M.R. Hi. A11len1 is eonifined" to her Plan to attend the Cookin'g 'hol Bo ead Toronto, on ivtonctaY, 20 .lhoe sufferiig frn afa]!. on Januaiy !Lot. Ye my have the 24190inl)ierlStyear. 5c te htJyafter Visitinig IherIe. co24d r. T. iViNeil spenit Chistmalýs and Mary Jane oSrwantn e Mr, illarold Cobhledick ýisNew Year's withis agtr r. oetFruonGa,1e& 1to his homenl with the mulmps. GoldûnIl Martin, of Neweastle. hier, A private servýice took 25C Mrs. TI. Deanl and ;Mrs. A. West Ms etie am hdafew from the Clhailpel of .M1orley S. were iu Bowvmanville on Tuesday. days holidays anid visited 'ber par- ford, 1,79 EF.ilington Ave. Wes 33MAr. andMr.Gog Butters en- ents and therý friends in townr. Lascelles Boulevard)>, on Tue «% tertained at t'w,\o dinner paties tIis Mr. and _Mis. Chiarles Jobns and 2 weclk. family, of Lakefield, spent Sunday________ lMrS. George Butters and Phoebe with Mr. andi Mrsý. Chiarleýs Wod. 2OC C-r-don vsti friends in the city re- -lUisses Anita &criveu and Nellie Balanced Fe 17<C Mr- and iir.CarscLadden enter- wt r and Mrs. Johni Armnstrong.Àe4 fnined friends at dinner on Monday MVr. Win. Ecký, superintendent 'of Mr- 7c. West is visiting- her sonl, spent Sunday with Mr. andMi VLs. R. h Mr. Ab, West, and faluily for a, few H. Brown, week:s. Mr. "Bill" Brownl, enrcute froi- 5PC.Dmf 23 Alstrs n are closed every New Jersey to Montreal, sp,-Ient New alývBe f veningjj. througho'Ut the winter mon- Yeari,ýs with his pi-et, lVMr. and Mr. aby Be'eves, Beef YearlirLg 91C hýse-,êep Saujvays R, 1, rOw. blaned eed ifthey are tu F-ýost, lftfor Toronto on The cur-lhng rink7 will soon bie iu use kinid of finish. 37c üleseV where he -will take( a if the cold wxeather holds, and now i corein wireless telegraphy, the tim-e to form t eanis for this f'av-Sh rG n B 31 Mr.Arthur Dr-imrnond (1spent Sa-c ri e ne ast-ne. Cluban 1 urd1(ay and Sunidayv in Guelph visitinsg AntiocliHom10-e and Sehnool cu Feeding Bonte Meal, Corn Di lie faher wý i int'b hopitl. which wsto have held their first he.ahrwoiàn.h o 73. mein hsnouh uld f h Molasses, Ojîcalçe Meal, Old Mr elWo as secure~d a pos:- yoteld 2 c tion with tie Liglg2ettDrug Co., Tor- fair on acont cf so m-nch sicknmess. stone. (iaa 2,OC ,ntoand epeets to lave nxt EelaPatterson, S. Souch mW nd Ts.J.Eaglesou attended the G a n .1ýDc M r. aiol id m. sd. t we r andfllel, of the late iMrs. Joe Phillips Protein 35 per cent, Fat 2 pE Mr. arldDen pet ewYr s i n to nSatur'day, January 4th. cent, Phc 23c wihth i daghter, 'lr. and(Mrsl A. arî Tintoff ln h e u otü of 32e Es1tý!jrW.C. R. MVitchiell left eveni-ing and -reeive,'d a nastY eut 01-1Shur-Gail Oron onMoncay y ambulance h is le-g which required eight stîtc hes- iced jKingston LMilitary Hospital fo, fur- to close.SupisteDesayn tber treatmlent. Mr. Roniald Patterso-i left for Tor- Whein eetks the la-w into th e ir onto oun Sunday, -where he will lunder- O ow a-d hyshould make sure, go further exaiaintion and endea- L I 11 1 8c and doebiy sure, they are not puulish- vour- to join -with the Rýoyal'Canladian ingl an innocent victintl Air ForgQe, WE DELIVER umun-fanaî and Mris. Leland Reate and Thle Aunual Me1ceting of Clar1keý daug'hter Eleanor, and Bll Fourid, of District L.O.L. will ho hehM at N'e;'w- Toronto, visited wt r m r.tonville ou Tuesda, Jnay 4h W. E. Davey last week-end. 1911, at two o'elýck, in the afternoon Mr. ami is; S. A h r euated (standard time). ilivery their 32n~d -edding anniversary on Mr. D). Keith ýMcElroy is in Louis- Monday evening of tIis wee1e, by hav- ville, Kentuc'ky, uzhere ho has been fl 5 inIg a few frieuds in for eards. de1gaedby the Pbi Chi Medical Fra- t1eeity te University of Toronto ____________________________ to attend tisçonveiltîon. lu Lpher Velu : "Bill" Robinson * gflllÔunces the o13eniiTh of a liew ah- it Pays bàtfù1IluinAn-tiocb, uew utetho'd, super scald~work ues on eitherlhog- or bar.Yoll, patronagýe uOlicited, 1 'Mr. W. H. B arett cè1eIrated bis _____________ 78th birthdlay ou Ghriistmas Day Nwth inl Bowmaniville. Mr. BarrettMXE is en,;oyin-L.- the best of health, an"Id we N Y I -wish hilm lnrY mOre hUPPy birth- 2LS * Mr. A. F, West broke his Ïight col- laroneou ednscay afte rno lasýtI