TREASURER'S TAX SALE 0F LANDS A Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes will be heid in The Counties' Treasurer's Office, Cobourg, on Thursday, December 7, 1922, at the hour of Eleven O'clock in the fore- noon. A. ist of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been pre- pared, and copies thereof may be had 'n my office, and that the Eist is be- ing published in the Ontario Gazette on the Second, Ninth, Sixteenth and Twenty-third days of September, 1922, and that in default of payment of the taxes and costs, the lands will be sold for taxes. Neil F. MacNachtan, Counties' Treasurer. Cobourg, August 28th, 1922. 35-13 M k l c U s o f M rnFo r F a s c;n a t i n g E y e s a - , 7 DaiIy HP bit. This Refreshing Eye Lotion soon Makes Eyes ( lear, Radiant, BO sutiful! Har-les. Enjoyable. Sld by AIl Lruggist. UçyR VES W Si PPOHPOD IN E. kiThe Gret E 1is Preparatinn. ..jToes andinigorates the whole J evu ystem, makes new Blood Z lid Veins. Used for Nervous )Debiity, Mental and Brain Worry Dsndn~,Loss of En rY, Palpitation ni the Hear, ailing MemoryP.7grice $2 pee box, 3 j for $5. DSold by ail druggists, or mailed in plain pkg.,on recept of priçc. New pamphatmailed eree.TNfE WCOO MEDICINE CO..ToRoNTo,oNT. .1safe, reliable rerniifncit, raedicine. SoId in three de- e . res of strength-No. 1, $1, No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by ail druggists, or sent 8rpi on receipt of price. ) FresP11 pamphlet. Add ress: THE! COOK MEDICINE CO.i TOOIO I.(Fsrmsrlv Windnr. 18NEERDUNE It Seemns So i Many Cases- and Good Heath îs Always Neceêssary Vîscount, Sasktchewan.-"I took Lydia E.> lukhas's Vegetable Com-, pound for weakness of t.he female organs. 1 had pains [u the back and bearing-dowin pains ln the abdomen and was in a general run-down con- dition. I could not sleep, rest or work and vas quite unfLt to do even îight household taslts. A friend told me about your Vegetable Compound and 1Int my turn truly recommend 1t, as my severe syniptoms vanished and I arn botter ln every way. 1 do my own work, lok after my chul- dren and se to chiokens, cow and my garden. 1 eaea recommend It for Young gWTls who are weak and run down, as my 16-year-old daugh- ter bas tai en it and le quite her owu gay sef a,-ain."-Mas. Fano. Wu.Ey, Viscouiit, Saskatchewan- 1ILive0On AFarm Upper New Horton N. B.-'I have taken Lyri a E. Pînkham's inedicines and tbey, 'lave done me a world of good. Sr;ce then I have been able to do in'- bousework and I have n lot of wo .to do as I live on a farim Seeing 7-rur advertisement la the papers was what .made me thlnk of wrlting to you. 1 hope this wil hlp sontmen le" s Wm. B. KEiERsa, Upper New 'Hort«a. Nev Brunswick. HAVE YOU A FAM1LY? ibis is of Importance to You Niagara Falls, Ont.-"Three years Mgo my, son, Gerald,, had a severe at- tack ot yellow jaundIce. I tried three doctors but -~ - ~ they only gave re- Rief for short peri- e ods. Âs 1 had trled Dr. Plerce's Anurie Tablets on during expoctancy and she praises that inedîcine very hlghly, too." Mrs. Ellen Harding, 11 Erie St. W. Tour neighborhood druggist sela ail Dr. Plerc's Family Medicînes, tablets or llquld. Write Dr. Plero., ]pros. Invallds' -Notel, Buffalo, N. Y., tor free confidential advIce. Braneci Laboratory ln Bridgeburg, Ont. BALL TEAMS BANQUETTED BOWMANVILLE, NOV. l6th, 19221 A vexy enjoyable function was celebrated at -Christie's Refreali- ment Parlors Friday evening vhen the officers and executive of Bow- manvîlle Amateur Athletic Associa- tý tiongave a cornplirentary banquetv to the members of the basebali and football tearna who represented tite local association in the Central ,On- tario Basebaîl League and the Osh-a wa and District Football Associa- r tion.s About 60 sat down to a very surnptuous feast of oysters,, roast c cicken, apple pie, scalded cream, d and ail the accompanirnents vitici t't go vitit sucb a menu of good eats. t Between the courses comrnunity iq singing vas induiged in, Miss Ina a Pethick presiding at the piano. i Dr. J. C. Devitt, President of the f Association, vas director of cere- n monies for the evening and in a f ev brief rernarks thanked the boys fore the services they had rendered sport during the past summer and on be-i haîf of the association he welcomed them on this occasion. A number of toasts vere proposed and speeches folloved. Dr. B. J. Hazlewood said he vas proud of thte shoving made by thet basebaîl tearn and vhat success they1 attained vas due to individual effort, combined vith team play.E G. O. Paterson, the energetic and1 untiring manager of the basebali tearn, in iis rnodest way expressed his thanks for the cooperation he had received. The succeas of the tearn vas due, he said, to thte loyal support the players gave titernan- agement. Major R. J. Gill congratulated the football tearn on vinning its district and also being runners-up in thet finals only losing the charnionship1 by a smalrnargin. He f eit the1 team itad- not been given the supportt by the, public it deserved. Dave-i Aldread regretted that more of thte football boys vere not present on titis enjoyable occasion, but as a number of them vere living out of towu it vas impossible for them to be present. 11e thanked the boys for turning ont so veli during the season and looked for a more successful series next year. F Theguests of the evening vere Mr. Ernie Parsons, President, and Mr. J. G. Nott, Secretary of C. O. B. L. Mr. Parsons expressed bis pleasure at being present on'titis occasion and congratulated thte base- hall tenm for tite creditable shoving it bad made. H1e vas unstinting in his praise of Messrs. R. E. Wil- son and G., O. Paterson vho repres- ented Bovmanville on the executive and vere alvays titere vit thtie olive branch to 'hep ont any diffi- culties vhicit carne up. Were it not for these mean Bowmanviile would not have been represented in the Central Leagne this year,'ite said. 1Mr. Nott had the, laugit on te president when ite said after listen- ing to the talking end of tite league tbey vould nov hear sornething frorn the vorking en.d o! it. (Titis is very true for ail clubs band it to Jack as tite hardest vorking rner- ber of te executive and to his efforts more titan any other person is due te success of the Central League.) 11e spoke o! the general good feeling that other clubs itad tovard Bovmanville. 11e advised ail clubs to stick to home players and develop them in preference to binging in outside material. A vote o! thanks vas voted Mrs. T. A. Christie on motion of Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie and R. F. Aitchison for tite splendid banquet served and on otiter occasions viten she haci shovu iterseif to be a real friend of te club. Tite happy event vas brougitt to a close by singing Auld Lang Syne. DISTRICT BOXING TOURNEY Efforts are being made to hold an amateur boxing tournament in Osht- ava in the near future viten boxers areinvited to compete from Cobourg -to Wiitby. Bovrnanville cala boast of at least three leather-pushers vho veild a wicked punéit, but ve doubt if they are in propeit condition for sucit a fray on short notice. Reg. G. Harding has been enjoying a life of case since the' football season finished. Joe Territt spenda con- siderable o! bis spare tirne in fid- dling on his violin into te midnight itours vitile gay society glides over the vaxed floor. As f or G, R. MJadovs, ite viii bave his 'lands filled for some tirne to corne as te stork left tvins-both boys-at itis lnaturalmethods permisnently restrrhl Ilwhere. Free advic and lieraure.I IIHE ARNOTTEINSTITUTE i The Double Track Route betweeii Montreai Torontot Detroit Unexcelledl dininar car service. Sleeping cars on L .ight trains anc' rlarlor cars on the prn-Iipal daytraing Pull information lram any Granc 'runk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hornîn4l llstirict Passenger Agent, Toronto. 1 J. M. Hà JL'RY, Agent 5h'eMe 78 BowmmavllL LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Mary Mounsey, 43 years teacher in Port Hope, vas presented with a purse of $500, a gift f£rom former pupils. Testimony is plentiful in Toronto, Winnipeg and. other citios of Can- ada that children fed liberaliy vith miik are more attentive toi, their studies and quieker to learn. Worms, by the irritation that they cause in the stomach and intestines, leprive infants of the nourishrnent that they should derive from food, and mal-nutrition is the resuit. Mil- er's Worm Powders destroy worms and correct the rnorbid conditions n the stomach and boweis that are favorable to worms, so that the full ntriment of the child ks assured and levelopment in every way encourag- ed. Thomnas Wiliiamson, Cavan, aged 73, vas killed at C. P. R. crossing at Cavan-Manvers Iboundary Novern- ber 3rd. John Hutchinson was kili- ed a few miles east of this spot a irear ago.I An 011 for Ail Men.-The sailor,l the soldier, the fisherman, the lum- berman, the out-door laborer and al who are exposed to injury and the elements wili find in Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectrie Oil a true and faithful friend. To ease pain, relieve colds, dres wounds, subdue lumbago and over- corne rheurnatism, it la excellent. Therefore, It should have a place in ail home medicines and be arnongat those taken on a journey. At many sehools in Canada the children are now fed a pint of milk a day and there is abundant proof that, as a resuit, they are gaining in health, both physicalLy and rnentally. In Toronto as rnany as seven tlvous- and school chidren have been so fed. An Oul that is Prized Everywhere. -Dr. Thomas" Eciectic Ou vwas put upon the market vithout any lour- ih over fifty years ago., It was put up ta meet the vante of a ernahi section, but as soon as its merits be- carne known it hiad a vitole continent for a field, and it is nov known and prized throughout this continent. There te nothîng equal ta it. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mr. C. Orchard Sharp, editor of "The Cornish and Devon Post", Launceston, Cornwall, Engiand, 'ini acknoviedging receipt of a copy of The Daiiy Globe sent him coataining the report of the fine address delir- ered by siater Margaret- Saunders, Deaconess, before the recent General Conference of the Methodist Church in Canada, says in a letter dated Oct- ober 23rd.: "I arn very rnuch obliged to you, indeed, for sendirig me tite information. May your shadov neyer grow less. Saiuting you in te name of many people in titis dis- trict, I amn, Yours faithfully". We can heartily retura 'the compliment for we knov that The Cornish and, Devon Post is a veyy popular farn- iiy journal in these counties vhere so, rany of our relatives and ac- quaintances are its regular readers. Mrs. (Rer.) J. E. Griffith, 'Toron- ta, in, renewing for The Bovrnanvilie News says: Nothing is more wel- corne titan neya o! our oid friends and acquaintances and soI keeniy loak forvard every week to such items in your estimable paper. Mrs. M. P. Servos, St. Catherines, in paying in advance for next year's paper vrites: We enjoy the weekiy visita of The Statesman very much. It keeps us in touch with the dear old boys and girls of West Durham. My mother, Mre. M. A. Pitillips, cele- brated her eigitty-fourth birthday on November Sth at my brother's, Dr. H. C. Phillips, Rochester, N. Y.' Sie is in reai good healtit, bright; and smnart as ever. 'Site intends apend- ing the winter in Rochester. She spends her summers in St. Cather- inca. OnIy a Youth, but Néver.Knew a Boyhood George. Adams la a very weak boy -lie's so weak lie can't even turn the pages of a book vithout feeling pain, ïe bs a gond many brothers and sisters and his parents are vezy poor. So when George put on long trousers--le vas Just 12 at the time -he became a'man and took upon himselt the task of earnlng money for the family. He vent to learn a trade la an iron foundry, wliere fumes and liard work undermtned a weak system nd oed future trouble, a Now and aÎhen one other worklng mnember of the family would cease earnlng tlirougli sickness nor loss of Job, and George vould liave to lreep lits nose to tlie grindstone a f ew more hnurs eacli day to make up for IL. His tif e vas just vork. work, work, until nne day lie drop- ped on tlie floor. The company physiclan, wlio examined hlm, pi-e- scrlbed a year or twn at the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. He can't understand vliylie never liad aboy- linnd and noue of tlie gooci thlngs nf life, but lies faIrty liappy-lie knows separation frnm lis famlly safeguards them, He's content, and lie still lias li0e0i- are many Just snch deserving cases lan ned of treatment at the Muskoka Hospital. WilI you ïend a liand. ContrlbuttonsrMay be sent to Mon. WA.Charlton, 223 Colloge Street, Toronto. Twhe Old Favori*te I s Just As- Popular As Ever. And Just as Effective in Relieving Coughs, Cold's, Croup and Bronchitis For over a quarter of a century Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseeci and Turpentine bas been the favorite treatment for coughs and colds. It is stili, growing i favor, for the imple reason that it can be depended on as a positive relief for Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and Asthma. Bronchitis Mr. J. Penrose, 207 Oak St., Toronto, Ont., writes :-"I vas troubled witla bronchitis.and had a very bad cough. I had the cough s0 long 1 was becorn- ing afraid of vther developrnents. 1 tried ail kinds of cough rernedies without re- lief. I 'saw Dr. Chases Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine advertisecl and tried a bottle. I was greatly surpriscd atthe re- lief I got f rom the Linseed and Turpen- tine. I bought five 'more boules and was cornpletely relieved." Severe Cold Mr. Lloyd Ballen, Sunnybrook Farrn. Pownal, Lot 49, P.E.I.. writes :-"After I got over the 'flu' last winter, 1 took a very severe cold. I tried several kinds of cough medicines, but none of them gave me relief and I began ta feai- it would tura ta something more serious. One day, however, I picked up a copy of Dr. Chase's Alrnanac and saw your Syrup of Linseed and Turpêntine adver- tised. 1 got one bottie immediately, wbich completely relieved me." I. LINSEED AND TURPENTINEI .35. a baffle. Faxmly size, three tîmes as mach, 75c. AUl dealers or Ednmanon, Rate& & Co., Ltd., Toronto. WANTED RELIABLE SALES-A<"'ENT For this district to sel! our Fruit and Ornarnental Trees, Floweririg Shrubs, etc. Exclusive Territory GOOD PAY Our sgency la Valuable. TIh& Stock we sell is grown in our own Nurseries. Our list cd Varieties is the best. For partkulai-s write Pelham Nursery Ca., ont Established 40yeart - 600 Acres BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE T GRANITES and only the best grad.e$ of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 employ no cernetery caretakers as %gents prefernlng to sel] my owa Sgoods thus savIng the purchaiser the 'agent's commission. A call solbcted. F. Hi. BOUNSALL Proprietor. Bawmanvllle. Phono 326WvBx0 GOOD POSITIONS in business go te those who have been -wel-trafued. Over 25,ooo Young people have learned Shorthand, TyPe- writing. and Business Subjects at Shaw Sehools. Eleven ochoola in To- ronto-so years,' record of proven succecs. An efficient Ernployment Bureau. Start at any trne. Write fer repectus te 4 P. MINTOSil. Chlef Principal- S HAW BUSINE5SCNO AlTORONTO it's a Surprise! If there are those wha have thought that they could flot take cod - liver oil nourish- ment. there is a surprise in store for them when they takeI IIt is pleasing ta the palate 1 I and is assimilated so readily that It is the exceptional persan who cannot tàke It easily. IfySuare run- I down in strength,I taka ScoIII'sEmulsion ! J Prepare foi- a Business Career By Attending The. WeIl-Known LLIOTT, Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto. Every graduate of the last-tweive. rnonths has promptiy obtained ernpioyment, "Soiid merit" is the foundation on which is buit the reputation of this School. Enter any time., Handsome Catalogue Ch iropractic (Spinal Adjustm.nts) Remcve the Cause cf Diseaae 1without Medicinia or Knif e. Chir- opractors have remarkable nue- cesâ na removinèt the cause of Appendicitis, Dca! ness, Anthma, Rheumattsm. Lt.inbago, Lame Back, Constipatiot, Piles, Female Diseaises, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervou.ness ln many forms respond rèadily to Chiro- practie. Examination Frt%,- at Office. DR. S. M. JOINES., ~fi Simrioe St. N. Oshawa For Vou r Ao>hIng lHad Tekise x zUYoO TABIX Mmd la 3M ZM00%o vItnsêmpîauàt.adabe, PNok Nwves, Dew** m -oQdàl-M à THE 6«LIFTUP"P (Patentedi The "Liftup" a patente d In- vention witli non-slip elastîlo Inside beit, gently supports the abdomen and l' very beneficial for use after an Zoeration involving an ab- dominal Incision. Most ef'- fective In rellevlng tliose physical 'ailments frio ns which many women suffer. Write for thre name of a Dias Corsetiere near yore. BIAS CORSETS. LIMITED 41 Britain Streeti Toronto Scnd for free booklct o! latest BMas Models. Reç;al Good Sb"oap A Big Bar of Good Soap-Bright, solid soap with fine lathering and cleansing qualities for -the family wash and household use. For use ln washing- machines shave or suice e portion of the " SURPRISE", bar direct t. thse macine-lt wi 1Ido fini work. 148 Exclusive A plate of powerful heat Makers cf MOcCARY'S Protected Element la yorElectrie Rangcelas smply a plate o!e tough, Xireproof, heat- ) conducting porcelain ln whieh the colla are embeded close te thse surface MéClary's Pratected Elemeat beeom. a plate of powerful heat, as yen desir., when tite current in, turned on. It la absolutely trouble-proo-nothing eu in- jure the high-re&igtane eofl-hq er their work speedily and efflently. Don't buy an. Electnie Range vithot a McClary's Protected Moment. E.lectrîv Range London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouve, St. John, N.B&, Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Edmonten. ( Dî"R. CHASES Syrup