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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1941, p. 7

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Ar Ti a iIl Britain ning, RSidtà nsiorm cor- rect Fashions Ratining, raids and roalism are aliteriag Britain'as sartLorial sciseme, nwicl for yenasshbas been regard- ed as tne most osratsl or- reci Gf the worhL Thse BriOn who wouldnit Ste off Bondi Streeýtfor, a suit taý now' diin atise ttic focr sometiing ainuadoed yenissago, and tise ïmost rosr0f proper ldis retp- ping benrolged down Regont Street. FROCKS FROM THE ATTIC Stnth offically dsappeard frmshirts when the OldLadly of Threadneedflo Stret-the uank 0fo Egaj-poatifically polie tha1t its ClmiIeks couicwearbigiter olothea. No longer are naw Cches offic- Jlly conn-ected wvitb smaries s. Thse Gvenmniiu acis lucs ing a camipiga With tise slogan, "01d lthes are the snts. LIts of peope areton ianstye, day: A mn in l is i4lorties la gray fiannls tapped by a once se-vere black rmorng cct wlkiug wilh a prety woman la siack, be ~-blonde hair tied witl a trban., Formiai Striped p aisws-nwithl a puliover sweateranda-tee coat isy anther asolr uTiForMAS MOST 7POPUL-AR Wlýith lnundry price wist they are and shirt rntionrin lec, British Sshirts are being pttoaà severe test. Mani Y2are going a reat ony on w«eens Shirts wit'h thecolr tahd a tyle vhich noerfu-ny caught on anyhow, area a-e ns l emi- ans in ibis nomamer afvtise war. Straw lhats, likwise, aelda seen. Hats are noatoned but they are regarded generAliy as a luxus-y. Coaclasioni: Tise m-stpopular garî-bsetfal are iseunfmso the fghtig forces. Tenidcýiscy JeTew s-d Su Skrt eand Trehirs Life and Cloerre otud Tise faîl colleciora tisai have been Sisown la Newý York Sn far - ~are fol of vility, hiLe andî cale While isso is naeesa teadeacy, ait yut a s-cal trendl;, twsdnslim1 ties-o ar-e Manly caseiioe anuimny natura wis-hnosu -- dres»s and Icsa Mary pleaued aknaafow faoan tielong tass getiing s-eady ta recoive a Yoko trontaents oxtend tise waisi inolmal fs-ont alnd bn,ýck on1ly. Thes- are any umeswitis1 front fulîessannd ves- plain hacha. Yokes-> are vos-y ppna-at there gadistictin ta dresses.1 T utre nd l;aiînfarc i for saprenapy. jecusa ja stW n faoiefabric nnd ts-eare nlew -fiar ianlom Agrent quantii tenused andf,one Kf use- nnw1% Colm binatians la sîneka and sks of Scotch Wou tartans, many ~ St- ma mnufatrss aefin and sh)eer woolenls fb- ayim and afoesnoon came la bEuUIu pastels as weil ns ricis nbtl-uutus Thse-ieceenebe arstl pepulas-. Conta and nisas-e con- Sos-vative and fit aind finie, but longes- and there Ma a sasi dresa Fas-s are not antasti luw goai houses. Tisey have au elegant lins alid a canservativýe cnt,E.1 T is la l tise spir-it nf 1941fahinI Deep as-isoles àrd biashu-M aýra d o sta ta cro-1atiemps- oar0 a 1e si1louette. 51 X Ta1ke WarnM a diva-,oe (-won by-,, naR Bonne, pas-tinliy oýn tise. ground that his wif e was tao isard an bis, sIîrts. Boanle said howsdresaý- ngfor n party anrd bis wife tare f'our 81his-s fs-oas bis back as ns as ho( colild putý t ies uS W /d14K(#le 6PC $ QUA *e AsIs yonr grotor fer Clumet, Try à illu sce hiow douibe-ation PermiIls Yeu te Wse leos andi eUliget btter -resm!t5ý lNotice, tee, how tLie Calumet tia epeas ea slgIsitwist f t( is rlsl -yet neyer piî,evon whcn ful, Undler dise.-id isa2 hendy device Ite lvel eadch s peenýiui a yenu use il. CALUMET 15 PRICED SuRPmSiI$GLYLv !T71,1 by CALEB JOHINSON -SYNOPSIS A card gamle is in session in Elmxer Hîe n derso n's pet-,otbusei-* atpa Newv York skyscraper. Thse players are: Hendýersýo, PoDice Inispector Flaherty, 'Martin Fra- zier, Archie Donne,. Max Mi-chý- aelis, and his friend WilliamsUL, a They are waiting for tehe Fitzge rald. W/hen he f ails to aep- pear, a telephon.e cal1 bringe the iformnation Èth't he is etwith a girL Fitzgerald and Hendeýr35on are botih romnantically inter-ezsted in Lydi Lane, tIse fainous ac- tress, but Archie Donn,,e reveals_ that she is engaged to m-arry hini. Donne leaves theý partY earlyv when Fitzgera7d fails ta appeay. A short time later lie telephones lnspector Flalierty with ktisafrais. tic nwstiat lie has fou-laiz- gerald anid MssLane dea-J in Lydia Lane's p e n th u se a par-,t- Wher. Flaherly. and thse medi. cal eaie reach the apart. ment, tlhey fid that Miss Lane issilalve. She is rusbed te1- hos3pital hreboodtanus i ' wan hcre proiset etr her. Al crusatil eie pois to Archie Doane asî theý murdýerer, espeziall wenthe mu"rder gun i und carefsully planted iinislecimney dý7ean-eutý CHAPTER 14 He -1 hiped ind fo e verhe )ifh ws trust throug-h the trig- gguard, and on the end of the1ý ba-lwas lthe sinister cylinder oJ a Max1m silencer, manded Ma ihals s Do)ane- waus abut0ospe,ýa. "Wheredd you get tat, Dn? '1T0ny founid it at the bto Of the chimr.ey,"IrîspectorFlaer ty re-plied. "Ifs a thi1rty-t,andIk two shlots hvebeen fýired from it r-ecently." turned to Dnne. "Ailý rightr, Ar- chie" ,hosaid. "You can an,1s.- \Ver the Isetrsqeto. 7Ye, lve spen thazt, or onle just l.ike it, before,' sai d Dne I eithier the pistolI'Pve been using i the Highart st;udJio or iUs twiïn. prnt ,aloer i n "That's ianother prtof "lhe..pu- zl1e," re sp1)c)nd I dGthe Insp)ector. "I'e jst dthle Brilnmani DOUBLE AUTMAT c ISSUE 30-'41 go, oves- !it, oand tisere arene2't any fingerpints on it at ail!" "Arcen't w asting tim-Le, gen- tiemn ? asçedMartin Frazier, nite- Dtectvo atineili had told them isow, with tise aid of tise jan-, ito, e Iadseacied tise court- ymadoly to find nothiNg and thon, nuinig on Mant ha calld a "iuni,"iadd tiseiman showi hîm t ise -1 caioa of th ýe.danon1t dor ai " tise 3botùtm of tIsecimi- ney fue a ties-e, hal bus-led in sont end asher, had discovered, tisepisto'l. "Wntin tie; or by after-, noDoc-tor Casroi thinkýs, Miss Lane il ea-ble to tnik. It's twe htkwp'lIAil hoaisle te think dhealeor if we get some lcep and corn ai thi psoblem fresis. Ps-oh- abiy it-wili prove to hoîno ps-oblem Miss L=e has to Sny." "Co.uïd He Have Thirown It?" "Meanimetise 1urderes-ma 'be mainga ean getaýway," ob- 'etd a Jichacli,. "You soc ci-aru' fcourse, Dan hatthe discery 0of this pist l ise bot- tomof ise c"himneIy, asnnmI1-inIýt taho ie piStaI heiogingto lHig- har2t Films,ýI whicis canl be easily ascertniu-edasou cl îcrs ny "How so?" demiaided tise In- spector. lilEavofiTa0F raz 7ies, as a jusy n tseworid, Mania;, believe thbat Aci Donne, standing lia tise 1doorwVay of tise beds-oom ithere -forwe nowby evidnce of tie footprintsi itis onw that ha did pot got nenres-Cotehie ciimney than tisa-conid tissow tiis pistol Sa ccrael as to bit a hale ini ti2seuid of tise chiraey top twen- ty footaway, without [dsujýrig tise snowon tise edges of tise islTIso it ,wuth his ýgleves on --for tises-e are neofingerpiats "h oud hveta be bake b ps-ttypostiv poof cf oth1er in-1 mittedFrazies-."But mcahav been sent Atu ie chair on ne tisan a ccuiulnte arundAs-- "Lt e lo at tisat gunr, plïease, an"said Micisaclis, Tise Ïns"pecor laid tise istumnto autbl and tise inwyer factussed tise aye o an eects-ic floas- lamip upnit w-'hle hoscrutinized it fsanoe-possible angle, àLao h oes-, Dn"osaid, at mai. see if you can find ascah on "Nat ascrat htie Inspetar Uditd fter a minute examin- "Thentise fntwhicis yon attri- "mnatarbt inganything ta s-cie Ma,"ojected Flaher- tyv "'olyhoping w -icn find an 'ont for hins. CircnmstancesQ ns-enttrintig things ta hlm, net "W ,puIIt it another way hn"Silekd Michaclis. "It would bea onderWNl at Af skilifor anybody ta throw tisis gun into tise cisiney in tise way it miuai Donne1w3o tisrexv it, that's admnit- ted. Tise chance of it stniking tisai isolýe by accident, if it wvere meeytirowa blniytaabout ane in-,a millîon, for a rougiscai mate. But accidents do isappen, and jusles are prone to believe "Now If iispista! ithd been fv, fo t, nd ixsduacientally Ira- versd tse nly possibla course through the air which would take it directly into that hole in theý chimniiey, whiat would have hap- peried? Would it suddenfly have altered its trajectory in th,- cen- tre of the flue, and fromr travel- ling, horizontally, or nearrly so, haechangedl to a vertical coursçe downward? 15 it possible, under the known la,--xws of gravitation, fore a missile to takze a suddea rîghit angle drop), unless it happens t(e strike an obstruction of somne kind ?" "I get you-,Ma, said the In- sp~u."if this gun hdb-pn thoninto thee chimniey it woulîd ha-ive hit the bricks on tise other side and there would be a scratch on it to show,, where it had strucli' Instead, it was dropped into the flue, and struck nothing but a Soft bcd of soot nnd ashes at the bot-_ "Now, iet's Seo W h at tthat mieans." Max iclinelis antswered im "If this 'is the gnfromn which theý bullets wvere fired which killeýd Fitz andj wounideýd Miss Lanc," hte said, "it meanns that the murderer either dropped thse pistol down the cimney e-arly in the eveing.-, be- tore ithere was 9any Snoew on the, roof to miark hIis footstep(Se or th at hsliep(d0V;w1 to the basemnent, and planted thle pistai at the bot- tom -1Of the chiney, after doing thse shioot"ing. oesin Archie'.î Defence "Now, either Of thoseasup lions lots Archlie ouil tV e 1know, whiere bie was until nearly eleven o'lc.Beidos, we have the mnCdi- cal exinier'~s word for it that Fitz had been shot not mnore thanl aunhour before wearrived. i think wýe can ruie ont tLhe idea that tho gun was droppod down thle chiminey from-i above at any tLime aftcr the snow fo(,,11 "As to the gun) having beenà pila-,i te d int he bottom of thse chimnncy after the shooting, thaPt beginis to sound reasoniable, and also to fit in iivih tise idea th1at wh-oever dicl the shootînig slipped out of the apartmient thro,-ugh the front dloorwie Archie was at tise bnck do. "~cigthe 'door behiind him,_ eh? Well, who had a koy?" asked eiiminiated yet the possibility1 that; Archie himlseif went down to the cliar and hid the gunt, before hie telephone mie. lie (oulct have left the burgiar loc(ýk off, thien fasten- ed it again f1rom the inside alter ho got upstair-s. Pin not accusing you, Arcihie, but just pointing onIt tse lisoles lunyonr defenise.» (Continued[ next week) HouehAd Hints Ever try hot fis'h snlad? llocw eq-ual parts of filaked cold ncd or o-ther bonýeLess fish dlced Coid po. tatoes and cold peas or dlicect car- rots. Make f isil sauce Dy coloring and flavoing wite sauce W'11t miato cutney and a few dro ps 0 Wor'cester sauce Stir vegetai-Oes Iinta hot sauice simimer for afe inuiites aidd finkedi fish nicn tinuie simmering i17 until 'weil 1heated thirough. Sresprin'led with'b chopped Vriy -Any pla]incke for ton becoumo exctig i yu are abie tio put a few sutaasiathefoulnd(1ai n. Carrots are eiingýurgea by tise Mùiitr F ood li onoia mea5 f Leking onit the sugi1r raio hecýauso 0È fthir i sgr con-i tent. Cidrnare encouraýged Ito ont raw carrot nstadof sweetcs. A shleoerhs Ihit otithe ;idea of sell' ing the childron toffee c(ar- rots. h is ara a 1 - at di in l hqmiie-nde tp offeo stuck bum a si CCd stew ,can be a dectable change. Sbce isot boiled potate-es 1n1o the vwhite sauce; adcicookeod peý,a s, steaim iied(1and f1l, eJidc o J Tickie n tise sauce witismstî Ne"ptato-es and parsloy sauce By SADIE B. CHAMBERS FilAeil The Jars! I rend tise aiSes-day tisai a slogan of tise hast war was: "Est w-bat o can and wisai you ean't ont, cantlý.," Once again we as- a wa-and 1 believe tisai for tis Can-ada o us-s, witb our sus-pins of foad and eus- riciscs in frui anid Vegetabies, anc af tise slogans sisould ho: "Lect us iii ail it Ja.rs."' FissI]y consider yen- ws famly and make oves-y proes1-vo, jihy and jam tisai tbey (ike. Tlii îfroms tise srl let us prepare fo-tise m ny, any corniers of tise ens-us ta Whicis w-cay he asàk- --d te senid food. Sa hereý,,'s « tise "Uiied Hlomýe Fsont!" FissiIarn goin-g te give yen -1a few-genralSuggestions, wbiih sooensibihs thie of ye»s- to be a daagy For e vsy beas-e-usdo t uise fruit uneas h la sound, ripe. , o< a gooci- coa- ndshape, DoD naýt h - ov-lýy ns-td in tise bas-gai.0 cauntes wisen i caeste fs!-tl a n iveg etbLn)1e S. jusi dees net pay. tua Ccoaing your jas-spiSl taewisich w-litLbest serve yütl fa iyns te size, so tsaithere mayhone lofiovers te spoiî. Test ail jars hefare using. Ad. jasi s-ubibes- rings, iî i w-uswaies- and lavesi ta test for eaka,. D- card any jar w-bicS cannai be mteair-tigisi. Tisis is always Always use nfrsi s-bbes- rings Alassterilize jass hos-oughav, ndif passibule, give thons a sua-i s-igand l guaý,rantçeetises-e wiil ho, na, spoiled fs-uit. Have you ad àtroue w-uces- t-ain fruitns ds icn n ltise pre- pnsatn-sny penches, pears aui apprie ýs ? If usinig Cald p dwk getodas seani as yaur 'Jar bas oe-flied witfisfs-uit, pour on ls hoîling ss-(. sigtise olileî- setada Poolai atise on!y tMe Liunsi w-icis Your -houle willf' comoatsea itise fruit w-l net have te it waiting for s Lighit Syrup 1s icup- salgas!- lta 1caips water os-hal and haïfL of sugar and casal ays-up ta tise sanie proporton cýLf[ waer. Tisslaespeciaily goed le- pnhsa-id pe-ara. MdnnSyrop Use l cup angar te i. cap w-atis- os- half a'nd hialL fofCas-n sys-up andi sugas- te tieseanmle propostien ~ w-aie-. I you wisb you may usýe tise "neCsgas-"mleihod alad ns? I cnUp ces-n sys-np ta i 1cap water, Heav;Y Syrup Ttstype is saitahie for tLise v ' as-t fruit Sncb as Sesrie>, bei-resof ail k&ada s-rtieplumaý. "ome ps-cLos- isstpe or penche týoo, 2 cp sugar to 3- cap w-nier as- iannd is'aîf again of sugas- NB-Alwnyý,s wbun ixinýg sugar ssu and w-nues- pla-ce oves- a lo bnit filst until ail is, dissoIveldss-ing canstly te prevont busning. Simsonly eno(ugis fs-it ai a, urne tiai ay h copieeiycov- eretii-u amp. Stsiieja nd caves-s aui fui wtb bt fsuit and sys-up %while jasa-o stîLl vos-y lbotand saies-lie. Aixsays f11jas.- taaverl,£owsng j 'rsas-esili vshobt. if uaing n aîe tauiseinlujar ta reoave btibblesbe sure itàla a-l. jas-.- hnves-t jSsinacoaling Ytete Pahts1-aw fs-uit cosl in boDt toe-i jasýl-s Have ýsys-upbal iag isoLase adding ht. T ~*~' " pýC 9I lus, Fiil jars jusi two-this-dfs fromi top, toa nlow for expansion. sl» atonie kuiLe s-ound for tise escapc of gi-bbbe. Pace onru -isher rings, dip.ping in U bo!iing wates- and loosen îtop-s one-haîf tsa ln lnsing lhotwnebaple jars in water no- ter own tor- penn-.Be-sur.ta give watëï tîmne b bhall aLtos j.aýssans-oplaced ini bath Wb1-en jars are pinclLed on sac, do notallow ,,,tises» tatoucis cadi other nnd be sure tiscy as-e caver- ed it water thse ontire baiiing HOt Peck Method Osretise same -nifres as for cold pacis anly pr-okfruit be- foare 1putting ia cjars. ste-am Pressure Cannling - oliaw thse direct-ions given' by tise mauatrs.This sealiy is tùse besi rne L 3 a isus-e perfect eaiin SpCci'll'yolî mente and vegetables., If cnrr-nasar availînhe, wisený daing bîneberries comabine i7) hall mesr.IL not esmtseo, add lmn juc-tgives s-cal charactes-.- Ia canning penctheýs ;, cack a fe pesatones withbatmes- and ndct thein i teyou,-r ja-s-anýc 0or two tao encisjas-. You wvill ho sur- ps-itsed itsitise ndded flavor, W0soduses nai kunwtie ts-ik nt a d dig claveýs or cnamnsticks te poars? I1hike this treatment for pluma as wel. spicedFA t Syruý-p: î quart ditntçvýî vnegar (voly mld) 4 iba. bonsua,2 aunl-ces wisale cae,2oae To tiseginger aWd tie sugar, a'isf vs sa ni sngni dis-. sale. î Bs-ingS, ta-zbail annd huben add spicos lu ciseseclotis bag., Simmeîfruitutitedstn ts-ansfer ta jas-s WhnauaIlfs-it las been cooked, brîng sys-up te hard bail ndui Ejas-s ta overflow- ing'. Seal or cavejclse,!y for stay-. ing. Tisis amount of syrup wiI tackempa -of S8ibe. of fuit, ,fl v, Yec or lier telmsnn, end in ,ven ýrend4,Y tu 15ý'ene yeur "î'et Ie"ves," teqeest* Wfer epes o ,ýpecmenus eïiý rc, la erder. 4urs e s e * * q q "8Ettl oMmEýrq' ,SPUTFeRE"'ýS'nl "WEL*NGTN BOBER" Coni "I4JRRCAN" s"DEFIANT" Wris 4"SUNDERLAND FLYING BOAT tile Im.S ooD - rGDNE'Y -ARK ROYAL "Lm, DESTRoYEýR (Tiblss St. SIJBMARUNE (Sikra tIs) M TTRPEDO BOATr and'.ther& f ires are alsa obtainabis - psu ages et ~ON'S ~TARU~I#

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