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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1922, p. 7

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IVES' CASH SHOE STORE THE Useful Gîfts Shop Ramble through our store-here-there- and yonder-and no matter where you look you see gift suggestions in footwear or travelling goods of real menit in their usefulness-their quality-their appropiateness-and their excel- lent value-just three more shopping days tifl Old Sinta nmakes his rounds. GIVE IVES' F'OOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS .SUGGESTIONS FOR WOMEN Fur Triiiied Juliets ........................$2.50 pair Fine Grade Felts, in old rose, pink, blue, and bimege ...... ...................... $2,25 pair Leather Boudoirs with rubber heels, in BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 2lst, 1922. LOCAL ANDOTHERWISE I'm at Nicholis' Santa, Claus. Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner recently visited friends in Oshawa., Mr. Chas. H. Mason was in Prest- on on Monday on a business trip. Mrs. W. Quick recently visited her sister, Mrs. E. Parsons, Cedardale. Toys and then gome at Nicholîs'. Dr. E. Sarvis, Toronto, spent Sun- day with, bis aunt, Mrs. Jane Allun, Centre St. Miss Gladys Jackson of Toronto Normal is with her aunt, Mrs. James Courtice. Don't forget the cildren-shop at Nichoils'. Mr. -George'Allin spent a few days in the city visiting bis brother, Mr. W. Allin., Messrs. Philp and Ross Tilley of the University of Toronto, are home for holidays. The Misses Brimacoiùbe spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Rd. Snowden. Oshawa. Mrs. Walter H. Wigg, Oshawa, visited ber aunt, Mrs. W. Ellenor on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott, Taunton, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Odell-st. Mr. Willard Taylor, Toronto, Den-1 tal College, spent Sunday with bis cousin, Mrs. Chas. H. Mason. Miss Mildred Lawrie and Miss 1Vaud Ramsay of Toronto Normal School are spending the holidays at their homes here. Come and visit us-we'll both gain-at Nichoîls'. Oshawa Telegram Christmas Num- ber was ail home print and is one of the best Yuletîde productions to reach our sanctum. Mrs. H. M. Foster and Miss Aura Caldwell recently visited the f orm- er's, parents, Mr. and, Mrs. S. R. Caldwell, Port Hope. Hear Miss Lepha D-oncaster's pup- ils in Hawaiien guitar, and piano re- citai on Friday evening, January 5, in St. Paul's Lecture Room. Taylor's Skating Rink is now go- BIRTHS SALSON-In Bowmanville Hospital, Dec. 9, to Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Balson, a daughter., HADOV-In Bowînanvill'e Hospital, oni Saturday, December 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. K. Haddy, a son. METCALF-In South Dartington, Dec. 14, to Mr~. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf, (niee Lyra Trenoulth,) a daughter, (Gladys Madeline). MARRIAGES SCULTHORPE-WICKETT - In St. John's Church, Port Hope, by Rev. James A. Elllott, Dec. 14, Olive Beatrice, daughter of the late John Wickett and Mrs. Wlckett, and Robert Sculthorpe of Port Hope. MYLS-WALTER-At the residence et the brides parents, Orono, December l2th, by Rev. A. K, Edmison, B. A., Hazel Faustina, youngest daughter of1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walter, and Mr'. Calvin Leslie Myles, son of Mr. W. N. Myles of Deseronto. SCOTT-BARRI E-At the residence of the bride's parents, King-s.. E., on Wed- nesday, Dec. 13, by Rev. W. T. Wickett, Tyrone, Ronald Bruce Scott, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Tyrone, and Mabel Gertrude, only daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barrie, Bowman- ville. DEA'tHS EVANS-In Orono, ou Tuesday Dec. 19, Margaret Janç Colville, beloved wife of Mr. Ephraim Evans, Yelverton, aged 59 years. Funeral from residence of Misses Col- ville, Centre-at., Orono, on Friday, Dec. 22nd, at Dowmanville Cemetery. GIF FORD-In Oshawa, Dec. il, Lyman Gifford, aged 56 years, 2 mionths. ARMSTRONG-In Kendal, Dec. 14, Ellen Jane Armstrong. Interred at Orono. FIDDIS-At Weston, Dec. 14, Isabel Fiddis, formerly of Elackstock. InLer- ment at Nýestleton Cemetery. CALVERT-At ,he home ot her daugh- ter, Mrs. Dowýney, Reaboro, Ellen Hlick- son, widow ef the late Thomas Calvert of Opa township, in ber 80th year. SKAE-On Saturday, Dec. 16, at 580 Huron Street, Toronto, Rebecca Skae, heloved sister of Mrs. Edward Temple, and daughter of the late Edward Skae of Oshawa. WHITE-At Victoria Memorial Hos- pital, Toronto, on Tuesday, December 19, 1922, Denizel White, aged 64 years. Interment at Bowmanville on Wednes- day 2th mast. KING-At ber late resideuce, 0 IN MEMORIAM BOTTRELL..In loving memiory of Evelyn Bottreil, who died Dec. 20th, 19171 Friends may think that we forget you When at tim'es they s'e us smile, But they do flot know the sorrow Which that smile holds- ail the whille. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, fond and true; There la not a day, dear Evelyn, That we do flot think of you. Sadiy missed by Mother, Step-fatherl and Sisters, PASCOE-In ever loving memory of i our dear husband and father, Thomasý Pasc-oe, who fell asleep Dec. 18, 1921. This day brings back to memory A dear one gone to rest, And those who think of him to-day Are those who loved him -best. Wife and Family. FIREMEN'S BALL The annual bal and supper of the Oshawa Fire Departmnent will be held on Thursday, December 21st., in the Armouries and Town Hall, Oshawa. An excellent programn and supper are promi6ed. Tickets $1.00 per couple. 50-2 BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Annual Me eting of'the above So- ciety wîli be held in the Council Room in-,the Municipal Building1 at 8 p.m., on. Thursday, January il, 1923, for election of officers for ensuing year and for general business. Mrsi J. J. Lord,, Mrs. E V. Scobeil, f President. Secretary.E 51-3W, ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Cow just renewed, Dur- ham and Ayrshire, second caîf. Apply T. Wesley Cawker, Bowýmanville. 504tf FOR SALE-Floor Lamp, neyer been used, and a billilard board and kit. Ap- ply to Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, Division St, Bowmanville. 51-tf. FOR' SALE-White Wicker Baby Car- niage,, mon cot, mattress and sprîngs. No reasonable off er refused. Apply to J. T. B. Box 444, Bowmanville. 50-tf FOR SALE-i Bay Mare, 12 years old; 1 sorrel mare, 9 years old; 1 colt, this year, a good one; 1 heifer, 18 months' old. Mrs.. Andrew Reichraih, Clarke, P. O. Ontario. 49-tf BROWN LEGHORNS-13oth Rose and Single Combs,,Cocks and Cockerels, Pul- let Breeders and Cock Breeders, includ- ing lst prize 'cock, Ist prise cockerel at Kingston last week, inspection invited., Jamers C. Campbell, Port Granby, Ont. '51-i FOR SALE-Power Makers-just the thing for farmers who have cars-will saw wood, grind feed, etc. Only 4 left, regular price _137.50, clearing et $2000 cash. A. W. Pickard, Phone 185, Bow- manville. 51-t FOR SALE-At the annual sohool meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 27, at 10 a. m. at Maple Grove there will bie of- fered for sale a good woodshed, mnetal of board fence, seven storm saab. By order of Board. Chas. Snowden, Secre- eory. 51-1st, eae, u ntt WANTED WANTED-I am prepared to do ail kinds of car ing. Will also take orders and deliver Chrîatmnas'trees and ever- greens at reasonable pnices, phone 205r3. H. W. Hamm, Manvers Rd., Bowman- ville. 48-40 HARDWOOD FLOORS POLISHED-The undersigned is prepared to polish bard- wood floots and to attend -,o ail orders for painting, decorating and kalsoming. Phone 363 J. Jas. H7. Abernethy, OdeIl fStreet, Bowmanville. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Lot about flfty feet front- fage at corner of Centre and Concession Streets. containing good barn, easily con- vertible Into house. Apply Bruce Hon- «eywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- phone 194-2. 22-tf FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens farmn located at Tyrone, Ont., containlng one, bundred and flfty-four acres, about 20 acres orchard, nîne bearlng. Ploughing possession thîs Pall. Apply Ftruce Honey. weiI, 60 Duke Street. Torcitta, or tels- phone 194-2. Bowmnanville. 52-tf LOST OR FOUND LOST-On Friday afternoon, Deo. 15, Ia Waterman fountain pen in box, either 1 on King or Division Sts.. Finder leave r at Statesman Office. 51-tf COLLIE DOG-Came on our premnises about Decembber 6th. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. West End Livery, Bowrnan. ANIMALS ESTRAY-Strayed on lot 25, con. 8, Darlington, about Auguat i a year-old steer. Owner mnay have eUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Thx.ee samne by proving p)roperty and paylng of the fineat building lots In Bowmanvfle expensed. R. Bentham, Burlçeton. 50-3 are being offered for sale at real bar- STRAYED-Fromn lot 20, con. 5, Dar- gains, situated at the east end of Lovera lington, about Dec. 4, a ,baby beef, Lane on Liberty-st., 40 fIt front by 1251I weigbing about 400 Ibs, roan grey In feet deep, handy connection te town sewerl color, with one horn off. Reward for and water. Apply ta Norman 0.E8. 1 return te K. Winterburn, Hampton, James at Statesman Office, Bowmanvllle. Rý R. 1. Phone 350-14. 51-1w w]! il .DLjcriJU.Teelb ..........................J uupair Fine Grade Plaid with real leather sole .. ..2.50 pair Brown Nid Comfys ....................$2.25 pair' .A few odd s*zes at special prices of .... $1.25, $1.90 & Y HOCKEY BOOTS Men's at .....$5 or $6 Women's at...$4.50 Boys' at ........... $4.00 Youths' at . ......,. $3.00 GREETINGS That youwill celebrate the happiest Christ- mas you have ever known, and that the coming year will bring to you and yours a full measure of health. inappi;ness- and prospenity is our sincere wish. STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILL XMAS ,~W. CLAUDE IVES Bowmanvî1le Cash Shoe Store Hligh' School wifl be the new Princi- pal, succeeding Mr. J. G. Aithouse, B. A., who resigned to accept the ap- pointment of hegdmaster of the Uni- versity of Toronto Schools. Beautiful Cut Glass at Nichoils'. We off er our heartiest congratula-, tions to Mr. J. D. Storie of Oshawa whose wife is a flarlington lady on being elceted for the l2th year Presi- dent of Oshawa General Hospital. The annual reports show a banner year. Mr. Storie in his address bore testimony to the good work of the Wonuen's Hospital Auxiliary. Editor C. W. Richards of Mill- brook Mirror hit on a good idea this season. H1e invited the ministers of his district to contribute Po his il- lustrated Christmans Number a mes- sage for Yuletide. Rev.' Canon Allen, M. A., Rev, S. T. Tucker, B. A., B. D.-, Millprook, Rev. Edward R. James, R. D, fRector Omemee, Rev. James E. Befkel, Béthany, Rev. R. M. Patterson, Fraserville, and Rev., Henry Wilkinson, Pontypool, con- tributed tiïnely articles. Mr. Wmn. Siemon of Winnipeg, Man., bas been visiting his uncle, Mr. WM. Trewin, and numnerous other relatives in town and vicinity. He is a grandson of the late Wmi Motley anc* Williamn Siemon of Haydon. TOLET FARM FOR RENT-112 acrea good1 land and baildings, immediate possession Âpply J. C., Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-te ýTO RENT-Two or three newly de- corated rooms, unfurnished. Apply te Mr§. E. Loucks, next door te Mrs. Wm. Richards, Duke-st., Bowmanville. 51-1* FOR RENTr-nod brick reside~nce con- taining 10 roomns, closets and pantry, electric light and furnace, corner Con- cession and. Centre St., l3owmianvIlle. Possession after Nov. 11. Apply to Mrs. W. R. Clemnens, Tyrone. Phone 194-r2. 44-tf CONSULTING ENGINEERS JAMES PROCTOR & REDFERN LTD 136 Tarante St., Toronto, Can. Brldgbe, Pavemients, Waterworks, Power Planta, Incineratorsi Factor- les, Sewerage Systeme, EHydro leet- rie Àrbltratlons, LItIgatien. Phone Adel, 1044 Cable "JPRCO"~ Toronto. OUR PEES-Ueually .pald eut of the mnoneY we ave our clients. .1". theGrad Jry returned ta court to- dyatrvisiting the public institu- tin nly seven of themi were pre- sent. 0f the others, Morley Smith- son of Otonabee had gone ta the U. F. 0. Convention in Toronto, and Aldernýan M. TPurniei and W. B. Warner of Peterboro, were at their homes, and, it was reported, had not accompanied the faithful seven in their rounds., Judge Huycke or- dered the She~ff not to pay the ab- sentees, but it was learned that they had already been pai-d for the day by the County Treasurer. It was also stated that none of the jurors had absented themnselves until, the two criminal cases had been dis- posed of. Judge Huycke said that hi' could fine Mr. S'nithson up to $1,000.-Glob.e Despatch. STUDENTS READY FOR HOCKEY Central Interco'legiate Hockey League Elect Officers. Representatives from the Collegiates and Righ Seboola of Bowmnanville, Osh- awa, Whitby, Port Perry, Port Hope, Picton, Belleville, Napanee c,.d Pe'er- boro, met in the High Scbool, Port Hope, on Saturday last to discusa the matters connected with the above league for thei coming season. Mr. J. G. Ai bouse, Oshawa, the retiring presiclent wbo bas accepted the principalsbip of University of Toronto School to take effect after Christmas, congratulated the winners of eacb group and also the Bowmanvflle team wbich won the cbampionship last year. In the change of miles this 'clause wa.s added: "The referee for the final gamesi la to be a neutral man appointed by the sub-comml tee and, ii to he paid1 hy the home club". Other piaying ruies are the saine as O. H. A., inciuding the new changes made thîs 'year. Officers eiected for coming year: Hon. President-President of Oshawa Rotary Club; President-3. S. Brown, Peter- boro; Vice-Pres.-W. J. Mornîson, B. A., Bowmanville; Secretary-Treasurer-A. W. Ferguson, Oshawa. Bowmanville Highi Schooila grouPed with Oshawa, Whitby and Port Ferry, Iwith, Mr. A. R1, Scott, Bowmanvîlle, as convenor. Bowmanville ,High Sohool bas a good lot of felloýS, -Who are tra-Ing aiready and they hopp e t pult Up some good games for the hockey enithuslasts who SUPported them s90 welIluntheir semi- final and final gamxes Iast year. riuimes a& Euwaru Standard Silver Co. Can, Wm. Rogers Co, WATCH ES. Elgin Omega Waltha m Hlgh-Grade Swiss CHINA- M intons Wedgwood Other Odd Pleces Royal Crown Derby Colport Indian Tree Aynsley Crawn Derby SAFETrY RAZORS: Gillette Auto. Strop OTHER GOODS., Ebony Jewelry Novelties Diamondse Cut Glass French Ivary Leather Goods Fauntain Pens Qreeting Carde Ev ersharp PencIls Electrlc Reading Lamps NO MATTER 110W LONG YOUR LIST OR 110W SHORT YOUR TIME, YOU CAN FIND AT ELLJOT'S JEWELRY STORE HUNDREOS OF ANS WERS TO EACH AND EVERY CHRISTMAS PROBLEM. FOR LT STANDS TO REASON, DOES LT NOT, THAT A S HOP WHJCH SPECIALIZES IN GJFTS ALL THE YEAR. ROUND IS BEST EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU WELL AT CHR!SqTMAS TIME? YOV-7 WILL FJND IN THIS STORE- CHRTSTM'AS GIFTS-MODERATE IN PRICE -PRACTJCAL-LOVELY-ONE FOR EVERY -MEMBER 0F THE FAMILY. WE WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A RIGHT JOLLY AND MERRY, CHRISTM AS. ALEX. ELLIOT King St. E. JEWELER-WATCHMÀKR-ENGRAVER, 1Phone 207 Bowmanville w, ýL v

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