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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1941, p. 7

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eu! tqWit possibleto have a gpoid ~veetaIegareneven ,froas aaad,0s. fis net a !bittoo arlyfonai 4j~s cucmbesquash l'arin e- a i ndla, ita ccorf Pot atoa, oean, carros and bhaut; with wili ktarted hsypatpriae Irom tie-earest seed store orr greunhiloue, onucasetlont a p ers, cabba-nga and c elry. Te ai u Lp witi hislate gardanînjïg It is adviaabiA tacuILfiatefra- muenfly, wter duiag dry wNea- tiser, anid to brr along wtha few Papplications o, f good ceia furtilzer, espruly aay nowly pet out plants, applied (close to b u t not acunlly tuii h plans or iauoos cosmos fre e s, rom la tbey adisesive tapa or stap1eý wserài aiposibe te fie. Sweet Peas, Tomvatoees With aweet puas and odnr garden peas, ona may use dcekean wira fr M eu faut tesix ee highs dpndagiow taîl th-e puas grow'. ith t omatous, dahlias, etc., -usually wida shoots are lsipped off, and tie Main Somnionly a lowed te gros'. Give Themi Rooni Thinning, as aay old gardc-urc w,ýill onfirml, la meet nuCcessary w7"ithilv ge ta bies, fiowers an11d eirubs. Nature whan leftatone ku rutites, kuig or crOwdiag; but tise weaklings. 0f tise tisraa te f va thgusand seatiag inas thalt are ivsl strewal by tisa ,suds ovar an cre of Ianm, lus pan a undred ara parmitted te ~rahfuall mctuirityflr-qrtr pf acentry 1t- Jn gar:ssng ïusut bu olwd If ieft te grow, eLrulwdad foeabecome ýýspirndiy and weak, esypray for tise first ~tif f indhavy tain or hnr insecf. Vegetabia, teeý, ge pidlyor woody. Pasture Hela Millk Pout le Key3tone in KeigUp E-Coýonmical MiIk Yiceld in Summer Months, Saye Ont. Dept. oýf Aricuiture PiNstu-e i. ise aaoee e Dom1ýial nIik prxiduction and fis ts Mlst fimnportant siaigie facofor la -,13; ngUp ilk ýyiaid d 1ring tise surünier moafis, systbiseOaftario Dept. e Ariulur.No labor la, euired ia havctlng and ULitl îios of utriants occurs tirough weathar i,teD3g or oudtg Any ansmerproducttoa roga mueat bubult arouad pasture aIM tieprobleinis arisiag outf o pastur production, Pasfure ha-s a speciai Iibet te chesse patrons as tr nsusser mullk Tt should b rueem- barad tist tisera v an wo omaf ouson chasPsa offaed t by tise (Jatar-ie -overaet by seeding hg-ikîgmxue gr 'iasse's aad lgnssonsg ioi1tbat bas a big2'isfurtlityleai Wheruverpossibe pate land sliol] ,bu located nriar i- a baJ)ran. ýViTnling cwalong distanices te anld Somtise pasýture fi is net con- uMv e h ssslk yNMe in.lad- juba Ate uWng mCis encreyit pr- disose eCews te urder njuiry end se and ccacked faut. lo rot overgînze pastures.Ovar- - rzigrduca.stiayud aras ýnja-Y froni drougist aadenorg ea tie grOWtb cet weads. Sema, grasses and lagnma5 are actuall-y killd byver 'doa gazing To 'pru veîs isncata ytni X , fationai Mpastuing. s feel o S UNDA YI LESSON iX BROADENMINC CHRISTiAN HORZOS:THEIL AN'T!OCH MOVEMENT Acts Il. 19-3f) PRINTED TEXT, Acts 11 : 19-30 GOL.DEN ýTEXT.-For 1I arn not Mahamed oDf tlie gospel: for il id the pwral GnOa unto sla to the Jew fir3t, and also te tise Greek. om.1:6 THE LlESSON IN ITS SETTING'i Tre-3and 144 A.1-, Plc i ntich wsagreai City of Syria, on the t bank oý f the OotsRiver, 1 mle l- lard f roim the Meditrra neail Coaesti*nthe northern xtr nkt," n thi eson wu fidichinsa- terilfor thenstuy Ao Cc ghrwt nd hritianflowhp Chu'ierche sprngup andsro ried o-hsethýewodfGd Christ iSe i L d(2d -Ahere men ad mna re le'd ftbeiev n Ilm as their Saviour andsweia those ho know the os 'e1_311 labor nteWr teth it could seemWho wonre ePon- sibie for the fun ingo hs( bu) great Church atAtic ea wýhat we woid Jcal!i iaymetn, sp por-ted by sclrpurcsuits oef -e bt dmntd yapsso o proclaiming Chris. FOllowing PeirsecsItionl Ac t3i11:19, "They therefora that wera scattered abroa uponà the tri ulation that arose about Stephea," The perecutioa that flowed on uthemdath oYStphea had a two-fold effeet. it niade thse dispersed dosciles preac"P Chitadfoundchreswti aesieand beyvond -,Paiestine, In Our laso Lte AoteP appears preachinge and rm o on haoccnupies n i', eain proinfent aind sooýn adoinn part in the history o tise C uis- flan Church as recorded sn tha .Acta."Traveled aas lasnePhoen- icia, and Cyýprus ýand ntoc spaigthe word t o a oniy to Jevs." (The population ofAntiocle i- luded many heteroge cous ele- nnins. The upperclsew inainly Gek.TieIîera ficiais wr Romansý; tiimase wer? Syrins. But mingn amionig hese, yet peevn e iigously teuo ditiactîa fro tewere nanly Jew"vs oh been drawa to Antioch, brinag along their sacred books). AL Great Number BeIie'ed 20. "But there were soi e of theni, nmen of Cyprasand Cyrae, -who, when they were oit t -Antioch, spake unto the Greaka' also, pecigtheLodJss '21, And tha, hand oftiaLr was with tlwm: and a gura nuni- bar that baliaved turn1ý( ad unttha? Lord'" This pr-eachi sýg t th Greeks was not a notistkeye though dona wihouto fficiai Sanction. Tisa evident blsai 1 on théai rk justifed thue sa iy evangelits, Barnabas ini Antiocis 22. "CAnd thea report cacerns, dng thomcame to thaearu af th chur-ch wý'hich was la inJeru1s-aerct: adthay sentfotBaaass far as Anitiocui," Ts a sent Barnabas who front bS, eatriirttmant of casl had sh1owvn 1himelf a iman fuit o Chis flan hopefuineas, i'to fel! tisa Jewa' about the admsson of Cor lias a Ga tu othe faith, adLt dccl1are tLo tbs -atl hart tise Jerusaiem Churci wcomad ail cho believed thatJsu a ta Christ. 23. "hwinh a co1-e, and had santhýe gaao Gýod, wvas giad; and Àhaexhrd thenii ail , thatwih purposao huart, they wouild iele,,ava no h Cana~anTank Mau Goels to School Mesof the trAig tuaDof the Canadian ïtank mn ispent la the blass romwhn~e ha earnaAIl thetrics of the intrcatenmachine with wh-lich nodrnwar is foght tmigsjpeead. A driver is shown hlere as he sotn in one of the specii inmtructioa tanks. Thase have sections cut away toureveai tSe action of tisecntîals and other equipasnt. Lord 24.For ha wp aage aansd fui eof tise Hoiy Spiritý and of faifis: auld asach is ppla wa ddad unto ftia od. iss coui1,'verts wara ned te-isaLord Ja-sus beforu thiý -ey wuraadu t tfise Csrb itadfaac snba patc ol aal 25, "'And ha went f'orth te) Tarustesauk for Saut;2. And Wbua i , fýha ad founid 1 buf1, hae b4reught hlm anto Atocs"Paul had b ia-l T ar sus prbby aotsxyeLas. If seemas prob- abta tha-t Barna4bas wasý acquain- tedwiis au's ;comusiiiissîon te tise- Gu thas ia libusymtbizadhty( 33y DAVE KROBBINS "MARCHUING IN SWINGTIME"' Ex-,pIoring ise ,beaut las eX N'ta- ture orutie affect of a naywOwr o)n thair beýloved public, i' i ise ,sainie tise arudfieucn ventionats. Woodisouse and Haw- h ins. ý Now fiuy Lire eaxpioring; a fer erase fanw fo then-ilfa ia tise Easf Tisa famous consady tenus froini Wnnipug has avrriAd la Toronto and takua- up resý-idence-- lu a large lieuse whîchalraady assumas tisd air efX bruazy boa- pitaiity kow jaiul.tisa granàt open spaces. Tisa boys av tisa aaýw sumnmer show, "M1arch1ing ila Swiaigtimi-e," aud tisey wl a thýroLIgIs tise etihsurVpro0SCaaýim arcis eacis Monday af 8.00 p, LEDS T If sis uja s well for tisa ifenars la Eastern CanadJateget utsud te saarîng Wodouuard gawkýins' ruai naisses. Ia Win- 1ipeg tsyarai iedictory as Art E-. MeGi-agor and F~kJ Deavilie. Soon thay wili bucisu at thair aew Addresa lis tise anme way. But they wiii bu us1çingý W'oodisoCusa ýand Haw"kîna me110t when they ara huard on tisa air with"Marchiig la Swingtme." --0- AROUND THE DIAL -Note for filadesaprgr la Sal1ute te tise Bride huard fro-us CC encliswuakday nonigat gagements, a-ndotriem -lu farest te aladies araefaaturd. on fhils haf heur chat with -Juan. GWlor d. Tien, f oc, tlaere's awe-fie cdrchuaýt thut you, yoryo nîyWin just !)Ysudglayr nama. Its S"somtsg you aioui gaýt la on. WatrConpton',s Doubla or Noiigshow frons 1tisa, WOIR- Mutuainetworkila One oftise faseat pnced question and answar soson tishe air, being ise'ard riailif at 8.00) )occkfrous fie American natwork. Tint1 Ville and acruan! com-ic, Jay C. Flipen elp pace tisa ýOcmuy in and aunyJe iE. Hownrd, CM- stasïo ta Gay Ninetias Ru,- view, jola inlaMkng tie Cohrm- biaý n.ework audience back te tise turn of tisa century ifh muie, sagnad comaedy. This pleasing ruvewlahuard ovur CES Mon- days at 8.30. AI Taylor bas at simple but affafi e mtbeüd eXicki Out fie fanas ha pinys ila WBEN's, eariY - mri~ "Sun iGraufeýrs Clu"huardm short yaffur 610, OYclck "IJf it's a daîl day, I »îck Ouf puppy isusic," xpiains At. "If il' a brihcierfal dayý, 1iimight coesentimiental msi. ix i p sea way or anofher-asid tSe rest of tisa day takes care Radio Ban:Snsrs os niA Baker is te have ber appendix eutj ayday no1w...Bin-a- s lcTumnpteton ha-sesttied bisiawui wiis isparants ouf of cut..,Orchy leader 1Tommny Tuhsreyer pinys a tune unili bis uofserbas oknyed if .. Put Hars(fiahIuCiýy stiff) bas got isssifhtcied .te blonde AIilce Faya of imovies; Ibis divor-ce Scem bis fermer ife came A'lt affctwisiaha was lholidaying la Saskinewan iast year. with it.and thatbh a swinaAn- tic lhu divineiy prepared- op- po-tunity for it Ifis las int isciher of fham theu8'ht for a m oret that Geilue believers rAisd .withiwcin thhrh han, oio'ssrlations wt iemte Church. Filrst Caued Crsin "Acd tàame to pasalut even for, awoeyeaqr they,,r- gth ered ogethr~"w th tisebcurchn, a naught nmuch people; adtha-t the, disciples wervLalledChr-is- tias irst ii ois."The dis- ciples pevouiymdcited hem suv"eievers" or simply"ds ciplosn"One specialinterestfo tise word "Christian" is that it combines Jewish thoug't wîth Greak and 'latin languagu, ami tins, like th2is iiscri-ption on thse C-ross, buars witna-Ss to the uil,- ,Verslty of Christianity as a re- ligon fur tis whee wrld. The Chiurcl'z Liberality 27. ow aths astsr caetdown prophets fromt Jorusa- lanîi utoAntiocli tiseni noaed Agabuam andsiifd by the Spiritat tdueashod b2 a gwraofmine over aidte world: which cameteY Pau neh dysefA Claudius. ý29'. Andtis"'e isilear nanacodig ta i biiy e ferind o end-elefuntotise brvethýreaa fistdei nJudaeun: 80. Which, also thay dilidý, send- ing if to h edr b hah of Barnabas and SauL." phare of avangeiism. Tise heart that is warm with the grace of Mo is genarous towad every bu- mian need, HORIZONTAL 1PictU:red Iaged wnouer Cn England 10 Artîficini k!siIk, il Tisereforc. 12 Gcelic. 13 P~ie 16 Foldling, bed. 19 Cre-di f (abbr,) '20 Aromnaf e. 21 cet. 22 iNominal value. 22 To warble 228 Mij dday, 3 0No.ý DaPmaisy. 33 Tow boa, 4Logtiresomie 36 Humor. 37Rtdist (abr.). 38 Perched'i 29 Opposed t bottom', 41 Railrad W7r'ld's JHIgh Jla les Stees, nvriyo r- 9)MO tnhe,936Oinlymietbor-. nen osonComptnunior Collge, nd Dave brtn o ObiQ< ýt in th 96 lmpctras Mwel' Wnlkr lia's ix oo 10lis mark snbtitEd tise --,T 'a Aforfi sreognitin iJtC e versity of Wahagtonjumas EveryTh hird ar acW 31 vay Foun Defe ct Oe la fsreas teedo wak caý h-ufasbeni ondl spe"ct a of othsan ide- clres. Fory autoswer ca orer cometey vrbaedrhcdd Aawec optecdôua'Figze 14 One who ruas LU P57LIA4POUND ýL awry, K EN AI IE aes M TPP1Pgpu A PET A I DE20 Sfckbnglear AU1 ION P U Maish, OIITRII s24Naýt ur il power, 'v, L SE Oý W L 26 Den, A E M L OLD 27Fred f Y CA EP 29 Opposedto,.3 42. Puinfuationi VERTICAL 31 Te, go te i misk, Bunder. 34 3eret, -14 Hill. slope$ý, 3 kilIn. 35Srd 4 ciling. eelgas 38 Sun, 4 j46lgrs 40 Hiuse canary.. 48 TO SUaLt 5 Pep, 42 Insensibitf, bc0 Laceratea. 6 Finlislid 43 pet-son 52 FOrMIof 'tes 7'i capegrae. oposeD 5Coaxes. 8Pertaïfirag t) 4Fa!ction, 55 MIiusical noe. sises. 43 Futn seeds;. 56 HIe ja a 9 Grief,ý 47 Ilowhsg n,ýfool, wori-faxous12 HliembAs n 19 If la, ~irfhpesôhoaIjty', 54 Trfle P, %y J. MIILLAR WATT YEN ERABLE WRITER ' POP-Pop's Right

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