TUE ORONO 'WEEK] . - A ý7 t 0 Xx. 'upCI a ale CE STOCKE.RS UNE 5th, 1941 Fr.. delivery. K(oellent conditior y fanai fo-r tw( Classified COMING EVENTS The Womeni's Associationl of Parký ,tr. ilited Chiurch will hold tlieir, S t rarwerr y Fes'tival on Monday, J Une lh.Furtheu Yarti'nulars iiý' ne-xt iýssue od thie Timnes. See uhmCony nteSre --,Its ýwoodlots, farým Ilands adgaýr- dens, its vufleys anci hilisidies, its beauty spts nd banrren stes-to libe presented lb Dr'. L. B. Williams, of florontlo, in NSe wcasttle Commiunity alon Fia eveingl, May 0h ~rogrm uner aspices or Newcastlc HortcultralSqcieù-y and ail proucds ~o go te, the Lvitis11War Victimeiý' %'und. Pormbgn at 8.30 p.11.1 :D.S.T.). Blringl the whlole famýjily. AIdission: Aduits, 25c.; Cldrn ANNOUNCEMENT The revguar W Mî_N.S, mlleeting and FredhpTee wll e held etthe home of Ms M. H. Staples on Tues-' dayl, junic 3rn, at 2.45 o'cock. Chiarge or ten centis for tea. ,Also a sýho-,erj Gits ~l0coatior, f lor the bale. WANTE D Middle ag,-ed wmato do house- work for siedl tamiy of adults. Ap- ply Bo-x 17, Ororno Times Office. ,-:203- FOR SALE Frame bilin,24 x 2, obeto dowvn aind talken away. Doulle bad ed. Anyoine wanting saine appIati Times office, Oronow. a-20-P, 1 HAND WASIJER FOR SALE _____________________ Renrew~Wsairie seýd for tVwo COLLI PUP FORSALE year-s. Comjpletc, with wrhnger, Ahl COLLE PPS OR ALE in fir-st class shape. $15.M0 fori cash BrownTr or black, $2.00. Apply Vo sale. W. F. Cho-pnan, Plione 51 r 6, JitnTainbyn, Orono. c-20-c. Orolno. a-20-c. 1 BeattY Wasber for blneofac counllt. aFmWy ~ ~ ite.Tutrai. Apply Rýoil's llardwxie. DAýNCE A Dante in aidl of ÉlheWa Victiuis' Fund w vill be, held rin the six-th binle Sichoýol Romi..ïw June 4Oth. Adis- lo e.Ladliee. w6 l hcfr. Ever-yone welcome. BA BY CHICKS Blood T..ted White Leghorns -,and Barred Rookï, 1Vh-.d, Sex-,ed and tatdPui*. 1.O.ired chicks. Ail oggm » ..do iwfa-cm. Ovzer thirty y*"a, in buâuese. Low pricesý on Rocloe a.d Leghirn Coikeres.- Alvin CIumu*, Bowmunville; Phoxe 2433. tf Attend the Orono Red Crcss Danice on Fridy ovening, May 3Oýth. MUIT RDno $ I. I001a A Statement by the Minister of Finance In money alone, this war is costing Canada in round figures, $4,000,000 a day. That is three and onequarter times the dally cost of the last year of the last war. This confiict costs so, much more because it is a battie cf giant, swift machines ... as weîl as of men, And to build other than the very L best machines would be futile. They Must be worthy of our men. Caniadadare not... and will not ... sacrifice men for Iack in quality or quantity of fighting machines. Hence we must produce them on a scale hitherto undreamed of. To do this, Canada needs now to borrow fromn her citizens at least $600,000,000 in addition to the revenue raised by taxes. To obtain this money Canada will on june 2nd offer Victory Bonds. Fortunately, Canadians have the money to buy these Victory Bonds. This is shown by a greatly expanded national incomne and by record savings deposits. If every person who has savings or who can make payments out of wages or income will invest in Victory Bonds, the Loân will be quickly subscribed. But the wholehearted support of every citizen is necessary. What Canadians have done before, Canadians can and will do again. Our population was leos than nine millions in 1918 and 1919. Yet in November, 1918, our people invested $6 16,000,000 in Victory Bonds. Eleven months later, in October, 1919, they invested $572,000,000. The total subscribed for Victory Bonds in those two boans was $1,188,00,000. This year, with our poïulation increased to more than twelve millions, the nation that did it elbfore can do it again-and in greater measure. The terma of the Loan will be an. nounced May 31st. Get ready to buy every Bond that you can. f MINISTER 0F FINANCE Me~ e 44 ProfessiîonlalDirectory MEDICAL A. F. McKEINZIE, M.D. PHY)SIGIAN and SUR GEON Ofiioe Ilours 2.00 t, 4.00tpin. 0.30to 8.00 p. PHlONE 47r1 ORONO DRZ. R. O. DICKSONX Dentist (Formorcily of Tor-oito), wishes tVo an- nounce the openinig of a permanent office4 in Ornno, 0on Monday, June 16,. 1941, iVahin st. Office hours in Oron0. ~Monday Vo FrIday (incuisdîve), froxaý 9 a.in. Vo 5 p.m. Eveningps by apoint-- Fment only, Office hiours in Newca5s- tie. as usual, every Saturday, froi»ý 9 a.ni. Vo 9 p.i. For- appointinent telephone Orono. VETERINARY WYTilfred W. Sherwin. B. V. Se., VETERINARY SURGEON Offite : Main St. Orono Plhoni 56 r '7, Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillamý- QIJALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiat. of the College of Optêni- etry of O1ntario Office Houris: 10 to 12 am. and 2 tc> 4.30 p.m axd by appoimýment Office in 0. B. Tyrrell', Drug Stort* Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automno- bile ani Liabîlity Orono - ntariûo AUCTI0rNEER_ý T EDJ A CKr*%,SON Auctioneer and Vahator ConiduectsAuction &esof afl éiek and at reasonable rates. Ooxnmumieate with him at P*ul PerOnario, or .ee hi.. 01rk, A.L E. XfLýrtox», at Orono, for date. ~ G. RICHARDS Practical Watchinalor Ail Repaira to Watches, Ciocka, and Jewellery, wiII receive Our prompt attention PARK STREET CIECNO, PORT HOPE "VIRGINIA" Great.Modeim Draina of the South, ,vith Madeleine Carroll, Fred MacMurray, Carolyn Lee Filmned in Techni-olor Monday tW Wednesday BETTE DAVIS At lier Best, in "ýTHE'ILETTER"ý F. F. Morris & Sonil Funeral Dir-ectors Furniture Dealers5 AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowm&nville - Orono Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Nighit, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store ani Modern Funeral Service in, Durham Our Servic--THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our Price-THE LOWESTà MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO È