DARLINGTON FARMER'S VERY SUDDEN DEATH Herbert Short, Hampton. There passed to rest on December twelfth, one of Darliagton's mnost re- spected residents in the person of Herbert Short who was born in Dar- ington 64 years ago, being third son j of the late Humphrey Short and Elizabeth Davey. Prom the age of fifteen t his death, Mr. Short lived in the vicin- ity of Hampton, with the exception of ten' years spent in Michigan. About twenty-fiva years ago lie pur- chased the f arm east of Hampton, on whicli lie was living at the time of has death. Ha was twice married, his first wif e being Emily Joli, anid his sec- ond wife being Sarah Prescott. De- ceased was neyer a strong inan and for the past f our years lias had very poor heaith, having had a great deal of nervous trouble. H1e was in lis usual state of healili up to the mom- ent of bis death, which was due to heart failure. The funeral on Friday was well at- Stended, showing 4fe hig*h esteemi and respect held for Mlr. Short by bis naiglibors and friands . -He was an honeQt man, a good neiglibor and a true friand. always willing to help whenever possible. Tlie interment took place in Hampton Cemetery. The funerai services ware conducted by the Rev. W. T. Wickatt, Tyrone,. Tlie paîl- bearers were Messrs. Simon McCoy, Arthur Hughes, Bert Stevens, Her- bert Rundie, Johin Shiackletou and Leslie Brooks. Tlie floral offerings were a wreath jfromn the wife an.d daugliters, aud a spray from Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Short, Bowmanville., Those attending the funeral fromn a distance were-Mr. and Mri. S. H1. Moore, Palmerston; Messrs, Will and Edgar Prekcott and Miss Mavis Pras- cott, Enfiald; Mr. John Prescott aud Mr. Mervyn Prescoti, Purpie 1Hl1; and Mr. and Mrs. Lew, Rahm, Rag- lau, and a number fromn Bowmau- ville. H1e leaves to mourn~ the ioss of a kind husband anid father, bis widow and two daugltrs-Rosie taachîngi at Bobcaygeon and Viola at home. Ha also leaves to mourn lîk loss two brothars and one sister, Mr. Stephen H. Short, Viaeland, North Carolina, Mr. W. D. Short, Bowmanvilia, and Mrs. Geo. W. Benaett, Vancouver, B. C. CARD 0F TH-ANKS Mrs. Herber- Short and dauglitars wýish to thank their ýmany neigliborsi and friands for-the 'ery great symn- pathy shown the-- during thair re- cent bereavemant and for the many latters of sympathy received. BABY'S TRAGIC DEATH A littie two months old baby boy Of Dr. and Mrs. Cameron, Oshawa, was burned to death about' noon while sleeping in its cradie. Mrs. while s;leeping in its cradie. Mrs. Cam- aron had batlied it and put it in its carniage upstairs near a chimney which leads from the furnace and in this room tlie pipe hola had beau papared over. This paper caught fiee and'f ail into the carniage benaath. Firemen were caiied and soon had the fine out. Royýqal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Thursday December 21st Elaine Hammerstein In "THE WAY OF A MAID" A humerons, 'wholasoma une witb a delightful star. piet- Friday-Saturday Decen11er 22-23 Raymond Hatton In "P-is Back Against the Wall"' If yen lad 0:iscoverad the girl or your dn -am and thougli a cowand,I pu.sad as a hero to wi n ber, what xx ould you do when it came to a showdown? Sea wliat Janamy Dica d in "Riîs Back Against the Wall,". Monday-Tuesday December 25-26 John Barrymore SHERLOCK HOLMES Admission 25e and 15e Wednesday December 27dh Frank Mayo Ia '«Out of The Silent North"- WEDDINGS Weekes-Marshall h ec On Saturday.-evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Apted, 29 Wastmount Avenue, Toronto, the manriage took place of Mauda ElizaT Marshall, daughter of the lata Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall, Barrie, to George William Weekes of Bowman- NEWCASTLE villa. Rev. Arthur Addison officiat- Miss L. Chappla vsited Toronto friands; ed. The bride who was uuatteuded- Mrs. Thomas Finley is visitîng with wore a gown of sand Canton Crepî relatives in Toronto. with rose tnimmiags. Foliowing Sorry to leara that Mr. George Butler the canemony Mrs. Aptad held a ne- lias been indisposed. capton for the immediate relatives Mr. Arthur Gray was home from Osh- and. a buffet luncheon was served. awa for the week-end. Latar Mr. and Mrs, Weekas left f or Mrst S. McLangblin spaut a f ew daysý their home "Kalmar Villa", Bow- with friands in Toronto. manvlle.Mrs. M. E. Toms visitad her daughtar, mauvile. Srs. A. Moffat, Oshawa. Mr. Robert Gibson xxas home fromn Scott-Barrie Trenton for the week-end.1 A quiet but pretty wedding was Mrs. Ryser of Windsor, is visitiag with s olemnized at the rasidance of Mn. haer aunt, Mes. Fred Graham., and rs. . H.Barie, ing tree, M'. Jack Anderson has retnrned home and rs.W. H BarieKin Stratfrom two iveeka' visit in Toronto. E., on Wednesday, Decembar 13, at Councillor Harry Jose and Mr. Erici haîf pasi-threa o'clock, whan thair Pearce -,are in the city on business. only daughter, Mabal Gertrude, was 'Mr. George Lumeden came np fromý unitad iu mariage with, Mr. Ronald Trenton and spant Monday et home.1 Bruce Scott, second son of Mn. and Mr. and -Mrs. John Douglas recautlyl Mrs. Thos. Scott, Tyroue, Rev. W. ,isited heir dlanghter, Mis. Ragea, Tor-, T. Wikett pasor ofthe roomontô. _ T. .Wicett.pa.torof ta goom Mr. AIf. Bennett, Toronto, speut the officiatiag., eeak-end with bis daughter, Mrs. Geo. The bride w-ho wore a gown of Gray- Pakin Blue Canton Crepa with Mrs Frank Loveday anidtwo children Apicot and silver trimmings and cor- friaýnd S. saga bouquet of sweetheart rosas and Mrs. E. E. Middleton is visiliag withi fera, autared the room to the strains lier daughter, Mrs. Frank Branton, jr., of Lohengrin's Wedding Marcb Oshawa. playad by the groom's sister, Miss Me. and Mes. Gordon Ash spant thel Etti Scot, ad wa givn in mar week-end with hier parants, Mr. and Mes. Eia Sco itr, ad was gie.graomas-Wetherall. nageby ler fta. Th grom's Me. and Mes. P. J. 0'Neil of Port gift te lis brida was a nopa o1 Union, speat Sundey, with Me. and Mrs. panna aand to the pianist a goid bar W. J. Perrin. pnwith pennl settîag. A very excelent report of the, High pin Sehool Commencement was raceivad top Afier, congratulations a dainty laie. It wiîî appear next weak. - luncheon was servad ln the diuing- Mr. Theodore Judd of the Standard room by girl friands of the bride, Bank Staff, left on Saturday for Napaneaý the-gblebeig tatefuly ecortedwlîare ha bas hean transferrad. 1 the abl baug astfuly dcortad Dr. Waihon Bail of Toronto, mrotorafi with white and yelow streamers and down and spent the week-end at "Har- white munis. ris Lodga" andi enjoyefi a visit fromn his The happy couple departed later P)arents in Port Hope. oy . . R fr atn Wetthebrda The Young men andi Young ladies 0f' by C P.R. or trp Wst , te bidethe Ma ýhadist Snnday Scbool and a.am- travelling ina.a aavy hlue tricotine ber feom the High School held thair suit witb black and silver lace bat llrst skate of the season on Pearcei adsable fur.' Bras' . rink etitthe Upper Marsh on ed Thnnd t h rieicudda1nasday aight. Tha ift to he rid incuda a* Recipts tramn Baske, social hald on jbeautiful and useul collection, Satnrdey evening were $1500; $10 of among tham birg a Cut Glass Vase tis wa.sauet te the Star Santa Cdaus fromtheArcde taff Osawa ofFulid, Toronto, the balance for expen- froi te Acad StffOsbwaofses .... Mr. Norman Toms of Oshawa,l whîch firm the bride has beau a spant the week-end with his mother,ý valuad member for two yen ns. jMes. M, T. Tom-sý., Our esteemed aownsmfan, Me. W. H.1 Cook, is in receipt of a beautiful Golfi DARLNCTO FAMER IES Medal, in recognition of his long (25, DARLNGTO FA MER IES years) andi faithfnl services as a mam- ber of The Order of Reilroad Tlegrauh- Mr Richard A. Ashton, Haydon. ara. Hra's to Yeu Howard and may you ha spared ta menit another medal. Mr. Richard Ashton who passefi away Rev. E. B. Cooke is delivering a ser- in the aarly moeniag of Dec. 7, at hic les of original and very suggestivea and' rasideace ýat Haydon, was bornanad helpful sermons on Suaday aveniags in raisad a mile aud.a quarter north of the the Methodist Church. Tnp weeks ega village. Ha badi spant ail the 55 yatfs lha spoka* au 'Tour own boat" andi lestý of bis lifa in the vicinity of- ne place Suaday uight is subject was "Ia thei xhera ha diafi. and was wall known coal business". Rom, 12: 20,21; 'For lu! throughout the commuaity ass9a trujy so doiag tbou shait baap coals of fiee honest and uprigbt man. Ha hafi ai- au bis haad". The authems by the ways beau angagefi in agriculture, was choir were aspecially wall adr daaly ntresedin the farmers maya- Large cangregations areaa tndiig the, ment, and was an active member of the services. local organization, aiso a member of the School Board, Ha wili bc graatly miss- Epworth Leagne was largeiy attandedý ed as a cammuaity spirit, as uighhor, ou Monday migh ý. Miss Elizabeth Han- and a friand. But aboysa ail there cock, Ced Vice-Prasideut in charge.,,Fol-1 will ha a vacant place in the home where lowing the dayotionel exercices, Miss hab was kiad, attentive and uincOmpDlairi- Beatrice Bragg played a piao solo; 1ing-a ioviag husband andi davotad fat- after nbhich it was mostly a Young man's her. evening, Me; Afredi Simns gava the tapie on 'Reganaration"; Me. Ray Surviving to mouen bis demîse ara bis Brown. rend the iatest Statesma poem wifa, aaa Miss Elizabeth, MeGilil, ona "May Magea"; a humorous stary of1 .son Lloyd, and ana. daughter, Muriel, courlship reminiscencles; Mr. Orville 0s both et home; also ona brother, Eueas, borue sang a solo "I bave heard of Sa ,andi oaa sistar, Mes. Thos. MeGiîI, bath Laufi", with piano eccompanimant hy of Enaiskilian. Miss Minnaie Selby. Perheps1the mostl Funerai services ware coaductefi in axciting feaa ure of the avenings pro- the home on Dacembar 9. by Ray. G. gram iwes the spailing metch, the woeds 1T. -MeKenzie, Ennishillen, assîstad by beiag givan hy Miss ±lancock freim the Ran. W. T. WVickat , Tyrona. In latest "Guardian". Captains of the two Betbasda Cametery the body was laid aides w are Me. Ewart Clîmanca, Pat ta its lest rastiag place. After huriliPînsident, and Me. Ernest Gilbank,ý service of the Mthodist Chiurcb, the !im- Presidant, ai 'hough Me. Gilhank's sida prassive ceremony of the S. O. E. was stoofi up the longest, the prize, a box read hy memberg. of candy, wes dasarvediy won hy Miss The he&rars wra-Massrs. Roy MeGili, Lillian' Clemience of the opposite 'sida Arthr Brnt ordo Wer Hoardwbo lheld the field alona for comae tima Arthur rats'Wer sY G ardndWarey Hoerdagainst superoe numberg. Ail the sur- Pye, Fancis Wearr n ave c ivors of the winniug sida were fioorad Cii. loa eear Msses ylm;er a, lest hy the word athareal. Miss eing, rn k Lwis orGlaufi, Stwr cTucker Coucb non the priza for haing Cii an Leis eGii, elaIves ware the first to raach baer seat. in ttaudaace from Bathauy, Columbus, South Monaghen andi Toronto.1 Miss Ethel Coiwitl was tenderefi a Expressions of daepast sympethy were bridai showar, almost on the ave of bier spokan with fiowers hy thea Femîly, wddiag by mambers of the Metbodist brother endi sister, -1ampton S. o. h-. Ladies' Aid. et the home of Mes. John Young Mens Class, Enniskiilen Con- Riekard on Monday. BY astute planningi gregation Euniskiilen, Mes. H. J. Werry, Miss Coiwili on this aveniaig hed beau Aima andi Cordon; Me. andi Mes.C A' <vitefi ta bava tea witb bier cousin,l ,Avery, Me. andi Mes. W, H. Lyons, Tror- Mes. Ernest Riucb, just acrass thaestreet onto. from the former parsonaga wbicb in- vtation dia bad alilunsuspicioning ec- CARD 0F THANKS cePetd. At the peapar time Miss Cal- will was requasted to coma oner to Mes. fRiakards whera she founfiae honsaful Mrs. Richard Ashton and famîly, of ladies ail haut an tendarîng ber thairi desie tethan thar may hst wisbas andfi flicîtations and show- Hnydon, ariet taktei ay ing bier wîtb gifts of silnerwara, cry- friands and neigbbors for thair kind- stal, linan, chinaware, and meny otharj nasa and sympnthy durng the iîî Pretty and useful articles for bouse- anddeal o Mn Astouaadforkaaping purposas. Miss Coiwili is the nessadd ho r tnad orcanscientions andi painstaking sacratary the, beautiful floral offaings. of the Ladies' Aid and thxe mambeesl _______________Wre rager to, show their appreciation et bier campetent services by a "siower of' hiassings". Sava,ýral lIrdes ciubhad GOOD GIRL'S EARLY CALL thair funds andi prasantad ber, witb a1 set of scuver tea spoons while a aIumberi Miss Vera Asly .al' of other ladies aiso clubhad, and thaîr AsheyOshiqs draps in the sbpwar warea e iirary t bl ei ermi chair andi rocking chair of aak. MISs The snd news of the deatb of Miss Coli ii in replying we the ladies lu grati- Vera Asbley, daugh Ilter of Mrs. J.H. tuda for thair kiudnass, stoofi unfarl Ashly, -- -au arch of eveegreen bougbs andi gar-1 sbeOshawa. came ns a vary Iands feom whicb was suspandafi a bridiai attarp.oea, service being conducted 111-Nora Dickrill, Jack Hoskins. -Y Ran. J. H., McBain, B. A. The Jr. III-Roy Schutt. '5r. II-Sadie floral offerings wera very lianutiful. Fullen,,Jack Walkan, Margaret John- -Oshawa Talegraen. ston, Bruce Dockniil. let Ciass-Ed- Miss Ashlaey la a niace of Mn. J. II. wand Schutt, Vanna Dockil, Clan-I Cryderman, Bowmauviiie, who witl ence Sehutt. Pimer-Grace Smîth, Mn. Fred R. Foiey attendeti the fun- Gus Johaston, Jack Bennett., anal. John C. H. Greig, Teacher. 'JIUJRSDA.Y, DECEMBER 2lst., 1922 NEWCASTLE s-Newcastle Mathodist Churcb, R n.E. 1B. Coqke. pestoDr. Christm,-s msie and sermons: il a.m.-The Uninarsality of Christmas. 7 P. im.-How tbe Christ rIm-presses Us. Antbemis: "Lt us uaw go aveu unto Bethleem" Simper. 'Snof WonTdrous Beautýy" Hall.j 'Tidings oft Gra Joy" Simper "Rligbteousnass and Pence" Simper Sala. "O Holy Night' Adamis Mes. E. B. Cooke. Orgaaist Mes. Leura Fisharý Choir Leader W. J. S. Biekard. NE WTON VILLE Mn. Bates continues in a poer stata of healtb ... ,Mns. C. Raid au-, tantaýiued soe friands at a fowl supper Fniday avanîng.. Misa Mada Coucb, graduate nurse fnom Buff- i aie, la visiting lier nunt, Mrs. Wal-1 ker Milîson .... Mn. Lana, uot feel-i ing well, coasultad a Toronto Spa- ciealist recantly'.. . . MisÈ Caln, thea popular and muchli ikad school teaci- an of Cnooked Creek, will speud Xmas with hien parants et Clarke Union.'. Mn. Lanson Millson's home la brigbtenad by the arninal of n sou. NESTLETON D Mn. and Mrs. John Venle, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Vealeannd Miss Ruby ne- cautly nisited Mrs. Audnew -MeGll, Jauetville... M. and Mrs. James, iEmerson and tiaugbtars, and Mn, M.1 Welden, Onkwooti, were guasta of, Mn. anti Mrs. John W. Emerson... IOn Mondey avening, Decemb..r 14, the brethrau of the Canadian re' r of Forasters bad a social evening la the Foresters Hall, wben Mn. Blakel Miller, 111gb Auditor, Brantford, vis-1 ited Nastieton Court and gava tham a splendid atidreas on the rata ques- 'ion and Canadian Forestry lu genar- a. Rafrealiments were serned and a gooti social tima speat. Mn. Mii- lan willanar lie a welcoma guestý among bis bretiren of Nestletoul 5Court ...On Fniday avening the1 -Womien's Inistitute hbdatin bnzaari whaa goods erdered from the blind' returnad soldiars was dispeseti of and cafeteria luncheon served ...Misa 1Sarah Armstrong presidad at the on- gan on Sunday as Miss Jackson lied sprninad lhan wnist andi wes unahla te play .... Very mudh l pasad te sea i Mn. John W. Emerson out te dhurci eon Sunday aftar six montha' absence tbrougl iliness. . Miss'Grace Gor don e of Petarbore' Normali, l home for the holiys._ r, n. A.l. Veala andi jIfamily bave 'movad into thair newý -home . ... Little Miss Margaret, dnugbtan of Mn. anti Mrs. Wmi. Steale, feu ou Saturday, brenkingý b er arm. -Mr .and Mns, Burns (nea 'Miss M. Arthur), visited bier mother, iMrs. R. H. Sugg't, nWdnsn f ....Miss BelialFiddas wbo bad been bouse keaper fer Dr. McAnthun diat inl the lospital in Toronto and twas buried at Nestieton Cemetery on, Satunday. Long Standing Astima. Maay have suffered se long from astbma, and lava tried, se many ae-called eramadias tbey, thiak that there ia ne rai hlp fer, tham. Tbay sbonld qýead tihe, lettrs ieceivad 1y 'the mnanuf4cturers ef Dr. J. D. Kellogg's A.tlma Remady 'from hundreds of cases once as dasparate as thair own. Evan in long-neglecýted cases thia famious praparation livings prompt help. ________ t AUNT CONDEMNS SLANG Our baloveti elti unt lias a strougi alihornancaeof slang la conversationi or in bokgn wudladly bantsh' to a niaca she says: Try bard te cbecki slang la your homne. It la an abomination. There was n time wbau it wns censidereti coarse and vulgan te use slang, anti aveu wbea usedti te freely by the imasculine sex it was supposadti tei disraputabie anti only a few whrds wane nilowad te circuinte, and thesa few words and phrasas ware raaliy axaggýerated ternis uset in the wroag sense. Sudh twisteti phrases anti words usad ln moderatien ant in athe pnoperaSociety gava a quip te con- Jversntionanti savas it from baeom- îng tee pedantie. But in tisse tinys we bear aieamant looking girls talking a sent of gibberish; they aven insant words whicb would Sounti horrible if heard fnom cbildran'slips -Yat hew quickiy littia chiltiran pick tbam up. Most paliera, magazines anti novais are wail sprinkled witb slang terns that ibay ana almoS t unreadable, aspacially alenti. It la astonisbing how quickly a slang word R Railway News Philadeiphia.-Tlia Canadian Pa- cifie Railway has opened its new offices here in the Cross Building at the corner of Locust and 15th Streets. Growth of the company's business and the graduai movament of the city's most important busi- Iness institutions in this direction were responsible for this move into larger quarters in the heart of the hotel, theatre and business district. The offices which have bean band- soraely fitted, accommodate hoth freiglit and passenger officiais on Canadian Pacifie rail and ocean Iines, as weil as representatives 4of the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault and tlie Duluthi, Soutli Shore and Atlantic Raiiways. London. Ont.-This year the Cana- dian Pacifie Railway lias arrang-ed to hoid weekly first aid classes at London tlirougliout the entire year and the instruction wil ha furnishad by the empioyees tliemselves, many who have bec-ome very proficient in first aid 'work. By this means th-,se employees who have liad prenions instruction can drop into the classes froni time to time and refreali themselves on the instruction, whie the new arn- pioyees, especiaily those in train and angine service, whose duties may require them to ha absent fromn the classes one week, wiil have the opportunity of taking the instruc- tion later on as the classes wiil con- tinue throughout thaý year, E. T. Wright, C. P. R. storekeeper at Lon- don, is chairman in charge Qf the committea, which is iooking aftan the formation of first 'aid classes on the London division. Montreaal.-_udge Choquet's warn- ing issued some time ago tlireaten- ing to fine the parents of boys caus- ing damages in any part of the city I *was put into aff ect when lie con- demned fiftaan mothars of arrasted lads to pay $3.72. eacli for the acts of their offspring. 'For some time thera has beau daily reports from the C. P. R. of destruction to cars and fixtures by youngsters who rua wiid thnougli the yards and use the cars for play- ing bide and seak. The most sari- pus accusations ware laid against boy.-,wlio were cauglit tlirowing stones at passing trains, endangar- ing the unves of traveliers. Judge Clioquat gave a wanning that lie would hoid the parents reî;jponsible fo- the~ acts of vandalism by. chli- dren. When lia had fiftean cases prapared for court he carrcied out his warning by makîng the parents pay the costs of the damages in- curred. Mcntreai.-From Finland to Du- luth, Mina., via Montreai, trave~lling alone aud tagged lika a pieca ýof baggage, is the record of Vaikko Tuominan, agad aiglit, who stepped off the Canadian Pacifie train ini Duluthi the other day, wearing a smile of confidence and trust in the strange world about him. Ha was on bis way to bis uncie, Frank 'Salini, at Virginia, Minn. The lad recentiy became an or- plian, and bis uncla wrote to friands in.Helingfors that he wouid take car(, of the boy. Salini was unable to go to Fîniand for hlm, so iittle Veikko was taggad and placed,,,,la charge of the Canadian Pacifie. H1e cama from Heisingfors to Eagland, where he was piaced on board the S.S. Meiita,_ and- carefuliy looked afier until bis arrivai at Montreal. 5h11l a ward of the company, lie was sent ou to bis destiration. In allihe traveliad about 9,900 miles, and ap- peared to be as happy as a clam. Parry Sound.-Parry Sound, On- tario, was las, weak the scena of the iatest of a series of railway acci- dents that seem to indicate a grow- ing caralessnass on the part of motorists. It was another case of the motor car hitting a moving train, and thara was about the eveat al the usual evidences of gross, f ool- hardy disragard of danger that mnarks most of these so-calied acci- dents. The angine was -rwltching ai the time, and was îaoving at about ýive miles an hour. The angine bell was ringing, and the whis'le lad. sound- ad just before the angine whistled at the crossiag. A motorisi who xvas giving thouglit to the import- ant fact that lie was approaching a railway cnossing could not have missed the warnngs given, lidiin CHIRPRATICLe-t nana prasumne te wear an undaser- CHIROPACTICved dignlty. 0 that estates, degrees and offices ware Dr. Dunwîn E. Steckley, hoe nefat darivad cerroptly! graduate of Toronto Chiropractie thaet eanher were rchse Collage, Bowmanviile, wil ha in office HOW many then shoiuld cover that standi at Mn. Barrie's house, Main Street, bM!a ,Hem many ba comnmanded who cern- Neasyt,1Fniday. day Wd mand. nesdy'an Friay.-Mendiant Venice Act 3, sec. 9 WARDEN GIVEN PRESENTATION MEDICAL ______ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D.1ý -M. .A, plaasiag avant took place at the Graduate of' Trinity University, alga ciosing session of the counties coun- of Royal Collage Physicians, Edin- cil on Tlunsday avaning lat, when j burg. Speciaty-Diseases of womn- Wardan J{arry B. Phullips of Bright- en and children. Office-Parker'u on,o was pneseatad.by Reeva W. T .1Block, Newcastle. Wood of Milbrook, and Reava E. C. Rahdan, Bowmanvilla, with a goid J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. watch, locket and ciain, on behaif of Honor graduate of Trinity University, membars of the council. Reeve Fellow of Trinity Medicai, College, Wood. la a neat speech, toid how tha Licaentiata of the Stata University of couacil had appraciatad Warden Phul- New York, Matniculata of the Post.. lips' neyer failing courtasy and Graduate Madical Sehool and Ilon- kindnes.s whila in the chair, also thepiaofNw okanFiow fth intarast ha had displayad-la bis wonk Toronto Acadamy of Medicine. Office of Wardan, and pnasented the watcli, -Mrs, McNaughton'là Rasidence, lochat and chain as à mark of the Newcastle. Hous-8 to 10 a. m.,, I astaam in which ha was heid by the to 3 D. m., and by appointment. mambars in geneaa. The presenta- tion was made by Reeva Rahdar. 1n________________ reply Wandeu Philtips thaaked the màembers for their handsoma gift,l wic hidh would clierish tlinough outf his if e as a remembranca of thea .W .B ad e hiappy times spant at the council Newcastle board. Thair relations had ail bean General- Insurance Agent the most kindly, and it had been a Clark of 2nd Division Court, Cosu- pleasure to preside as Wardea of the missionetc unitad counties, whicli li considaradi aec one of the greatest honors of bis 1ELECTIONNOTICE C A Notice is hereby gix an that a meeting 'of the alactors of the VILLGE 17,NWCATLE Owing to the terrible sti will take place in the Town Hall o FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1922 of American Transportation attehu f7 P. m' for tha purpose 0fim osbe Oge nominating candidates for the offices of, it j5 almost ipsbl o Le Reeve and four Conacillors to compose the Village Council for the ensuing year.1 delivery of co al and our ad- and for aomiaating candidates to 5i11ýv three vacancies on the Board 0f iduca iei ak rvso tion, and should more -han one candidate c mae someprvso be nominated for ail or aithar of the o ntrb ouiti~en said offices and a poli be demanded, such! orWine y sbttt poil will ha held on -, ,-i'A. MONDAY, JANUARY lsx., 1923 for th1e usual oupply of n- - at the hour of 9 o'clock la the forenoon, continuing open7 until 5 o'clock in the thracite. aftarnoon. Ail nominations must ba made in writ - ing and signad by thaenorinator and Ofail which' avery parson ia raquest- 1 eo . J am ieson ed to take notice and gavera himself accordiagly.. H. C. Boniathan, Clark.i Newcastle Newcastla, Dacember 11, 1922. 50-2 GIFTSOF-1JTILITY-HARDWARE FOR GIFT 0F CHRISTMAS I Irwin1 Saws, Automobile Skates, >Hockey Sticks ýand- Bits, Braces, Hammers, Chisels, make useful presents or a good poc}oet knif e. Silveîwa;pre, Cut Glass, Pyrex 'Ware, Crarite W'are, Nickel Plated Copper Ketties, in holly box. G'io-ves andMitts are al-so appreci'ated- HARDWARE NEWCASTLE Merry Chrilstmas We wrish our many customers and friends a Merry Christmas and a H-apopy New Year. We also take this oppbrtunity of thanking our patrons for their lit .Crai custom during the year. R. WALTOVN Grocer Newcastlë Hardware jantaClaus ~ atSJa2ies:,s Hardware ~ Store with a load of Toys. COMIE IN AND SEE THEM WrM. JAMIESON Store Newcastle IL 484G~- y .CHRISTMAS GROCERIES in great' variaty we ýoff er. Sauta Claus himself could not suggast anything to add to oun stock. z Ondar your sppyear!y, aad why not make so ess, ortunata ones happy with a few good things fnom OUR ÇROCERY - We will send good meas- une and delivar promptly., Ho. Sa BITTON Newcatle Baker & Grocer