g-,ocd attenld- ngl- which will f Mis. W. A. 'v Bnyleft ln) o t1 Hern ight xvýatUh- arranger sPeti We wi sh tVo extend our deepest ind JMiis. Willi ympab V r and Mrs. Dick Has- il (nee Marjorie Porteous) Upon) mes L-rfr he death of their newl,,y borîu baby. aniVirs.Hol-- The only a n tattat hasn't and inlfan û is g -iven into Germany is Cree-ce, and 3witb ber par- that counVtry is too busy fightingý Itnly Vo pay any attentinto Hitler (r afly cf bis cdhorts. Yugoslavia is 11n'trbly tô Ms.the latest eountry o feel the pvessureý ni1ily upon tLhe of h6 Lerman Dictators. es if arn- narre UMilk- g. IV m-enus d,4 for Vhe t. No food c~ Oixfords ice of For Your $ A High Quality Oxford 1with choice of Blueher or Balmoral style, ln black or brown, PER PAIR $4OOj A Complete Line of Overails and Smocks, la black or blue )obiIe Insurance td. Bonds, etc. f Store - ORONO s Y ýGra ding Laws g a Registered and wiII receive Poultry KENDAL '\Us. Florence Wrigh i vstrng friends in Newto)nville. Pte?. GietGreig is honie uon n two weeks' eave from11 Ottawa. Miss 3eatrice Thornpysonj, of Tor- onto>, was vstn eaie eeti week-end. Miss AuryPatton arnd Miss Betty Watters, Pont Hope--, wereu home f ori a f ew days. Mrs. Hildlitebh, Pte. G. G re i-, Mes srs. A. and E.rnest Greig- left oni Fiday for a few days in the city. Congriatulaticns, to Mr. and Mrs. Rossel] Sutcliffe on the arrivai of a1 son on lVonidny, March 24th, Leonard L eRoy.i Mtus. A. Jackson anw-lMrs. Wm. Jackson acýconrpanied Mr. and Mrs. Veracn, iiockto visit Mrs. 1Honey at Milliken last Thuirsday.1 Mrs. Geore Thompson and fnuily iimoved l ito Port Hope last week. i Geor-ge iias'beneiiiloyed in the fideal for, someutimle nowv. We wish thmthe be-st of luAc in theiv new The young, folksý, under the leader- shIip of MNrs. RIl. Mecer', put n 'a sho rt p la y, enititledl "Di.%r.~I, onThursdaIy evening. This was; fol- lowed by a reading on St. Pa>trick by Mýýiss Knýight. Slos ýwere rendeiçed by Milton onsn and musical selIc- tion's by Neil Stewart. Gomnity1 singing and contests were- follow\ýedl by lunelh, coml'ining ia ail Vo inake a very enijoyýable eveiing. 1A good croxvd turnied Cort to the RedI Cros euch,,e and danciýe held in the hall on Friday evening- witli net1 proceeds aiounting to $25.00. The Orange.men have g-iven the hall -free of charg-e for ail the gatherimgs held here for war -wo-k Vhs win'ter, so the oomrnmun-ity are puttirig on a dance this Friday evening for the benefit1 cof the Orangenien. (Toc laVe for lnst week) Mrs. Harry ýMercer was in the vil- lage Thursday. miss Myari ory Patton spent the week-end with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. HowardLiton n FlIorenhe, of Mrorwere with -1\11s. Und(er-woo'd on Snnday. Pte. Wlter Wrigblt, Tr~twas oirne for the ee-ed.We were sorry to learni Pte. 'Willis Wighýýt hasiý been in the biospital the past two Last Firîday evpnin!g we hadi,- theý plaueof hear-ing -Jim HTunýter an noneour, g-ift of $13O o the British War, Victims Fund. This gt t was started by our 1maimen wbo were ablyý helPed along by our ladies. 0f the man.y ladies who asinew wvOUld like to meentin-Mrs. Hilditaéh for, heer untiring- efforts in its behaif. The W. A. held a progIressive cro- kiniole party in the Sumday Seho ci, A big crowrd attended and a g-ood timie was enj.oyed byr al. Mrs. L. Mar- tinell and fMIrs. Wm. Mmercer ied for- the ladies, the Iter winning in the plny-off. Mrs. Ray Glass reoceivedi the g-entleml-an's p-vize. Mis Sadie Cathear.t, 'Sain Searle, John Thonxp- son and John Luxon 'were consolation p;rize winnrers. The ladies provided a good lunrch. The W. 1. imet at thie homne of Mrs. Wmî. Patterson on Wedilesdlay, Marech l2th, with Miss Katie Stewart pre- sitg Paswre madle for the W. 1. convenltion being held here Junec 4th1- Mrs. Patterscn, Mrs. N. Pattoni ~and Mvs. Frýed1CcorishI were a1pp)oinit- edl 1oinating eommitýittee for the election- of officeirs arýt our April meet- in g. The rolli eal for nlext month isý Vo he a packae.-f eeds to send ovesea. Ms.A. Grieg has kni djonated some bookis Vo oOu.liburary. If anyone ha books rwich they have renii d, d ouild like Vofass on for, Mi.. Sid. Burlery was ooito (c uSilrray. Miss Junie Ware is honil onofor th', Ea-sti<r holid MIr. and MNrs. Robert mýovinig o Mrs. Jas. Lanii 1 ro m ai Artbhur were in T, ronto last week. Mrs. Edrgar Osborine, Port Hope, ceaIled on ber father, Mr. Brock Pethàek« Miss E1.e Wallace spent the weEk cedwith ber býrotljer Georg-e, at Belleville. Mrs. Iinrry Woodhaan bas returni- ed fromn a three weeks' visit ich Toronto friendis. M-r. ani-idMus. FloVQ, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. aiMus. Splencer BurIley 0on1Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clyssiale harve mioved (o the Farrow bemesteead east or Crookesi Creek.1 IMpess. Cecil Waliey adHuahI Stapleton areenpod at the muni- tionls fuctory at Pic!kerinig ' Mr. Beut Stapleýton is eggdby Mr. -Melville Jonies Vo lbegin the tele- phone work- on April ist. Scliool was losed iast -weeýk as _Mr. L. T. Savery, ourveat(cher, was a victim of the German mais Mus. Rolbe-rt _Mor-ton wns 111 at the hýcio0f lber dnughter, Mrs.Loe Port Hoype, but is Ilatter again. Onc, group of the W. I. beld a euchre party at the home 0of Mrs. Spencer Buriey on Fïiday niglit. Mý,essrs. Edgar M1ilson andi Bob Hughes went Vo Newniarket last week for the frrnonitbs'nmilitary training. messr-s. Williaml, Cecil, Donald and Bort Staipleton visitedi Mr. George E. Stapleton, Port Hope, who is in poor health. Alfred Redkniapip bas returned frin Toronto and hle aildc his father are econiilletinýg Mu. D. Henidïrson's niew houise on the frnm. M1m. andi rs HIarold Littie are m.oving into i-, .Pbilip Ste-pherns' house in Vhe village and M1r. ~Stephens is going laback Vo his farrm. ;Mr. ai Mrs. Bob Drunlmmond are moviig Vo the Hayes f am now own- ed by Mr. Dav-yHeesoorn, ans xiii manage the farm. Fuienda r; t That 'Miss Elsie. alceleft Tuesday V o taLe a posi- tion-as witchboard cpeI-to(èi~'lu Pick-1 ern.Miss Gwen Giliner, Stnrkville, is taiking b'er pla!e Jberle. T'he W. I. -eld their annual St. Patrick's Tea ii, the Unitesi Chuirdh basement. The regular- busines ýpar- icdlcame first when it wais decided tVo make another contribution Vo the War V7ictimàs Funi., The f ollowing iSt. PatIui'cks prograým1ine was theLn presented : Piano solo, Fac Jones; vocal slMrs. Anchie Bcown; rend- ing-, Lenla Kimbali; vocal solo, Hiazel R eid. Mus. Thickson, District Presi- dent, gave an addruess on nutrition andi health. Vocal solo, Mrs. Areibie Brown. Thie meeting- closesi with the National anthem andi n contest. A delicious Vea andi social tiane was then enJoyesi. At the nlexit regular mleetinig two, quits -will he opilîtesi. STARVI LLE Mu. Georg-e Sumith is drIiving, a niew cal'. Mir. G u-don Trim with Tor-onjtilu R OI fn-iends oýver Ète week-enid. Miss Gwen Gilmer! has aceepted n position et CI-arkle Central.- Mus. Rse Lowry7, Toronto, wt Toroiito. beri sister, Mrs. AIf. Doso. iss Nor-ma H Sorry Vo report Mus. Jacoli Hallo- week-end in Toroi \neII noV being -%vell anid is con-fined Vo Glad Vo reporit des. soehtirprov M.ans i Mrs. Ro)ýs UTallo-weillwith Miss Madaline Mr. andiMs J. F. WhIi.te, Elizabeth- CosýtniUt, cf P'ort Mr. Bugenans-id Mus. Dave Mu. iand Mrs. Et MoMï\,ulien wivtb Mu. an jSi u. j, ohi ifywith AMm anld inisonl, Newcasý-tl-. If We,,ýler. Mus. d. allowell and Hlen Mm. Raymond' with ~ ~ ~ ~ -I;s he1aens m asus e ai Miss EAi uF .vith herpai-ritqeir. home lCieue. RsPort Britainl. tu. ahnd Mes. Miss Ali e Haloweli, 0f Toronto, - and - Mr-S is homne waitingcon lber nmother, MUrs s S n ai RZichard Hfo.el b sadrthe Tet eo S unity i doctor's came., leentauiy Mr. Dobson, 0f Paruy So-Und, sdolar on Motndaî, visitinig hier son, Mu. rAlf.' Dobson, whio lreyatne is very ill. Nurse iMoKelvey is linaruecess. Plan Vo attendance. We wieh Alf. n speedyin e sy, rMat Anumiber 0f friends and neighbors Pe 'rTerrence attensies the funeral 0f M. Rolbinson Afpa ;Drug Store KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO Brandram-llenderson ENCLISH PAINT QUART ..........................$1.2.5 BA' In Spring CIE Moth Fume Crystals, des- troys mothis, eggs and la- iae, 1 1l). tin .................... 39c. Mcoth Balls, MNoth Flakes, per lb. -.................18.............I e. 2 lbs. for ........ ..... ... ........ 35C. Moth Rage, side or end epening l5c., 25c., 50c. You SaveWith Safety .at Tyrre Four Square Floor Wax, 1 ]b. tin . .........- ........ 39c. Johnsonl Liquid Gbo-Cent...69c. Large Cleaaing Sponges ..25t. English Chamois 40c. to $1.2,5 g Store IT PAYS TO THINK AS YOU SHOP SP'['(-CIAL FEA1'-,TURE SAL-E WEEK Thuirsday, Friday and Saturday Mardi 27, 28, 29th PoKO'(N PRF OD for aIl plants, bottie .15e. P....P.N...LLS. ............ ... -.. ...... .......... e. C JACK STONEVs, cm eew1ih 1Bail, Set ................O........ -1C AYLMR CRN KRNES (jsîtas it cornies f romi îLe eob), 2 t1ins-................1........... ............................. 3e. APPLE JUICE, large 20 0unie tinis, 2 for .............-19C. AyimerCI 1OTICE QULI EAS. PEIA,2 for l19e. PRZUNES, largeC, rne, ; 2 .......... . ............... . ......... 25c, PRUESextra large, 1i1l). pkg ............15e. ORANGE MAR,-MA\LADEÏ, Cros:-e and Blaekwell, En-. lislih( Quality, large 2 11). jar ............. . ................... 30C. NEILSON'S GO)CCOA. SPECIAL, 1-2 lb ...17c. 1 lb. 27c. JER1GE,-N'S CARBOLIC SOAP. SPECIAL, 4 regu;tlar cakes for ...........................-........................................ 15C. O'KEEFE'S GINGE--R ALE, large botie ............. ....15C. (Plus Se, depyosit on. boiiVýe) CROSSE & BLACKWEýýLýL SPAGHETTI, wt Tomato Sauce and Ghecse. SPECIAL, 3 tins....... ...... 23c. WEK-NDSPIECIlý\fCAKES, "M\a1'l-d Milk Fingers" Ma-Itr al1cows, oe)veid with inapte icing and walnwtts, 2 ibs. for ......... .........,................................ ............. 29c. For GREATEST ECO,(NOMYIý use STEDMAN'S DIA- MOND "S" PAINT. Guiraniteed Quiatity at Lowest Prîcles. sud rMi% Vo Mr. ani Mrs. cei rrtigtheir s section attended ut the ehurcli on )me firs hs sec- the Home 5s Volianýe - il be beld ,ucli is con- and Mr. rSpeaker. ar veteran la, is tlhe 7andi O'pe-X rQslh wa far out Choose your new, Spring MWall- paper from our complete stock. There are over 85 patterns li a fui] rang-e of designs and prices. We have several roont lots to clear at a real saviIng to you. ASK TO SEE THEMI '2 ýG-AULOIN ...... .......... $2.30 1 GALLON .......... ........$4.20 Made fromn the best paint mn- teniais obtalaabke. The only white lead used la its manufac- ture is the wo)rldI's standard, Brandramn's Genuine B. B.