TUESD-'AY, JULY lst 1 o'clock ('S.T.) BasebaIl--Millbrook, North Durham and Newtonville AT ýo and Kendal NIGHT' It's Z-' atyouirservice MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS; A RA VALUE AT, EACH ............... ................... ....... MEN'S ELASTEX, WMMN TRUNKS, BLUE, GREEN OR R1ED............................ MEN'S REPE SOLE SPOR HES E PAIR ..... -..................... ..............--.............. MEIN'-S SCAMPERS, SIZES 6 to 10 .-....... $1.95 $1.35 $3.25 $1.89 MEN'S S OSS TO SUIT EV-ERY TASTE ANI) PULRSE.,................... - ... .......-19C-$1.0 Fire, Çasualty and Automobile Insurance .Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC. 0S-MITHr PHONE61 r 2 - - ORONO Gas, Qil, Repairs, Firestone Tires Phone 42r11 Oronc, Ontario Mi%.lHall o,>heïirTiîning S hlool atBani pt uchewee-en1d with pupiLs of t'lheOrn pulcsheol wiil co)nflmellýe thir smmr ac tienýs"on Friday, June 27îth. Sm youngters ho w r flotfortunaute - te ercumeddwl try their en- ing papers tefioigweek. Mr. Muit. Walkr ha'd a tr1il) to iXontreal Lastwek Mr-. llry L e sl iTâhhe mother, Mrs, J.C.am Mris. J. ikoasei Monday iii the city of Toronto. ~Ms. R. A. oretrat.tenided an te tiedel "At Homeic" given',)y lher parents, mi,ýss i Mr. Lla1 nd Ms. C. D. ouk at thieir smier tag on bakýe Shrmcoe, to We ulnd'ý the striff' tweýn- t eachen's o£ the cases1ý of S, Corres<pondeaýýe Course2s, Department the Pr'eseî' - of Edu(-ation, ol which Mir. Bouck i ýs .TheW, -director. held rheir m Mter losing tei first three gamejýs Wednesda. the Or>onoirl' ofbalteam a took The Du: their rovee et ,on outcewh hold their they handed the-m a 2i te 15 defeatIle on Sat The Orono irs with tLheir conrsist- ent practising, are 'ea gradually Pte. Gec rourided into shape, an-d as the season sen the roils along' they will be up with the efrelea- leaders at the cocusion of the, We are sehiedule. Jamnes Sisý Mir- and -Mrs. Fred Coraiisli, Clarke are net in Township, received a letter recently M.H. waen obeing crnf t guns. 1 fred 1 Mr. an-d Mlrs William Hoiwdeni, Mr. and Mrs. Evans Storey and Mrs. D. Belch, of Omme;Mr, and Mrs. J. Grimason, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cod- frby and sons Master (Garry and b'aby Jachie Godfrey, of Peterboro; Mr. Robert EÈagleson, of Eriîe, ý>enn.; Mr. James Eagleson, 'Mr. ana. Mrs. Ernest Mephen, of Oshawa, iie recentiy at the home of MNr. ind Mrs. Jas. Eaglesoni, Centre street. M Bob Keane suffered a painful acci- C ent to his thimb on Tuesday of this week and has the injured meiber in a cast. While doi*g earîpentry work at the new bu-ngalow at uMr. Duncani's Bob a driving a sqikeý into a planlz when his arai struck: a santling, causing- the hamener to turn sligbtly, with the resuit that, the liaame~r came dowrn -ahis left thuimb break- ing the skin and crushing the knuckle înto a puljp. -ENGAJ&IEMENT *'Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Logan announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Eleaaor, to _Mr. Norman, E. Allia, only son of iMr. ard Mrs. 'S. E. Allin, Orono; tbe inaria-e to take place ea4ly la July. Orono Tins hop Firs. t L -ass PLUMBING HEATING and TINSMITHING And ail kinds of Repairs R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR mtre St. Orono Phone 30r16 ed Sisson lain ir QWil OW]hIýg ,th. î4lher auint, the.lt ,hmon. iersV.and thiat tIhere are threeý cearlet I~erla the townýq at nt timne. ee's Institute of Omuiemeeý upienie ia the park here onl ty afternioon. iham Junir Farriierswilii Agrieultural Society are now prmnted. Mrs. Crosin and daughter, Mrs. Law, ef Toornto, were wveek-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rich- ards. A Red Cross Tea willfbe held in the- Or-aUýge Hall this afteriioon, Thurs- day, June 26th, at 3.00 p.m. Silver collection. Congriatulations te Mr. Gordon, Bruton Who successfually passed his lst year eyaia-ininatioiis in Art at Tria- ity CoUlege, Toronto, Rer. S. Littleçwood coaducted a bap- tisimal ser-vice on Sunday mnoninig when seýveral childire-n of the congre- g'ation wvere baptized. Newutoniville feld day will be heldý on Tuesd(ay,. July lst, conimencing at' 1 o:,21ock. There will be two harIdball games and one sofItball gamIe. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Welyb and iittle son Kesineth, of Montreal, wh o are on a short holiday at Triple Bay, spent the week-end with Mr.and Mrs. IHoward Walsh. The Oronio Red Cross Dance will 'be held on Friday, June 27th, ia the towYn hall, Orono. Galloway's Or- cýhestra will supply tihe inusicý Ad- mission, 25c per person. Lunch extra, saerved liy Stqn, Payne, Five picni(,s. were at the Park on Saturday last. .Amn-ong tihem were the Oshawa Prsbytery Young Peoples' Unions and Carnbridge St. United ChurcLh Sunday School of Lindsay. ~Miss Lautra Alliai has returied frosu Toronto, where she attended the fa-. neral of hier aujnt, aad also ,isitAd withi friends. Sue was accompanired by Miss Helen Skhaw for a few dJays visit. Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Logan, MNiss Ruth Logan aad friend were in Tor- ente on .,Suiaday visiting Mir. and Mrs. E. G. Hay at their new bornie which has beemi eenipleted on Armouar Blvd., Arnmour Heifghts. Mr. J. ]Fýagleson, aecoinpanied by MUr. G. Ricýhardis, are spending the forepart of this week in the formier's Ap'ts. in Peteziboi-o, and the latter part of the -week at the cvottage at Bew%,dley on a fishing triup. Clarke Townshiip gained thre hig'h- est pereentage in the Victery Loan Can,,ipaign luinDlnrham Ceiunty, beingi 194.36 per cent. Aniother $6,000 would have girven themi 200 per cent. This aIse jiiudes Newcastle. Four, babies were christened at the Sundlay niorning servic-e in Park St. United Churých. Two chiicren of _Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey, one balby of Mr. and Mrs. TLawrepncep Tnirn, and n CANADA'S ECONOMY TIRE IS HERE 0"4Yt P. M. LUNN OironoQ -n. mA R MSTRO0N G'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH 1 Special8, Thurs. ' to Sat. June 26, 27 & 28 Phones. 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 l ARRNGS 4 DOZE N FRESHI CARROTS LBS. FRESLU CAPBAJE LB. bc. HAMNBURG STEAK- LB. .ISc'd PORTER- HOUSE STEAK ROUND STEAK LBý GIA NT RINSO PKG 5 iLce AEROXON FLYCOeILS DOZEN FRESH- SAUSAGE 2 LB. du daN ,&c* SIRLO: STEA] IN K- ROAS' 0 There's a thrill in store for you whien you see how much tire your money can honest wear at possible FRL. 6 FO ý- lers. et