mhas rLOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Alice Allin, Lindsay, was St.Paul's aflniversary next Sundy Don't fail to e h odrurATILSF~'AET E guest of Miss Doris MeConnel over 1Hear Principal Taylor. stryof heBitfhrist prsent-LSFO AL C E the weekend. Mr Iar-dDunham, Beeton, 15 visit ed in ageat the et f hrist Crch FOsSLEYnrg -g I Hy ARMFOREN-12 crsgo Town Treasurer Doociy of Co- 1ing atis uncle's, Mr. Albert ColwvelI.L lnR . 2, Bn a ehoitYurh ORSL- owmanvilleýjj, ~in aldll.rO NT-112meda osei oe Mr. and-Mrs. W. Chas. Werry and Mdra. . Cole and Miss Laura Brima- on Wednesday, December l3th.r r. phl't-2adwadÂpply. .Mngoime, ossha. 5-t bourg has left the position. .4is8AdreWo Ohawawee ues. ome.lsiMonr.tgomerryLidsy.__Oshawa.________________ I ~~~~~~~~AUTO FOR SALE-1918 Maxw-,ell Car, T E-w ag el eoae Mtnghrs . . er, lrss, .T.VRs- of MUr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, on Suflday. irst cais, mechianical shiape- appeara.nce roomns unfurnished. Apply te Mrs. E 1 e31r.1 C re a a g et URNISH EËD BOOM AND BOARD fer g o'0plyt J. Hately, Central Grag-e Loucks,, netdoor tq Mrs. Wm. Rici- Bowmnvile.37-tf. ards, Duke-.,omavle 482 Mrs. J. T. Trewin, Toronto, has - ,rys ~s~a ~ ---~-~- _~ ~ nn-st st, owR-ncîose.~~t-au E th~ tr~ta~ --~- ~j ~n3a Z~tz. ~i~th~r zf pnnri, -~~ *-i*~-- e r !n t - ----- ___ ~ ~~tr - .~j~t; 4.. r , - e ý u ci ý-n Z