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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1922, p. 5

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Give Slip pers This Christmas Everyhordy appreciates slippers for Xmas, and -ou wTill tind the kind that everybody likes at my etore. The immense variety 18 infinitely more than a mere display. It represents the practical answer to the family gift problem. Slip a pair of slippý-rs under the Christmas tree as a happy holiday remembrance. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SLIPPERS Boudoir Slippers of smooth leather With silk pompom on vamp and padded soles; Juliet Slip- pers with leather soles, medium 10W heels, orna-j ment on v.iinrand furlike binding. CHI LDREN'S SLIPPERS IN, GREAT VARIETY Ccsy Slippers with soft chrome leather soles, every shape and style wanted. MEN'S AND BOYS' SLIPPERS TP you wish to please a man give him slip- pers. We have just what they like in Romeos, welt sewn in Everett pattern, turned sole slippers and others, GIVE PRACTICAL GIFTS W-hat is More Acceptable Than Footwear? Copeland ShoeStore "For Reiable Shoes at Popular Prices" Pýhore 249 J. Bowmanville Christmas 1922 - The President, Directors and Officers, désire to offer to the Customers and Friends of the Bank théir Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas'and a Pros- perous New Year. The Royal Bank of Canada SUG GeSTION4S For Xmas Giýfts 0F BOOKS, STATION ERY AND FANCY GOODS BOOKS JARDINERES CANDLE STICKS CHINA WARE XMAS CARDS XMAS DECORATIONS From 75e to $2.00.- Ail the latest books of fiction by the best writers. Boxed, Linen and Kid finish plain and fancy colora and gilt'edges, fromn 25c to $5.00. Brass, in ail sizes, $1.50 to $5.50. Polychrome, the very latest in designs and colors, $3,00 to $5,00. Cups and Saucers in Coalport Aynsley Cream and Sugar, Fruit Dishes, etc., Caseroles, Vases. Large assortment fromn 5c up- wards. Crepe Paper, Tinsil Stream- ers, Holly Paper, Colored Twine, Silver and Gold Corda. W. T. ALLEN BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMAN VILLE I war. The Calgary llerald says: "H1e was a prince in lis profesýsion", and was eeteemed most highly by hie - asso- ciatesin the medical profession not only in Cabgary, but tlirougliout the West. In charcacter and aiiyhe ranked very bigli. Hia death will cause genuine srorow among the~ medîcal fraternity of WedternCan- BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 218t, 1922.1 OBITUARIES Mrs. Mary Jane Prou'se, Brooklin, Formerly of. Darlington. Many Darlington people will be in- terested in hearing that Mrs. Mary Jane Wakely, passed awày at her home in Brooklin on Friday, Decem- ber 3, in her 69th year. The Brook- lin correspondent to Whitby Chron- icle says: The late Mrs. Wm. Prouse was'born in Cornwall, England, in 1853, coming to Canada when a child. She lived in Darlington near Zion, until her marriage to William Prouse after which she lîved in Whit- by and Pickering Townships, and lat- er settled in Brooklin. The late Mrs. Prousê was a woman whom toi know was to love. When in the prime of if e she always r-eponded to the eall of duty, and was a de- voted wif e andmother. She was a Methodist in religion. She leaves to mourn her lose her 6orrowing bus- band- and three sons-Arthur, of Pickering, William of Alix, Alta., and Amos of Brookîju, The pail- bearers were two sons,' Who were present, and four brothers;, John Wakely, Hampton; Fred W. Allin, Bowmanville; Wesley and Louis AI- lin, Hampton ,the latter three being half-brothers. Mrfi. Sarah A. Henry, Oshawa, a Native of Haydon. News that Mrs. Ambrose Henry had passed away at her home, Osh- awa, November 25, came as a great shock to many friends. She had been ill for a few days. Cause of death Iwas heart f ailure after pneumonia. Deceased was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Tuer, Haydon, Darling- ton Township. After lier marriage with Mr. Ambrose Henry they resid- ed in Taunton and moved, to Osh- awa about fifteen years ago. She is survived by lier husband, one daugliter, Mrs. lleVancourt and a grandson, Mr., Rosas lerancourt. Mrs. Henry was a beloved and active member of the Simcoe Street Meth- odist Churcli, a member of the Lad- ies' Aid and was always present when b er health permitted. No lady held a warmer place in the aff ections of lier associates. She was also a member of the home ýdepartment of the Sunday Scbool and frequently attended the aduit Bible Class.< Funeral services were held at the family home, 66 Drew Street, Mon- day afternoon, and were in charge of- the pastor, Rev. J. H. McBain. The wealtb of charming fragrance and beauty of floral tributes testifled to the high eqsteem in which she was held. The bearers were Messrs. C. A. Lander, W. T. Allen, Bowmanville, Chas. Pirie, A. J. Stalter, W. A. Luke and Thes. Hawkes. Mrs. J. M. Brimacombe, The passing on Saturday, Decem- ber 9, of Mrs. Hester Ann Brima- combe severs the-last link in one of the oldest families in Darlineon township. Her maiden name was Hester Ann Cryderman, daugliter of the late Michael and Anna Benson Cryderman of Picton-one of the United Empire Loyalist families who came to Canada £rom the United States Êiany years ago. Deceased's grandfather Benson owned the land on which the second Methodist, Churcli in Canada was built. The flrst church built at Adolphustown now s-tands as a memorial building near Picton., Sixty-one years ago she was united in marriage with the late Dr. John M. Brimacombe and came Vo Bowmanville where she lived up to 'the time of lier death, flfty years of whicli she resîded at "Green- court" on Argyle St. lier liusband passed away in 1908 and in 1911 her only daughter, Lottie-the late Mrs. Fred- R. Foley, went to join her father. Mrs. Brimacombe contin- ued to live at "Greencourt"p until about a year ago when she moved to lier residence on Elgin-at., where she' was tenderly cared for by her nieces, the Misses Brimacombe, until about a month ago when it was found necessary to remove her to the hos- pital where she passed to rest as stated. She hue been a most faith- fui member of the Methodist Church since early years and was one of the 1oldest members of Bowmanville Methnclist W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid. Seldom was lier place vacaýnt when strength permitted lier to attend and no one enjoyed the services more. The funeral which was private took place Monday afternoon, service being conducted by lier pastor, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., assisted by Rev. t .1 e D f El f s s e o s s t o e i e GEQRGE CHENERY General Contractor in cernent work, hiouesý foundation, etc. Estimates furnishied. King-et., Bowmanville. 1- SHORTHAND, TVPEWRITING, 800K K EEP ING Complote Commýercial ana. General In- provement Courses. Students accepted at auy time. Good posgitionsý for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, Oshawa and Toronto, The fi nes~Xa gifts any woman could give- or hope f0 receive are Fuller Brushes: Hair brush, Flesh brush, Ma- nicurc. brush, Clothes brush, or any one of jI the many Fuller Brushes ý7, for either personal or household uses - as, many as you. want or as few as you want, _e; and put up in attract- ive holly boxes in. sets for Christmas Write or pho-no moto corne te youï house any day moât convenientteyu Box 4 Bownianville FUNERAL 0F, MRS. THOMAS OCE~ HOLSWORTHY, ENGLAND From 'Exeter Western Times A great wavo of eorrow vand eym- pathy lias ewept over I-olsworthy onl the death of Millicent, beloved.wifel of Mr. Thomas Oke, J. P., Park View. Few woro moreliououred and respoctod Vlan ehe. The ow's sympatliy goos out Vo Mr. Oke and family. Mre. Oke huasinade lier in- fluence Vo be f elt evor sinco coming here. She elione most brightly in her own home. The boss of sucli a mother menus nil the world Vo Vhe famiiy. Thoro were crowds attending the funeral ou Mouduy; la fuet, Bodmin- street was full from end Vo eud nfter a goodly number had gene in- to churcli te awuit the service. The membere of the Urban Council walk- ed lu pai rs,1 each carrying a bovely wreath. Rev. T. S . Kendall, Roctor, wulked with h'ev J. A. Dobson and Re'v. R. J. Harrs, and took part in the service by readiug the l*ssou. Mrs. Oke. haviug been a member of the 'United Methodist Churci, se was aken there firet, and after- ward6 Vo the punch dchurcliyurd, wliere sho was laid Vo reet. The mournore were: The liusbaud; Ena, Freda, Grace (dauglters) ; Jack (sou); Messrs. Jose, Wiil and- Fred Gard (brothors); Mm. W. Gardi (Eitliam); Mrs. F. Hourd, Mre. F. Oke, Mrs. W. Oke (sisters-iu-law); Messrs. F. Oke, F. Hourd (brothors- in-law); Mossrs. F. Oke, B. Oko, E. Oke, A. Oke, W. Hawkinig, J. Gard (nepliews); Mre. F. Oke, Mrs. B. Oke, Mise G. Hawking and Miss K. H-eard (nieces) ; Messrs. F. Oke (Bodmin), R. Oke (Bradworthy,) T. Westaway (Kibkhamptou'), J. West- away (Bradworthy), T. and J. Oke (Liftou). Mesdames R. Oke, F. Oko and Miss N. Oke (Bude), Mr. and Mrs. Beadan (Boscastle), cousins; Mr. Burrow and Mrs. Wiltou (Budo), Mrs. T. Furse (Bude), Sister Dougli- ty (Exeteir). The bearers, employ- ces of Mr. Oke, were Messrs. W.. Wickett, T. Farthing, J. T. Kers- lake, Joues, Sillifant and, Spry. Fol- Iowing the mouruers were the Urban District Councilbore, of whic*h Mr. Oke is the Cliairman, a large number of members of the Conciliation Lodge of Freemnasons (of-whid h lie is also a member), and the principale of the professional and business es- tablishments of the Vown and dis- trict., There wore beautiful floral tekeus. Iu addition to Vhe immedinate mouruers and relatives, there were present Mr. and Mrs. T. Ashiton (Chilsworthy), Mre. Soby and Mre. Slude (Pferriton), Mr. M. Yoo, J. P., Mr. W. Harris (Ruthordon), Mrs. S. IReed, Mr. J. Bobos, Mr. Jeweil, Mr. F. Harris, Mre. E. Oiver, Mr. K. Sandry, Mr. Medlund, Mr. A. K. Peter, Mr. Pengelly, Mr. J. Tape, Mr. R. Perkin, Mr. Staiibury, Mrs. L. J. Ordhard, Mrs. John, Mise Gbover, Mr. Edwarde, Mrs. Wonuacott, Mr. and Mrs. Beu Ashten (Beckby Terrace), Mr. J. Piper, Mr., Wellingt on, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Ashiton, Mrm. Cornieli, sr., Mi-W. Peuhle,-Mr-, Littlejohïig, Mms. Hamley, Mrs. J. B. Bliglit, Mn. W. Bines,_ Mm. Parsons, Mr. Dawe (Penrosos), Misses B. Hurford and L. Ford, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Rowland, Mr-. Badcock, Mrs. R. Daniel, Mms. Totton, and many of the farmers of 1the district who have been custemers 3of Mi-. Oke f or a great number of 1years. ________ HEALTH NOTES Fruits and green vegetables gener- alby are vory low in fuel value nnd unless they are EuPfflemeinted by adequnte umounts of mibk, cereabe, ared, sgar or other fuel foode, there ie naturably a riek of inad- oquacy. Meute vary iu their proteiu con- tent accerding Vo the eut, but would average about 20%. Oatmeal cen- Staine 16% and bread and coi-euh about 10%. About 12 oz. of brend, therofore, or 7 oz. of ont. meul, or 5 oz. ef mont are required to furnieli the protein oach day foi au average man. Less is really ne- tquired. us protoin from other sour- ces is sure Vo le included ini the diet. 1The old idea that "lalins" of meal are uecessary te support fipep"l and vituity is pnetty well exploded. Mrs Edith V. Scobell INSURANCE AGENCY AU lines of Fine, Lif e, Accident, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Healtb., Liahihty, Hold-up. LEGAL M. G. V. CUD B. A., LI.. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm and' Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phono ý351. W. F. WARD, B, A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money te boan, Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Streot, Bowmanvillo Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 279J. music T. W. STANLEY (London Collage of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Churcli, is propared to take pupils for Piano and'Voice Cult- ure. For terme phono 12, IIGreoný- Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m*. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medaliet of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Stroet, Bow- manville. Phono 108. C. W. SLEM0N, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Triuity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniekillen. Office and residence, Dr. Boith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- mauville.. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons Gruduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto, Office, King-st. East, Bow- mauville. Office hours 9 a. m. te 6 p. m. daily except Siinday. Phone 90a, House phono 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentîstry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal Colloge of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phono 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Houer Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and memberof Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in ahl its branches. Office -Kiug-st., Bowmanville. Opposite Bank of Montreal, Phono 801. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most complets equipment. Sunday and niglit calîs promptly attended to. Bowmunville phonos 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. THEO M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and House Sales a Speclalty. Terme moderate. Enniekillen P. O. Phone 197-r3. 1t VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Niglit Calle Promptly Attended to. Office King-st. W., Statemaa Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243., Bowmanville. Furm and Town Properties, fer Sale, Meney te Loan. Bonde for Sale. Accounts and Rente Colected. Deede, Mortgages, Wilbs, Leasea,. Agreements for Sale, etc., drawn at moderato charges. Surprise Vour Wife By Having That New McCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACE installed for Christmas. We kno7v you've been contemplating getting this, furnace l'or a long time. Nothing fizgained by putting it off--and think of th-,e real ge-nuine comfort the whole f amily will enjoy this Ninter with a warm house! Better corne in to-day and get an estimate, It does not obligate you in any way. Greenaway & Elliott tý Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or nîglit Bwnni i. I Phono 189 i -- ----l Bowinanville

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