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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1941, p. 2

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trio Artists' On View a', Art Gellery of Toronto -Durînýý Month 0f ~Tornto Picure bu inluthe 1114 sow hav beendu qun e s mcatwhocerspre-ie obb ~ublic. heso exii is riuoe Cic usull fi 1)cnumb e of non mneubea eceaa mmbr lu thtj vaIgoral oi )y tonh te fri- of heO.SA.uow ia sitewas ixty- Mieeas got S dal fhi ,,lit cew re iciudsedpiturs y r ewpapemeubygaduaest- ets0ffi OualosColege"t pckdte, aud bm ensatrbutorsfron baps na ugltasaceigo laferaf, G. Camiche syisIlba rat Ial tire sane iul'brSo ontris acr consderedtis ae ts al. Some ïrtîsts1stow d, wlt flCaulo!ClsMO, u wlla AR'TICLE NO. 12f is not fIe3emontof!h-abor pnt!flit is fic irey fogooti gev:- deigbut ruflier thetiugo flc eccssary work, There la nothing f0 lic gAinet, for in- ktui,an(1nti mch m, Y ey L bthl workng su f0 eary.It f a fr b-le o a e flc ade ug o.ce antialetflic rigliýt fme hen fi uhin and wafet-ys1îeS- mg roui 'nn flic mmld. nue ive f hadyperl al -mrusfowcrs, vines, frees sud roses font are growu for eue fu flirco yers frm oniseiluanr ery before eiug SWol ogarden- rsand fruiit grcowers, Like seti, ifla inmportant ru eccreCdistock -'froini areu tabesurce andioe ie t a fa- nala ndcater S -o Canadient codiins ood stck la pliable, renai sow penyo! live hureRoos remoisft i ,well -appi f xi the Dair. areystock ahould be pleut- el OaS soon as flc ou Ola sfilt f 'okandiifpucaseti er 1-i i er i iuonveuienf fa mmt ihuoist cembtli o piut shouM bcle stred lu a coolderk cellar andi rootskefmat - First Vgtbe Anioug flicecariat vgtbe teli swninCanadien ' - gardons wu!il bcepeauIcaf lefuce, radiai fitsta work. hAil o! lieda ~houl be sw Cfet las birc cfvegetebles. The second Sow- patsetc, ail a tn litti froa, antiflenbeens, con ant tmatoca, cablige anti cauSi etc, vahîcl are ener Myan H Fas 2 H'earts; Oies -AS One Fails Au eutopsy o! flicbody o! -' oli SFrik,78, aho d n Mutforld, Oîe,,hatwcek, reveelý- 1t lcman ied t' tfwonorma'l hearta, ont above flie fier, r.Merkel said flic fao heartaý werne joine I by tIc large anorýta arfcryand bathi lid functioned. Tire venfricle omicelower heart ladeTiuptucd, cauing dent&i 0f e o!tlicks on Couin- tyMedical so(cty ,sai thfliey sCat of no otlier case of! a men passing fM Piarti. BriihTk owga PrieSners Alter Darîng Raid LESSON XII JESGUS CNE NDAND CRUIFOO LUke 22 : 39-2S 56, ?PRNTFED TEXýT, Luke 23 : 13-25. 32-34a. GOLDEN~TX-ht te THE LESSON !N ISSETTING nise-Tlic rayer a fle ,gRde0U n1iais o!Petr ail on laeo 30; althe feeuu vusl Place.-The grdo] lu hic He Pasmbetradby Judas was% opposite o and Eof 0fe1Cit of) 1cua e, Ti:! ial etreth Sajýutri, n duItp,to'pael wliereAte lHsof our Lor bfr tahava o-carredlatePac o& theîod lie=11,re tls.ocped byiee ot-ula fles FoibnescéAu foula, o lu a alaceIar , T- palace eît'Jeiualem eas itute Telace of tha viTcLxoua oeu Lord b tlia htieerb eN exct Adeutihied We d nt bliee ha ýIfil as u hespot whre fli stands. At lcautit amas outserof tire ci wLl, au prbe-Nr fum, fliough it ay hveben TSechargh es gan esus var- togeflier fIc d- lii-pessudfi j'rersanti flic eope 4 isi ato lema, Ye bogi uom flal aas Ln Ouliatpretfl flic Veople: and belildyT, livng exained hlm bfoeyoufont no falf lu t Ithis mntuhu hs fhuiga -whcretof eacuehlm: 15. no, nom yef erd:for Ilie en hlm -back f0 us; earbeio 1, ol - doue by hmlu 16. SUwlltherefor cliatise hlma-d releaUse hlm,"ý Cerfa(,inly PilatewscuicdQ Jesusinnoene.ff Pilaela e RADIO REPORTER I By DAVE ROBBiNS11 FOR GAý-RDENERS q1is weok -ce have gooal ncza from empr')I ahoplants'ecs la ic -e, ficAmter ar dene, jeb 1cthon ,lic i fro CKOC nMna.Weiota u fipe n plentigHntiedi u how, put over Hmle' omn gard-cusproject a.a'big wydr ing flic tepiesson year-suti li wioassuwa it a;lkiaWg bout lu table lino.rý- few flowýýerlidyo llfn f AROUNO THE DIAt. iererd a cscen fua lclisa flicdayinaigatgele oeo niglifs et 8.30 (standard) l a ael- ve t itof flic old Souf san as, a tligify sud IAmooflnoas lit 1 t fc showabve fc raOunficPUl Tunie flu sormie ud e W'hitey Frdand (ail leh pan, a ifloWfUs! u Saaray, IVlarci 21 et 2.15 i.. flcrCBC ai prefseunt a pro- grn fspecial infereat f0 these aifLli relatives orfrcd srin ;,,erýseas. This ailli br'ing -gr'ectînga fri -lic emes faofada pifais. NBC cerd rnearirfavorite, oees ifs croaf i o0tiraefctfLia tPa pet lng ffenoosafilt stopsof Hoden, irsoui Mch o flic loeypiopyuoib Uucl Eza fom lic"RosednaCle Satin," are fliouglts lt l fli lad' md cas gabygînd pappy. POP-TheNatives Struggled u4uYLIPAE ArnY IIIC WITI. V0U b such acard, se efrid of afraid of the m noi, Jesu1s wouldno h-av,ý me beecoindemlnedl,fetlenet by h îim. -Crucify Hlm, Cru.cify imir.i 18. 'Buit fHey cried ouf ail f0- gethe sayng, wawith flu a me aud elease aiu us Barabias: 19. one a-ho for a ce-rtai1n iusurrectLiou, madnluthe citylaadtfor murdeLr, wa's cast into pris-on. 20. A-adI Pilate pake uto fem ealu, desirug te relepas Jasas.But fhey shouted, Cracify, crucify hlm. 221 And he said autlo thenIi 1flicthirdt , Wli'y, Wafcvii ba,-th ithis man doue. I ave ound no causeoOf de i lahlm: Iïa'011flierfe chastise 1hlm and r&ease4hlm.2. B t hey wee ugenit Vith loud! voies akilg Lfiat lie m: li be crcfe.Aud their voices pe -v,,,eï.- Threefme Pilato ex- postalate witli flic Jcws,uatfem-pýt- iug f0 epp"eas e hemy dec-leriug flic inncenceoe!Jesus. If bein utterly Impossible ,y safisfy tM, Incb, une o! two fhings lied fa feepae:etir aemuSt stndiis gound as au offl -c o R-m-and set Jes-us fre±e, ano mat- fer %what1lIappenied, orlie muetbe frey lis ofcanrd give Jesus ov- cm fo, the miob. Hec did thelatr Ifý vVas fic eývoice 0f justice that'i shouidhavl ree led ut Plf softeuecd l'y aninl cpludlf appeaý-reti o be Incaa'ble Of!rising UP la a noble way fa defenti au mob;. 24. 'niPilafe ,gýavo sentence flitwbet tbcy asked for shboulti liedoe.2). Anti liereesthm fliat o isreci andi murder lied liou cest luto prison, wlrm tliey askied for; but11"uaho de- lieeiup if0 fbeir h"Piae jùdgmeuf -L ýans ir fle. The comu- iug otgmu f Christ awlîl lie for, The Cr-ucifixion 33, 'Ani abenfliey came iat flicplace whichlaécaled TUe su&% there tMy crucifed hlm, ani be malefecter , on ufi igif bud oni' Ile ohe o icbf t." (Ntce liow eXtremey bie! flicrecord cf flihcucfii taf is), 34e. "Anad Jems u adp alir oive atlem; for f l inow mot wbaýt tfhey d. f SUND14.Y SCHOOL LESSON j CABINET OFFICIAL HORIZONTAL Inwe o Irevious Puzzle 19 Luster. 1, 7 Pcture:d rfcR HýERt, Bi20She is U. S. A. CATO D E DE LC M pecialLy cabinet OL;EA I SET IE --inàtcrsted 'offlicial. NO0R mO i - -i 0 Np- N - ,efore 12 Fury. DR EULi RE 'DO 22'Soup dish. 15 One in caýrds. C EED fDc i R 2 oiolol 16 S-ottish Ný'EED R S E LN p 2 Ino' court offiDai.T E M ptoai1e lLowbred OAT, R A E EU27eY1 person, PRc ORS -T PDR ES abr. 19 Squints. HN E ODE R 2Lntrance. PE OOa E IN 29batr <abbr,). , e.stricken. rùmorse,. 26 Young Iperson.48Prnon. 5 Sounid of 36 Ianri 29 South q9 preposition iqiy 3 hrceite 3U Feather s 0arf. 50 Ascot, 42 -To)soak - flax. 32 Ani essay. 351 Pl1ea Sed ee a 43 To p)iece ou, 33 Sooner 1than. 53 PotsrIp. l Pinter's 4 tpo 34d Portugruese 734 Exal-tation. mahe ei 25A net5 8 e ite 0Frote colored resin. tax Seretry f l Mde. 48 Back o." ioot. 28 Bifldings - 49 Si'ngerý,'s ,volc, orin a 59 A 1,abor 1 oId 51 To gssip. S quare, oranztin.1 She las the, 52 To suffice, 40 S1kîn. flrst woman 53 Professin(al 41 Wa-s inisitaken, VERTICAL -o; the U tiee 4To relate7 2 Lon)ig inlet, S. A. cabinet, 55 Msclnoýte. 4Compaýss 3 Etucharist 17 Disturkances 56 Chao--s. point. ces.o! pae. 57Palm lily, By£MLLRWT - Il ~ £55~Mdb1?ha d53tft1lI~I I ~IL I I~ '0 M The«ce are seven diferent nuer- ncsspo)ke b ;y our Lod whle on the 'cross, re irned.lu the fur Goýs- pels. Thlis one is fllicperfectfui- filirueuf of C hrist'sow comn that we should love our enemies;, and pray foýr those whodepie fully luse us. No't Vote MAoney The Antarc-tic ýSec', l , wb h m-eha ayearI, hascloeý Iits log Iwo!:. T wo4) s 1h i p s eva'"cuatýed lthe mienl, as tho ýU. S. Coogý'raýss refîLsed fo a'lpprupriate onyforcotiu Jug the naei tdo eddb Rear AmilP'r .Bri The vessels, the Bear and ort Starstared home erlv ti inonth. The North Star proceeded to Va1par'aiso, Chlie, thence to Sat fie, Washiu1gtou, ifs ufaedes- tinýation aund isdu ter ab AP'ril15. ubti-îshled what iscaie to beý te wrds smalestnewsaper te Torres Straits UiyPilot onre s Eet inls. by. 9),has died atBrsbeneAs rla lGreeks Made Haggisý Scotsmeu,woemotfsiv dish is the aggis, my, or y no0t, like f0 be rei-'nd(edfAlut i i's Of Grek rig.Thoul'gh Burus, wrote of it as the "great chie- taini o' the puCudin' rLce,*~Ai stophanes forestalled him in 42,1 BC,*with an aUusion to th samedish iin "Thecous Th Greeks clldit"kiaDcbei, but, from the descripition ot the dish, it was haggis just the saie, lu'to thie French ceourt, underý tho. name -hachis." JIf'becamrepoua amr ong teFrn troops, %whoseë battalion cok ue o carry if mb bttie The Eniish ook i sh;ortly afterwar'ds, audif wa ntunitil fihe eigh!teeýnth 'centry that it came to ine cousiered Egr, of Saul Seaguil eggs soon are to b. teamd upwithbreakfa'stbao Thie Ministr-y of Ar ic ul1t ure ad Pisheries lia just comnpletedï a seagul hess u as miade5 arragemntsto hav-,e eggs col- lectedJ amdi narketed during the 5Seaguiliegga lon"g have 4bena favorite food of hary rïilsbP tarai HFistory S)Ociej(ty the eggsl taste like dckeggs. A g i eso fBidMaul's fs reluctantlyv playe(i by somle of thie 225) Ger'maanQusiitNoeian prisoners, above, takeni in the sur.prise British r.aid On th-e Lof'otenisi anils, off thie coast of north-. euA Nor-way. To prevent their see4ing uytinof military imnpor-tance, captredmen ereled liufoldd aoaird British ships, whili h niadeý

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