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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1941, p. 3

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ut science ~"',,Lettrs howEnthusiasrn For C.N. E. Plen WýIhereby Can- adian Wonenî's raiain >.a- Werkino Toge-ther tit 1941 Exhibition II Supply Cloth- es FerVctm Mrs H.M. ithýen, directorl o! wemonen's activîties etthe C.N.E., disclesed recently tint a, tfter lied been setby the C. N. E wemen's depart-in-t te the head- quarters o! the Womi-eu'a Volun- etary Services in eacbi of thebo - ed cities and townls of Great Brit- aie, teiug o! the pieu wbereboy 1,700 womieu fromn thirty Cania- îdia0 woeens organizations will 'wvork lis tieai big work r7oonsý e! the Woilenrs Building durîng X tise 1941 Exi-ibition preparing ciothes for boinib victiis lu the Motherland. Enci eîty was isked tO rely unnkiugr known its imdi- -viduel reqIuiremnts. Eachi of the-e "hlitzecP' towýn.- und cities, în-cicliu-gPl'ith Bimmîngbaei, Manchester, Lon- ,don, Glasgow, Dover, Cardi7ff, She.ffield, Belfaest, BrnIýtol, New- castle, Ragete, Portamioutis, Svvansee, Liverypool.. and Soutis- amp11tonl, made promypt reply te th-e C.N.E, query5> in eneis case 1LX- pressing their great appreciationi. Frons& Dover, PlymIouth, 'Liverpool Mrs,;, A. M. Beeston, Centre Or- ,ganizer o! tise W,V.S, un Dover, ~ ,'exemple, wvrites: "Tt is -kind 4f -yiýI te sug-gest sedngcothes te us here lu Dover. We shahI lie delighted te have iiîythiiig- you 5end, anid we are. iudeed, Mont gmateful te you ahl. Please lhenkh ai)l the organizatiens wbou are wo-rkinig for us, and tell themn thei sýpirit o! Dover lagan. . Anotiser Centre Organizer, Mrs. T. B. Davuie, o!f Liverpool, -anys.- "I arni quite Sure that you, have ne idea e! the deep imnpres- sien tise gýenerosity ind sympathy o!f tise Doniinions mnake on tie people heme.", K~< Tisacuye very Iucb for y%,ourý kind ete, resMris, Madge Wordhley, on bebaif o! Plym.ioutis. "P'iymoutiih ms had ai badl ture, but tise courage of tbe people is won-derful and their hieurts arýe high. Throughl the ee'sVol- uuitary Services, aýpproxina"teiy ,~ 'ye,5O0 people have -been clothed liere 'Uring tbe last tlwee mor.hs and thankas te thew wondei'fui gift-4 being receiveit frei the oh- !ons and Amerrica, we hiope t econ- tinue tîiýs heip for tlhose who biave Xffrdsuci terrible lroa4es. May, Sdoay soen comae wiien %vear with ail it s diastreas n nd misery la over, and victery Ilaessured for the Empire, se thait we miay al] go forw-ard together in creatiug a hetter and a hupe orld fr the future genierations." Six FamiousAtit ha an effort te asia lu aiýing fUnda for tbie Jasie-r-Ban!! Spit- lir-e Fund. six faileons a[tisis bv ffionated Original paintinga wbîch are .n nis ow on d ae ini tbe rotunda o!r jasper Park Lodge and are attrecting- mucb attention, Tise artiats Who baeve given tbeir peinit- itugs te issist this funid are Roieudc GisnGmeudmai-tso-n, P> e t e r Whyte, carl. RuniguS, Belmore Br-ownv end Roland Jackson. - Ai artiste are weIl knowu in thse worid's art circles - nnd have doue a grent cieal of wr in the Cz'ýaain Rockies. Tbey special- ize lu scenic subjecta, witb the e-xception of Roland Jackson, Who fe-tures wiid i,ýl! e and Grand- maison, wbose amlbition. is te per- petîuate thec iife of the rapidly vaniîsising North Am'ericanl Inidien, Hoe is lookedi upon as an outstand- ing- au1thority ou the !interpretatiÀon eInien lre ind character. Ch-inese Cooks Teil " Their Sucs sAll Wina Chns okleaves biýs 'I Dr.. Sam-uel Cohien, associate prfseof 1lar Yn gologyatUi Graduate Scbool o! Medine, University o! Peunsylvania, dis-. closecs tethuncat ilageow is, being so idnu"bnk"for fuiture Iuse. Dr. Cohien explains thiat e-xcesa cartilage remnoved in oeain previously was discerided but now la preserve d ilu a solultionfor future grafting opeations whlere additional tiqssue la required. "Cairtilage beuks" are bïe-oti- isig înraig important as'l r- timo ceuses a huge nmbro! bunan disfiuements. LOCATE SHRAPNEL QUICKLY A new quîck miethod ùf finid-. ing bulleta and shrapnel frag- ments in tise bedy by geometry is alnournced by the U.S. WrDe-. partsnent. The technique enables a tur-. geon te loete a fragment lui any part o! the body within one min- ute with au X-Ray spetter and aý fecw qLiick calculetions o! dis- i t taneces, The epemation te enu it is tisus greetly simplified. With tbie OOw portable X-.Reiy machiines nlow lu use, it ril e possýible te examine woun-ded So- diers juat bcko! the frontli, give emergency treatment and send tbem 'back to base hospials wvith specific idvicesans te t'he lo- cation of e bet or piece of sheapuel. Hen CJle I WhnCas Fails tue guI et a set et eggs. it was suggeatd when thie kens were tchred they shouldbe sent te g.,for the w'inler. The Pggs were put ln a gas lu- !uatr uthe patholegical le lbor* atery. Thon bomba cnt off the g«~ supply Thie eggs werelu da- ger et going mid, perrd ith a bonn iuh sidecar ef bis motorcyCle and ithe noecen-. er proceeded te betebsn ut the eggs. Sinusthe brgbtat star Yu the sky, is hotter jond 6,000 mîiles; fartbier awey then tbe sun, =dCanadiens work te. gether, backing our figiting focs! This year tise CanadiaYn- National Exhibition 'wfll ehow what that work is accomplishing,ý The Navy 'wil show corvettes andmine sweepere., Tfhe Army will demonstate ita aqnp- ment. Tise Air Force wilh bave a vat, absorbing diaplay, Manufacturera tee are aetting up tisrilling exhibits ol their wer materiala. The United States Navy Band whhl b. tise feature presentation in thse Band Sheil. There will be dozens of enthralling attractions of intereat te women-.-from wartinse kitcberis te day-by.day wonk fer tise bombed citi ee You wilh see thse migbty effort o! ahi' Canada drameatized. Thene wl hbe art and entertainment, tee. Sports and *music, dancing and pyrotechnies. It'ei e glamomous, exciting, interesting Ex.- hibition that evervone sisould ses!' Great Agiricultural Show Thse Exibition's Agricultural and livestocki Show is tise langeat and meat imiportntzinNothAmenP-ice, Ses tise latest farm- equipment. Leam tise newest miethoda. Compare recent geverument standards. Ses tise judg-. i ng, ahane in thgenerous prizemoney7, I fiond erE Etiquett !e BY RB'RALEE 1. How should e girl sýecre- tnrY xù roterteber employer? 2. Whiat la the cor-rect order for. the weddingl party te proceed down the cbureh alle? 3. la it ail rigbt te fonldieeor feed animais whiile at the table? 4.Lo it ever permi.saible te "show off" one'% knewledge about differeut subjecta of conversan- 5.Sheuld amn removýe bis bat wvhen hle imeetsaawonan ac-. quaiintance on the street and pauses te talk with ber? 6. What are som-e sug-gestions fer enitertelument et a bouse perty Answerg 1.She meny say, "Mr. Grant, for wb 1 or, M.Grant, my employer," or merely "Mi. Gr-ant," if be deoes net require identification, 2. Firat the uah- ers, according te height, thse shforteat lending, then the brides- niaida, accordieg te height, then tbe meid of houer ebone, then thse flopwem girl, and lest the bride on hem: fatber's arrn. 8. No; somiIe people object te the presence of anima usisi)athe dieing reom eand tisis sbould be kept lu mmnid wheu guests are present. 4. No; the -meat intelligent people are uisu- nlly tbe aimplest and the most snpdest. 5. Certninly, and hold it lu bis baud wbile taiking, un- lesa tbe weather ia disng-reeable. C), Golf, awimmiu-, tennis , bik- iug, picnicking, me1tor'iug. J Y ANNE ASHLEY Q. How c'I1prevent candbfes freili dripping? A. Place the cendies lu tbe mfrigema-,tor and !et them remaiDi for sevemal days until the lest %inute before it la necessary te use thein. The candies will then baum witblout trilkling down tse aides, ais tbe flame willcosm Q. ow cnIrelieve sun- be? A. Mix two parts o! limiewater tu eue part o! lînýeed eil; beat tio tise Consistençcy of ereain îauit appJly. vaseline or olive oh are aise g00od emndies tint are eften effcetive-. Q. How en i epair a vaýse frein wieh a piece has eeu ne-. clden-ttaiiy ciipped ? A. m'ouild a place et puitty loto the cavity aud paint iît th(- saine shade as the- rest of the vase._It wiîll be noticed fer leýsa than if 1eft cbipped. Q. How cen h remove acorch sýpots frei cotten fabric? A. Dip tbe article into ýold water nnid bang dripping wet lu the aunabine, As soon as, it dries, wet it agein and repent the pro-. ceas agein and again. This pro-. eass may take a litle tîmie, but î,t is a cure that will net lu any way injure the weering quality o!f the material. AGENTS WA1VTED BFUSINET-SS 0F YOUR OWýN N'OW ready; cosi determIinied bhy' er torydesiedbtflot prohibitive,: atcesold b tegalo ith inevitaýble rpat;anatural pro9- dut qald"1a.nd easy 'te sou. -16 YngeStTrto zWFYOU WANT AESUMR enri, faîl Ea hcs ecan1 up ly teon, but orer wll ii adeance.Righ t n ow theeare chic1s, mA ESI, readS m istarteýd, a-lBa antch C 11 1 X.Pipe BEEISUPPLIESLIHE WE PAY BTERELS, RCE O Lto stbeaftrgies, Montreal at reucedprics Sed for. neye list York BltngCe, 8Yerk Eîgbt 4 x 6 Enlargements Your fillit developed angtlqlenehli rlue enlarged to 4 x (,,3ee Reprlintu, wanme Nixe, -8 for 30e, DIRECT FHIMSERVICE 183 Kiug Bout. Devt. 7. Toronto BAKEIIY LP#IIP31ENT BA11KERS' OIVENS AND' MACEIN- eryý, also rebuilt equlpinent al-. v-ays on iard. Terms ar1ranjged, Correpondnce nvited. llubbercl Portable ýOven C. 18Betbursl st- Toronto. gITLQE TASTE GIOOD IN'~ A p1PleI» ~»1 N sAL~îG~T OUCHi-1î5e GROWN I SUlNylSOUTH The large factory had rnle its kwn ome Guard, and thse men were duly posted te gcuard tihe wûrku. The rmanaiger epproachedbthe mnain entrance, and the sentry, torm between duity and deferenice, ehlalenged: -Hait, Mr, Brown!ý Who goes there ?" Tihe Problein "It mak-es modý,- ten years younger.le 4"Good graclouG, f ancy put- tiug on. ten years every tinje Y, takeiMylisat Coff 1" Brute She: "6Your littie wife madie thiat~ cakec with her own dear littie Isands!" He: "Well, now, if ma-y Iitle wife w-lill ent fthat cake with her own dear littie miouth I wllbe satisfied." Has Something "f have 1no inferiority cons- plex," deciaredI Musscliuî me- cently, "just an ïinterferiority *ne." 11t happened et the mpriag trining camip of àa mnajor 1bague hesebail club. Getekeeper tû the managr)- î"The umipire for to day's gamteL-, nt the gate with two friends. Shahi 1pasa them i? Manager (gaspingi--"An arn-. pire witb tW(, frielids~? Suirel' aW~.' the idea of caIing your dog, 'Swindler'? "oh,, juat fun, When 1 cail hins in the treet, haif thse men ahnsat juimp ut of their akins." Two Scets went troe afirid's heuse on a S'pecial occasion and were hospitably entertained. Se» hospitabiy, in fact, that on their way beck one oif thern sat by the Side of the rond and began te weep. "I canna remernber the bride'S face," he wailed. "I cannia r>eml-ember the brie' bnnie wee face." "Hold your tengue, ye file," growled thie ether, "It was 1% funerai." tNOI T o àM-zchan F.r ize Sarcl August 2Srd at Can- adian NtoiE-xhi~tion wf See WMany Mca!e nt Partlclpatjnig in the Parn&ê. Kee.ping Step it the times, tEe Canadien Natýional-ý Exhibition ici- ports that it la arrang-ing te haveg als nany nc m -7eltized uita tfir vthî year'e Wrrora Dy parac (e ,! pojssible, Detaiare being worked eut,itla statedtehavefatan:ors meccet1roops, andi ec-hanlzce4 uanits take pa large part i l the an- niual patriotic panoram a. Wnrier'aDay, which thîS ya takea onr, ecalsigniticance, wi be îL tuay Auigust 2,'A, sud la expéctelo FofiIa te aur-pass il orerreiixa - te 50,00 persens, a a atilpaed wll prtc iatnu Eepae itself and preparaiens are now tvin swing toaco odt a large nuii-. ber oe patriîotic and veterana' ore. anjizatieu, lrot on]y ftriom other parts etf Canada,, buit :also fro-m v joua Pointa in the United State, Detachmrents of Po1!ah anlid Dutelsý troops., now in traî1iinl. Canadan, as well as unîts from theNreg lau air trainîag achool l Troto wvill, it la e-xpeced, take pralonjg with Canadin unilu the parade Canadian National Raîlways Rvne T'he g-ross revenues for the al~ inc1usive CndinNational al ways for the week ending- July 7, 1941, were $ý5,4-'7,055 ascen pared witb 472,S for tii, sanme period of 1940, an increaee o! $ip691,0119 or 1.% leBle liq~d D. . l) Pretehpln . GeaalU 1erperoti wih lervous, moocy Spels due to functional ,icause shold .în1 yd1ia IE. Pinkdîam's Vegetable Cmenisimîplp ir ,eoate rliv8suel cistress. Plir-lharn's Co rpouul le tnaçle en te go eming tb-cra dlf'.t clays. 0CMrr1,000.000wouun bve rcepoteA einazin9 beneýîsa.WEILL WOB.TH FAREMS VFERSALE r7is B. pecivh 52 !Dudas S t., Loendon "etr nalsFr- REBULT 1-2-écCz MlICK-. as fi w. 11nternational Havester FA ER S W AANTE WIL BY EW OR UTSED FEA-T- oor ecanefor spin ma-. tresses. "Ne w Coel.Ct quetatons o othea. Reinson's Beddng, 82 lroc Aveue.To-. rente LA "I1ES FORTtWO',ME31 wANTED il TUR1 1, R 1MR NTO POL-. oar "bysLling FmlxPout portunity foriesyanýd repeat salmes. eepeine edd.B- gin 3with ,few dfollars aund qown yeu buines.Moniey backu for t. M"iseetnue. Free caalogu and (deli ls on ï.equesi: MistsG St. Geoge, 70 St. Ceet o- treal. .1.N.LIDSY, LAW OFCcP Ontario. special Dpietfor fatýr s collections. MEDICAiL eorhJýeumaticPan or Nes,*ltls- shudtry MxusTemd- eur-. ISSUE, 30--'41 IlAIRDREH NG SUOS EAN HLEvU LEAti',A 1R- n ews i191 b pokl i.C00W n ri<1u ti Robertsn's I-Iiro'sing Ac ad- enî, 37Avnu-Rad Trote or S. 1The "yOakvill 1e Bask et '. t boxes,crisndbsesrmt- estnis Neti sud ROurcumatic Pin So311at surovice, s 25lgn Detwa. PStad 1. To __ SINAPSHOT TOD inake sure1ttey lasi. O orSUEXOSUerFILMS 23e IS.CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME TS501

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