j. Snt&. M.and Mr.s. Roblt. Mlorton) visiteý her moter, Mr. W. L. Mak 0n Cobou.rg. Keih and Dorothiy Stapleton spen the weeked rat Mh. G. N. Smith' Stýa1kville. Master Bily iWade spent a %vee with h!is grandfather, AMr. S> Haski- Port Britain Mrs. D'ýavid MRei (nee Mda Sa inac> o h, visi'ted IVislanr Mlrs. Walter Grayson and Donialý of Mlocnral are viiting ber mothei trhe J. T. Pearce. 'Mn. and Mrs. R. K. Holdaway aii son, of Detroit, hiave been visitîng h, Sistr, aremr.J. ade. Ar. and Mns. Sid. Lancaster vit *edl her parents, Mr. and MIrs. Nichol: Wvesey'ville, on Màonday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harve Porteous a:. 3 sons, of Port 1Hope, wel'e Sunda r2eause the I abI a t or. sand bt- ofmoe is criii DAIRY el-vice rit tLests df Mrs. Fred Ilith Mjj% anci Mrs. L, Savery , and fan CICem cf Barley Paruk Satdy Miss ihrsadMrs. HwQo Torotower reentgiuests of the latter'ssstrMis, sid.iuchsn MissGwen Gilmer ,nndBet Stapletor, attended theo Red Cross GadnPartiy ini Ne\vcastle Friday> Mlr and Mrs. Lloyvd McGahey andc Mr. Milton ýMor-toýn, Peterboro, ruvre guests of Veir 'iparents, M 1r. and Mr. Roýbert rMortoni. .4, Miss Ruth Peter-s, of M/onish, is, ýr, visiting MIiss Je-an Campbiell and sang a solo verýy sweetly in the United id Chuirch on Sunday eveinig. lS Mr. and Mi-S. Jaek, Kin-iiball and Mr. and Mrs. George Kiimblali, of t- Lake Shore. were Suilday guests with sMr. and1 Mrs. Wilfred MceKay. Mr-. S. Alcorn and daughter, of ndi Lindsýay, and Mrs. D. F. Cameron, of ayBheilvstd Mr. and Ms S. R. Jones and -Mrs. G. W. Jones reeenitly. Mr. Howard Camp~bell will he mai- ried ini St. Clair Uniited Churech, To-rnto, oni Satucday, July 2kth. Hisý sister, MssJean jCamîpbelll wihl play the ýeding mrusî'c. MUr. ani Mrs. Noris Ke rr, Port Daihousie, Mr. ad lNIrs.,eiigig Sof Osaw, rs. Gg Swift and two- cideof Pitdephaad Pte, Merwn Asti, o Peerbrohave beeni recenit _gueýsts of Mr. and Mrs. Owirng to the.- departuceý in tLhena fu.tuice of Mr. c. L, Savery, _a meeuting- was hield on hrsa even- ing ,to MIl officesý in our Sunday Sc3hool lef vat by thenri. o"f thýe Intüer. Gir-ls' výille Jolics replaces toecher of th!e Intier. Mi. S. Lancasterl reîl W. 1, ME LBoys, placesl eet ing Uiass a iVir. SavE The WV. 1. met at the homie of -Mis. Stanley Rowe on JuIv l6th. It was décided to give $10 to)wards decorat- ing the conimunity hlall. The quîit, wbdch i Ess Bertha Thomtpson mxade and whieh _Mis. J. T. Pearce won by lucky ttîcket 'was then auctionied again on Field Day on July 1st, %old for $12.25. Altog-ether the qtilt broughit $C7.80. Mrs. 'M. J. Holinlan, Hon. Pres., took the chair for the elect»ion c f a new president in place of Mrs. Savery, iwhro is leaving. It was decided that iMrs. Gordon -Martin, ist vie.ýpresident, would act as ¶pres- ident tilU Jan.uary with- Mrs. Hoînian and Mrs. Pearce eadh taking, one meeting. Mis.. S. Rowe ýthen took chiarge of this programmne: Hfumor- ous rleading, MUrs. Frank G'mn palper on economiy, Mrs. Willis Jones; a dIemonstration and talk on book bjidîg, Mrs. Hlarold Casýwel; ro)l call, houeo i n ts. Luiich was senved by Mil. Rowe and ber lgroup. d0 "WVhat is a crete"Th(, ans-wer wVihl beI founid at tho Canadian N tional E-xhibition this year. t is ex pected that twve corvettes wilI be an- chored off the waterïfroýnt and a re- plica of a hallIwlll be set ur ashore -bolipartLs of tAie hng,-e Royal Cana- d'ian Nav-y disipiay. "ICALLINP ALL CAIRS"P A mNATIONAL EMERGENCY Canada is right up against an acute shortage of gasoline and fuel aiL' Tankers that normnally supply aur country have been commandeered for vitally important overseas service. The Commonwealth Air Training Plan, the rapid developmeznt of Canada's mechanized armny uits and the great work carried on by our corvettes make the demand for fuel urgent. There is jiast one thing ta carry on with a "fuil rist is asked to ut is ways by eviing cari rys and solixa. lau oei dty with your 3, inviting each are cars . . . for nd for pleasure. ireadily go ta .tead of gallon of d several. flmen caii sential Canada doos flot asic or request you to put your car up. She merely asks for your help . .. asks that you walk sometiznes when the distance isn"t toc, great . leasy ways fowards 5 OGASOLIN' 070SAVINO (Approved by Automnobile Experts) Reduce driving speed f rani60 to 40 on the open road. Avoid jzck-rabbit starts. Avoid useleas or non-essential driving. Turn motor off when flot in use, do not leave idling. Don't race your engine; let it warmn up slawly. Don't strain your engine; change gears. Keep carburetor cleaned and properly adjusteî,. Tune up majoor. thrning, etc. Keep spark- plugs and va"Ives clean. Check cooling systeni; averheafig wastes gasaline. Maintain tires at right pressure, Lubriccte efficiently; worn engines waste gasoline. Drive ini groupa ta and from wark, using cars alternate days. For golf. picnics and ther autings, use one car instead of four. Take those short shopping irips ON FOOT and carry parcels home. Warlk to and froni the mavies. Boat owuers, too, can help by reducing speed. îour regular service siation man ivll gladly explain these and other ways of saving sln.Consult him. nm ent of the ,#OF CANADA G. R. TyfrIIs DrugStore DRUGS STATF3?IE1Y KOBAKS PHONE 68, ORONO SUMMER SPECIALS COOLIE ]HATS -Made frein besj wo-4ven straw;' in briglit colors ideal proi- tection froni the sun, each. 5 c Lady Dainty Lipsticks, al] the new shades, each .... 30c. J>ond's Lips, the ne-,% ipstick by a fanions maker, ail shades. Sjyecial ............ ...--........15e Campbell Tennis Balis, pkg. 4if 3 for ..... ...... ..... ... ...$1 20 Dixie Paper Cups, 12's.19e 3 pkgs. for . ...........2 5c.- Embossed White Serviettes, box of 80 for ................ -......15 c 2 for .... ..........-......>..... 5c 9 inch Paper Plates, (14z...... 9e. Seiberling Bathing C'aps,ae designs and colors.0.,2c and........... 39c, SPECIAL Beautiful Decorated Glass Tumbler FREE, with each purehase of 1 lb, tin of Effer- vescent Fruit Saline, be'th fof ...... ........ .... ... .....................43e IOBINE GARGLE ,An effective solution to guard agýainst throat infection that is Prevalent. A teaspoonful add- ed to a third of a tumbler of water mak-es an effective gar- gle, 2 oz. bottie ............. 25e. STATIONý,ERY SPECIAL Carry on Canada Writing 1?ad, large size, with pVakage of Seîf-Seal Envelopes, Iboth for .......... .............. ....25C Newi Merchandise' Every week ýseveral niew items are added to our ai- ready heavy stock, but we aim to give you as com- plete a variety Shop as possible. Lastex Girdle Beit with Garters (niew), each . .. 35c. New shipmnent Silk Stripe Pantie Bloomers, Band Knee Bleoomers and Elastic Knee Bloomers, Silk Strîpe Vests to match, colors T. Rose or white, sizes small, medium, large, gai-ret.-. 49c. New Silver Candies, 2 for........ ........ ý.35c. Silk Bed Lamips, colors pink, blue or mau~ve, each................89C. Cordi or Socliets extra Oilcloth Runiners, 15" by 36", in 'assorted pat- terns, each...... ... .... . ............. 15c. ~Lux Tôiet Soap, 2 for........... .. ...... lc. Lushus Jelly Powdexs; seven flavours, pkg. ....e. Black Pepper, freshly ground, 6 ounces ......0c. Mazola OH, I1 lb. tin.......... ............ 29c. Dr. Ballard's Champion Cat iFood, tin . . .. . ...10c. White Seal (pink) Salmon, Special, 1 lb. tin. .. 15c. Olives, 6 oz. botties. .. . 15e. il oz. Colossal ... 25c. Aylmer Tomatoes, 2 large 28 oz. tins.......... 25c. Libby's Pofk & Beans, 2 large 28 oz. tins ...... 25c. Brunswickc Sardines, in oil or tomato sauce, tin 6c. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE üOR ONO 5c. TO $1.OO STORE STARK VILLE Mr. and IMrs. Frank Stone -with Mr. and _Mrs. C. Hoît, Toronto. Mfr. and Mrs. Russel- Saver-y wit.b Mr.% anidlrs. A. Muldrew, ElizabeLith. Mrs. Trim, Josie and Bilh are en- joyimg a few days at BewýdIley, Rice Lake. M r. and Mr. GodonPowe-Cr and fam.ily, of Oonwitlh rs. ida St'ark. IlJ.andmi rs. Lorne -,Todd land Miss Eileen spent Sunday with Peterboro friends. Mr-. anid Mrs. bawrence Savery and f aiiy, Clarke, wirih MAr. and Mrs. Wmî. Savery. Shiloh S. S. are lioldinig a picic laii Cream) of Barley, Bwnanville, on Saturd'ay next. Mr. and Mrs. Rose Hallowell and Wes. with Mr. an-d Mcs. Ed. White, Elizaibeiihivilie. à Mr. Bei-t Trim is ha-ving a holidayl wilh 'Mc. G. Etwell and Mrs. Silverl at Mud Laike. M~iss Phylis Gihaier bras ýetur-ned frein Gaimron where she spent a. few days with her aunt, Mca. Ellison. lHarry Secirick Fowýlcr, prenrliinent CoI-11g1 resident, passed away on Saturday afttenneon, July 12th. Hl CLARKE UNION Several iii Mils section haïve coin- meniced hacve;St. Mc. ard' Mcls. Sîdl. bar, Tyronie, wverie Sundcay callers at',Mr-, Fredt Mc. Hary Patterson and 'M. Colin Smit aresportingncw hevrolet Mr'i. fandiMrs. John. Rowe and Grace nnd Hilliard-i visited with Mn., and Mr. a.nd Ms.Jin Swinfocd ami B'obby)ý, of Torontdo, visited with Mi~. an Vr.Silas Souch on Sunday. Mi, EicnesttBwn visited with hus uancle and aunt, Mr. and MUrs. A. Boeat Lake Scug-og, on Suinday. Miss MJarioni Riekaby, of Toronto, who hias been visitinsg wirh lher c-ou- sin, Miss Eileeni Soudb, has ireturnedl hoine. AL. 5esvard Dowsoni had a narýrow esc-.aipe when unloadinig a load of hiay Uthe tcip roýpe broke, etting hini fal haikward Vo tie barn floor injurng bis head, but lntest reports indireater lie is recoverinig siowly unider tie dotrscare. Jho)n Hunt, of Port Horpe, celebrat.. ei bis 95t3h birthday on Tuesday]at Oh. unit as nhiRwmnril ils sister, Mr . illigan is visiîn 1*u-ce, of portHoe thelirlhoui- that you take ct shorter drivé - on Sunday aftemoon i... that you look after your car cmd a keep îtin iigood condition a a a that you say ta your neigh-i E baur: "Let's use my çcar taday, Jim; we'll use yours tomorrow." Every day, ini greater ad greater quantity, we must release gasoline and ail by the thousands of gallons ta aur throbbing munitions plcits . . a ta aur tanks ad armoured cars . a a ta our fighting planes and bombers . . . ta aour corvettes and marchant ships that ply the vital sea-lacs . . . Sa that the day of victory may soaner bha t hand. Will YOU help? It is cdso vitally important that you reduce the use of coestic arnd commercial fuel oit. 1OUl Controiter fa