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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1941, p. 7

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îs for More Certif icates LHeut",offiia oganoft I.vbefrebsathlonm. th he laeDr, J, W. S McCulloug 'tubercïosisCas Inasin a ndn it- h A c te ouglstate hangs on. ~ Pleuiy may bno eue tf th Xirst aiguestof tuberclosion ad- gîta, sitcuy ho a spn ittig o ~olood, hovr lighV Nrvous Cesa dstror sipsd n aduau condition are ail synîptom Vohosucted.i1 jý apî The cusumotye wocoues l with uun4,cvered iouh prysthe ir roud hlm onit the bcili. !,fv veysp4tsron thefoo,r o ie .Cuxed - sth dat ud Lw about euprppe coothore5articlerhei Tlifi4c isnoth f a ictiorI miesieiae fuiqdwithutathr pon, mho maytent act the sease asa Drsl.t, L11ýg de r gICy wteifethedrinkor.eAtlu- ecuos mote w h issesie vieay ou temouth laraioatsur'le -pt sPta e -1,1.ate o0V-te ',ud Xullough urged(hatoblîdren o There sCla nc srumccincý e r 'nds sudpa ued bici)nos ae ilSollt nly tldocmalte mttr ,;-là L-ulbod uoe ie c tO falig frem a da, Truman Wood, GO,. of NpuOnt, tra- eltedmany eet hroug theicy 8mllbb arly areenoug-h' puý'L .o ut by fello-w- workor s ainId ~,f~r ecoerig is kreath vwsllt,- Qd h Iome -ithlout lýan apparrt coleffcecs. f~osNew Year soug ilu theý rdwas composed b-y Robert in oid Scettis song. The word$ wero set Vo, the pi rent Smii, Vtune about fou years iater, Canada'% best cusomer in 1940ý 1as1theUnitod Kinlgdou, whiehà su lsdCanuadian gommliodities I eut SCiî2'11C L AýTMOS15PH-ERIC SUN TIDES K. . M ldah hs puiishied linCpnae a book lui h ho preses conscsions fro p 0eef he sun, w lich ho a- colaes to gravitational i isturba'n- cesý prodlucod by theL planets. The planets studîed were 'Mrcury, Venus, te EarthJ"uerand Satudrn. The firsýt three ar -e small planets, but rel-atively close totesun, wýhile thiq latter two aevery lairge, but atcosdr abedistances. The haif periods of the -planets and the combina- tionj of their effectsý were studied wvith refereuice to psiin uthe sun's surface and not to space co-ordinates. Alowvance was nade for the rotaton of the sun auEd( the mnuerla, which dis- turbaurces move on ifs surface. He~ rpots tha-t the lda1 ofuds gi-e curve whichi corresponds to thne curve of the suin-s-pot c-ycle. Thicyle aaent oýf a-bout 11.25 yaswhi-ch cor- responds o the sun-spot cye. A new clerkw-asalajpya laVe, sud always bad a differeutexu. Ari in nheur laVe eue nuer-li 'irgl e wagreeted by Ve 'boss p WeulduBou, îa' y "Wl -si,vas the rely. "smeone turned the mirrOr ou the imantieieeround VoeVIe wMi. Wheu I came downtairs fh - thi memuing IceldsVcee myy- sol"if iiithe l ekin-gisssu, na- Vual hOulghtI'd gene Vý o "Yeniu!" gaaped the man- ageri. The, after dinner sekr tacigon te dvutge "Now ake freckis. Tînk wha a ireshade of taln tedmake 1iffthe>' -1oul1 for alaic.Thbabrmn JV'om'ed that hicion';hi a gottig thM on top, "Wlihy unet'ny a littLIe fm wonderful liair rstré?" h uirged. "It's onl"y aqure. The cuteme(r bouglit a bottle. AwueklaVerho etundte the shop. "WeIl," asked the bre,"o did yo-ufind fic haiiir rsee? "Ileft, the bottie 0ou VIe kit- chen table, and niy ife, thiîîk- idg it was a new kind of fùrui- -Eas'y Way ta Relieve Ache-s and Paimns Ilote is a simple. es wyte gel Îýre rmthe goi'etswellenj rlaeumatic oints sud muscl1ar acee mUS pin.Co te your cSrnggist i>Iud eta bottie of u-s.if yenae e -go- gel yýour oci;ui. hsl hoe said. " H o -,,v uch do yen W 2,1e ra. UaePh er1so Ewal liendhing oer the wvashub, mli- bing sud srubnthere came1 a imidkocnt ftie bc or Angy unt the inteuion Mts. M. fiug oen tho dooF sud stood wthsteaoýliuig haýnda on lips, yniuga sudutile pedlar'. "Did you n[ o scm? h demanded. The littie insui took quiCk stop backwards. "WVel, if I did," ho reple meekiy, I'e getV1-y wishî, thpnk -un moidi ant WAffr a new bat."ý "N0?" "4NO, I gnoes ', hae t talkthrug he oid une for, another bmo, An Engiîsh jutie once remarked that mnost of bis judiciýal time was spent im ooiginto colli.Sioý-ns h- twoven înmor cars, aho its own Side of 'the ïne ac o sonnding la horn, aud each ztationary, bsne of the Most picturesque xvoldare teho een lu -1 l, Dutel E t Idies, hr in senste stand ailiEh, pel are quite siple and\ unspolit sud tlnhir elief in denfous sud goda romains unchanged. Ou1 Ne Year'smonin tetepsar decoutedhy he girls of-,£the v-il- laesdwomeG,111jkneelunthre time, trowthe sacred libscu blossotu,wic is held between) flicrpam o in]visile-god1s. Theu the pick of He yosr's ce conu,,t asudI banna cros brouglit te the tmlsfor Vhe uise o-t)l rist.LaV,,edemiona aud evil apirtuae appeased, sud each vilage has a procession in h i uakasud effigies are car-i ried, I1-Lis auppoed tht thecvii spiits fa !dy 0their gimcon- terparta, Nylîvnishlu nfear dur- ing the Nw er Canda iaslureeresuffi- den1,,t wheat sud)CIbaconl,ecV keep Biansupplied for free yo iiil ad to om h~gler RUS OUT TIRED At'CS rs! Ctranky? fetes Can-lt slep2 Tire G.lsa easlly? Annoed by fe- mie- fuactloral dis- ordl"o a n ontbýly dlstress; Then talte Lya l . PnhauVegetale C, pound, famous forovcir 60)years im hepn uhruildowlt, ron cclitions. Matdo es ' 7 'for womsa. WýELL wGIIllTP TEYINQI -, 8V \A-,NE pAStOLE-Y Q. 'Ao",can I treaýt roughi crearin-ito Ithe si utbfr re(tir"ing, and then l!p on api mahogany friue A.,Befure polshing mahog amny funi ture thaut lhaS 1 been scra t ched aherd eeplyAO, fMI in thi ucatches with'tir]-Cture of b iuei). To applyý the wax or pýoish a'nd the sraces cllb ~.Hwcan leanout a dis- coloý,ed vase- or cr-uet,? jý. pour a utile hoshd iinto the cuanrand ai-N o tan-d for a wiibu.Sak th4rcoughlyv until ail the sediment is iosee, ndten ruewithl warm wxater, Q.How Ceau1I mostcai -was'h the beau potý , or baýdly staiedcasserole?. A. The beat method is to put a hnflof boýrax ýiuto it, fil]!it hot xyter and allow to S-taud lu theove for a while. Thle brown- ed parts wil thlenwshou-. ver-y Q.Hweau n uttecoverý ou my miroig board more smctly? .Beoe puLýtting', on thle covr, ampn à. Thtei whel» cover dries itI shrinks a litte aud WEIl oasequutly fit smotlyc by RO0BERFA L EEF what somepeop!e eajl "coiupauy 2. We a hosýteýss know.s tlhat a guest is deigiutit icn îeaefcr5hier to isist thact the 1guesteatmr ta n s1 - 1,luýýhe de- 3.is i permsblo sk'a fref o introduîce you to other -4, I"u't t pro(per', weshak- iug aus V o i hehadat aboutcýhi.n level? 5, Should eer,ly gUest, t a wedigrception og'ault the boride and brid!egroom? 6, s' t ieadthoughtrul, eLECric. MO ORS pa Oft S- redtioned Jus Moe l ectrie Compauy b,r200 delaide t. Strain. fre 10 ay Pullets oeue daýy odsdodr 0yasbreed- lrt or, icular %ith prce eUY LYRQ-:UEART STRAIN LBARRED-'J harlt, OecfeG-( uaro the bote akt.Loslk godp ultry yar. (,illcI Lsat - ch on - ck aos re John orthURamîlon, SOnt. 0 ways n bau. Termatarrnged. Portable F4)vEn Co,1. Eat f C16EE1RE MARRE FOR SSAjEASO Foqf artcersII-wr, 'H. E. Lagt, Roianda Milis, SQuebec. nC. Shule , Box 25,itation T Monr 1a.(dV ot Fi IM FOR SALj 11lCRï FAMn O ALHIE wayi0, wo ilesEas otWos 70- HOSE FOR SALE OrEX c h a n g e. Perchen ~BeAu, CoachersC, ai1t1andadbreds, rHSc n' 1eda.1Canad1ais 1larg 1e t Uerse2 , Pe-digreeSStllon for sale or as,1501) ire Mrs 5 edl ir-cu1lýansd istStlnBr gains. lot us que dellved price any kind of hreroie.An KINITTING àMACHIES fr socaloferprices, witli qjuantity (of free woolSatuw "oing money at home and nmal- gSocks for? soýld,(ier.s, saýiloIS anSd a 'neu radýe îlu your olS usa- chie n 1a u-wone-enr cashallwane mde.Auito Knit- e1aj ýnpo Roc. Theout.q 2o NATJJRR'SREP-D XOSRl- edy fo huatic Painscs, er Thoen snda ansdugit.Munrcf ag MSftore 335 lginottaws nServicu e Tan feegTSe Ramsay C-,o., Regitere, Paent UAttorueys, 273 renketreHet, Ottawa, Canada. poEpLidWAnteD - FEliAL DOMNIN-ROINCEIALYUE dvcooued to yong womuhen.e tweeu ite u hryyase KNYSEAL-TIGHT POUCH-15É a)s peJî~ lePu c1 et in s for- nbn osn bis wife a Ancwurs 1. No. They shold be taught that good mannu ae for daéiy uise la The hme, f4ficf-e , 0aud ConE the street, aýs wlas iheiiuthýe plresen-ce oU cnpay 2. Yes, Whehecr the gust"s dieting orý1 ilot hote9slu'îî' zshouýld neer urge- that she eazmrethn hede- sir'es. . eyr, lssyou are suire themetn od be a mui- tui peasure. . No; thIsis af- fcction. T -he baud sho-uld (ibe slighftiy above the wa'istleel 5. The bie-om should b e conratlatdbut not the bride. One should extend best wishes for hppiness 'to theé rte 6Yen. 11e May send one of the pic,ted ind e' j ori7a b a or foes On'taàro City Bar-ns Midaysfor Duration The Sault Ste,. Marutie city sc, liecitor hais drafted au amleid- meuit to the city's b-a cover- ing shows and cirumsst0o tiaw midWa'ys from td1ýe heiyfoth duraton of the war. Instructions we-re gi-yen the se- licitor ait the City couricil m-feet- iugp whenl it wa s s ",-îd that 1d- jacent municipaïities w.ould cco-, operate with tühe Saunît! Ste.Mai conc"il la keeping midways onti of the Cdist'rict drig artime, 10L u~uT.IAqSEL j"People aa seem to befas RetAIL SufREN.ESS AND PIE ACLONY QUICKLY RELIE VED ,2- ynue ar t, enjaei -tn 't;'nie thi couditiLos becLIeelchronie. Aiis> age etee is natnre&swang t'ia&t nroI9er teament siouII he scuse, aî uit For hl purpose get a packagýe et n He-oiSfrem yur dciru g gist an-,: ,-scns directýA. Th!îs Hemr-Ro i form ula whteIlai- seS internailï>' latb-euCf nalic'as;y Vo lîit iu u ,orcncs sud ,jd lu in iea- ~~.-ng ~ tesr ender sýpuu~, HmRi lSepLeasaut te,, lse, le highIy rcm moindeS aiS1Vd emethe heiitt0f foOl y for aui' oRete iisk a ipalUÀfu nS , i c cl1route l oniinwheu sueh ai flue redy rmay bebu daS aL Sc Osnle Iàa -,,st y.1 yntry HmRi n r e entirly piseS lthte resýuits, yo r drggist wiI ga diy t ru yoir money, J. N. iNDA, L-AW OFC.CA- itol T.-heatre B4dnSt. Thoiras, Q1talo, iSpeIa1ULE.1 ar1,Tmeut fo saepurchased for casýh, promiip1 attibon. North Shore Reaty C, Oshawai, Ota;rlo. MiLHEi-ATISM sq-1iJEFleRieRs GOD ESOLUTIO Nýeuritis shouldtrDio' en edy.Munr's Dug Sore,305 l- 0inOttaa, $100J Pos tpa id.1 wonderful bo en t eb Mgi> Misin.E, loee, ow ok to ml e ste, Laiee",u osoncmmLisinba. Cash bnd reuiedt covetr stetsafo es aigeneprec eeecs rt NCASE FOURINCLESUL ing 00 amilx pedu£ses: toiAe article( os, me1.25es, esences.sp0 os lers etc. Each home rep- etd 11i produots ilreun eeraiu, Gla.LEX, 570 . Cem .et4m.u treai.v oý; ISSE8-24SAL a .O.CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSUU. a. s

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