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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Apr 1941, p. 5

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1 has accepted a TROUT SEASON 01 ornishi's grocery work this week. One veek froi-m mlornng, iMay lst, t thsasts will 1ise 'RES Yellow Sugar, 10 lbs. Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured IL Lenions, 4 for Grapefruit, 6 large Creamery Butter, 2nd grade' lb. lst grade IL IPineapple Fancy Cakes, IL Roasting YeaI, boned, IL Best Quality Cottage Roll, lb. Peameal Back Bacon, IL the -v rf0ot wv of tit - canglit, but it w'iI give the ~sete he hance to te-et out their fisling 74LIaIe, -'aise givipg thomn an appetite 74e ~for, bi-1eaklfasrt 29c ,Orono Tins hop, 9c 25c 33c 36c 19C 19C 24c 33C 25c 45e 25c 35C 65C 5c Broom, polished handie 29e rax, 1 ILb tin 25c rd, 2 lbs. 17c ihortening, 2 Ibs. 25c Laroni, 2 Ibs. 9c Deiery1 (t Pays to buy the BEST in PLUM BING * and HEATJNG R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 30r16l jPARK ST. UNITED CHURCII Re.5. Littlewood SUNDAY, APRIL 27th Il a.n.-God and the Birdis. 2.30 p.rm.-Suilcly S011001. 7.0.0 p.ý-.-Wels «f Sa-vtation. There'll ajlwýays be an England 1600 years froinhow. Mayor La Guardia LOCAL eveflg. iss ýElsie Mrs. K. Gaiisby las visiting mrea- tives in Toronto. Miss H. Wacdddil, -,if Toi-oito, spent the Easler holidays 'itlb lier sistersý. Mr. S. Bal spent a Iengthy tea hour at Mr. Chatterton's on Sunday iast. Mrs. F. Andron and son visited Mri. and Mrs. Madlison Haill durinig the vacation. MUrs. Fliniteif and faiiy visited friends in Belleville for several days last 'week. Mrs. Frank Pears-on svent the Ea5s- ter wee1, visiting heir sons and daugh- ters in Toronto, Mrs. R. H. Brwnbas returned after spendinig a few days 'with her mother ini Toento. Mr. Jriim Powers was in Toronto helping 'the Bownraniville &ihue1 GChoir that sangat the 0). E. A. Mrs. James Dickson spent thre ter week with ber daqghters, John Millson, of Welland, antI Turiey, «f Hiamiliton. Due Vo thepoor road' couditionhý -week, the One Cent ýSale Ias heltI ever for another weel Tyrreil's Druig Store. A good progrimane and a b luneh -was .nruch enjoyeA. DElgbi ges 'were represented with an -atý ance Of over One handred. Two carloads of local Menons conipanied D.D.G.M. 0:-W. Rolp bis officiai visit te Coithorne Lodj Fariday night of iast week. Mais. James Moffatt returnedl on Thurýsdcay bf lest week frron oato efter spenlng a f arn weeks Mr. and Mrs. George Keith. *Mr% J. J. Melior was gues#t sp at Enterpriîse sehool on Wedniý __________________________________________________ ~ I ~ ue~ 11uUfl ~ t, Lit CUILL P hz n, EÈD )OTEfl !ve?& the wheei at A times. Hydra-Matic relieves your ieft foot ef all clutch pushing. It ba'nishes fatigue factors.. increases safty ... prevides performance unparalleled by any etirer car ... and it saves gas. OH LE 4-elebratien o«f St. George's IDay. MI-S. W. H. Niagent andi Miss Opal Roslborouagh have returnerd Vo Peter. borouagh, after spending a week with Mr. andI Mrs. R. ýC. Ro>:sorough. We are pleeseid te hear that Mr. Joseph Hall, who has been latid up foi, the past seven weekts, returned to work at thre Forestry on Moniday lest. Mrs. Hfarry Lycett lef t on Mondey of titis week te accept a position as social hotess at the Caiedonia Troul Club. She wiUl beigene for five mon. ths. We uinderistand tht LeRory ,-Mýyies bhas enlisted with tfhe Active Ser'viice Porees, but wvill be a fe<w tays before he wiil be caiied ont te report. He will take qap radio work. "'Dot*" Cain, «f Peter-boro, arrived in town on Wednestl&y with sema od his, belonglings, andI on Friidijywiil brng a number of Ilorses here for training on the Iheal Vrackr. A muiiber «a students frein Oreno Continuation Sehool, who wera suc. cess'ful din passinïg ail their Easter axamns., bave stopped schoel for thE suimer xnenths te-worikon, ferms. Bro. Virtie Wilsen, DýD.G.M. oi Dlurhiamn District Ne. 42, andi Br Ridideli, Grand (onaducter «f the Grand Lodge of Ontario, attendedi rce:ption te Chas. -M. Iredaile, Granié Master «f tire Grand Lo4ge of On- tario et 'Otonobee LAwga No. 13 Petanhoro, on IMenday nighit. Bre- Ernie Aniderison, Past Grand Master of Lindsayv, presented four 25-yeni jewals te thre mniabers of that lodge Mr. and Mais. MaArthur, of ilono- lu, aecedmIpanied !by Mrs. Allie Dlun. hamn, of Torento, wera un town or Mondlay iast where they lomate Ormie Gamshy and Iter eanied oi friands, aving diianer witih Mr. anc Mrs, Fred Truil, Leskard, andI mair ing calls on Mrs. iVarion Dicksor Mais. C. G. Armstrongý, a friend oi Donald's mother, thre late Ad Mouiton. Tlhey landed at San Fran cisCo, where they uehse a car motçwing her'e. They will visit at Dur. hei,, ire Iirth place of Mr. J. N. Mac Artblu, wxvbo once taugb-it sheol ae Leskard. They tbien motored o Van couver where thEy wuil isitmitl meibers of Vira f asiniy, retiirning t( Priniseo, whcbrp thpv viii tahe th( it tihe houl- oof at Col Mi-. and Mire. Wesiey Elliott, oý Kenldai, visitedl their sister, Mrs. Jas Tainblyni, on Mma last. Mir. Thos. MeýNei! returned homne o1î Tuesdlay last afteýr ajsiting with hisý Cnaighter, Mirs. Martin, ofNeasi. Miss Audrey Cooper whIo has 'been celeking t te 5c. to $1.00 St.re, Iras aicc2ýptedi a position fýith Lunn's gr-ocer-y 'stor-e in onavliinIwl iea>ve next week te resune her new Pldties. At the re' en tmeetiýng of theL Orange Lodge (of, Onita ri o EI Belle-ville, Neil P. Porter was e to the office of Grand Lecturei at the regular meeting cf L.O1 Rt. Wor. Dro. IPrtr awe a de rec-port ofthe sesisions. 'Some .ofth d( ein-bants onth ide, of dak street haýd a thriI day nonwhen fire-wias dise' buring on 11 tewest sidIe eI P. ýi f1 ae building -On Church stree rnîmfber of sinial i hlb-en satari bonifire of their own, only they1 too dohse to th hembarncih aug fi re. 1 t \Nas noytieed iii tiane feI2W pailIS of water put out thce with nliy a few boards being ch, Another Pive minutes' start im fire brigaide wouId have been ii The lange tractor, beiongin.g to Ted DANCE CI~png, nortih of Orono, becaie Tihe Board of vlanagei mieIin a inud hole on J. T. Biiowvn's ateOarauîyH h-ili on Thurisdýayof lest week. Atei- dance in tihe'Comm'li a nulnher of efforts Vo get it onto F,1idaiy, MWay 2nld. Ey si soiid grouind failed, the tractor was Cirwyfod'ýs Orchestra wi ieft thiere. Tihe large yiiwhighiray Imusie for: tie ev-,ening. truck on Tluesday o f tis weeký puiled tihe tracter out. Get ouia, prices on Weddli 42 per cent Hog Concentrate, per àf %O cwt ». 3~3 per cent. Poultry Concentrate,~~ per cwt.' Prices good for Thursday, Friday, Saturday We carry Tablet8 for drinking water for chickens .LE, EACHI. IL7ec LJBBY'S SPAGHEBTTI TfLN 9c. LARGE LEMONS 4 FOR 9c. HAMI3URG STEAK LB. STOVE 25. HURON TOILET PAPER 3 ROLLS 'ca AYLMER IRISH STEW TIN c5e CLOTHE PINS 3 LYoZEN 'e SIRLOIN STEAK LB. 27c. ROYAL YORK FLOOR WA-X 1 L.TIN -e FRESH- FANCY CAKES LB, .19co M\cKENZIE,'S NEW L B. . Bow Ground IL tin 48 oz. tiri ffee, IL Good bulk Tea, save money, IL Heinz Catsup, bottle

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