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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1922, p. 3

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t I Coras cripple the feot and make' walkiag a torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Holloway's Corn Re- mover is witbîa veach of aIl. Trenton Courier and the Trenton Advocate have amalgamated and will hereaftev be known as the Courier- Advocate. Mothers can easily kaow when their hblîdrea are troubled with wovms, and tbey loac no time la ap- plying a veliable remedy-Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. BErantford Roopfing ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST ON THE MARKET TO-DAY Better have that leaky roof repaired now be- fore it's too late. Insist on having Brantford Roofing if you waî ntthe best. Sold in.Bowmanville by Mason & DaIe's Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville The Staff 0f Lie Know how the nourishment in a loaf of our Breadi compares to meat or eggs or 'rnost anything else nutritious? Jt's chuck full of mu scle-building, blood makin g nourishment. And so appetizing and will relils our Bread. tasty your f amily Try it! Phone 97 Bowmanville ,ooHi'rs Master4s Voicev Victor Records bring the liveliest orchestras and singera to entertain you. HERE ARE A FEW 0F THE NEWEST NOVEMBER NUMBERS l'I Bu!Jd a Stairway te Paradise-Fox Trot Whitemnan and Ris Orchestra. 18949, You Rernind Me of My Mother-FoxTrot. I Wblteman and Ris Orchestra. An advanced type of fox-trot in slow, sumptuous time, but full of pop. Banjo a.nd piano furn*sh a feet background for the jazzy saxophone xne odY. "ou Remind Me of My Mother" is a good dance for a lare room, as the pleasant, lively melody is earried on a fuli voieed saxophone. Stuttering-Fox trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago184 Those Longing for You Blues-Fox trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago This is a perfect gem of danc melodiousness render- ed la splendid time, a wbole liot steadier thatyou'd expeet. A ricb-toned piano sets off the melody. ' Tose Longing for You, Blus is slow lantime, but asporty little saxophone titters and trilla and bleats humorously and a contrabass drops so low you look around for sometbing to hold on to. When the Leaves Cerne Turnbling Down-Fox Trot. CyeDoerr and Ris Orchestra 18945 Zenda-Fox Trot Zez onfrey and Ris OrchestraJ The brasses carry most of this melody with ain acro- batie obbigato on the saxophone. Bits of' Meadelsobn's "SPRING SONG" are beautifully interwoven wbile the leftves aro tumbling. "Zeada" is being featured la "The Prisoner of Zenda". t is a smooth fox-trot with a strikiag piano background. ILOiDCÎZDOUBLE41IID Rce 't Indians predict a mild wintev. -4-11 Night Wlth Astbma. Every- on -,,,1owe how attacks of asthma ofteýi' keep their victims awake tho whoie nlght long. Movning flads him wholly unfitted for a day of business, and yet, business must still be carriod througb. Ail this aight siqffering and lack of rest ýcan be a'.*oide d by tbe prompt use of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astbma Remnedy, wbich positively doos drive away the at- tacks. CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Mvs. bella Crooper desive to tbank many friends and neighbors for tl kindness and symapathy duvlng illness and deatb and for the bea ful floral offerings. REV. WILLIAM BRIGGS, D. Circle cf Methodist Leaders Earlier Days Becomning FCwe To those of us who bad beon seveval yeavs befove his retirer as Book Steward of the Metbo Book and Pubiishing House, Tov'i associated with Rev. William Bi his passing from ail eartbly activi on November 5, is an eventi haý more than ordinary signific. and revives maay memorios ec cially of the busy months duving planning ,erection and equipping the Wesley Buildings over wbich Briggs was the man who ýled main Central Book Committee more especiaily the Building C, mittee of which the writev wai member. It was no small un9 taking to direct the building, eci ping and financing of the larý prînting bouse and plant in the minion. Rev. Dr. Briggs wasb a grand preacher and a capable i ness man and the present Metbc, Book and Publishing bouse is a in unient to his abiity and vision. The demise of Dr. Brîggs vemo aimost the last of a notable gaL of prominent Metbodist pveaci that inciuded such mon as Eger Ryevson, William M. Punebon,* ward H. Dewart, John Potts, A] ander Sutherland, AlbevL G#mr W. S. Griffan, W. H. Witbvow, J. Sanderson, W. F. Wilson, Nath iel Burwash, Alexander Langfc Cephas Barker, Edward Roberts, W. Jolliffe, William Jolliffe, W. Dyer, Alfred H. Reynav, J. J. He George Douglas, W. H. Sparlîng, B. Ryckman and sovoral others the fathers of tbe cburcb in C ada. We quote briefly from tribu paid to Rev. Dr. Biggs la Carlt st. Methodist Cburch at the fun( on Tues.day by Rev. Dr., W. Young and Rev. Dr. S. D. Cho Geneval Superintendent. "To hlm the puipit was a sac place; standing there, hie vealized was the moutbpiece of-God", said Young. "The namne of Will Briggs passes into bistory, ast of a brilliant preacher and a suce( fui business man". Dr. Yci spoke at length on tbe success of Metbodist Booký Room, and its gr tinanciai growth. It is religion pressing itself in ethica. It is1 on strictly Christian principles, fair dealing-between man and an Ris business abiiity was given the Methodist Cburcb at a greatr sonal sacrifice", said the speaker. In bis brief closing vemarks E Dr. S. D. Cbown said that Dr. Bri was not the commanding figure' Dr. Carmaii, but bie won people his geniaiity. "He was loved by people everywbere, wbat a pity i that such mon must pass away.1 we mnust bo content to let the lea fali so long as the tree remains". The simple black casket was pi witb lovely floraltibuts-the il form draped witb black. In mourning assembly woro niany employees, oid associates la ME odism, ministers from other den( inations and practicaliy ail the-ME odist clevgy in the city and -me fromn outside the city. ALMOST A CENTENARIAN Mrs. Isabella Creeper. Far beyond the allotted span years extending almost into thec tury mark was the t privilege to1 of Mrs. Isabeila Creepor, widori Thomas Creeper of this town,v passed to vest early Tuesday Mo ing, November 7, in ber 99tb yeai Mrs. Creeper was bora in Dev sbire, England, in 1851, being daugbtev of tbe lato Jamesî Joanna Burnam Jennings. came to Canada, early la lifez iived for some twenty yeavs af hier mavriage to Thomas Creeper the village of Hampton. Later t] removed to BoWmaaville wbere tbe past fovty yeavs she bas beet respected and wovthy citizen,- ing a keen iaterest la ail the act ties of cburcb an.d towa up to a vý few years before ber deatb. I was independent la spivit, ambiti and up to a few days befove she t( i11 was able to walk around streets and cali on bier friends. had a wonderful memory and co recite correctly poems sbe1 learned wben a smali girl la the Country. The funeral took place on W nesday from tbe vesideace of son-in-law, Mv. J. T. Hooper, evty Place, wheve sbe bas made home siace the death of bherb band la July 1908.' Evevy cave and attention bas i etb-, om- .any lof live vof *ho .orn- ir. von- a and She and Lfter r in hey for n a tak- tivi- îery She lous ook the ould had Old Ved- ber, Lib- ber hus- been hter, clin- cted B. H. )utes 3Ons, 'hos. Roy ýwev- ýoop- Me- -if ied aved issed tg of Mrs. Her- Her Me- on ovre: Mvs. Mr. rep- Mr. and Isa- the tbeir ber auti- like working around automobiles andt tractors, every day- yon ujut off coming Farm and House Sales a Specialty. to us Yîou are cheating youraelf. Neyer Terms moderato. Ennîskileén P. O. was there such a demand for trainedi Phono 197-r3. 1t men. A few woeks of time invested now wili give you a trade that wiIl mean 'in-________________ dependence forhf e. Learn automobile and tractor operating and repairing, tire VTRNR vulcanizing, battery building and oxy- VTRN Y acetylene welding by the Hemphill prac- DR. F. T. TIGHE tical system. A. free employment ser- vice it atý your disposai. Write for VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or free catalogue. ItXn't deiay. Get in Night Calîs Promptly Attended- to. line for big pay and steady work. Do It Office Kiag-st. W., Statesman Block, now. Hemphili Auto and Tractor. BoWmanville. Phono 243. School, 163 King West, Toronto. 46-4 Mrs Edith V. Scobel INSURANCE AGENCY Ail lios f Fie, Lif, Accident, Automobile, Plate Glass, Buvglary, Realth, Liability, Hold-up. Farm and Town Properties for Sale. Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale.1 Accounts and Rents Collected.1 GEORGE CHENERY General Contractor in cernent work, house foundation, etc. Estimates furnished,' King-et., Bowmanville. 18-t SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, B OO KK EEPING Corupiete Commercial and Generai Im- provement Courses. Students accepted at any time. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, Oshawa and Toro nto. M. A. JAMES Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Leases, STEAMSHIP TICKETS Agreements, for Sale, etc., drawn at TO EUROPE-Canadian Paelfte, moderate charges. White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ________ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. Phone 189 Bowmanville. Give you running water' Y OU caa have ruaaing water in the'hotise, in the barn- £wherever you want it---with a Tor onto Pumping Engine. Think of the labor saved-the conveniences obtained- Toronto Engines witb direct coanected Jack are geared te the pump. Specialiyr designed for pumping service. Smooth-running and almost noiseiess. Easiiy, adjusted to any height of pump. Operate economiicaily on gasoline. An independent pulley is provided on the crank-shaft for operatiag the churn, separator, wasbiag machine, cuttins box, f anning miii and others. A Toronto Water System, including a direct conaected ECngine and Pump Jack, will give you ail the advantages of city service. CHAS. HASTINGS Pumpmaker Hampton D. BOWMANVILLE, NOV. l6th, 1922' LEGAL ' of -- 1M. G. V. GOUL, B. A., LL. D. of ,LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm and Town i for Miss Eva Curtis, Toronto, recently Property Royal Bank Building, menst visited hier mother, Mrs. John Curtis. Bowmanville. Phone 351. onto, Mrs. S. H. Scripture, Coiborne, re- iggs cýntly visited hier sister, Mrs, Chas. W. F. WARD, B. A. ities Manning.1 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY that Parents should watch their, school Money to loan. Bonds for sale.1 ýance reports to see if their children are Offices: Bleakley Block, King spe- leaders-in their classes. Street, Bowmanviile Ontario. the Cava» and South Monaghan PION- Phones: Office 102, Hot.se 366J ,g of mens Association held a successful iDr. plowing match recently.1 the Mr. Glenn Martyn of the Standard music and Bank. Coîborne, recently visited his T. W. STANLEY dOm- parents, Mr. an.d Mrs. Fred Martyn. der- Clean up your lawns and other (odnCleeo uk grounds about your home before Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- qi snow fails. Far better to do it now ville Methodist Church, is'prepared to rgest than i la Srig take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- Do-thSpig ure. For termis phone 12, "Green- both Members of Ladies' Aid of Meth- Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m*. busi- odist Churcb desire to tbank ail who odist in any way helped to make the Baz- non- aar a success, either in donations or MEDICAL by helping in any other way. B. J HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. ýoves Friends of Dr. F. C. Stephenson laxy regret to iearn that hie is confined Gold Medaiist of Trinity University hesb lna obshm nTrnoToronto. Four years attending Phy- rton and has been unable for the past few sicran and Surgeo 'n at Mt. Garmnel Ed- weeks to take charge of bis work. Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Jlex- Dr. S. Groves, Fergus, bias donat- Resictence, Wellington Street, Bow- man, ed bis finely equipped Royal Alex- manville. Phone 108. FE. andra ilospital as a free gift to C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. ian- Fergus Council for that town. It Graduate of Trintity Medical College, Ford, is estimated to be worth- at least Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. T. $0,00. rul a mgniicet ~ Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, P. The Orono Newssays: "Mr. S. former residence on Church-st., Bow- are, Halliday received word of the deatb manville. Phone 259. 44-t 'E. of bis niece, Miss Anna J. Anderson, sOf at Sintaluta, Safk., on October l2th. Can- Miss Anderson had been a W.Y.C.A.* DENTAL ,tsSecretary la Toronto for a numberDRJ.C1.EVT ttsof years but at the request of her R .C.DVT [ton- brothers had gone west to make her Asistant-]Dr. C. W. Lyons eral home. She was much beloved by ail Graduate of Royal Dental Coilege, R. who knew hier, and will be greatly Toronto. Office, King-st, East, Bow- own, missed. She became seriously il11 manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 last Januaryand underwent an op'. p. m. daily except Sunday.- Phone zred eration whicb revealed the fact that 90a. House phone 90b. iDr. tbing that medicai skill and loving DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Liam care could do was done, but after in- Honor graduate in Dontistry Toronto that tense suffeing she passed away at University. Graduate of the Royal cess-ý the home of hier brother, Mr. D. R. Collego of Dental Surgeons of On- ung Anderson. Anne was a daugbter of tario. Office Kiag-st., Bowmanviiie. the Mv. and Mrs. J. R. Anderson, form- Office phone'40. House phono 22. vent evly of Kendal. Tbree brothers are DR. R. E. DINNIWELL ex- ail who are left of the family, Rev. run George, Dave and John, al la Sask- Honor Graduate. of Toronto Uni- of atchowaa". Miss Anderson was a vorsity and mombeér of Royal Coliego ,ian. niece of Mvs. W. H. Williams, Liber- Of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to 1to ty St., and was known to many in practico in Ontario and the Dominion. per- Bowmaaville having visited bero on Dentistry in ail its branches. Office maay occasions. -King-st., Bowmanville. Opposite Rev. --________________ Bank of Montreal, Phono 301. .ggs ý bMEN XNVAN1TIED FUNERAL DIRECTORS the ___ F. F. MORRIS CO. ButS Most completo equipment. Sunday rves élI6-_ 10 D1Jail' and night calîs promptly atne o Y Bowmanvilie phones 10 and 34. '.lied ____ Branch at Orono. i- At once-we want 100 men right now the to train for big paying mecilanical jobs. HOM L nid if vnu are ne r,îanilyinliedan'iTHO . MON. AUCTIONEER Telephone 105 Bow manville FiY our Potato Bm enNow You may rest assured prices will not be lower than we are now charging. Quality of our potatoes is -Al-smooth, meaiy and solid right through-grown in the sand hills of Manvers -only 75e bag. Home grown potatoes 59e bag. NEW TEA WITH THE NEW FLAVOR Try a package of Luxura Tea to-day. It's delicious. We are Bovwmanville -agents for Luxura Tea. THIS'SEASON'S NUTS ARE HERE First shipment of nuts for fail and Christmas, have just arrived. They are sweet, meaty and clean stock.' Take home a bag of fresh candy, too, for the children. Why Carry Your Groceries When We Deliver Them Without Extra Cost? C.M.L C-AWKER & SON, BUTCHERS and GROCERS, BOWMAN VILLE Used Cars At Real, Bargains 1919 Clievrolet, overhauled, painted, new top anîd tires,- $140.00 cash, $20.00 monthly. Model 90, Overland, overhauled, painted, tires praticall.y new, $150.00 cash, $18.100 month- ly. Many others as good. Luke, 1Boys, Limited Phoine 188 Bowmanvi Ile K %ARE YOUR HEN'SI LAY1NG? Give your hens the attention they deserve and 'they will pay. Just now eggs are scarce, but feed the-hens plerty of the Scientificvally Prepared Poultry Supplies such as we carry iln stock 'and you'11 not complain about not getting plenty of eggs. We carry the largest assortment of poultry sup- plies in town, HARRY, PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILL.E Would You Care To have A Firs't Class Piano At'A Bar gain Price ? You hereby have the opportuyiity of buyinLy a modern Dominion piano, Maâhogany, lately taken as part payment on a Louis Walnut Dominion, This piano has been littie rîsed and has been m ade as good as new. The purchaser of this instrument wiIl have a bargain. F. J. Mitchell Sales Agent CHRISè JT I ES B AK ERY The Cash & Carry Bakery Nwv . ............ 1

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