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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Aug 1941, p. 5

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THE ORO-NO WEEKLY TIMES Sergeant il iýt W. G. R. Stephen- ~snof tlie PRC.A.!T., a soni of Mr. -anud 'Mi-S.W. (G. step iLhenýo'n of Orne- n, was killed as tlie 1rsult of an' aICcýidenIt overseas. Eis parents re- ceiv'ed the o0ffictal wor01d from ttw on Sunday,1- August 17th. Hle was2 year-s of age, 'and eailisted at Kýing- ýstni iii Julie 19410. Before joîit ;ng thie Folel(e made numerous ti Aps to Orionoi, and wvas a tennis erthusiast. Ile was a cui of Mris. J. L. H. rowof Oshawa. Ainber Honemy NOW ON SALE Quantity Limnited For those desiring a better grade Hloney try GuO L DE N Chas. R. Knox ORONO Phone 42 r 2 Phoil (M.and M Duorell, Miýs. Hast- ings and MisaHextai, 'of Foster, Quý-,ebec-, v'itngwith tefIe iormerý's son, WVinfield Durýiel, at the home of Dr. and Mos. -W. W. Sberwîn. F"ive more of oUP yong en have joind up withthe aaceforces. Clif Cowan, Bruce anidarman Tennant, Pthe Wheelernd Donald Grahai have passed their modical exaina- tiU(on an.d will be assigned( to a goounid crew ofthe RJC.A.F. They ex,,pect to repor-t for duty somlue fimle next monfli. The summner home 0ýf Mr. D. Fonnd Of Tuoot that he is havinig built on the proiperty he puo-ohased ftom fthe old CaPt.Saie estate, soutb of Lesard, is aeaoing completion. Ile( expects to move oin Oi time this 'week. -Mr. percqy Chapmnan is the eýonfoactor-. Lasf weelk theneuw water tank for fi-e protection in thle nortil end of the village -was cmltd It is situated on the south corner of the street between Mo, Ronald Smith's property and that of -Mr.\W. J. Wal- ter. Mi. Joe ;Martinell, of Keadal, liad thec 'onract. IIn Orono It's Mac Smith's MEN'S BIG MOGUL OVERALLS, 8-ounce"à n cloth, pair......... ...ý .....98 I MEN'S LIGHT WEIGHT OVERALLS, 4$Iîg9 per pair .. .... .............tiI CARHARTT'S OVERALL PANTS, rivet- s 8 ted at seams . .............. MEN'S WORK BOOTS, Priced at per pair $3.25 $3.50 $3.75 $3.85 Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurarice Agent for Wood, Guady Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC. SMITH PHONE61r2 - -ORONO RED & WllhgTE bST"OREnS The season for Peaches, Plums, Tomatoes etc. is at hand, we seli them ail. Leave you~r order here. Mrs. McKenna's children purchased $3.5O-worth of groceries now on dis play in our window. The girls 'are selling- tickets at 1lOc or 3 for 25c Proceeda donated to British War Victums Fund. HeIp them along. Icing Sugar, , specia1, IL Irish Stew, 2 tins Crab Apple Jelly, 32 oz. jar Marshn'allow Cancly, IL.bag Plate of Beef,' boned&rolled, lb. ~>Rolîs of Veal for roasting, lb. Hamburg Steak, 1lb. Round Steak, lb. Sirloin Steak, IL Porter House Steak, lb. 2 pkgs Quaker Quix Cer eal, with pearing knife, all for Pickling Onions, 2 Ibs. Cream Cheese, 1-2 IL package Lemons, large size, 3 for Cooking Onions, 5 lbs, loc 25c 29c 25c 18c 21c 18c 25c 27c 32c 25c 29c 15C 1lOc 21c Prompt . Local News Alr. F. W. L. Tamblyn and Soni s-àipped onýje oc'their good oisei herd sýireS to -Mr. (Manflord Wbt of AthenIs, Onit., that shotuldpodc sone 'hig'h producers in chi good ilerd. Moi . and Mos. Hlaldl, Awde, of Tor- 'ono, visited with the toraaer's p arv- nts, -Mu. and MoUs. C. F.e. Jean Awde oeturnied hom-e wit'h tbemi after spendinig, a two 'weeks' vacation in Orona. [Mrs. Fraqnk Pearson Sr., Churlch1 St., w-as sie with a stroke on F-- diay of as weýek. 'We are pleaised to reotshe laim i-prooving -slow,ýly. Mrs. Fra'nk Person Jr., a-lso Mos. D.. Pearson, ofTorto are looki'ng1 af- ter ber. Miss M. E. G. Waddell , Toronto, ac:omipanie-d by Mrs. T. COWa, Miss Kate 'Colvilie, Mrs. Stowart and Missi Nellie ýCoiville, Orono, mret with an auto accident on Saturda'y, Au-gust 16th hale on tiheir trip to Eastera (lan.ada. Mrs. Cowan sufferiýed a brok- en hone in one of hier aras, whiLe the otiherl four occupants e-sca'ped with bruises, along witih being badly 'shaken up. They arrived home o>n Thur-sday evening of last week. Last -week one ýof our subscribers iwanted to know why blie saine kind ,f Ibread 'was selling in Newcas-tle, Pontypool and Bow-ýmaitville for eight cents whie in Orono it cost nine cents a loaf. On MUonday evening while j-a convensation with Mr. Hesper Dean, he iniformied us thatbr>eas inl Nerneac.s- tiet and Pontypool ýcost aine cents a boan, not eight, the saine as in Orono, whiie in lowmanville onl'y oas store sold bread for. eighit cents. He also înformed aus 'that the profit on a loaf 'f 'bread was ev'ery small. By thle time youI figured the cost of DIRakingr the bread right uji to delivervy, the cost of a loaf f0 the piioducer was 8.34 cents. This seems to leave a very small mar-gin of profit. Cream & Egg Prices i FOR TH[S WEEK ' No. 1 Grade Cream . . 39C. Il A Large ........ A Medium.... ..... A Pullet and B. C's.ý..... ...... .. M4e 32e 26e 21e Orono CreameryJ Orono Tins hop First -Class PLUMBING HEATING ,and TINSMITHING And ail kinds of Repairs R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 30r!6 PARK ST. UNITED CHIJRCH Rev. S. Lîttlewýocd Pastor AUGUST 3lst ilr J..-J. rsbrp. "God so Ioved the world thlat lHje gave (Ris oiily begotten Son tIat wbosoever belie'vefth in HuiSbould not perish but bave E5Vrlasting life." ---Johna 3-16. [LOCAL AND SOCIALJ Mis. J. Egeo is spending a few days in Torontio This we'ek. mad Mr.s. Jchn iliso spent Sudywi'th 'Mrs. James Dick.son. M.cjifforýd -Jone, 'oýf stirlirg, is speudirag his annual leave at hlis homle MUr. Friink fHall anid bis m-en. are building a niew bridge niorth of BEow- man Ville, Mr. George Cooper spenit la'st we&l visiting fiieaids ini Bethan a nd: peterboro. r.and MrHs. Jol nMorris spenta f ew days las"t week stn at Ot- tffwa amd other points east. Mrs. J. W. iHutchinsoii, of Thorn- buryý is 'visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Patterson, this wveek. 'Miss Ruth Crosby, of 'Collinigwood, is visiting lier aunt, 'Mýrs.Thos. Pat- terson, and other relativjes here. ~Mr. and IMrs Arthur Austin, of Calgary, Alberta, -wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. iH. Walsèh last week. 'Mrs. Wesley Roe of London, On- tario, bas been rvisitinig her c Lousi-n, ,Mrs. J. E. Richards the past week. Mr. 'and 'Mrs. 'Wm. 1kw, of Tor- oknto, were supper guests of 'Mr. and Mors. J. 'Eagleson on Monday eveiing. {oward and Tommny )Coathiam are visitiîng their gadohr MrTs., James KaV, in Newmarket, for a )Mr. G. Richards and Mr. J. Eagie- son were agaia sucoessfulinlu heir ~fishirig at Rice La'ke a few diays asat week. Mo. sud Mrs. Ailison Cow\ýan andi d.augbte-r, of Toronto, are spending 'their vacation 'with Mr. aud Mrs. ThromasCowan, Mrs. George Buttrs bas returned1 home after spending 'a ve'ry enijoyable visif at Niagara, Thonold, Toroito. and other points. "'Bob." Cooper an'd Doniald Staples have retw.rned to their respective (homes after spending a vacation at Twelve (Mile 'Lake. Mrs. J. R. Cooper ansd Miss Kate 1McKay have returned home afteo ýýpeiidiIg two weeks' vacation at Nobel, Parry Sound and Orillia Mrs. Jamnes Kay, \,loho as spert several weeks wifh Mo. and Mos.' Halsted Coatham u d £amily, bas re- tuonesi to ber homet in Newniarket. (Mrs. David Jehintst on, of Parry Sound, -Wb' bas been visiting ber sis- ter, Mos. Thos. Patterson and ofher relatives, bas t-eýtned to hep home. Mr. Otto Coathaim and Mr. Hl- sfed Coatham attended the funeral of their aunt, th'e late Mos. Thos. Saiowden, Nortil Augusta on August l6th. 'Mrs. J. C. Gamey is having 'a ccl- lar ýdug under ber residence andi aiso miaking other imnprovemeuets Mn. 'coln 'Bronra, Leskard, ia doing the rWOrk. Mo. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen and family, aeeompanied by Miss 'Eileen Jones is spending thiis week st "Sun R.ise Cottag-e" ait Loon Lake, (Hall- àiu-ton. Winteo seems to be on tIe way as oa!1 deale'rs are busy filling up th e 'ceai 'bis Of OUr' citizens, la prepara- tiou 0 of he eiglit montIs' biitzreîg of old Jack (Frtst. (Mr. andi Mas. C. H. Webb ands ons Danny andi Kennefli, of Montreal, ao Mo. and Mos. W. S. Haw, Tor- onto, spent the w~eek-end wýýith Mr. 'and (Mos J. H. Walsb. We noticed W. J. PiddIei's picture in Tuesday's Telegrami, taken at Co- bong on Sunday, Augus't 24tb, -where be was guest speaker at Coboi-gl.. O.P. decoration day services. Mi-. F. Gibson, -who operates the, miarkef arenjUst north of Ooo Jirought ina a remneadous cuu-ber to the Tin-tes oflice last week whicii bas been on dispiay in thle windw. Mr. Gihs'bn said souodi, people claim-s he, canFt gro'w vegetabiles on tIc farm,ý Put this 'ucumiler p'ooves differenit. We have guaranteed Goodyear tires at ail prices. Each Is tops in mileage and value. li eov cole~i '11 @ If you want more miles for your tire dollar . . . there 18 one sure way to get them! Drive in here and pick your choice of any Goodyear tire in our big stock and that tire will save you money, give you longer, safer service, lower-cost-per-mile than any other tire at or near the price >you pay. That's a strong clahn but we can prove it . .. drive i and see us today! Re M. LUNN Orono, Ont. ARMSTRONG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Specials for Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Aug. 28, 29, 30 Phone 70 r land 21 r 1 Ilamburg Steak lb. Huron Toilet Paper 3 Roils Clothes Pins 3 dozen FRESH SAIJSAGE 2 LB. 35c.e Seedless Raisins 2 LB. Fresh Grouud Cof f e LB. 37c. Royal York J ar ±Ne'w, uo-dern test equipnen enL a- ables foe e f maie fast, deipendabh 11repaira f0 aany rnke c0 rdio.chs jR. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. ti Porterhouse Steak LB. Harry H-orne's Jelly Powders 4 for Cyrus Bread Flour 24 lb. bag Neilson's Bars 6 for 25E. SIRLOIN STEj AK LB. 27e. Pastr$I Four 24Ibi. b.ag Rose Baking Powder lb. tint 14e. Wrapped BREAD 2 Loaves 15e. REDPATI-1 SUGAR 10 LB. 25e ROUND STEAK LB. 25C. CrownI Quart Gems Dozen $1 ,14 .J.' i:"ORNISH

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