Aucti,ýon E. AWery il! suli a t 1his own faimn at Ennislillen 110 CATTLE, 17 HOGS AND 500 BUSHELS GRAIN See Bis SATURDAY, M1ARCH 22nd, 1941 at 1.00 O'elock TERÎMS CASH Ted Jackson, Auctioneer Fridcay, Man-ch 2lst, is thbe first day Of spring but -wbo would believe it? bdyshaken up anJ received cuts which ui equired thbe services of a veteinaîýy. Constable Pri<ce Morris and Traffic -Officer William Tliomp- oninvesýtigated. JUST IN Stockl oâf;Men's Shoes and Wi7ork Boots t l-em on dispIay in our window oeclusive agent for Tip Top Tailors Fîre, Casuailty and Automiobile Insturance Agsent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAAC. SMITH PHONE 61 r 2 - - PRONO CLARKE UNION NEWTOt Mi. Bernard QiiuineY ha-s acc eptedl a Mr. Bill Haneock, position witl MI. Charlie Wright at iiRe.adM- Pro.,Vidence. Misses, Laurna Pc Miss Bileen Soncfh, -f laron, ruçe -were iÙTýjou spent the wekedWith ~her parents, endf. I. and Mr-S. Ileber Sonch'. Sorty to report1 Mis. Ileniry Swaiincott, wlio 1has been iý:cenfiaed to bed visiting with friends in Osýhawa for fever>. couple of weelcIýs, lias returned home. Mr'Leuher Mr. and Mis. Bruce Dr-înimord, of we-n with Mr. Toronto, visted with her parents, Mr. R<we. an d MýS. John Patterson, on Sunchay. Mr. and .Mrs. Chas IM.Beverley and Brenton Fogg, of ville, visite'd Mr. ancd tlie Goodyear, 'Bowuranvle, visited son, Sunday. with their parents, Mr. and Mis. <Mis. W. E. Reid v George Fogg. parents, Mr. ani Mi Mr. enr Swncot sld fie-,MilIbrook, on Sunda Mr. enr S'wcot shd aflu-. Mrs. J. T. Fearce year-oJd Grey Periheron t.o Mr, Cecil Sund.ay -with M17. fMaley. Once again we take off our Gilmer, Crooked re hats to the Percheroàn. AEr. and Mis, Ja<cl MI.,r Jiïm Marshall, who is eniployed day guesta <of ler1 ,with Mi. Milton Wright, Providence, Mrs. W., Mi jh ad the nisfort.une to injure his foot Afi. and MIîs. E. A. wý'hen lie fell from- a tîee, laying him Cecil Slemaon, of E up for a-while. gessof _Mr. ani_1~ ý_Uuch synipath~y is extended to vr Private. Chas. Rcý Fred Blackburn in the dleath of his to, Cetre Lake, P( sisti, issK. lackbur, o Ne-rient camup, after spc siser, K. ilaýIbrnof t M.Wml. Milliga castie. The funerai waýs held (n Monday witj i iterment being Ima-dîete Mis. S.Lansero on Boîwnanville Hospital.oftemebeso and -Miss Scott, tlhe Mr. anid Mis.. Ceicil Joncs ahd flai- pr.esenjtative in Iloin ily, who hv tenanted the farim for- even-ing. murl4y ownedJ by Mr. Marcinenît, Toi- Mi. and Mirs. Sidi onito, anrd iîe-centlyv purchased by the companied by lier br( Teibacco Company, have moved toNihliWeeyi Oýronio xshere they have iente~d Miss skating carnival at E-vaPatsns houise. Gaîdens,, Toronoto, on FOR'M A LA-ýNE ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAtN Pi-esident Roosevelt bas asked Bri- tain to forai a lanie acioass the At-. lantic Otean so that ýships niiay go across more safely and faster, as they could do away with thise convy-, syStem,-whidi slIows up the fastý boats. They would have a destroyer' patrol one huLnied miles and te ex- tend acýross the wateî. To niake it mi.ore sale, they conld send the planes over the saine route, Ioad theni t 'obsami they could destroy any enemiy paethey sîghtedJ. 0p9 V Your rousing response to -this united appeaU wÈII be the cheeriest word you can sendhim 0 Private John Smith is through wich drill and duties foi the day, He is tired, maybe a bit "fed up' He is far from home and lonely. He longs foi a dash of gaiecy, a bit of cheer ... mers, perhaps, for a homey nook where he can read, play games, listen to the radio, write to the folks back home. Ih is the job of these six organizations to see cbac discomfort, boredom, loneliness have no place in the precious leisure moments of our men in uniformn. N Wherever chey go these services go too, cme bomb or bacle. ne camp, on the march, on the ranges, these sevcsbring them hot drinks andI snacks, smrokes and wriig matrials supplied. Comifortable 'canteens provide excra food. Ther-e are educaional facilities. FHosttess bouses enable theermen co enijoy h!ealthyý social contacts. 's- ndertandngExperience and Doltars :'i nderstanding heaits, organýrizationî and Y'eperience backed by your dollars can îdo) the * job effe-ctively. Let thie volunceer helper wbo catis on you carry - - back, your pledge of fulflest support for our fighing rmen. You neyer have failed cbemi-you will not now. THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORMI National Headquarters, 200 Bay -St. Toronto 3D ~~~-1 E! 1 yr, Mr. Wlllis Jones w,,ith rheumatic ilgara, speoit the .and MmUr. R. J. s. Cowan, 'Gowa-- ,i Mrs. L. E. Mili- visited lher grand- [rs. Weatherilt, of ay. ,e and Bob spent, and Mis. Frank ek, <kReid weîe Sn parents, Mr.. an,,! illlyrook. ý.Werry and Mirs. Enniskillen, weîe li.S. Lancaster. asbas retuirnedl taaaintein- )ed(ing two weeks ,n's.1 1 entertained somne the Girls' Club Agricultural Re- ne Eooison-e IIC Lancaster, ac- IOther Mi. Cairoli Me, attended the the Maple Leaf I- Tue-sday, IMarcb llth. Mis. MilebLachilan's Sunclay Schooi class enjo(ýyed a' joll~y sleigbiide one evening last wveek with Mr. Raymnond Brumce as teaiter. Upon their return they'enjoyed refieshinents et the paisonage. The W.ALS. of the United Cliuicb held a 'l'qu'ilting," on Tuesday, 'March iIth, in the basem-ent of the churmh~ inistad of when they Missionaiy their regulai imeec quilted twac quilts foi bale. SIXTH LINE Radio imessag-es wbhich lcld us of extrime cold aandnoany ccaths ini eealplaces ini Canadaii(n the U. S. caused by) the very initensive ýold. Severail of oui people berec have been suffering from illneýss and we ar,ý very gla to hu the good nlews of, reundheilthi. In spiteý of the cold -eather an ex- ýcAcit iand interestedci-fwdturnedl out in, Orono ,)torwn hallon Mondcay, Maîc lOh. rom thie ehairman's addrss to the close of the mieeting thec initerest -was initense, wi th thle sore fieliihundiefi listeiners pet Youi scribie does nh t attempt any- re- petition of t1be repor-t in theu Timies' andf other nie w spap1)eri-s. Thie wh 1oh1e day's wnkshotid certaînily p1rove heipful ù_ faîmers ,who are flot as eveiy pers on who looks 'into til,iel. prolbiems now, aie not in a fair condli- tion to malte good with the c<nitions now prevaient, and euvery thogubtfuil person who is at aIl interested, should andi does sypathize. Theîe -was a g!,odi tun.nout of Wdies who aie equa1hly initeiested. The well-known champion <of oui rig-bts, 'Mi. H. H. Hannare, waslheard 'on ltbe subject of farimers oiganization. Mi. E. A. Sumomiiers -,and his associates are to be, corgrtuaedon thbe day's suecess, and ,here -w-as a vervc<cl-,iferous tone te li singing of' the National An- them at the chose, led by Pastor Mtoof Neweastle, by piano aiii voice. Euidently ini (ay-severy Briton thiniks of Bitai. (Too late for last -week) Mr. noioeFovolev and bier gîanddýaughItei., WiLmna Bo p c 1t 'Saturdlay in Peteriboi-o. A nme of old fiend-,s attendedl the funeraýl od Mr. John Clark, cf B':ethanIy, forimei-ly of Blyuf Mis. Goo-don _Moftt andI son Allen- harve been viaitinig her sister, Mus. Normnan Bîaitliwaite, for. a f ew 11,1y S. Mid. Jim iTrick, who is wîkngin Oshawa, was home over- thewek endi, also Stan. Fishief, who is ini the aîmiy. S - rry to hlear of the ýonitinu.ed lîl- nless of Mi. 'Ciffordl Richardson iii a Toronto Hospital. We all wish bimi a speecly iecovery. Quite-a numiber from lieue attensid - the talking picture ini the Orange Hall on Saturdlay nigiht. The titie was "Boïsh-is Over Europe. We off ci congratulations to Ms Merita ichaison and Mi . Clinton Chaliis, of Milhbro<ok, on their iccent oarriige at Truro, Nova dootia, -wheîe MVr. Cballis is stationed -vthl the armiy. Visitors te' the village on Suniday wcre, Mi. andI Mrs. Ro~y Porter andI ýfmilv, of Bowmanville, Messrs. Rail sLI RY MIDI Youir hands f rom isoreniess and clxappinig by the aplicatioil of an eftfective HAND LOTFION or SKIN CREAM. At this timec of tbc year, raw wiels leave thý-e skini-flamed ai-d soie~. Here are Ik)west casli prices on p)roduicts ~that not only relieve discorn fort but leave the skin sm-iodt4i and -Whlite. Hind's Honiey and Anlod Cre amrn.0,., 9-3c. Large, . .55c. Cuuirand Wi'teh Hazel Creamn, large size .................25c. liasol Loion...25c. 5'QOc. Velvetta -Balrn..10c, 25y, 39c. Gi1filfai.n WVitclh Hazel Balm, 3 ozs. -25w. 4 ozs..29c. Frenclh Balmi.25c., 50ca btaian Banlm..Oc, 2955e, 89e jergen'î LoQjn.i c 23c, 43c. Large eeonom'y size ...89C NoeaCreami, As good for indburn as it is for sun- burn, smlall siiï ....15e..Spedial 35e. Size . .1e Large 75w. size SPECIAL.... .............. Silque H1-an-dLaidoq 1 iorge sCe... ~ ,....... Vel:%,ývettax PefuBeanit th arde w i funris and packed in lairge three ç)ounîd pac Yeu SaveWith Safety at Tyrrell s Drug Store Why Not Share ini the Pleasure Alila'dd New Lif e to (Ad things wiffh STED-MAN'S SMOl(OTH GLOSSY ENMLsniialI tinis......... 1e Pintis............ ...... 43e. Quarts ... ............ ..... 75C. WEFK-E,'ND CASES and SUIT ICASES (Ncew) as- sortrneint, sizes and colors ................. ....... $1.00 to$15 HIANDYIRIE PA IR -KITS for patcing anyý11\thllingade oýf îubber, black oýr red rtibber, eomp]iete ith ..e..ent,..'.ox ... . ........... .... . ....... _ ... ...... 0. PALMOLIVE -OAP,.PEC.AL, ........... 9c. SPEIAL 2 kgs KELOG'SALL BA and otteý GLASSME URN CUP, al for ...._........ ....25c CROWNCBRAN w il (ýCORN SYRIIUP [4 j2 Ilb. titi 5 lb).tini COLLECT A SET of pktume of es 1ô.. ' 3 Britain's fmusFghigPlane FRANCO AMER'I >CA'N SPAGHEFTTI, Speciail, 2 tilts 19c. BJULK SULPHURT\', lb ............................................ Sc. CONRSHERRING Ili Tomta<toý Sauice, SPECIAL 14c. LIBBY'S POR)K & BENS, 2 large 20 oz. tins ........19C. Dr. jacksoni's Cof y Sub, B"ekuls Puddy or Roman Meal, pkg.............. .... ............... .. 31C. KREEMYý_ PUFFS (Puiffed WWtUat), douible size bags, no premîurnlls ... ..... 15c, Ic. anic bush .. 49c. GILLET'S LYE, eats dirýt, titi ....lic... ....... ....... YOUR POPUL.AR SHOPPINGI CENTRE OROiüéNO 5c. TO#U $10OO STORE ENTERPRISE (Too late o last week) FRj HSIISO iCUIDFAC Mi.Moo-ie is hasy tr-ucking slabis t o t he c ityý. Le Travailleur, a wAeekýly pubfisheýd Mi. and Mrs. Llyd' Ranseiyyin Wocete, assachusettaý, prints spent Saturday iin Oshawa. these wuos frein a Fiench soldier: Miss viola AîraIvisitecl br"I beg of you ,do îot believe the liesý aunt, Ms.Loirne Farr- w, a fc'w ay-s cntindin oui prcsý's and on1our hast week. radcio which are either in the hns Mir. and Mrs. ithrAlnwîeouh a i runer their eiders. viJ son S0w t n a ih l~. s i. Do not let you selves le ooved by oui Mi. and Mlis. Ed. Biadt,,ley, Wbitby-, I suferijig due to food res;trictionIs. andI Mi. and Mis. John MeGCullough )Scnd notbing to Frane. Whatever ansI Juan, of Oisbawa, vitd Mi. andI you send wili reach oui enemly. We Mis. W. J. Mahtleyý on Suinday. shahl sufer ail privations andI this _________wiil b-e oui conitibution, to a Britis{h AcPA P A mo' victory, as treast.n took from us tLhe Tllough ieveiv stooi a papei r Timnes e n of -a c If yen aiý ,do so nov y rcmenus'te figit. Help the British Ei- yout pire witb al youro resouces and al fr y our steng-t. T ic spirit of' evil fo must dissppear foi ever. The beast 1. f must le killed. You wil, I a ma sue, [.5pievepjt thse iealization of Hitlei's <vai monstrous dicain of wirld domina- i-tion and you wi contilibute towaiar4' yo iestoring to ran-e lier independ~.- tihe ence and her oo" tak- Iers ýtibsrribe te ltbe Orono Timnes. Read - tbe baigains and szve money.