IT'S EASY TO CHOOSE GIFTS If you corne to our store. You'l find useful gifts for the whole family, and so reasonable in price, too. Shop first at our store. Mason &DaIelys Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville TODUS CANDY MAKES THE MERRY XMAS BOWMANVILLE,: DEC. 21st, 1922.1 THE EDITOR TALKS From time to tirne we had f ormed an appreciation of thie menit in the articles written for The Jameý-sPap- ers by a fanmer's wif e and liaving occasion to write lier in the ordin- ary way of business, we compliment- ed hier on tlie indications of super- ion intaîhgence conveyad in lier writings. Claver persons are us- ually modest. especially ladies, and tliis lady tlianked us for our compli- ment and added "I amn alraid that 1 arn not worthy of so mucli praise. 1 bave not the education 1 wisli 1 had and often wisli I lad obtained a better education in my youth. Yet the thouglit comas to me, what arn I doing with the learning I did get? Aitho my opportunities are -lirited it is rny ardent desire to live and act and do as I have thie pivilege so that rny if e as it is will radiate ýan' in- fluence for good la this comrnunity and wth-atprsuniwwith whum-ft associate". Hene is a matten for the serlous tliouglit of every young person who raads this article. Wlian visiting in Devonshine and Cornwall during thie six surnres tliat we spent our holidays la our native county of Dlevon and aise- wleienl the Old Land we often ob- served the similaity of narnes to many f arily naines la Durliam and Ontario Counties. Tliis similanity, rnay lie noticed la the naines of per- sons present at thie funeral of Mns. Thomas Oka at Holswortliy as copied from thie Western Times of Exeter. We may add that several Bowrnan- ville and iJarlington people are ne- lated to many of thie pensons men- tioned. For instance, the Okes of South Darlington are cousins of Mr. Thiomas Oke, J. P,, tlie bereaved husband, as are thie Ashtons of En- field, thie late Mrs. Grace Ashton lie- ing sister of Mnis. Georgina Oke,ý mother of Mn. Thos. Oke. The late Mns. Elizabeth James, rnotber of the THE EDITOR TALKS Shall Public School pupils ha fur- nished wjtli text books and otherj school supplies free of cost to tlie parents is a debatable question. t is being done ln some cities and Or- illia lias just decided to adopt the system. Peterboro Board of Edu- cation lias been supplying Public Scliool pu.pils withi text books anid supplies for upwards of 20' years. Text books are smallest item. The main supplies consist of exercise books, exarination paper, penis, pans, drawing material, etc. -Tlie plan is to give a text book to a child and flot have it returned. If he losas it lie bas to pay full price for a new one. To keep down expènses and inculate thrift the pupils pay a small fea. The system is regarded favourably. t insures ail pupils liaving supplies and liaving the riglit kind of supplies. The Board pur- chases tlie supplies by order and get them mucli cheaper tlian the retail price. Tlie Principal or vice-prin- -ci-pal -of-e solirsp sbl f or the rnontlily distribution of the supplies. Bowmanville Scliool Board lias flot'a.dopted the free book system yet. TORONTO BUSINESS MAN'S VERY SUDDEN CALL Mr. Alex. Buntix Dies After Brise Illness. Little did the aditor think the ast wliolesale flrm of Buntin, Read & Go. and bade goodbye to Mr. Alex. Bun- tin, Proprietor and Manager, after a vary pleasant conversation, that he would neyer again see him alive. Ha died on Monday at his residance, 15 Elm Avenue, Toronto, in bis 58th year. He had been in good healtli lp to Friday whan he was taken sud- denly i11 at bis office and was hur- ried to bis borne in an unconscious condition and neyer ragainad con- sciousness. Well does the writer rernember bis first business cali at tbe Buntin-Reed Office in September1' We will pay your railway fare' to Toronto MEN WANTED $6 to $12 Per Day Men wanted at once, both city and prairies; the prasent demand la aut- omobile mechanies, and driving, tra- ctor oparating, tire vulcanizing, oxy- acetylene weldffng, storage battery and electrical work; we teacb hthes' trades, practicai training, only a f ew weeks required, day and night clas-1 ses; write for free catalogua; bigî wages, steady employment. Hemp- bull Auto Gas Tractor Schools, 163 King West, Toronto. Visitons wel- coma. 50-4 B e a Secretîrry to e business exëeetive. An ideai position for a Young woman. The Sh aw Secretarial Course covers every needed subjeet -Shorthand, Type- writing, Bookkeeping, Law, Bank- jog. 'letc.-Fersonl iinstruction. Write for Prospectus to 15 P. MeINTO8H, Chief Principal. 39 Years of Proven Buceis 'Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Henry William Meader,] Iate. of the Toiwn of BowmanvIllie, In the County of Durham, Labourer, de. ceased. NOTICE is heraby givan that ail per- sons having dlaims upon the astate of the said Henry 'William Meader, who died on the 24th day of November, 1922, are required tofyle with the undersigned by the 30th day of December, 1922, a fu statement duiy v«rjfied of their clai ms, and that after that date the assets of the deceased wiil be distrIbuted arnong those entitled thereto, having re- gard oniy te those claims which have been so -fyied. Dated November 27th., 1922. SE. S. SENKLER, 48-4w. Solicitor for the Estate SP-cta-cles An Ideal Xmas Gift For Father, Mother, Gad mother or Grandfather No gift that could be se- lected is capable of ren- dering greater or more lasting joy and comfort t'O old folks with f ailing vision than is the gift of a pair of Spectacles.I FRENCH IVORY WAREI Suit Dio"Yo0u Wanti UYING Dre-S-w.fl HRand-taniored Clothes gives you two defiaite a&. vantages at the start. You ot only clioose exactly the CLOTH you .1k., but you also get just the STYLýE yOuL waat. You can have a singl e-breauted or deuble- bre&sted cmat, a wide lapel or a standard lape, a conservvtive style or a young mna'.s tyle, pi'e4 a Suit combining ail the î"ndiva touches t.bat appeai te yo. It doesn't mastter what style or what Me- terlal you want, I eau satisfy ya la a IDres-S-weil Suit. Iland-tailered. 'M«de r1chtila vey detafl. Corne in, see tohe goods, dleeuae the styl, To'inet be urged to buy. uGuaraïnefdr, of 9Course -yet Prices are Reasonabl J. T. MOe0'L LON1IPJ Ladies' and Gents' Cleaning and Press-