BOWMANILLE, DEC. 21st, '1922.1j Wes givenr by Forms 111 and IV girls under dlirection of Miss I1. K. Sm:thi, IB. A., whicb Was a rather difficul1t GREAT HiïGH SCHOOL EVENT feat. The girls ceerve credit for the way they went through the exer- Excelent AclTfress5er by W. B. Couch, css Eq., Chairmnan, Rev. D. W. Be8t, Principal W. J. 2Morrisoni B. , B.A., Principal W. J. Morrison and r. . Rss Tlle. o gave a splendidi review of the w ork and r. A Roa Tiley. of the students, outlining the changes Theevet o th sesonin on-in the curriculum, the clever and netin ith Bwavle Hg painstaking wvork on "The Screech School took plac.e Friday evening induigth e schlol, magazÉe -issued the Opera House when the Comn- drcordh past year-and the goodi mencenient exercises were crri eod and splendid spirit shown -il out with s-plendlid effect by the at-tesot. 1e empaie dens nd ea~1ws efoe hue cultivationi of the spirit of courtesy thatwaspackd t th doos. anyby th'e students and asked for the ofthe asppis td thr ougou .the co-operation of the parents in help- entre programso thgreat a-the ing the students to make good In] enieoroda assmble nths occa their studie's, by seeking to know sin o wtne ssemthis anual functio where and what they were doing out- when the workeo the panupls is ack- side of school hours andte -see tlat wedgted publlofbthe pesen ak- they, get sufficient and regtilar houirs tin of dpi, certhficates n d- of sleep. 1He then pres3ented thel lonmas. scrifct nd d-large class with théir Departmental The stage had been nicely decora- A Highland Schottioche by Ëorms ted with evergreens and streamers 1 and II girls wae exceedingly well of red and white-the school colors done. -whýile the "B. H. S." banner oc-I cupied a central position at the back l.TeVldcoyAdesb r of hestae.A. Ross Tilley, son of Dr. and Mrs. ofthe prograe oendAit.achS,5lhe Tilley, who is now attending by the senior boys. Mr. Chas. Peth-itho oot a er -iha great deal of pleasure. Hie-i ick presiding at-the piano. maniner of delivery was modest and MLýr. W. B. Couch, who is referred his matter showed thoughtful pre-7 to as the-vetera hairman of, the paration. H1e reviewed briefly the High School Board, addressed the, four years which he attended this, audience with timely and well cho8-séléchol. and -his references to the en words. H1e agreed with the man different members of the teaching whoý had said "Education was an staff were made' in a -humorous and Ïns&zance for' the future"y. T116 yet very complimfentary manner. increased attendance had caused the The address was very greatly enjoy- Board to. reinfodel and enlarge the ed by ail especially by the teachers number of class-roonis which they and fellow students. were pleased to do. H1e spoke of thejThe closing chorus "My Old diffierent subjects taught, of the at-Kentucky Home" was, sung by the- titude of some parents towards te boys after which the National An- cultralsudect of he nflenc them led by Miss Gwen Williams ýat these very subjects had on the 'ives the piano, closed the proceedings- of of the young people, of the satis-1 another .successful Commencement.[ factory report given by the H1. S.- The collection in aid of the Boys' Inspector on teacherr> and students Athîetic Association amounted to and of the splendid àhowing of tho $62.00!_ of the stucients on the atflletic fnelds' The olwnisteitofpzs ,The girls in Forms I and Il under and winners: direction o£ Miss S. E. Tighe, B. A., presented a Swedish Clap Dance THE HOSKIN PRIZE that was nicely done with Miss Ruby Sewell presiding at the piano. The Hoskin Prize for highest Rev. D. W. Best, B. A., made the standing at the Upper School eirm- presentation of prizes and in his in- mnations, for entrance to the Normal troductory address took for his suh col.$-O nbos ject "Bowmanville High- School". Donor-The late John Hoskin, giving each Word a prominence and K. C. LL, D. educational interpretation. Every- Winner-Ruth Grigg. one should think ighly of the town THE GILFILLAN PRIZE they live in and should seek to, do their best to uphold its good name; The Gilfillan Prize in memory of the second Word stood for the high- the late Principal James Gilfillan, for er and more advanced things in hîghest standing at the Middle School sehoo l hfe; the school was referred examinationy for entrance to Normal to as a "place of leisure", which Schools. $10.00 in books. brought a smile to the- faces of the Winner--Alexander McGregor. students. H1e spoke of what the learning in the ý_arly days stood for- THE SQUAIR PRIZE culture for thé. Greek, and selD- The Squair Prize. for the beat saerffilce for the- Roman. H1e ad- student in French. $5.00 in books. vised aIl to do their test and to play~ Don or-John Squair, Esq., M. A., the game whetheî in stu.dy or play Professor Emeritus, University of te uphold -the'good namne of their Toronto. ochool. [ inner-Ruth Grigg. A dembnstration of Sweedish Drill (Contînued on page 10) SeeThis Grand Disp1ýy 'Of Prz Beef at Edlnonidst4one's We have been very fortunate th- is year in securing the cho'ceG;t lot of Christmas meats we have ever had. Yoiu will think ýOt0Oo, when you read this partial list of our oliay i~pay. Be sure to inspeet this wonderful display of prize beef at an early date. Ye lAN'T BEAT THIS FOR -PRIME BEEF 1 Fou!" -I(Îd Heifer, fed'by S. E. Werry, Solina., 1 Heifeï <î'cd by Alan Campbell, and fed by S~. Snowden &S on. 1 Heifer, Lred by Richard Souch and fed by S. Snowden & son. 1 Steer, large-st in town (dressed 800 lbs) bred and fed by James Thompý-on, Cobourg. Compliments of the Season, G. .'dn ondstone, One door east of F. F. Morris cýü. Bowmanville1 ]Phone 21 jThe Shop ThtLeIdj Gifts, Men Like Best Few men ever tell what they want for Chritmas-they won't even hint-that's the urnn of it. But we know-f or it's our business to know. As a matter of fact, that's the way most men expect you to find out wbat they want; they expect you to ask us. Naturally, years of dealing with men have brouglit about close and confidential ýfriendship-that's why we know what will appeal to recipients of our apparel. likes and disikes-and we'îî supply the gifts BATH ROBES In a very select a's ,-rtment of checks, plaid stripes or solid coloris. Some are finîshed wîth Silk Braid, others with Silk Cord and' Braid, whiie more of thtm have cantrasting colors or plain borders 'it hottom. Priced $9.50 to $17.00 ~? Smoking Jackets ..............$10-00 to $13.50 HOSIERY We have the English Hose o)f Pure Cashmere,, hea-vy'and medium weight, in the most popular t shatles of. Lovat and Ileathers. Priced 60c to $1 .50 Silk Pure Thread in plain colors andý fancy check designs and clox. Pried$100 to $1.75 Hosiery Makes a Most Useful Gîf t GLOVES You can choose from a large stock an dthe best procurable, Tan -Cape, Grey Suede, Chamois, Mocha, etc., in ail the leading colors, un lined or silk lined, ail sizes, in beautiful gift box. -Priced $2.00 to $3.25 PYJAMAS Fleecy, ComYy and warm, a splendid gift, always appre- ciated. Priced $2.75 to $3.75 HANDKERCHIEFS Jnitialed-These are made of ýa beautiful quality Irish- Linen with hand embroider- ed initial. Price SOc each OUR HEARTY THANKS We extend teo yen our hearty thanukR, for yeu~ ron through- out the year and wý,ish te êonvey te yoia Our wif-bee-for a very Merry and Joyful Chriatinaa. It's quite simple. Tell us the sort of man lie is;, his NECKWEAR The gift, for every man. You don't need the size. notice his favorite color and make your choice accord- ingly., Wonderful assort- ment. Priced 75c to $2.00 In making your selection of Shirts Tor his gift,iîtwill pay you to vis'it our store because here you will find th-' greatest assortments of theý best qiie and you will always be sure of getting the latest crea- tions in shirtings. Priced $1.75 to $7.50 FURSý#-Tlhe Gif t Supreme ARE YOU IN DOUBT WHAT TO GIVE I4ER? Furs. will surely solve this problem. Favorite Furs in favorite styles added to our thorough and, artistic w7orkçmanship make oui' furs distînctly above tho average. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Chapelle dyed skins the finest the world can produce French Seat Coat, Australian Opposum Collar ard Cuifs, price .......................$235.W0 Aùstralian Brushed Coon Coat will give good service, price .......$85.00 Also numerous Fur Sets at prices to suit every- body's pocket book. It a]ways pays to buy furs from a practical fur rier. Our personal guarantee goes with every article. THURSýTON Bowmanville's Up-to-Date Haberdashery and fur Shop MUFFLERS cosy Brusýhed7 Wool Muffiers in Camiel, Heath- er and all the leading shades, are made wiith fringed ends. Priced $1.00 to$2& L __________________________________________________________________________________ BELTS Many me n will wear belts instead of susp)enders, but those who do not certainly have use for belts on many occasions durîng the year. The Hickok Belts answer this question in Beits, Priced $1.00 to $2.00 t ........... Just