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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1941, p. 8

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r. aind Mis. and Mi.J.1 C. Iot and fallîy, Mr. andl( Mis. Fa} Ross llallow0%ell withl E. Whiite, Elizabecth- Mis. Ruisse-l Lowvery and or-onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. B. Gilmer and , with Mr. and Mrs. T. 'nd Carolyn Jones, [tss Barbara iMeCon- d Mrs. Ethani Jones. Gordon Power and ith Mis. Ida Stark. sselSav'èry witli Mr. ldrew, Elîzabethville. Lew Haillowell and opais Haliowell and ,r with Mr. and Mns. iy night last -was quite a sue- a' largle crowd beiýng ý resent. A game h etween Ke-ndal an-d ked Creele girls. A g-oodi supper- pîogîrnýe, consisting 0o! music ie Farrow sisters, a vioa seec by Mr. . Bolton, solos by Miss PrQuse, Osaco, duet by N'Aissesý ie Shutka ind Dorotliy Farrow, readings by Mrrs. Rowe, Orono, m11uch enjoyed. '.OWAINVILLE and Mis. John Lowery, o! Oss-I v'ited at the, latter's home oni Mi Clysdlale visit- S. Wes. Stringer1 Ethel Burley, o! Bowiimanvlle, wibh Mi. and ýMrs. Clarence 01n Sunday. J. H.Vanploe, Miâf. and Mrs. =n, al o! Toronto, visited at apson home over tise week-end. and Mrs. Fred Grahami, New- Mî-Ir and Mrs.- Bob. Hendry, of hore, viited at tise home of J. .SImpson on Sunday. ýs in th GIad to s-e M s.Goge anbl homne from ihositl Mr. R. J.. Rowve ishig an anne-x builitto theirhoûe Miss Larna Liearce Spent the weekII-endi Toronto. Mr. Elwood Moor.e, ol Toronito, viýsited h1-is sister, tMrs. J. Stark. Mliss olive WýVhitne-y is hoe ro)m hiospital after a tonsil oeain Mr. Bert Blaokburn, Uxiiiridge, v-isited at Mr. J. A. Barrie's on ýMon- 'day. A number, from here attended Shiloli Strawberry Festival Friday night. -,r M -Gr(erJones has secured a position with? the Goodyear Co., Toronto. MissMilredMoie, o! Port Hope, spent a few days witlh Mrs. S. Lan- caister. * Mrs. Thos. Stapleton is visiting her daug-hter, Mrs. G. _N. Sith, of! Starkville. 'Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa,' apent a fc"w days with bhis parents, Mi-. and Mrlis, R. J. 'Rowe. *Mr. à)d Mrs. J. A. Barrie and JWlurray visîted at Mr». Roger. Tamii- ~bvn'.s, Zion, last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Crump, Port Nso.called oju Mr. and Mrs,. S. Lzncaster on Saturdiay. Mr. and M-,rs. P. IF. Bradley and Mrs. Butler, of Toronto, visited Mrs. WI. Whittaker on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. lHarvey Os;borne, Weieome. The CluJb held a sturawberry social at the homie of Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e XcCullough on Saturday evening. Mr. and 'àrs. Lloxyd McGah6y, of Petenlboro, visited lier parents, Mfr. aind tMrs. Robert Morton on Sunday. Miss Irene Brereton and Mr. Dou- las Cunn'inghamn, of Newcastle, were Sunday Wusts of Mr. and Mis. Geo. Kfinëball. 1 iMr. and Mrs. Edggar Philp and faLm4lly, of Gob>ourg, visil2ed at the home o!f Mr. 'an'd Mrs. R. Morton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrso. R. Brawn, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and I Mrs. W. N. iStevens while on a trip to Mýýoitreal. Miss June Ware, of Toronto, is apending- her sumnmr holidays here and will be niight operator at the Teleiphonie Central, Mr. Wm. Thonipsor i as returnedi to the Statos, taking with himi hîs, aunt, Miss Bertlia T.ms for a fortnig-ht's holiday. Broywn's H. and S. 0lub hli.d a dance in the Newtonville Cominmu- ity Hall on Friday nienqt. Proceeds in aid of the Red ross. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Hatherly and fanily, o! Boatminanville, have ýmcv- ed into iMis. Haig'h's bouse. Mr. Hatherly is eniPIoyed at Ellotts gar- MisB. 'Chiruýtîaji spent Satu MisBowdtch as in the ýci .few dys hisweek. Mis ay Rmto is visitin1 atunt, Mr-s. Chas. Thaylor. Mr.fHaroid Ransberry, o!f treal. was home over tÏie week-( Mr. and Mi. eith lienderson veyo! Sudbury, 'vjsited parents last week-end. Mrs. Lloyd Rýnsberny is slowl: coveriïisg after beixng eortned to for twvo weeks with ýpoison in face. An interesting event ~took pIs, the forai of a surprise party foi and Mis. Chas. Taylor on the e, their siliven weddinrg on June 3rd ter a social chat an address was ,b, tleir niece, Mrs. Walter Mi o!f Bowmanwille, after rwhich were pres,ýented ,vithlaaliandsomne mnet of silverware. They wme- surprised tliey Ieould scarce words to express theiraprei A very enjoyaible evenîng was hY aIl preseuit. Now that Gerrnan~y is busy oi Eastern front witb a. largýe nuull her war pilanes, the British are to travel across the Ôliannel and il the-larg-e Germran cities. Great tain will sooan be on even foi witb Genmany i this resýpect. rage. MVr. Jas. Bruton lias purchase ýpieee o! land from iMr. Cleland1 formeily thse Qvens property al ,opposite Mr. Brock Pethiok's, ai e.recting a ne-w house where th( one was., Sunday visitora with Mr. Mvrs. Jas. Stone were; .fMr. -and George .Thurston,Bobaygeon; and Mrs. WîlI. Metcalfe, Baltin -Mi. and Mrs. Douglaas Ogdein Ruith, Oshawa. Misses Margaret and Marion o! Bctmanville, ]Mr. anxd Mis. [Grahaim, Newcastfle, a.nd Miss Hood and Mr. Stan. 1ayne, P ihero, were rece1>t g'uests of and Mis. Reuben Payne. The United~ Suniday Sehool vers.ary Services will be held .unday, Junie 29th, at 11 a.mi-.a 1)11 Rev. Walter Tiaik, Harn wlbe thse -Uest stpeaker at services. He is a igifted soloist is the son of Rev. Ed. Tink, a f pastor. Sunday guests o! Mr. andM 'W. Lancaster were : Mr. and Willard Loeckhart, Florenice Bruce, Niargara Fallis,, N.Y.; Mr. Mr. vison 'Munday and faimily Maple Grove; M.r. anrdDis. S. tery and faily, Saluai, Mr. and C. Welsh and barbe, Bo7,v;ma.nvillh W.M.S.MNeeting The W.ýM.S. of the United CI held their June meeting- in the raent o! the ebrureis when Miss L President, cpened the mieeting. J. A. Barrie had àhange o! the graim and at lier invitation r..... te rug Store KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO ý9. Seibe ring Bathing Caps 5c. U,3 Bathing Sandals, pair .... 99c. Wet-Pruf Ear Plugs, pair...25c. *c. Summer S pecials to niake you feel Fresh on Odorono Liquid, 15e 39e. and ..............65e. O)dorono lee, Odor- ono Cream, 15c, 39c Mum, Deoderant, 15e., 39c. and ..59c. Arrid Cream, 15c,, 39c. and , ...... . 59c. Relax and E joy Neilson's Delicious Tee Cream, Tee Creani Bricks, in five flaveur combinaions, per brick ............ . .... 25c« At>so supplied in Creenx-E-Rolls, Eskixo Pies and Dixie Cups. Phone Us -We Deliver ýell'a Drug Store b,ý 27th and 28th e circulars in tie imail to-day ~ yorsei-youare under nvo obligavià S T R EETll acl ......... and HOUSE. ................ $1.00 ...... ......--.25c. les inTile appli-, S......I?43U. cc wiCtih hooks, each -.-......S c. -ES, ýideai for oA or electric .... 1...... ........ ....... . '9c. ,NNELS, eac ............ .......25c. :or .. .... ... ... .. . ............. ... 15C. i, Clûane r,fin .......- ......... 13C. ERS, sîZes 10 to 12, pair ...20c. LIL Qualty, No. 4£ee 2 for 21c. -...>...-............. ............... . .. 6c. 2 lb. tins, 2 for.. ........ ... 35c. EAM \I'SANDYWICHI CAKES, 2 bs. for ............. .....29c. --... .. ....... .. ...-1,..... 19C. 26oz. tins ..... ..... ............... 25c. AR SHOPPING CENTRE a vote of tfanks to was served. I.M A The W. 1. imet at - t. Savery. Thefo Cbusiness weîe agr- psýy W. Aidirewý,s plating fiJowvers a en;(2) to pay fo prînting thse That eacli gr-o.up for the RIed Cross Prom the pulpit an, secue donatios( jam. Mis. S. Row ,jMlorton w,,eie appoit the Townsbip Fedej rtiu (J.'M1555 was sabe o! Miss Be quilt. Mr. J. T. iucliy tiCket andi the oultack Vo b( ouir Field Day onJ Burley had charge Mis. G: C. Mlartin from thie distrýict an dal. Several îui, * given that had been vention as follows: Y TR. <aopey;war -v C ami val J une 27th, 1941 ýark, Bowmanville y. Paradle at 8 o'cloek (D.S.T.) -ho1 Grounds. Rue North on Elgii, South onGntr andGore West on mnperancel, pastCeoa, to Carnival lils Of Navy, Army Force Scouts, Modern Meedhanized Unit Service Club aw Refreshments by Canadian Pacific-Railway ejob. H-1e r u- of the tanks gus will be for

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