- atives of maaufacturng, importing and transportation interests. It is expected that as a resuit of the dis- cusions, some coacrete proposais wil] shortlybe forthcoming which should have an important beaning on the probiem. Interegt in Canada-Wes;ý ladies trade was greatly stimulated hy the visit of an influential party of Canadian manufacturers to the Is- lands last winter. As one resuit of their tnip, the C. M. A. appointe-d a special committee to study, the question in ail its aspects, and the conferences aow being held form part of the committee's program of investigation. Made in Canada J FAàRMERS7 REOUI REMENTS T HE business and banking requirements of ,farmer's are mnany and various. This Bank, because of its cdose contactwith farmers, has learned through practical expe. rience how ta serve them in a definite -and saisfactory manner. It lias co-operated with them when they had to'purchase- land, seed, stocký, and implements and lias helped them to save and to maintain their finances in an orderly fuanner. Our branch manager will be. lae ohv o osl BANIKOF MONTREAL Estab1isbed over 100 years Bowmanville Branch: J. A. McCLELLAN, Manager. Made in Caniada The an ef cn, simply d esigned sanit ry housp 1ecleaning out fit bujlit to I st îi'lifetim e yOU-as a good housekeeper-take pride in keeping your home thoroughly dlean. But have you ever, thought about the j. gritty embedded dîrt that setties down into the pile of your rugs? Or the powdery dust that gradually sifts through into your jhangings, upholstered furijiture, mattresses and pillows? Broom, dustcloth and carpet-sweeper c a n n o t reach this germ- laden dirt and dust. The laboratory jar-of-water test, illustrated at left, shows how the Royal Electric Cleaner removes this em- bedded dirt and dust in the onfly way it can be thoroughly removed -with scientifically applied powerful air-suction. For the Royal cleans by air alone!1 It has no brushes, beits or gears to get out of order or slow up its strong cleansing stream of air. A slight turn of the patented Royal adjusting screw quickly adjuýts the extra wide 14-inch nozzle to any floor surface. Jndeed, the Royal is reatly a complete house-cleaning outfit! With its simple, easily-connected attach- ments, it performs every cleaning service thoroughly and with minimum labor. Its light weightý(barely il pounds) and its large rubberoid wheels'make it exceptionally easy-running. Its nozzle is specially designed to go under and around furniture and into corners readily. It is buiît to give a lifetime of 'faithful service. And because it cleans by air atone it cannot possibly injure even the finest rugs or fabrics. Don't be contentedwith -getting only the surface dirt! The most dirt-the unsanitary dirt, is in the fabric, not on, the surface.ý Thousands of Royals are in daily use throughout Canada. A strong and liberal guarantee certificate is issued by the manufacturer to every Royal owner. But judge for yourself the Worth of the Royal. Let us demonstrate its superîor cleaning ability in your' own home-withcut obligating you in any way. Ask to-day for a demonstration and the particulars of our deferred payment plan. SOL INBOWMANVILLE BY WILLIAMS,& CAiNN Furniture Dealers & Undertakers L (2=c /Sdy tyt NVote the extra wide 14 inch Nozzie 4

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