ORONO WEEKL' MKILLE imi 'Stai k and Donnaý obson able achl day. Mc% Ga- 4r.s Fery eUand Isabel ad iMis. La-ile A. Midvew and Miss sof ElizahethNville, Jrs. Rus selS'avenyr. is Rallph Vei'tch aýnsd 'wdge Ars. Fox andi of T'oronto, with Mc,,. ffrien4s andi neig-hbors ineral of thie late Thos. Bowinlallviile, 0on Mon- ,ere, synipathy goes ont IRBY be a special Mothie's aller1 \,Ili be'teue e'venliig Service next o"c.This is the service of ýthe Weian's, Uiety anll a gcoosat-- be appreciatesi by thie se Untited S>tates is forg-ing aheadI L Ipae produotion. Their lat-. plane can attain a speed tof 458 -S anl heur, and with sedavn our ,pilts ould %soon last the n'y out ef the skies. CLARKE UNIÏON Miss ElenSuc pent thie week- ein thisseion. M.George Fogg-g sûda ihorot MrEoin anercck aa1d M r. Arthur Sauncbers are ngge on thec F o re stry. M.and Mrs. Oharulie Reasor ani d famlil'y visited with her pairents, Mr L. and Mrs. Ge-orge Caiin on Sun'day. Mr. and Mis. Jin Sinford and D',ioobhy 'anid Bobby visîted with MAlr. anid Mrs. Sulas Souch on Sundlay. M ix ac' is.Vernion Saunders visi«ted with his parents, Mp. and MArs. A rthiur Saundeis, over the week-end. Miss ýMerile Power, of Oshawa, and Miss Mami(ez Archer, teaeher ii Bow- nianville, visited in the section o'ver the we-ek-end. We are sorry to report of uhe ac.- cýident of Mc. John Berry. ,,breakçiing bjoth anihles ini his aiLle. This is~ the third break Jiin has had. We wish hýim a speedy- cecovery. Mr. and _Mrs5.Vanee and fami- il-, -who have tenanted the formier Cowigfain, bha v e moved to the( fre Acc(lirnent fri.Btb Of teefarins are ewned by the Tobac- co 'Cm any nd IVr. and ,Mr1 Allan> Brown Land family 'have inlovpedin whiiee Mcr. and Mis. Vand'eybelL vaat- 1cd. - 0 COWANVILLE Mr. and Mv is. Bobj. ilendry visîted: iM. and Mrs. Aif. Peri"_n. Mr. _andi -Mcs. Will Benmpsted, of Toronto, -vi.sited ,vith _Mr. and Mrs. B. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid and famllily viisted 'Mr. and 'Mas. Reg-. El- liott, Kendal. Mr. and i Mas. Arthur- Bewdin have nicuesi to the Lake( Shore on their grandiparents' lplace. 31isses Dor othy and Kathleeni Siipsen anim visited with Mr. anid( 'Mri. illlirSimps'on. Miss_1M. Lumb, of Bcwiman.ville, ançi Miss E. Mathers, of Mt. Forest, visited at the Striniger homle re'cently. Son'y ta report that Mrs. chas. Cowan ýis in Osbawa ,hos'!ýpital havîng her-it oeremoiý,ved. We wish her, Mc.andMas A.T. Perrin, Tor,. onto, -i'tdMr. and Mrs W. A. PCiil over thewel-nd.Ms Perrin i s stayinig for a eek Mr. Vi,. C. Lane ha, been on the si k Iist. My. anid Mr.larold Li tle anmd sonl înVedi to the v ilagL lnýSt week. Milso hvebeecn Il thle S4ck]_ liat. 'MiSý Mary 'lider ýon is assisting Mrýs. (Rev.> R. E. Morton, Ne'wcastle,. Mr. mWIl. S'tapietonl s ,id a herse to Mr. Georg-e Robinson, Newcastle, last we ek. MaLster Jin i'ýaveiry etmme home frin hospjital Mondfay, we are --lad to) report. - Mr. and 'Mas. !Mark Saper, of Ken- dm1, were Sun'day guesats of l4rs. C. Iloskin. Ma.(Dr.) Mullett 'la speiýding a few dnys with Rcv. and Mrs. J. Me- Lachlan. fýMîss Annie Wragg- is ýwith -Mrs. Cecil Robinson, -ulo is under the dec- tor'heae M.is. J. Stlark and Danna spent n f ew; vsayiÀ-ý m-e ul with friends in CaStieton.> iie Anriie Nes(bitt isý home after being, in Tronto for the sprn*gmdl liineay season. MIrs. Thlos. Staýplcton Visited ber, mn1ville, onMoay Mr. and Mas. GoreSmithi, Stwac- vTille, vis'ited hea mother, \l-,rs. JIls Stapleton, on Suirday. _Mr. andi Mr.s. George Lningl and son, anid Mrs. Petei Laing, Oi-ono,) spent Sunday at iMr. Wmi. Langs The Girls' Club myet at iMiss Wyhna Farrow's, Newcnstle, at week when Miss S co'tt, their leader, was present. Mr, and Mas. Thos. Rurkell, Mr. Gleland Lane and Gloria spent Sun- day with Mr. andi Mrs. Carberyy, of Norwood. Mafs. C. Hoskin and Mv\l. and Mrs. Percy floskin attendied the funeral ef the forniers brother-in-mar, Mr. Wmi. 1 Beatt, at Elizabethville, on MeInday. Mr. and Mas. Bruçe Whitney« andi Cladys visited at their cousins, Mr. Stanley Wlhitney~s andi Mr. Frank- -Dixon's, Bflihton, on Sùnday, andi bcougit Ms Olive Whitney home with theiny. SuInday g uestS with _Mr. and Mra. Sid Lancas'ýter 'were : M y. and Mrs. Wý. T. Nickells, Alfr-ed andc Carroll, ofWesleyvile; Mr. Ray Wehter a Toronito; Misses Eunli(c andi Enria, Jkiaof Bowmair'ille. The( corjIgregaýtion oýf the Unitedi Chu c,(h we e pri'ýv'illegedý to hear an i- tenisely initeces't{nFI addless STn'day, eveinv hen Mrs. (Dr.) Mnlillett, retu'cned missionary froin China o111 uaogwas guest speakýer. 'Mrs. Mullett outlinedi hom far the Japranese ha.-d penetdrated into 'China, epanp hythe Chineseýc foughit 'so hard to retain their eountry andi some of thel effects cif the -war on themiy. She misa' tald manïy things abeut the city whyere she and hec husband are sa- tod.Feýllo)wing ber address s'hei- vited ail to the ehur-ch baseient wheve she 'showed plctures of China a-nd dspoe wondecful handtwork cf the Chyinese. KENI3AL 'Mrs. Bowes andsno'f Toronto, are visiting Mr A. Grei.' Miss irjory Ipattonl, Port pê ,vas .at home. Mr. ansi 'iVrs. M ilt ' n Rabinson sýpent Sunclay in the cýity. ,Pte, Gilibert Gr.eig,- has been nioved, froni Ottawa ta Nova Svotia.a Miss May eiLean and friends, af Toronto, -wece at hecsurnmearhome2 Mr, A Lite and MssDarothyv Sco'tt were %w*IhMs Neya iLittie oni Stincay. Mrs. Florence Wcighit spent las t week withi hecý datighlter, 'Mca. Leo- ari Falls. Pte. Walter Wright, Ptie. Willis Tyrrel's Drug Store' BRUGS STATI&NERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO This Sund-ay May il is Srnles'N Chuckles The favorite Quality Candies, specially wrapped for Mýother'ý.' Day 1,2 lb ..............25c. 1 lb. for ..............5 c. 2 lbs... $1.00 Elite Packages at $1.0.0 and $1.50 each Mother's Day Greeting Cards W'e have a complete assortment of attractive new designs, at FLOWERS CARNATIONS, per dozen ........................... ......... .... ...............$1.75 SWEET PEAS, lier dozen .............. ..... .............. 5c., 50c. and 60c. SiNAP DRAGON, per. dozen .......... ................_........ .....$1.25 and $1.50 MIXED BOUQUETS, at ......... ........ ..................60c. and 90c. each Flowering Potted Plants PA1-NSY GERAýNITJMS ..............,...............60e. and 75c. each. CINERARIAS ........................................ .........60c., 75c. and 90c. each GERANIU-MS ............... ............- .............................. . .~. each P'lace your order early and be sure Perfurnes and Toilet Sets ln Fainous Creatiens of Adrienne, Lady Ester, Gardenia and Jasmi-ine PERFUMES at ,. .......................................25c., 50c., 75c. and $1.00 COLOGNES at..........................> .................... ... . ... 60c. and $1.00G TOILET SETS, at ......... ............... .............. ...... ............. $1.00 to $2.50 Packages wrapped for mailing at ao extra cost-We deliver. You SaveMWith Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Buya for Cash The Thriftiest and Soundest Way Lad~es RaonPlat*ed AkeSôcks, tuick stitch (nlew), turne c(l owl-ictif s', as colors, sIzes 8 to 10 1-2, pr ... 20C. Glaci Rag o'sÏngCohspecially trealted, iS ideal for all polisl I',ing lo~o 4-sýish eeded,each .................15c. M\en'ls Hailf solies, Solld Ledher, 11,niedu hcces pair 23c. Mulns Iue Deim ivi tP s go iigt idIe pock- cIts, onie hip ýnd Iwatch pocker, sizeýs 32 to 42, pair........S1. 19 AustIýriain Sieedles'sRasis.SPEIA 'L, 2 11,.lb ..s.......e Suire Go'od Peais, 16-(u- tin, Cdhoice qualityN, -No. 4 si . SPECIA, ti ... .. ................ ........................ 10ec. ArwTea, B1tack, Gojod QaUy 1-2 lb). for .....3...........sc VjcLorvjLis (ok esfres8 f rom the o-vens.WE - E'ND S E I L 2 'lbs. for..................... ... ............. 29c. Freshi Clocolate C'oated Peaunut CEra10-sWEEK-ND SPECIAL, 1-2 lb). for .......................... . ............. ...... 1 Oc. 'hre HeatvPerenii Planlts, Philox, , -ercnicas, Del- piiimis, Orieutal Ppy 'ueMnsodColiliibinie, Painbied DPaisy, Caniterberry Bells, etc., ete, each,..... -.15 C. Now is ihe tinC tilt aiup Vhose ,stiffld andwr-okn ~foors ihStedmnnil's Diarnlon& "S", Floor Paint, t!hat spreads wtell and dIriks hard, quart tinl.. ................ 59C. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE' O0ROmNO 5c. TO %m$1mOOSTORE Have you seen our Children's Wear on displayiri our store? Boys' Barge' Sport Shoe, Toe, Heavy Crepe Sole, real value at per pair Crepe Sole, wd < to $2.95 $3.25 becoming more crowded drive his automobile with- eInsurance Bonds, etc. Office Mouintai-n Outings the district, for leisure- [ent of the grandeur of ans. Camnera fans W311 low-rate outiugs parti- irling becauise of the picture material. The will discnver near-vir-- teeming -with f ightng trout. The out-deor 1diseover an entirely d andi new ways of eu-