Post Office sing V Mark en Stamps1 Canaa's eet Obeis goitig 10 city pmoslofies aeos e tuonaty sooupWîin be using a new fo'rm o sap acelains ear- iug a cleary-marked "Ac. followad by the now-familar Morse e "te nwipeso ifl ha' used alterntey, week by week, 'witli the DI-Eniot ew mpesi bntrOduî- c sema leag" Would 'Youi _ ~DoLkei? Yen have an apiîetwth youir lady friend ait your ifavorite, meýeting place but fîndyoraf at the 1lasI i-,ouna l ekeep 11. There is no apparent way te ket her know. NWhat. would yen do! we]y, hare's hat a Caun dian Naional Tlgah esn gar rcia by wvay of anasi- ment recetyl -ý"Go b the Cerner of ban ndbank sîreets (a bLusýy intersection) andbook for sloï t insuce Iooin,,g gil, wearig glassas Tael er tiiket heby frensid for T-her neot te waijt for- himn- as he !isunabla te keep thneaponen Smtfor her teIogo te hi's mte bouse. She wil knowi where il h?. The young lady was foumd and the asaedlivere, to th-e satisfaction of aIl parties RusianWomnen Buyildîing ShP S Russianwoe ac gilar building adrepairitig siphav- ing laarned inýr a f.ew weekýs workI whiCh aeyc a huh ol ba dne nl byme, aïofica cf the Sovitsibidigids try said a sýhrt lime ago in ïa broadcast of the Moscowrai heard in onon LORD pBEîAVTERROOK,0Y Tlalf-Tycoon, bial-kobold, Lorcd Baverbrook is a stra.nge mai 10 ha in charge e)f gelticg «"thac tools" mb tIrte hanids ,of Britishi soldiers and cvlas....Ha lsi't aven British, but Ihe son of apoor Presbylaian ninisîer whe emigratad 10 Canada fremi Scot- land - - . in Ontario Wiliam Maxw(Al ("Maýx") Aiîken w as Kuanck of acquisitivenes a s s trong inA,,itken; ha moved te New,, Brunlswick,ý quickly made a frtune in utilities . . . took tha fortune, wçcnt to England and quickly made a nother in nws- pprpublisling', obwn Amelgrican mniithods% and usiing his publicationis as plitical slappiclg- stonles. Prankishl, usipre.(dictable, capri- elêus, iis iethioda of01 werl araer- L""N ratie but effective lhey made kfrm Lard Beaverbreitk.. Chucillturried to hlm to âtrieheriý)at lr-airplane pro- duetion maýss', thougl Beaverhirooki a ~at, s mid-lff9 had been "isoi'tk.i tY, Hlemade goeffd, vasentrustcd with virtual co~- ~- ub~nta drtorship , pin ed k"4te the hattle ef.,pwbouctrnwith eb~~cte'rItIe watt en i 'd unpred;ctab!r ymetfi'ds. GREETED BY INDIAN CHIEFS Wavýr-bo)nnetted chiefs of the Stoney Tribe from neerbyMorle-y R,,eserve, graaîeeed Ris R oya-l RighneslIre Duke of Kent whan has,, n a wo-day resp)ile at ,IiBeff Sprinigs Hotel, breeking bis ardnous aria inpcintour of the Cciiommowealth Air Training and RoyalCa- ien Air- Fore stations, . Rare the prince je seen chtting with Ch-iai Jonnly Beerepaw (lefI) and Cief Waving Feather. Hieslay in th Caneian R Iockies rasent wes the Duk's f iret real holiday in mn -menthe anidlie made the most of il, motoring, picnicking, ridirig, end -w alking jus i lke an)y other resorl v-isiter. FA e AI-CONDIONED SUITS Wor kers len bolier roomis and large ecoue oîtiii pn heath urncesoften labor in ImnheaIlIhy âand -un Coifortab1 le heat. Alîhloug,h il la efte' eor mcal imosbete air-conidition tha an lire factory rioom, scieisteý are Studying %wa'ys of aîr-conidilioning the werker.ý Onle efctv îahd a een te ttacbef a flex-ible hese te the baick of a wrkUr's cvealad inn Ihle tube te a cooling unit. Whbcn tih cooler wssilhdon, il pucîpned air aI 80 dlegrees Fah- r-enhel(it anid 50 per Catit relative hum1-idity through1 the hese mbt the geriment, anid -workers in such venîtilaitedlsuite were practicaly free of perepiration at lamipera- toras Uter about 100 degrees. Eulygood resull s were obtain- ed by shoîing bledts ef cooled air through nozzl,,es plcadcos-e te the wr'r - DOUBLE PLAY ON WAX The RCA Manufacturing Ce. annouruced e new phonogrnph- record cliger, called "thie Magie Brain," thal plays bolh sdsof a record witLhiut tumring il ever. InventcdLby 1B. R. Carson, RCA Victor des* gn egcail bas a turntabjle ne big,,>er than),i the label in the centre ef the dçisk, and two tone armos, one playing on the top side of thie record in the ordinary mantiar, and the' other then pick- îng up the seunid from the under surface witb hcheturtitabla recvolv- inig in r-everse.- NEW PRODUCTS A new plastic mender for mfetal pots and pans, caýlle,-t So-Lumninum, wî'Il withstand heat indefînilely. Il'S applied by squeezing a drop on the hole or crack aind leaving il to dry over nýigt. .ý . The Tan- nessee Eastman Corp. is bringing out e plastic gadget that turcs an ordinary milk bottle into a pour- ing pilcer -.Rasearchers at Hlebrew University, J erusaltem, have discovered that paper spe.. cially treated wilh d;iphanyl, when used as fruit wrappers, will re- duca orange spo.ilage by nmoreý FINALE PAlN Wamen 'w,,o Suffer lpa4bir1i irregu-. lar 'pe'od iwtb nervoupa. mqo#d terO0, f nO d ome nk hamIFt 3»tbe opund si W1 eur than 50% . .. There's now s hght- weight rubber device Cta ctibe attached te French poepr itting the instrumienit te reat on your shoulder se that ohiad Ore left free. BY ROBERTA LEE a sýeond elping cet any par)ýtirnîar dishwhe aten ing a frmi ia- ed dard et thecksiiin acn eg- ment eta weddnggi? 3.Wbat shoc'11dIbe (dons if an 4. What iscasdeedthe p;i- eliln'g 1on a train? 5. Whel pekncererat as inivdul snd n say "th sevn"Or "thi(,1e0P"? Ci. 8s t olgaoyte retnma cali ofcndece ANSWERS 1. No; sec,(ond heýlpinge are sc- ved 0111Y at informa'idînners. 2.Ne; the donor is a]ways e.n- titled te a per sonal letere thlacilks. ?- It is imiperative that we hl on her et iher temporariy place oïl rýesidlence, amd, if psilivt her te our home or te smasocialj iffair. 4. Thie womnaa travels iii street clotheus, wearing daili coiors or darle pixtures, becaiuse tlcey , sow- Wtile evidence cof weerý whea sbe rechies lber' destination.. 5. No; use their tities as "the- h)uIler," "the cook," or "thie makl. Nor should oaae say "hlirecd man"7 or "hlired girl," as they are the cames given te servants con a farmi, 6. No; calîs ef condolecce naed net be return,1ed. a o. oo.ofoe.O.~.*e6Oon4S * BIAVE * YOBEARD? Arthur Rîscoe, tIrE stýage corne- dian, le making London laugIr wllb thns story: "A crowd et German airmen arrived at -the gates cf beaven and clamored le gel In. 'Whe are yeu?' asked (lSI. Peter. 'W're, the f itty German airmen wbo were shol dewn tiodahy ha R.A.F.', wes tIre reply. Said St. Peter: 'Wait a inuiite -hile 1 have a look at thea Germaù cem- mucniue.' After reaidinig il he came back and aanoucced: 'Il says here that only two Germian air-: mec ware shot dowc Ioday-. Se two et yeu cen coma ln and lIre rest et you cen go le bell'." The young man went Into the shop'and sald ta the cash- ler: "I want to pay the last Instalment on the perambul- ator."1 The smiling cashïer handed him his r-eceipt and asked: "And how is the baby?" "Oh, 'm feeling fine, thank you," was thie reply. Acrngteooe o!fihe lantesl anecdotes from Nerwey, a youing seller 'In Bergea wes sîtîing on bis front porch reading a da3y-old eopy of the bonidon Timies -Mhen ialeng cama an -agent oethîe (Ges- lape. The mae igIil ofthisne- paper ww e enugh te enrage the C ýrman. Wbec ha discevered irow recaýnt îts date was, Iis wrath heiled ovar ln gulleral invective. "How did yeu gat possessIo)n o! lIraI varbolan a nd verdentl papar?" "Gel it?" calmly repllad Ihe seilor, "I did't gel it, . sbcr1 te it." During a natural history examînation a smaIl boy was asked whîch et ail the crea- turcs eais less food than any Cther. He repliad that it vwas the moth, because it eaas holes. A small, shy man leaaed con.ý fidentially acrees tIre desk aI the United States Consulete et Lisbon and asked: "Please, sir, is thara- any possibility lIraI I ceuldgt antrance imb your ,vonderfui country?7" Thle attache, pr'essed by thonsq- and,., f sncb l ieas a-d lbaggard roughly: "Impessîblenw.Coma hack ln tenrya. "TIre littie re- fugea evd o'nr le de0or, sIrpped, turnied icd askad wllh a iln rilul:"ecn rel S pee in:"tegrelat speedinrg alzong ike this. Dan.'t you tee! glad you're alive?" Passenger: 'Glad isn't Ithe word, 'm am-azed." I BY ANNE ASHLEY j stains 'From f ablc? A. R-h!-le spot with uran lice or enin.Then w -ash Ctha faibric tboreughlIy. Q), Slow dan emediy jam lra bas Ircem r d a'iioýnd sngary? A. The jam ia baiis heeae bard ,andzsugarýy will h alos as good a's nw y pladling iIllntire even uintil thlce sugar manilts. Tben takaeout adput eside le cool. Q. -How dn i iramove match scratchas trem pelnted surfaces? A. Rub h tem witbtlirecul itsida of a lemi)n, andIba n nasa qickly wilb cold waLer appýlied witb a clolb, Q. SlOvwcen I tr'eatpepiiS bande? A. Usa-,an astingent lotion made o et naparit et horle acid te lwenity partIs o! watar; dulthe bande afterwadswitb lalcumr Q. How ati i ean brwn lea- rhethhat-have' beco m e staine withsait wter w llestol- lin one the îbeach? washing soda la one e ci o millçil an! ru t ihisouInwl inito the eathr. Then plih itiý a good lea ofthe Cpolish.ýa til 1ai1ways, of thle appýoint- metof D, MK.Ford, Genlerai Puýrchasingen, to the psto of Vice-Preside(1ent in Chiarge of Purchass nd stores. E. A. Bromleycý, form!1erly AssatOt thle Vic-Pesdetwill succeed Agent, the anuceetstated. Bot apoitmetstake effe('t RBOUtTRDACS p ?,ClASIFID'DETIEENS AEOAIC MTERFO IJO mobýile, Tru _Ck, Tracteri, Bus and1 MaineEngi ines, MorePOlw e r Airaliforciuckinfor'imation! Aet.wite for ter ritory. DepIt. AGENTS VANTEDi ANKER-HIOLTH CPEAM SE5RPAR- ators and parts stock mioved from Sanate Lnd.Order frein John C'. Dent, 1887 Cenral Ave., London. Ca'nadinn Dietributor Supevisos adAgntswnted. watd t ' olcli veyfamily a heatb pp! laceatacabete elcric 1i 1, 1in1 i ruitf. Tone Sree -Toronto FAFEVGPRD Y CO V R POULTRFZY wH CieoSouio.Prevent whitef ae e babychc, forBîakhad îseseand rmv igcclworrmc fromlyour poul- try.Pospai, Si. A G.Cowtun FRE111-GITT OFEIR LAPV'S OR CENT'ý1S WATCE. CM era,. Clok, -tc. iý 1 v orenUteig D r. Loin hapo l oir d(I- t ric tWrvite now, Norma.nd Pro- FO R Mo P 1- CNNIN OFO fruits àanld vegetab :1les and1(1Pre-, ,,en tn1g freoin pol 2 pcae rvostpaiid_ 2,c. Westrn Ciniln in1g ('o m Po unriiCe. Box2101 W1niij- peManitoba. FARM 11OBSALE TWO HUND)RE-,A CRES-,GOO D grain tand daîry farm. , eo ildl-, rbnrnigv wateýr. Si t uaflt eld forty mlsfro)m Torooto,, nea r San dford(1village, A pply eog W. Smnith, Tixbrdgi;e, R.R. 1, On-. tarie. J. N. M N DýA Y. LA W 0(Fe. A itol Thestqre Puilding, Sýt. hm. Ontario. Secalfevnsrtmnelt for ginila Leaf for ipe $135. 1'i v e :munds Farn ignaLeanf *Naturel Lraf Tobacce jC,, en ingten. Ontirio. 8 - LARJA" PRINTS -25e ANY SIZE ROLL DErVELOPED and elght double e prisits for oi)ly 25c. TReprintsl,3i1c each. Spvecial ba rg ains n F lEnlarglceg, colourling te. AIl wcrit guansn teed h4glser3t'QlA Lty. B'a«il4er PrIi ISSUE 3'5-'41 ATTENTION HUEIB-Co your Presvs a'l. n(jPickle.s. ieo Assoted abel10O, 500 lLabels station ilTrno aaa HIGHL RECMMENED -Every sufre f Eheluatie Painls or Nerti houlid try D ,nsRein- ed y. 1,Munin-',s ])jr1g Store., 38 COLECOR 0F CAN ADIýN Stamps wlll paýy cash for old isuson (or-off enV(veo. On eneoeworth mr.Only inter- sted in the so VlldYungQen Vcia isueswhchincludfes thoPeaerPri.nce Albert and Cate. edKi , g E dward f ifty cent. Write e sring What yen hiave. AIl tteàrs willbeas wered. . C. Huter, Mreh Ontaro "IPAY FOR THEMSLVS E first year lengnýly case~s througb inrese lilk poutoanid -elt ïlHctte by feeding ewnsj age teadof ce rn ifodder. KEENANS P ( 1,T AEL E SIlO wîll kep nsilage perfetly and tact tndef-iniflty..The is. , znl ana. t -au enbe oasUy erectéd Iin a&fw heurs opn any level groun(,. MaIde i, 10, 12. Jl'14,a 16 lý font diaïmeters ;holding up te 8tos Approved by aýiljairY atoiis F'or fulliifnomation and rîces, wVrite thle REEAN FS ENCE COM- anOwef ond ftai. MEDICAL DON'T WT EBVSUFj,FR of RemacPains ori, Neurýitis3 sh1ould t r y D ix o' s Remedy,ý Mnr P rug Store. 8335 Elgin N UTS WA N TlI HAZEL NUTS WANTED. IGHBST cahprices,, paidj. Red Spot Nt Cman,25 Jarvis St., Teo,nto. ELACK GREAT DNEpUPS,. M7sIAS- s'ive yec ereluc akr R.P. No. 2, London, Ont. VULLETS GREAW BRITAIN WA,,NTS EGGS. Evey Cntiianpoultryman en Incrasehiepatriotie effort by, tien Of Grade A eg'.We've pull- sliiment. C&rdel, now, nlaise tfking cblck ss4ere Inter 'deliTes',jy. ra-ýy Xacer,130 John 'N, !Hamilton, Ont, Eight 4 x6Elreet 30C YenOua I aeveloed iud cadei prat CnBlarged to 4 'x 6, '10e. Rneprintm. @gmre AIze, $ for 30c, DIRECT PFIMSEUVIE AESE WANro one e, Caadas ostotsain outfit ,'il! be suppled te mec(,I who 'dan produýe reuit. ive competedetil ad wrte (todaly te: eack ondon, Val ue,-f]ret Cl "s 01 tlntic Ave., Mec.. LAflIS OR MEN A1NTEI) TURN YOIJ IE NODOLR by selicg FmlxPrdcsll your ommuityit's your opr ines. Mose~becýk for -x'er.n is- 4-o qitRIe, Fre'e; cata loge ad det ils on1 requestîM iss G. St. Gog,570 S t.Cemn Menrel SCALP TROUIZLE CORRECTED NEW HAIR PRODUCED mou ilthII aIld letters. Iii Toronteo drind rifff, faj jIlng f'air , ter "I p touble bas be rdicated, ew 1hairproduel Wriefo 387 Jane, Trno Q(THUILTING ity prinlts anid plainfbr --dlo thIl -Scl.Postageextr. COsult yorPestlinster iabou$t rates. TtieJOibbers. Ma1ud 'treet, T,- recto. SNAPSHOTS TO-DAY TREASURES- TO-MORROW blei ilis recarlefuliy ald ,sc1ejj- wnake sure tbeylst 8 rePr-ints with enlargement 25e, Tho'usandl5 ,et letter's from satiafîcO custom(ers estfyte our uero