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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1922, p. 6

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Buy him an Apex Record, 65c at HAYDON League service-n ù ndiyevef1ing was Fresh <'surie>s, fruits and groceries for splendidly attended. TLhe President the holidays at Cecil Osborne's Commun- conducted the opening exeýrcises after ity Store, Centre Street. whch the Literary Vice-President, Mrs. Russell Crossrnan took charge. Bible Read Lloyd George's weekly ar- besson was taken in three parts by ticle, a history-miakinig document, in IMes. T. Cowliug, Mrs. W. Thomson and Herad an Exarine, IMr. Leslie Graham; The topie "Regen- Sunday's ead ad Eaànr eration" was given by Mr. John Wright Chicago's Best Newspaper. Buyý it, and "Sister Churches by Mr. Theron at Nicholis'. Mountjoy. Instrumental music was gven by Messrs. A. Beech, T. Greer and An -excellent --protectiDn -aglfft-L-CdffiSýamofltth-Mrsý.-Theron Mount- bego i Mllr' Wrmjoy- as accompanist. Ileading by Mi'. worms can egti ilrsW m Charles Gareard. Meeting was dismis- Powders. They render the stom- sed by Mizpab Benedic ion... .Our com- ach nd ntetins utenbleto hem munity bas lost another of its most re- Thehaitesuraes taete hae be.spected and wprthy citizens in the per- Theyhealthesurfces hathavebe-son of Mr. Richard Ashton. As a fiend come inflamed by the attacks of the neighbor, and efficient officer, Mr. Ash- parasites and serve to restore the. ton was ready to do is share and will of te cîldthathasb jbe grea.ly missed. Much sympathy is strength oftecidta a een express ed to Mrs. Ashton, Miss Muriel undermined by the draughts that the and Me. Lloyd in their sad bereavement. worms have made upon it, and, that their OPeration is aitogether health- Gîve1 her a box of Note Paper, see giving. Ncholîs'. Last Minuteé ugsin We are particularly well supplied to help the Last Minute Shopporq. DELIGHTFUL PERFOME A dainty package of our Delightful Perfume would please the moat fastidioue. SUPERIOR NOTE PAPER_ A box (if Superior Note Paper makes a most acceptable gift. We hd.vP the "De Luxe" line at prices from 35c box up to $2.50. The quahity is high but not the price. -MARY ANNE CHOCOLATES Thon tYere le lways the Box of Candy. We can guar-, antee "Mary Anne Chocolates", for they are always excellent. MscSTARR RECORDS. For M-seLoves-Starr Records at 65c. FRENCH IVORY Ard French Ivory for everyone. Fountain Pens, big and smail, P'il and Waterman Pencils. HOT WATER BOTTLES Hlot Water Bottles for use of the whole family. AZALEAS Ar i "Azale.s'" for the lover of flowers. windows, UeWF lCLH VnIT T ÂIT A À1VFR R Ses them in our BOWMANVILLE..DEC. 218t, 1922. t 'HAMPTON Visitors. mr,. Harry Johns, Wycliff e College, Toronto, at L. Jobns'; Dr. Ewart Sarvis Toronto, spent the week- *end at Mr. . W. Souc's; Miss Muriel Truil, Bowmanville P. 0. Staff, spent tSunday at borne; Mr. J; B. Horn, Pet- erboro, et C. Horu's; Mes. C. Goodman ad daughter visited friends in Toronto; Special Chr.stmas music is being, pre- -pared by- th.e -cehoIe for -Xmas- Sunday - Offering in the evening will be for tbe "Upper Canada Bible 'Society ..Sincere *symrpathy is extended to Mes. H. Short .and family in their bereavement.... .Mise -Annie Johns, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at home... .Miss Minnie Horn speut a a f ew days in Toroto... .Me. c0. Horni after speudiug some time iu the Torontol jGeneral Hospital returued home witb j er, somewbat improved in health, tho' Istili coufined to is bed, We hope for a jspeedy eecoveey. jThe Womens Instituts of Hampton- h eld a very successful "At Home" in the basement of the chnrch on Nov. 30, wbicb was much eujoyed by ah peesent. Rev. W. W. Jones kindly acted as chair- man. The progeam cousisted of com- munity singing; readings, Mes. L, Allin, and Mes. R. Knox; recitations by Master T. Bates, Mary Niddery aud Miss Gert- rude Smith; a very instructive paper on 'Poultry' by Mes. A. H. Clemens; Trio, Misses Jessie and Helen Knox and Miss Elinor Sykes; Dialogue, Mes. R. Avecry aud Miss Ruth Johus; Vocal duet, MrSl C. Jobus and Mes. W. J. Clemens, se- compauist,- Miss Helen Johns. Two bumorous recitations by Mes. W. J. Vie- tue w bîch ahl enjoyed very mucb. The Presideut, Mes, C. W. Souch, in a -few well-chosen words ekýplained the mean- ing of 'Home sud Country'. A few words from a former pastor, 11ev. J. O. Totten and s short contest completed the literary part of the eveuiug. Lunch was served by the ladies. Some one asks.why uot bave mtore of these corn- muity gatheriugs..The W. I. met ati the home of Mes. T. Wilcox ou Thurs- day, December 7tht. There wass à good atteudance considering the iuclemency 'of the weatbei-. The ]Roll Cali on "what Xmas mneans to me" was responded to by aIl peesent. The President Mes. C.! Souch and Miss J. K(nox gave their re - Ports of the Provincial Convention i Toronto. A Paper on Christmas Giv- ing by Mes. R. Knox brongbt to a close a meeting that was enjoyed b3Î ail. Do't forget oui- Christmas Tree andj entertaiument on Tbursday,. December' 2lst. A good peogram is beiug prepaeed consisting oi readings, dialogues andi music. Corne and briug yonr friends.I Admission 20e aud 10c. 5)-21 Mr. and Mrs, Geo. White, Mr. I. j M. Law and friend Motored to Pet- erboro recentlY ai:d visted the' formers' daughter, Mrs. Charlton McBride.1 Will Horn off ers gft Suggestions în faucy odd china, ladies' slippers,I fancy towels, hosiery, boxed band- 1kerchiefs, paptrîes, toys, ties, suspen - ders, etc., also oranges, nuts an d candies gajore. 50-2j The 041 for the Athlete.-In. rub- CLUBBING LIST 1923 The Canadian. Statesman -or The Bowmanville News, per year. . 20 The Canadian Statesman Or The Bowmanville News will be clubbed with the undernamed publications at the prices stated. Globe ..................... ý$6.50 Mail & Empire.............. 6.50 Toronto Star........... ....615 Weekly Witness.............. 4.00 Fariners' Advocate............83.50 Christian Guardian........... 4.00 Farmers' Magazine........... 3.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star 3.50 Farmers' Sun............... 4.00 Canadian Home Journal....... 4.00 Canadian Countryman........ 3.50 Farm & Dairy............. 2.50 Mcbjean's Magazine......... 5.00 Christian Herald............. 4.00 DARLINGTON Base, Line Christmas Concert will be held on Thursday, December 21, at 8 P. M. A play "The Teaser" will be given by the young people; readings by Miss M. Adams, Bow- manville, music by towmanville Methodist Maie Quartet and others. iDrills, dialogues, etc., by school. Ad- mission 25e and 15c. Aluminum Sale on now at Nich- olis'. SOLINA Eldad Sunday School will hold its Christmas Concert on Friday evening, December 22. The pro- lgram wiIl consist of Christmas chor- uses, dialogues, drills, recitations, etc., closing with the Christmas tree and a visit £rom Santa Clause. Or- chestra in attendance. Admission 25e and 10c. Everybo-dy welcomne. 50-2w Christmas Cards-1000's a1 Nich- olîs'. ___________ TYRONE Mr. A. W. Annis . ed the VT. F. 0. Convention in Tor or_. . Entertain- ment s are mnucli in e_-ce la this viciaity this week, wve )e ail ail1 be well p-atronized.... .Mr iton Bige- low, 11ev. W. T. and Mrs , 1ett mnot- ored to Little Britain a eek, the latter remnaining to assi- n aurs ing her father w ho is criticat ili Several from here at4.- _ed Wal- lace Mille-r -_ shooting n-!.atch lasti p,,k - - , u.. W S.P. Ruvce, B.A.,.11 MAPLE GROVEj SALEM Rev. W. T. Wicltett, Tyrone, %-eey ably ACramsTe n ocr occupled the- Pulplt bers Sunday after- ACrsmsTee n ocr noon in the nîissionaey interests.... .Miss will- be held in Salem Church _ on Irma Power, Peterboro Normal, is hou- j Thursday evening, December 21et. daying at borne... .Miss Clara Tueker, Program to consist of dialogue,, Oshawa, visited ber parents.... .Mr. Lloyd h Metca If, town, visited bis grandfather, cihoruses, drills, recitations and or- Mr. Samuel Snowden, .... Miss L. Lowry cheStra music furnishied by "The spent the week-end with friends lu Osh- Bragg Quartette". Admission 25c awa.... .Congratulations to Miss Florence and 10c. Aldswoetb on winning the Couch Prize for writing, and Miss Vera Power on winning second... Qulte a number from aroundl-h.ere- attenaed -the--Hlgb -Scbool - -HRpATC ----- Commencement on Friday evening.. Mr. Roy Metcaif in recoverlng after his operation for appendicitis at Bowman- Dr. Dur'win E. Steckley, honor ville Hospital .... Mr. Lloyd .5nowden bas gaut fTrno Ciorci returned home from Bowmanville Hos- aut of orno Cipacc pital. . .. Soeey to loose sucb good citi- College, Temperance Street, Bow- zens as the Tueker families from our manville. Houre 2 to 5, Tuesday, mnidst. hrdyadStra,7t vn Seb ool report for S. S. No. 6, Darling- iThusday and Saturdicay7toM9.even- ton, Maple Grove Xmas 1922-fiursde -ins WilbinofcatM.ar note per cent. Sr. IV-Jack B~rwn 85, rie's house, Main Street, New- Mary Sewaed 78 absent for 6 subjects,cate ody Wdesy ad Fred Samis 78, Nellie Snowden 77, Bea- Fciastie, Mond ay, enday of yen Snowden 75, Clarence H-ockin 72, Fia. A rn fenoso absent for 3 subjecîs. Jr. IV-Eileen saine days. Phonee: Bowmanville, Hockin 80, absent for Art, Noeab Tuck- Office 141 j. Residence 141w. er 64 absent for Agriculture, Russell Your body îs likened to a great Gimblett 61, James Armstrong 59 failed in total and 1 subjeet. Sr.II- Edward building occupied by a number of Attree 85, Vera Trimble 82, Rose Somn- perfectly constructed machines (or- erscales 70, Corsina Samis 66, Willie gans ach avn a pcf wr Laird 60, Ernest Brock absent. Jr. 11gn1hhaigaeecfewr -Bessie Tucker 54 absent for 3 sub- to do. back of this'the cerebra spinal jects, Eteika Trimble 60, Mildred Brook nervous system which furnishes the 50, Marion Snowden 49, Vernon Trimbie pwrt enable them to do their 44, Gladys Brock 42, Earl Gimblett 40. pwrt etrlo fe h Sr. 11-Ellen Gimblett 83, Doeotby S-,ev- work properly, etrloatrth es6,Dorothy Somerscales 1 aýpwr ftenre r ih h Freernan 60, Elsie Samis 614. Maymanowerh. If the nerves areritte Alfred Laird, Lavone Trimble, Wilfred'mnisrgCoIfte nrvetareo Aldworth. IClass-Helen Tucker. rnSOi h mn osutto Lillîan N. Lowry, teacher.- 15 free. WOOD SALE Thursday, December 28-Mr, An- drew E. Devitt, ;wIl sell on lot j acres of good standing mix, tm ber inquarter acre lots. Also 300 cedar posts. Purchasers rnay have to 1924 to rem.ove timber. Sale at 1 P. nm. See bills. ÇGo0 Jackson & Sons, Auctioneers. , AUCTIONEER James Bennett 10 years' experience ini farmn, furniture. and bouse auction sales. Address Jas. Bennett, Hardware Merchant, ICing-st.,, Bo wmanville, Box 33, phone 131. Jas. Bishop, Oshawa, han had nearly 30 yeara' experience as suc- cessful auctioneer.. He conducteu ail kindg of sales. Local represent. ative, Tom Percy. 40-t' WOOD FOR SALE The undersigned offers for' pri-vate sale a limnited amount of either standing, eut, or dry hardwood in quantities tcv suit purchaser. Colin Colville, lot 35, 1con. 7, Clarke; Phone Ir17 Orono Tel. Co.. Bowmanville R. R. 4. 60-t McMURTRY & CO'S.-WEST END HOUSE IS' ATreasure House 0F Christm s 'Gifts Santa Cl1aus 1,-new what he was talking about Ai

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