- Imwâ% ies I Classified Established January, 1937. - every Thursday miorning at The limes Office Orono, Ontario Rates on request Sixbscription, $1.25 ubscriptiornto the Unit~ed States, $2.00 Printing iI-Vl.l Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publishier I CLA' Te1 MissPea KE UNION [loy has accpted a posi- and àlrs. Neil Rainey. ia Vanderbilt bas accept- with MVrs. Uhuionte Bul- .dopted a rce5lu- Mr, and'Mrs. Fred Blackburu' visit- areas froril which ed with his sisters at Newcastle last ty be drarwu willwek )uh the resolu- Congratulations to _Mr. an'd Mr-S. t'le restri'ction, 't iNeil Rainey on the arrivaI of a baby vouild lie instituit- sýon. -an effort te en- iVr.llcher Southb visited wvithi her ors, as it presut 1mother, Ms John Rickaby, lu Toron- tsing1 nvomber 0f to, on Snda. ýeing aroundc to M. and IMs. iJim Paterison, Tor- t1he province. outol, visied with his patents, Mr, Province, it n anad Mr.s. Johfi Patterson SUndIay. I bcaue "ro- The social evun that n'as to have, n'ont frici fair been ld this Firiday basIbeen, post- the top prize pone(d forý a -week. There wl be cro- -1 the effeet, in kinole, Lost Hlein an Fiveludrd ging Ithe ntr~ c please brJinig gamPes and tables. bi arto justL ThereL will be a ch1arge of 210 cents eeesaud other andf the lunch will W, sainie as usual. and divide the Try to attend. N. Ratcliffe of o0 Attend the 01dé TrymeSkating jr mnagmens P'arty at Oronio rink (tonighlt) Thurs-~ ablein into thir day, and see the fancy skater s. Cards, (den entnies Tryjjn danicing and lunch as for 25e. wies, or by re- ry certaiin depart- The I.0O0.F. No. 436 confernedj the s' ~wor, and poul- Iitiary Degree Wediiesday nig-ht la ave overcomne the their lodge room lin a ereditaible man- the exhibitons to uier., The regular lodge offileers put n, or by increas- on the dJegree. A bounteou-s Ilunch fixed numnber oef ,'as iafterwvard lserved.1 \n'as also sugg-1estedl that to-n fagirs be raised to the staltus of [y' fains, and that couunty fairs be cd te township ratingl if the iltiires Tor agicultur-al purpos- re found to be tee Ion'. ANNOU.NCEMIENT Plan to attend the Womnen's Insti- tu te,'meeting in the ýCouncil Cham-ber, Orono, on Friday, Februray '2ist, at 2.30 P.m-1. Topie and discussion, "Ilousehold Budýïgeting." fMembers please firing food score sheets to be competed. _Mrs. H1. Rowe, convenor. FOR SALE Good Cutter. Apply to George But- tera, Orono. FOR SALE Que Young White Glander. Appiy to Carl Billli'ng-s; Phone 54 r g8, Orono. FOR SAýLE Spanish Onions, 2W. for a, six quart basket, or liy the bushel. Nice car- rots, 15c. foi, six quart basket. W. J. Leamen, Phone 17 r 11, Orono. c-6-p. FOR SALE 'One smiall Filco Radio; 1 Beatty Wring-er, almiost new; 1 Hand Wash- ingMhe. Apply at Timies office. c-G-p. FOR SALE nue Queeun Liubator-, 185 egIg ca- paceity-. 1lt water he-atim g. ood as newý. Phone 15 rý 19, Oronlo. c-'7-c. Two Goal 01Oï InctýIihators, 2-10 and C"00 egg ,capacity. Apply to Dr'. W. W. Sherrin-i; Phone 56 r 7, Orono. c-7-p. BOX SOCIAL AND DANCE Kendal L.O.L. wili hold a Box So- cial and Programn in tlie Orange Hall on Friday, February 21st, at 8.00 p.mn. Orchestra i attendance. Dancýe after the Social. Prcceeds to go toward ýBriîhsh War Victams Fuud. Ladies.' with b>oxes free. Admiission, 25c. ANMTAL MEETING The annual meeting of Sharehold- ers or the Farmer's Co-Operative Go. 'will be held in the town hall, Orono, on Thursdlay, February 27th, at 3.00 o'dock. The financial report will bu preseuted, directors çlected, and sucb other business transacted as iay properly conie before the meeting. Coicearly.. sleeve s, and w,-as also used nu the tiuy tura dorwu colilar. ler -veil of sýilk illusion, edgled with a -,ide band OF Itadian lc casaded froni a high CoreneIt of hit satin and sertthe full leiigth of ber tan As she en- tered ,,Itih'"e churchu, a shenlrc1er len.gthi mlodesty veil colrdieur $ace, and j this -was thrown back ais shie, ieft af-i ter the( ceremuony. She -worje white satin saadals. ber biegomsgift a tinly gold wistwatch an] tari ed -, s'ho an bouquet of Btterfly and Sn'ethert Rsesand white Freesia-. Tboheewn'eretwo br-idaliattendants, Mr. ohn A.Loe o uluthýh,th bide's sister, as matren 4)Ihonor, an-d]Miss N ancy Aune Love, the br ide's niec?, a s jnir 1rde ad Mn's. Loe 's gowned lu fuichsia rose faille taIffeta, tlesigned with long v,(ry full sirt and shirred bdca iround- ed shor-t sleeved holer-o comqleted1 the dress, and she -wore a tiuy bat od miatdc!hing sirred faille with.veil la the same toue, and flo'wers in fuchsia rose and turquoise bNue. She haci ail- ver slippers and carried a çcoonial bouquet of rose and Nlue carnations set la a frill of g-reen fern and white lace. MisLove -was frocked lu turquoise blue faille taffeta with corded s2al- lopa used effectively lu bhorizental non's on the long TU'Il skirt. A widle iiisented baud ioulded the dress at the waistliue -and the full bedice had shior tifFed sleeves and a rounded nieklliuie outlin.e'd n'ith tiny,ý wine col- oured flowers. fIer turquoise blne calot was trinimed 'with -wine toucd re- %k-- QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST L.Liceatiate of the College of Optom- ert y of Ontario n-Office Honi: 10 te 12 a.mi. and 2 te cy 4.30) p.m aud by appointmeut eu- Offin u0. B. Tynreljl'sDrug Storg 155 iPhone 68r-9 T. W. Lo (veupopsdthe- toast to the INSUIT A MPL' br d . Ms. 1on McýMichael stup- pli d the music duiug the afternoon. Fire, Casualty, Automo- For ber daughter's ý,eding Mrs. Russo1l wore a slijpper leug-th dress bile aind Liability of -wine silk velvet miade entrain, with Orono - Ontarie tft1y gathered bodîcýe and long fit, teid siceves. lier velvet turban was1__________________ in the saine tone and she wore -wiue shoces, and white gloves, a. go1d and AUCT'IONEERS rrystal neekiet, and a corsage of 1 rairoses. MWrs. 7VaLachlan, the TED JACKSON groGom's mother, wore a g-own of black dlinner date crepe with bak Auctioneer and Valuator chmantilly lace at the bodice and the slee'vcs and designied witth a slight Clonducts Atietion Sales of al 8"s train. 11cr blaek, hat, upturned att and at reasonable rates. the back, was trinnied with white os- Connnunieate with hini at Porb trich tiýps, and she haid black shoes Perry, Ontario, or see bis Clerk, A. an~d white gloves, penn] jewelry, and E. Morton, at Oronlo, for date. a corsage of due-p pink roses.________________ To lier miatron oif honor The bride gave a gift of criowýn .derlby, and to G. RICHARDS ber- junior brîidesmaid a sterlling si!-- rer signet r'ing-, whie to his groomns- Practical Watchmakêer man, the g;roomi garve an automiatic Alil Rpairs to Watches, Clocks, and desk miemo., As mcýineiitoes of th'e oc- Jewelory, wilI re'oeive our prompt casion the ushers received g-old tie» attention clips and the soloist a g-old and black PAR'K STREETCRN cuamcl cigaret case. iVr. and Mrs. MhlLaehlain Ieft on a-_______________ houleymoou te bespu w'ill take up neusidence lîam. ,For tr-avelling ri al ch-ic tn'o-piecc n'woc M, /.>YiPORT tHOPE Thursday to Saturday $2,000,000 Wondei,-Fïimi igTHE THIEF OF BAGDAD"Y Ini Super-Techileýolor Monday and Tuesday 1,I MRRIED A NAZI" "ARGENTINE NIGHTS" Wedne3day and Tbursday "A-N2NE of WIN'DY POPLARS" IPQP ALWAYS PAYS"' &Son BULANCE SERVICE uNmanville - Orono : IýovmanvilIe, Day 480 Night, 754 and 575 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store andi Modern Funerat Service jin Durham~ Our Service- THE 1BEST Our Good-THE NEWE$T Our~ Prices-THE LOWEST S Scott .aý ahoawer Itoslh; a- mother, the ng l'bis C-01 as a forum ion. The' rxot ag-ree who acc'