Subseription, $1.25 ption to tlie Unlited States, $200 .ngIl Wii Receive Our Pronjipt Attention RM. A. Forrester, Puiblishier Newcastle 24 rla' aoftbaill enin de- ýie girls on Thursday 17th, at 01-o1o Coin- ian exhibition gaine, on with fie Durham rI s lest the gaine in ;whe-they pnesentod \vith >eight gift runa. nore scor.ed -efterý two meeout, Ne-wcnýstle iii this frame aho)ulti have been held soela.T'wo ereaparseti the way for these uni- earned runs. Orono sýoned 2 runs in Élhe Second, 6(in lthle 3rd, 1 lu thle fifth, 2 'n the sixt4h and 3 in the 7th in- nigfor a otai of -14runs. Nlenicastie scored 8 runsisnl the lat inninga, 1 in the fourth, 5 in the th, 5 in the sixth, anti 3 in the 77h, loi' a Vo.tai score of 2,2 us. Take off the eîght unearued runs and lie sceore SCOTT, REUNION o it, fifty attended the Scott re- uioin01O01on onimunlity Park on Wdeayafterno'mon, July W(thl. Manywer ket fom attendling through sickness Dînner as hekji in the pak, b tPl lVr nin the ftv nloonl rain dove them Vi o thie home ý-of Mr.O. (), Suott whule etheY spent a few pleasanit hours in renwiuvig oldý acquantancs.Pie clan wýere prcs exit frm Torýoito, OhwPeter- boro), Mindenl,Wet uiorld S'tonec Lake aid Gadery Lakeýf. wrould haie been ted. B. VanDusm dsarted on the umund for Newvcastk, but ws eplaed lb-y JeýallBonaýthaiini uthe !egining of rthefort inllings after. the O10o1o players colected sxruns from h ler delivery Criaso Staples pitched gooid baitl, but bel.up otwaswak The heavy bitter for Oronio was, Mfrs. W. Carleton with a homier andc two triplesý , hile -M. Pearce forNew- cýastl ie -d1 singles in five tînes t bat. 'A NT NOTICE U ILiable for, r Training amation, dated june 27th, 1941 (under authlority of The tien Act 1940 and The War Measures Act), Tihe Governor for miitry training for tue defence of Canada - ,nt in Canada a: any tiune since September lat, 1939,wmis, on i,or ciildiless widowcrs, and who on July lst, 1940, had -one years Twenty-tisree years Twenty-two years Twenty-four years feand also mlen wh<î attained or wil1 attain the age of euîty-onîe years oie or afler tise flrst day of July, 1940, andl who wvere on the fifleentis day of July (1940), ueinmarrîed or tvidowuers without child orilde. Extract from Paragrapb 3 of Proclamation. Men desigrtated in the aforegoing are further required <"70 submjit themselves for medical examination and to undergo milite'ry training for a period o f four enonths ezithin Canada or thse territorial waters thereof, and ta report at such. places and tinmes and ;n stecb snann<er and to sucb authorities or persous as may be notified to themz respectiveljy by a Iivissonail Registrar of an 4dininistrativ-e Diisioî." Extract from Paragrapb 4 of Pro-clamation. SmPECIAL PR"OVISIOl'NSf designed' to fdcilitate equitable conditions of miobilization Deferring of Training Periods to Avoid Individual Hardship If the Board is satisfied that the calling out of aniy man for nill:ary training wil cause extreme liardship tES those dependent upon such man, the Board niay, froni timne to âime, postpone the training period of the man: Provided that such man shall apply for a post- ponernent order in accordance with the provisions of subsection one of section ten of the regulations. Postponement Applications Must be Made in Wriing No application for a postponement order mray be made otherwise thani in writing, by the man called out, to the Divisional Registrar who issued the "Notice-Medical Examination" and witiin eight clear days of the date appeariug on sucli notice:. Any person who appears before a Board shall do so at bis own expense. War lndustry iond Seasonal Occupations given Consîderation In the national interest, applications for postponement of training of key men engaged ini war industries, or i essential occupations, may be addressed to the Divisional Regisrar concerned. Eligible Men Must Not Leave Canada witliout Authorlty No maie British subject who is hiable to be called out for military training shall, after bis age chass lias been called out by proclamation, leave Canada, for any reason whatsoever, Unless and until lielias been se au:liorized i writing by the Chairman of the Board to whose jiiris- diction sucli man is subject. Eligible men must notify authorities immnediately of change of address or marital status If you are a sigle man or childless widower between the ages of 19 and 45 and if you change your address, or if you nuarry, you muustimnimediately notify THEf NATIONAL 'WAR SERVICES DIVISIONAL REGISTR-AR TiHE DIVISION IN WHJCH YOU ARE REGISTERED If you do not know the naine and address of your Divisional Registrar, ask at nay subject you wto a fine or imprison- RE-EMPLQYMENT Sreinstatement of men ini their positions of employ- rservice, under conditions that will failitate tueir re- ftr the information of tbose concerned by tbe autbor;ty ani courtesy of THEF HONOURABLE JOSEPH- T. THORSON, Minister of National Wa.' Services. Over 900 Attend The Durham Federarion 0f AgricultureRaIlr, Orono (iContinuied f om ag oe) Oroiio, Ontarjio request FIELD DAY Th'e Kericlal Annlual Field Day wili be ],-IiLd atble Harvey Jackson MeMmorial1 Park on Wedn.esdn,-y, July'ý PU11-1- LL-,E TS F-O RS A LE Leihorns andRok from BlOo- tested heaflby flock. Extra goo wînter layers.Bu now and get higher pries' for winiter. eggs.-A1vill Cleniens, Bosemanville, Phione233 DECORATION SERVICES The annuail Decýorationr Day ýServi- ces wil'l be held aiM' ra' hurch on Sunitday, August 3d at 2.30 p.m--. stand-ard time. Ar Monk, of Bethi- any, will be the speake(-r. Special niusiec by Orono baient. SUNIDAY SCHOOL CLOSED hIn oipliance with the order of the Medlical Officer ocf Health, t.he Sun'day School of Park St. Gh-uriclh is closeci for the uenmainder- of JuI-Y and Aug- ujst. It vvwil re-upen the first Suriday in Septeniber.-L. M. DrýuminnL Professional Directory MEDICA'L A. -F. M\FcKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIN and SUR Gpt(JEoN Offie ur 2.00 t,) 4J-i.00 p.. 30o800 p-.. PHONE 47r1 ON DENTAL DRZ. R. O. DICKSON Office Hours in Orono: 'Mond(ay to FErkilaiy (inclusive> Frm9 amto 5pm-JveiIsb A\,pointmpnt Office Hours in Newcastle --- every Saturday fo 9 a.m. to 9 p'm For appointiment phone Orono 18 r l VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin1 retary -w i cone in hni at Ottawa. Ie thn ld ol f fiailshis ove- mnent. Oniecn per cr for g-ood jalnti,1but thîs2 isni't compullsory. If ai farmer thinkathe land intprofit- Mrli. Scott then told c f the Imperia conerece n ustali n1937. Ail famorganizations ,veie asked tVo send dlegates tVo l1ie conferýence. The reason for the,ý conference was about the shijpiýn.g of surpIu.sse-s Vo Great Bn-tain thatwa ruining the marketis. Aniother conf ere nce Nwas held latter in Westen Canadla to see whlat couiti be done a a o ut p ut tiîngý an embargo against Canýadian produtits. At thati time we didn'V bave a Nýitional Aigri- cultural Association, a-nti that was whenà the mioveinent started. We in Canada were flot o)niy ruining oui ownvl mlarkets ini Cani1ada, but aiso the mainkets in Great Britain. The Do-J minlion goverilnmenit nas asked at this1 conference Vo noV let surplusses rmin1 our mairke-ts. In IreLland -we could buy a binder chieaper than we could at Bransmqpton in o)ur own cýountry. AIl wil remneibe'r that last summ.ier but- ter and butter fat was SOMd very chabutterFse-lling at -22-)and 2 cent s. Ini Otober it was advertised that there was a shoiltage, endi butter star ted t,) go up and was soon at 29 cents. The go(verumeïnt wanted it pegged. The dairymienddut want it peg-ged ait that timie arid iV kept goin g ,uil until it reacýhed 38 cents. At the meeting, out West last fail oiver 2000 famers were pr)iesent, andi these -were only mnen, wbo showed the go(veriiiment for the firsttimie that the farmners were getting togeth- er. M.r. Cardiner, the MUinister cf Agriculture, -was present at. this meetingý-. Mr. Hannan at this mneet- ing said tbat the mnister of lahor was helping the laboring classes, the mlinister cf financewa heiping fi- nance, w1hile the m-,inister of ai'Cul- tare was ietting the farmners down. Mr. Gïardiner at that meeting said there would be a lot cf pork and it was selling at $7.00 per.ew-tt., anti now we ar'e as.ked Vo cutdw on our own 4consuription c f bacon and bais So tha-,t ther-e il be pienty to senti over Vo England. This la quite o¶ppo- site Vo vhat the mijiiser said at the Western meeting-. We are aIse ask- ed Vo cut down Yon cheese. When the produets are scarce the prices rise, but -we are forced Vo keep our prices down. Etf we have to . stop eating baot hen after the war we are 1îable Vo geV out 9f the -way cf using thait article, whiwouiti hurt the? pork miarket after the 'ivrn At first the governinent asked the manufac- tuners Vo work at tost plus .5 per cent profit, but iater thee manlulactur- ers woultin't have i, ant inow labor ia bonusecd. What we want is Vo be raised up onu a par with labor anti the otherbg businesses. We want a say in t.1ings and Vo geVthis we must be belter org-anized. In ci'osing Mr. Shott said that the fariners have Vo stutiy their probleuis, be united, lhin we Wviifl get some Place. W'e have the support cf theý other faînm ogranizations 1,ehind us both financially and inoraiiy, and that now itVis coiy up Vo the farmiers Vo join togethcr and stay -united, theji we wili reap the benefitis of our ef- for-ts. iMr. W. F. Rickard, M.P. for Dur- ham CGuuuty, spo)ke a f ew words. Ile said that proba'bly the farmers in some lines have otver.produced, which keeps the price do'wn, whilc lu other linos hey did not pr-toduce ,enogto the cff octlihat the supply andi deuiand centrols the price. At the prescut tinme it is difficuit Vo find markets for farin produce, se don't ask the gov- erninent Vo do the impossible. That we -wili 'tny at ail thues to help the fariner in all the mays, that are pos- sibile. This brought t.he speaking for the afternoon Vo a cilose, andi the rest cf the afternoon mas given ove'r Vo sports for the hlre and aduits alike. The-re were races for boys anti girls in different age groups, with the -winners ireceiving ,-carda Vo 'be pre- sented at the booth f or refreali- ments. There wais a conitest ix shoe kýickiing for the ladies, men's wheel- ba1ýrow race, andi amid contest for Orono . Ontario THEATRE FPULL 0F POOR FED), CLOTHED ÇONDOLED B'Y CAýNADA EN N NI T By Garry tA£lighan Lontion, May 27-Thýe unexpected discovery, a night or two after, cf a delaiyed. action bomi-b from the last bondon blitz, hidticn under a hleapi of bouse ruina in an east end street,1 nade local authonities huniedlY turia all residents in an entire block eut cf their homes anid bogtthe Canadiîan Red Cross into emoirgency actiOn. Poor familles who thought thley hiad escepeti Nazi bomibing 1founid themnselves living on a volcano. Chul- dren weroe aakeneti freim sieep and cejrnied eut into the uig-ht by anixious parents, wrapped In beticiothes, te a reat centre hastiiy throwni into auc- tivily'. INo ine was allowed Vo gatl"el lothiing or food as thie bomib might e>'picdo at any minute. Red Cross Ready Local melfareot7ffier.s imi-medlatoly sent an SOS for belli, Vo -which the Ca,,nadien lIed Croýss g-ave ing response. '"Send n-'it clothe, Outdo 0or ciothes, foodi for people cf al ages at once," ~a the message received. I ri.shed Vo lie heart of Cockney- land with Major ScotLt, commiiissioner cf the Carnedian RIed Cos nia groupJ of momlen volunVary mnes I saw the main swibtch lre-w into the beniefiienit i-teciey niatiep os- sible by Can.adieni gene-rosit.Te one night alene m as sufficient te justi- fy ahl the labor of love by the domin- ion's mwomien and citrn Tw\,o large trucks fihieti with food andi ciotin1g lundered through thIe Istreets Vo the Peeplce'a Palaceè, fani- ëd worhing class east eud tjheatre, Artista,'Jdrssing onsmre 1lanieti over Vo thoe Red Cross for dispensinig Oauada'a gifts Vo bomb victims. Throughout the night tihe workers nover stoppeti, providing ail the essentiels. soine iede eiough c9"f- feo to f11 Vtwo bath tubs; others filet bot mater hotties for camip betis, quic klv erocteti for very odi folks. StilI others provided. womoen with nightdriess or loojked after ehildTeni distnibuting; the contents cf pack- ages including roin-per suits beaning the label, "From Park Street Uniteti chuorch. Chathan, 0Ont." Others -matie up parceis cf inderciot'hes, frocks, penrts, jackets, overcýoats ai shoes foi, niorning so tiait every honueless penson coulti fae lie next day. Sieep sandI Food WYith complete kit at par every- eue mas put Vo bcd for a few hours' sieep. Then, caileti at seven in the norni g, hey set demu at improvis- ed tables Vo a sbeayniing- hot break- fast. As thîs district is a stronghold of tihe Jewrish element a canVeen mas provided mith kosher focod, dcu'ble sets -plates anti other requiremients of s>trict Jeiws. A pitifui object was Ruth Hannis, aged three, both cf -hose parents bidbeer, k*ilet inluthe biitz. The chilti mas gýiven a homne by relatives iu tIhe streetno threat- oued. Ruth spent most ef the night ciring bittenly. "Mamimy, 1 aI en y mnmmy' antil a RIed Cross worker mnanageti te scethe hor mitIs oys, arriveti frorn Canada lest week. 1 spoke Vo John Jacob,. chief bon- don Couniv counicîl welfare officer, re- spionsile1 for the supervision cf al facilities in boiirbed-out area.s. Hie sai , Wh-aV ýyou 500 toig-ht la Just afleite omertiVole lest b litz wuýhen rneny more a-eneswr feti, betitiet, i, lthed.thuh Cana- dien Reti Cro-ssgifts otailing narl 16,000 diffenenit articles. Cokneyvs ,r grndfolks anti deser-ve ooi afc.They miii nover foegot mIsat Ganatilans hav7e douie for thein in this tino of great need. 4'J have roýjorted Vo the British geverient that thousantis cf Lon- âoners meulti noV have (heeyin able te s ur1Vive the effecta cf k blits with- out Canada's mr-eatdkinines ani practic.l sy'mlpatýyY There -more M,1eny initerestiug sights that nuoring, hen ast-euti- ers ewokc Vo finti parcels at t7he foot Of the bcd, as if Santa Claus had <\Cocutinýuediou pýage five) id every ~daymoringat Tlhe Times Office AUCTIONEE&RS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Con ducts Auetion Sales of and 1traoaberts commuinicatle with him at p.«t Perry~, <ntario, or see lbs lerk, .L. E. Morton, at 0-000, foi datez. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchimak-er Ail Repairs ta Watchea, CIocks, andt' Jewellery, wiII receive aur prompt attention PARK STREET ((' F. F. Morris & Son F-uneral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULA14CE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowmvranville, Day 480 Night, 7à4 and 573 Orono, 27-i The Oldest, Largest andi Most Complete Furniture Store andi Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Servic.e-THE BEST Our Goeds-THE. NEWEST Our Prices-THlPE LOWEST IBOWMANVILLE - ORONO SPORT HOPE Thursday ta, Saturday "I Wanted Winigs" The Greait Aviation Picture of the Year WITH ALL-STAR CAST Monday to Wedneiiday GINGER ROGERS lu iHer A-dcmy- Award Production "KITTY FOe"YLE9? &cieta the Oiioiao Tlins. VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Oronlo, Ont, John J. Gilfillan QUALIFIED OPTOMETRSI>- Licentiate of the Coilege of 'OPton- etry of Ontario office Houis: 10 tO 12 a.m. and 2 tQ.> 4.30 p.mi and by app0intment - Office in C. B. Tyrrell's lihug StoQ Phone 68r), J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casuaity, A'utomou- bile and Liability