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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Apr 1941, p. 6

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VeteraIn !Landýs Plane rAn Part>' on Ârctic Flos For s$ientific Stud;y of Ice, Water ArÇC 'J land, wvhiclh b nt by stages fronim speifsn oa watur SCOOL Is E SSO0N I LESSON I THE EARLY GHURCH MENIETING HUMAN ÎNFEEDS- Acts 4 3 2-7 60. PRiNTED :0TE)ÇTActs 4 ,32-35; 6 :107 GOLDEN TXT-A e homui. tude oA therm, that bWeev er of cne heart anýd soul.Act 4 :2 THE LESSON HN ITS SET TING Time.-Practicaly ail cf thoe e- r and waa- P Ad by LI. L Tus lau efiljledwibc- polar ler forW eave living %da.s %el! rthern ma tMe Christin Gb rcm i big at- land, tien tacked on every ànnd. and wen les fathor many peopse re sauerkin l0th most terribe way because uofheir mce fi blyalty tu Christ.Thy begra fi 1 dres suffe fo Chist -îat hatr LI dres There aebp onewohv itude firom evory agea OI)mfaptu s1a af that andthe tis woMhatles, and that Somo.ý or rached mon somewboroin eery agesTyAf lie ýee Eatrn sabcoutcTg cosoens o re lt0 hese pr=ct 3n wsthe ratcred- etending of the Church, the cou- i i eqiel rmin utthedisciples. and tha[ t~~ hifyig fnal destr. tion of the pownis au- Al on Mayr tomptîngtu stmp eutt c h huc rjal (îIOeý ThiiJeruBalem Cliurch AIt tii. penug ou Leson ti sO and left firet persecutionnot a Sevanre whiýh W0 iAd just pssd.WbuIe tie post- Green ad. c uingd tere only for 9,igi uilht, nd -wlale if la true tisay hW bon exnÉned by tiesaSanbecrin m àtsa following day, their fors o They sre ommanded nover ta -proeaoh agan luthe nase ut Jean The younigsteýý efsaoadces tlie reins dcesu't secm 'to like ie 'Londoni's West End, udwere te elae.Manyier socutins folowedïanlcln1allyv,b- fore torty years had Pa8ssedtis ,,hoDle city of Jferusalptu -would be'ý ou the grouud lu absoluf. min. ILI t. ýmeantime, a verybatfu and sereie coniditinprvale5n the mou"er(murcb. AlilThings lin Cotmn 32. "Auid the imutide e Ut the tiraf belieed eo,' o hi eart 7andi soul aud niot One offltenuld ha auigut oft Mire thing3 hc ops sessed was bis own; but tboy 1b.ad aU thigs cemom" The Lerd bh% summotc1i i-, one0f t'h2 two tables 0 REPORTERII Dy DAVE ROBBINS e Finds haDorminion Br c)f Statisties - QuCes nien Appear Shyet cal proof tal women-. re luctant titan mnt rgowas pr.ovýided iiftb ttabling of national reg- f igres lu thoHouso o 8,970fwme gonfsaei SUMM!R SEASON Braadenest u n tuacontinent altes f unnnb,-,, season next Sanday. OnApril 27th-, theUii. Unite Stfates networks juin tac. Cý3Anadia sitations in asningprogranslced ies sit out lu dayiight gaving timeandi tuil, etcousewll ho tise signaàl forlan incroasinignu- beCr ù0 f lgtrmscalfafulrossu'd onhr sumr progrnmis. Amo n te nw CBC listigs for thie spuing vwoatiser are, Los Ze korts oChetrawIo will b hur lu lon GysyTr-als W'edlesda"ys at 10U .00p.. . . Sotand' Lovaý- ly' anotio uw ne, wil pr- doiug he voclis .-ilo u Tuepsiys ;anti Th(rsdays ,at 70 bas faen on a dKitlctly sumr ai . . thon, CKOC l ofeln the big hotweathier ïtld-bî,itnuth time. NOTES AND NEWS A fot tie mbpu-grani beart frm CKC t 1.3lhese oriael Sant'O tire Brlide, atetur itat wifll neresi woen lu general Thù aogrenicarnes nows of th8 fo-erias ithe oungfolt'3 tbongts tru lgbtl f0 ove.And beresa tip 1fyou'roa 19 ideW you ad bttersentflilu a note f011 a3ngn] tisaotit, for, there are ane ncy brid. Brace 1h. noie bacir ou tueair lun that eser R1oblubooti tale, af for býis palEarle Grasser rdeoff to the mtrud n ia e oteî- wighh. er the o riginal script, suid for a Ufii, paoitorole unftli edcddt brn uGra"ssei' 1 dothe ar rling sud fwo gnshooiuig. Hw evor, tise vocs rd the twomo uressoMsnb aiketa&Wtof ttr youugferewiii notie therela change, Antor uiiquefresr ut Gold -if you Plnd If --offer'sre wards for mnsua objecte wlh (Culurul soryassocIatIons. Tusýý jprogmi l e bert uver tiseWCI ismbia cacfniafrissat 43 a ns. Requotsts roceivedf) d ata range from authonie email boauty miarkns, f0) Infot-rmation ragardlug an eihyyear o01dielephaut. iHors is aý tenture that le really difrent, sudi we th-iik yen 'w ijoyif Radio Beasa nn1ymenA- bott sud Cosfello aie set forat stunt witis ÇhlarlileMCr Counio Boswell ile latei to Arry thve luad ut tbe 1MulseRalpgrn mhen Crosby anti Burn e vcae tis sumor -. JhnBarrymolre îla suid f0 ho a proa fiuof the Poucb(-, CBO rdcretVnevr pawse e fhougli Toronto lestwel on bis Way f0 fleWzdutes as£ commoutfor witi the CSG Ovor- soaýs Unit, lui Englanti. Ho-epoft f0E .Bushuo'l.,GnrlPorn final il'rio eoe ovn fo,ýr 01e O1d Gut T1alkînig aottefrhei Enigmt lu Evol y n romaviteti "ectoadrivs ae' rcls contocnted eniough, but ladi holding fthe horsea, -o, vac:uee ibursery -lr cot îts M ',la a,,,,, omsand: Thoýu eatlove Ithynobora thyself. The Apostolle Chnrch la tstizue 0 if boly enthlusiasm andi tievotion fA the memory aud cons- ignd o Janfit illed tisepo cçepf lta tise niostlitrai tashion. iA Glristian -wlo Iratimoeor tire ,ineans et enri if, cou](,- not see bis pester brother belirer ila want, t oving hlmii and treating hlmii asaohrpart ofhmslrey shareti WhÉt he bed Wis bssbam fort~aae nigbor.What would.' bapen 0 hc Chur1CI ùtoday if ifs majesfù'oowd Critsp- cpeasil eyas dit theMon otc" tue aarly hurcb? 3.3. "Ani wlth gr geat pwergave li a ±pOWs e fi r WtOso iurrecÈmiof utthe Lord Jas lad 4prea grace nss upon thonu 1"The ro-wer with WbIicb thiey precaçhc(d wonld. seen fo inply fira th ces euenofuttheir wt esigto the Resurrection was 'malsy beleig one -d, Offrti twblcb Iros1e epots wer eeakçing, boing loti f0 bcu. lia. ontiseLord Jesu% Christ., 3L. "Foruneihr was theroamong vfuies au!my thaEt laciret: for as 1inany as w!re posses o0f lanide or bouse I(Ieti tso, anti brought the,ý prcsu he tisinga ýtilat wero sol, 35 nt aid tüýîn at tbe apostios' fot:sucistiuinw»s matie uno aeh, acccerding as any one hlei nmI."The condiio boe spokon ofu asoiy what we Migbt vanl a "conmnnity of goold." ly sunisi."2 The ýFirst Deaconis Si Nowlu hes tiyswhen theiý piylthUe-ie urose a mnuiui-g u Cue Greoin Jovs againet tbe Ho- bra ebcaus o pser iaws wur, iiloteiluthie daly nministraftLoîs. 2.ti te fev aIllte mli tuýde etthe disciples unto thon, anti alifz le niot fit. that imeebouli fo ssae tue imordi ut Godanti seve tals .Look ye ouf theee men of ooW repostfulioct te Sir- if ud f wsdoswbum i re may applu oerthis buinss.4.But ir mi oniue msfdty lu wod .Antci theSayig pest anti Prochorus, anti Nianoranti Tion, anti Pamenasand mion- ans ut ,proselyte of Aio(uh;6 hosthoy -se't bofor.2e ho postieS: am bnthoy bati prayati, tisy laid tsoir bnde uon thom. 7. Anti th Wr 0 oti iicreased1; asud tise numbe ut he dsciples imultip)lieti POP--Thie Lasier Way !lu Je'u-salem iexceedinigly; and a groatcomwpny of thePAiSs were obdetto Ithe faith." NoWnremtlycrcm sm~ h UbritianChurlibas broght about a geuin refrmor pen-hap5 a definie advnce~ n theafir ut tue Ghrch lu liehh crî iceuarises. Sncb h asthe sitlla- tion we are now ï fdte il ili themte Chinrch at JeUilsalem. The Greek-speaking Je w ish Chritins commùd Htante aWl- do0wa of Pisi I ebrew Cis- tians wcre receiviîag more çonsid- eration by the Church than were- the" widows of their own rtuq»,-a criicirnthat may bave been wel foundedi-, thougli there wats no deý- liberate intent-ion on tepart o any to -sligbt the WIýrndowvs ere r- ferdto i h matter of caiy Theapots sely calld a mnuti- tueoÈ the icplstgthr n 1,ld Odownt a great principle whicla if w;Old h ava beencl lUhad the Churcli obsýerved tlroughoutth sulbseelltcenui. "It isflot fit tatwe émsholdfosake tUe wSd o)f God and sc ive tables." Tuhe earlyv Chnrch remeUied the situatin, by appointLng seven -imen as eacons, to ta-ke care oî thiese material as- pcta eof Cliirch. ife, wlth 4he re sit that tho Word 0 f God lpes ad and the Chareh greatly mul- Piled This wise Canine Knew His Master Fiveý yeare ago Henry Poni- merin, Nebraska City bousci p&neand interior dcîtr lost hi. fox terrier, Prince. Lait spring Poinmerin nsoved tu Long Beach, Cal. There recently a icely f ox'terrier pounced Upon him. Tt was Prince. -Standardization :1 0f GasolinceIiHere TWO Grads Only Tc Bc Ss>l toPbic Aoss caada bigplace3d lu effect froni ps to consf lin canada, G. R.Ctt lu a rcent interview at Çlgary AI want if possibleta workc th-rou-gh tepeîca oea nt. and I1arngIad toeaythet agreed to guslie standardjm- tion,-Mr, Coýttrelle said. onily two gradesof gaolinewill be sold 10 the general publc-- iremiium g asoine otiln ty frluîd, and a staard ïïgrade gaso- lne, Stnarsare also being adopfed for f'qe-l."used býfy arrner Mr. Co5ttrelli eîi tnadz flon pecrrml-ts-, ;conitrol o)f ui knock fluÀàid ethyl) rlpolUteà fi our United Sats.Ic was i- ,pcntant fthat oucli eortrol ho Lex- ercised in the inforoat of Cana- dian mnuy exehaige. Standard- ization-a-lso profeets tha public, hoý averr-ed, frenifrirgrades e gasoline. ".Also ifwil aythe fudfe for tMe -fxing of gasoline pricea if Sch sold beome neeessay" hg stodo W'hat nilakes 'a fieh >se alippery? His bd acvrdw a ma-. ctus! osaty erfdby Spc- cial glandls, wieh niimzstbie frictiion ewe i bd u u water. [ ANGEL OF MERCY By J. -MILLAR WATT Y(~LL1 G~-T UP AND Ti-irE DoG T1m COM IN u FN G- I -4 1-S Ir OUTS ~

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