Gui d«ng RuIez sFor P'arets Mrs. Emily Past -l as Wrltten A New Blue Book On HOW Tc. Ti-at Childrýen juas lienry Ford StýanqardI- lxedautmohlesandI puýt tbem ifn eeh 1of everybo)dy5 , s m Po .that siliin.gol-aine woman boeface is feqmunty afeature ,of wom-IenS' m1agaozines belivesin culddiscipline. Iu ber lue ook oen the subject: "ChidrcnarePeopfle" Mrs. port jas own sonme ules to whc progessies igilt tàke excep- rin utths rules bae a ptrogape al tosant; e nseet the vîcws of mnodemn psy- chologists. Somne of thrmles inake uhappy, aught'ycilrn Neyevýr talk to a cb'ild or or ý- rec hi beoreother peple. Neyerbrak pomie ade a nchild. Nyrpuniish a cbld by, ut Cnghiu to bcd. (Bcd sbould be Spýank ncidoniýy forxtem wirdmcaos(forex pl a teprtanutr-um-; forshouting "Shut Up!"> Ney-,er bec afraid to tel! a cbuldH that you don't know, inanaswer to nquestion. Neyver opew s hal's aïil. Alciidflsbouid ct rnetly alt twonn-ablfyears Jone," asud not er "Yes or yeb"thougb the latter rmay b n-sed durying play. A isould bold is m- Itber'schair at the tabl, fetch bis ;fath-em's bat, neyer shout Up- staîrs, sud always knock before eatering s bedroomn. Girls sbould Wear bats OUt- oos(itlessu)esis a "defin- tesign of infrior clas.") No girl should lbe ade a"Miss" befoe 16 and nboy as Mm" efome 18. The age at which a girlnmay go t a ovi wih abo)y depends on eIruS tancc- s, ]In a small town she msay do so at tweive; jra largu city in winteirý , wen ~s- darkness ces early she a noVtMIl aftcr 15. No\ne, of the foreg i ues are severe.Tbey fomm a very goo guide for dhe parens. ~ Amethysts For Sohriety Febýruar-Y BrhStale Sp poseé ta Be The Orinker's The amethyst, birthstne for1 Frurdeives its namie frmom w Geerord which meanas I Tht ay be one reaýSnI the maaieNatural liistory sug- geýs~, for its eputation as thýie dik'africnd. Legenrd bar itan artic lu inte mragae ra -,thaanbysts oseatbe power to wr f n toictonio mtter b ~much th3eir possessor drin-ks. LEGENIJS $URROUND IT m.Fmderick Pough o-,,lie .America;n Museu of NtuiraM llistory -a7Sslegends of the a ýton's âpecîal v-irtue mnay hav~e arisenl t-rom te act that it iswie Ano11ther possible expilanationi, 1,e anys, imay hc tbat the anIecits *Iarved goblets from n thsa Wmatem poured into sucb eulps woiuld o Mirîe wine 1bu-t woud-i't rnake the driner intoxicat lin addition to being t ýhe drink- er' freud the ametbhtst guards against limera, evil thouglits and ,barm ; l eral, arding - business, keepasolldi7rs o ha'rm In battIe and belps -ýarriarIs CHA1PTER ONE NEXT PATIENT! fmthe eterhe was rcading t- Manisalatbis desk smîiling ike th at tatswilweutecan1- arKldare gînd "Juit l 'Unt)w~ m o therwritslie said koigy "Shesay: 'ouln'tit be fiee to have Dr, Gillespije gi-ve the bride aaysince 3Mariy 1hasn't any renatives in New York. Dr.Gilespe'sface assum)ed an nstonisheud loo. No ow did yor oterever ok f that?" "Becausé you roteadase ber o,"Kilareaccused ecvenly. -'l did nï-ot!" Gillespie retortedi. The laughied. "Wel-Jîmmii-y --it was my idea. 1 love formai weddinlgs with eVerybody Il dressed Up."' "So that's Ilhy you kde Ma-ry anldmeont of e'lopinig that night up in Parkersvile ?" The other, nodded. "It is. n Don't miss this opportunityl Just take a label from a tîîî of CROWN SYItUP-a rite on t-be back your mime and address ani the titis of the picture you Want (i label for ~aeh pieture). Mail the label to Depi. 3.6, Ibe Canada Starch Company Limited. 49 W cil- ingion St. East, Tur~rt~. Y ,u r ehosen pieture or - pietÙrei~ will be inalird to yoo im- mediatcly. l3/iantedet SSlow Burtii7qJ CIGARETTE PAPERS ISSUE 8-241 l'Il Cet suiappiestdressger 'la, chrc t your w"eddIing ifte moth fs lhavenl't got inito m DOWNSTAIRS" Thie door openled suddenily. T4e stopped short to ghle at tble l--r truder. "MIoliy Byrd " lbeth- dered, "A lady knlocks beýforec dhe enter a n oo" -ni o lady," Mlly nser ed Ciblnldly, T-imSuper-intend(ei{t of Nurse. Beides I didnt come in here to talk to yowT" She turul- cd to Klar."Doctor, bias ar Lamront got a brýother ?" "Ys"rephied young ildare. "H's a teller in a bank ont wust in becr bomletownl, Mason City. ,Why?", "Wl, es not out west ow," Molly said. "He's do)Wnstnirr." Jimimy jumped to bis feet in sur-prise. "Doe's-Mary fnow e' bere?" "No-she won't be ont of ur gery until12:30" J immuy turned to Glespie. "Mmnd if I run downstairs and secý tbis 'buotlier?"'lbe asked. "'Go-ahead," replied N1ü]yý as- sumiling commiiand.i "Dr.ý Gillespýie bias to est bis lunch niow, aily- biowý." She swung up lion thie old, dloctor severecly. -"And you'd bat ter ent it! I odred it myscWf for you. Nice rnw crosandý ietuce." "Fn~~ growled Gillespie. "Non you can order the rabbit to cnt 'cm." Dowulstairs n lutlobby rcp timiî roum, Jimmy found Mry'r brother.lic was a pleasant look- igyounig manrinilbis late twýe- "Mr.Lamuont?" Jimmny askcd,, "Ys"smiled thie otber, Jimmiy etnddbis band. "' iMmy Kildare." Lamont's face Mhgtened up 'a.z he took Jimmiiy's hand warmily i his owu. "And I'm cary'sbro- thier, Doýuglas." His ee wp over Young Dr. Kildaie. Wll! be raid finially, "aftcr rys et- ters I expected you to be s coir- bntion of Abraham Lincoîi n an "Just wit tilI you bear wh1at I thiuk about ber," Jimmiy Tatsail r ighit with ince Dougins raid bappily ,"and Iv knro wnil berv longer than yo u "Did seknow you wreco- "N-Iknw darned wllShe'd, w-yabouit IllegivilgngiUp my job to corne east."' "Going to setule bere in cw York?" "Ne Yok'sthe bcst place t pult .ovr m proposition," Doug- las raid determiincdl.- liepaus;ed- and uoCked bis bed as if be were- "Wbhats theimatter ?" K0idae asked curiolisly. "Nothi~g,"the other nsuer ed quicly pe'g~e for WarSaig 'iou acited ae if you IîO4Ld "No, 11o, Nothifng at 0.1U," Doug- Sadoyou mmd if I donr't teriyou abtLc tthisprostn untl Ive alkd t May -you See, you mny be in on it if she "tsoundinretg- "It is. Look -yur i anaround this plce- an you get word-toomy siter tat Fi here S" -1'il1trycfelied Kildare won- derîng atL the te' quicýk change Ji~my crss tro the nre' de'k at the door and was about to make lis exit rien he looked býack. Dou1glaýs Lamonitstfr wadinbschair, bis head ,toIlone1 tov~rd ometinghe a hear-: Kldare fned. " Nurse,"he eskqd Softy, "do puher any- "Hearnnythng?"She listened in It * or, a momrent. "0f SPn 1101do to0r - IhaIve you forgtten these oomts are sounld- ~proofed ?Y luia' IwatI thlougt"h ~x weed slol ad walked off ~in he iretio oftheelevator.% Begot ,off, at-ithle flooni1 whic wer loct te Nur-ses,-' aonthecord. "WhIat nare you doing umphre "Oh-henyou g'otwod e' heeI ws just com01ing up to' tei ou e's downistairs. Anid, lookMary- yu take im ito junch.IfI, wntwith Y, you tocouldn't talk abc>ut im-e." "A Ftig 'e got to say),on1 týhatsujctvou cm her," Je sadproudly. "But yýour brothier m-ight thîIink there wCiee more important sub- ets"he smiled. "And besides-- pum not a membe r octe Lamont famiY yeti" "o'egot a lot ofr ene youngman,"she said affection- atiy Did Douglas teji you wh,-iy ,W'sin New York ? THE 'ENGAGEMENT RN ,you let, im itel] you," hie re- plîed'Clary, you always spoke of Douglas, as n nice sort of - well-average, quiet young man. But he seems mucb more thanl ha.Whyý, hei's freu n~ji getaid quite srw. "That's love for youf" sigbed Mvay. "Even the girl's brother is wond(eful!1" Jîmmy laugbed. What about dinneril-teme tonighit?" ' Okay, Dotor." She rang the elvtrbell, then swungabu end stretched out her left hand, palm up. ".Alrigbtr, Jimmy. ill taeitno" "Tfake wbt?"ie teaused. ,MY engagement rng our got tthis mor'ning."> Yo'e too doggonre Smart! IIwdyo.u-know I1 had it?"5 "Everybody in the bospital knows ta'swyyou wanted ml-e to get A dressed up and go out foriunh! Hie sbook bis head in amiuse- ment as be reachd ini his pock- etý for the ring box. Their eyes t, T he laug,ter ili Lthei r glance gave way to quiet tender- ferý.Ss. Jimm-y slippcd the ring apon ber finger. ",I hope, it's thIe rigbit size, Mlary dnrlig," "It i, he ridsoftly. "That's why7 I put tluyt left hand glove if your pocket." "You puit thait glove,,-" H e rtopped and sbiook bis lbead aan she ws be jrost surprisingcra ture ini the world! "This is a pretty- important mQet"she wbisperedias lhe rixSed f1er biaud to kiss the r-inig. "Too important to tnlkabu, be-murmured. He looled abou-t iuikly. o one was,ý in sgt Iii LU fruit. ,r a better s ExLtact jul-ice from fýruit; Pare al-'wbite membrane 'rom pees o fruit. Thien with a verysar kuife ut into thin strips ofun. forml size the peel, You imay, put part tbrougb the food chop- per wbch May not gie quite such an attractive appenrance, buit bas the ramne flaývo)r and will jelijut the ram, Elce juice and prcaied eel al! in an eartb.. enwaý,re container and -a 1dd '3 tmrhewater itoc juice and; pl. Alow tirto mauover:- ' obiigpoin an boriln br fo betndplace gain in eartheln- wn: cotaieraind laeuntil the fllwig ay, Before pIËne- ing (onIlhent, maur andfo esii fl of juice a ndpel nsure one cup of rugar. place the sugar wbere it wihl kcep warm; plaeliumxre on, hjeat and alo ocorne to boil, Th-en boil bard for 5 mnts Next stir in sugar grdulysirring until nîl r drsoled.AIlow to) boil and no-t sme Il ner diop- ping from "'he spooin a threadqÉ is cove wib prafin. store Jin dry oolpince. withi Younig in hir Read 'ySvADIýE B. CHAMBERS Bletweoen - Season Recipes One ofstce ticgscU"frotig the hoemle a1his snOf o the yearn the empty shelves in thie fruijt po~s- nnd -mauy empty jais. Ore nturnlly turfs tomrmae a a method of rolv- ing_ this problm.I bve been asksd o rpent my grapefruit, oran1ge andlemoin 1eipe iand f(eel ha0tis i h le to do it. Grapje'rit, Orange and Lewion Marmabace The-firt hing oýf iprac is thýe cosn ftbe->frit, DO not, thbik that frui,whicbyou hav,ýe hn-d in thouse 10f o se- time, (neskp witb the grecat- est car?) or fruit you do not t1iink just right foýr table use will be f'inlefor maurmulade. If youl are to have sucess with your nmrmalade venture it miust ,be miade 1from t,. he very bect selec- tio o fuit, Tha-,t jr One rea- He was just abo-ut to kiss ter ben he Jicwl]ovato-dnrsau hnd open.ldytenstb "Going dowca,".The operator 'Stared b r rom l onie to thie otLIler1. "Sixthfor - kissin1g. Fihftbfoor -- kissing. Third floo~ -kissng.Nobody ý!ever k iss m îne," e ob)S e rved(2jtsr .tly an!sammeîd the doo)r shut. "MIAYBE IES NUTTY"t Youug Ridare hened bnc(k to Dr.Gilespe'soffce.The latter was giving hos luncheon a bale- fuiglre. "Rbbis'food.,", be sýaid di'sgusý,tediy and atacked thie artswitb ih fr.',sb toillorrow if I'm goode , Molly Bpyrd Will give me somehay-" lbe looked up and realizcd that Jim.- asked. Mayharn't seexi bim for a long time. I tbought tbey'd Cie to lunchson, csemgy dis,missed Lt-e sub)jeet". Wlen be spokie agai, b is manrwas tul- diouly offhand. "Let's get back; te business. Fr-omý your expei-- ene, Dr. illespie, what ly it most likely toinidirce when) som1ebodly berJ 7somjesod or thinable does -- and noýbo)d y bears anytbhing?" "Maybe lbe's nuîttyý," G(illespie raid shortly. 'Af lie tells you I)e' a Poacbed egg lî-ook1ig for a piece oDf toast to sit down on, you eau be sure of it" "f don't think tir case is mental" Jimmy raid sowly. Gillespie geSturedj to the bok- ahlvr."Tere's n loýt o ojjokts thiere - yo(,U mîiiglit mcad ap 0on thle fifty-seven diffemientcopi catio-ns Of the er-Hle eyed bis ougprýotegee shrewdly. "Wbo'sý "Nsd, aid Kildare quick Iy, "I].us remeber radin Smewhee's about rucb a case-" Adapied from tthe Mro Goldwyn.. Mayer by GE'rTUD7,RE GEBN <1, 1, 0