EFFECT 0F INCREASING SPEEDS ON MlEAlZ'GE LIFE 0F TIRES 40 ,.pJ,. 50 ,.Jm 6 .p.h. Washed Tread rubber wer uot at n noîcýmal rate njt3-mlanhr average drii nspe. igher speeds burn up the rubiserfaer thus rdinbgmileage3hfeof time.To iselp meorsicnsre ue for nataioa defens needs tire developnt engineers of The lire- ston Tire-,& RbsrCompa)y atiI easngtiseabydt.toso Lhat exacessve wear aà!0Mmes per heur is qil enwa wYastme o 22 per cent of theaprnwted mileage.At 50 mmils erheur,thC wnste ubber'S almostJdoubl)e tatsacs ifced at the 4-ieprhu speed. Normal speeds ecnanormal wmear and low milege or0 tire tisatConvention tes otye alo a woaoeï ed -Dt ak ln the street smo(kinýg a'igae, iel pruhlibit a a n e uof asef o exercýising iîs"rigbti" wieW ber. 5. Yes; wisiIt is suly n even, cae shtouo etknntt tuse pae J.t sbould aesm balanýe with islet-haad riain,,,ý befoe eimovig ber wraps ise waiter o o eeot ts e uts party assitbiber. This story ,von trtprîze law 3 competitien rua iby an Aeîa periodical for storiesaïetcbr and dramatie content. gram from h ler boter wsowa accompaniying iser husband on ag blg-gamieexpeditier nlaArc.Ts telegramreapýd: "B'ob lle lo wired 1back: "edhmhm, Elvia." Sea weeks later a laorgeprk ing case arrivet frem trca.la sid ws a Elio.Emvma sent a tel- ,gram "Lion re-,ceivedl. Mut mi1stake. Seid B ob.-lia' ply: "No msae o ulo Adrunk vwaswakgaln the curb with ore foot onrih sidewa;k andJ the other I i7i gutrvelates Rae' iet A cep followed hmfor tsv blocks andc then si,"on along, buddy , fil help co home. You're drunk," "Than k God 1" csa i mités drunlê "I';th-ougist l is "Sitraeair-raid toie-itre tse ir n bs1 î ouda berle emlne "u Iha a v Tie mA. nRis. us "u-bP FILMSDEEOD AND PRINTEtO 25S, FHREE NAGMN AERO FILM III13Di BOX 121 ToRON¶O PARCI-ELS01FoRiEEA SOLDIERS ifln!to procureLe lritis,-b, Saetime assd trouble. Sesid1,1 $,0with numne,reieta aimber, anS unit et Soidier1 or DESPATCU ( Z;'),530Be te pour addrems Cranityl tste I c ai n' aeepIT r Mme fuctonsti dis. ordlers anS miionithly distress?Tintk Lydia E. Pln.khari's VegetableCern- pound, famnous for over 60yas5a hplgsuCisrundowa, W-R*lc,nevu c ond itijo n s. M, adcl ec.3pciat 7, weet WEIL WO1,G'aI-TTY1NCiý totlo ver. 'I've got to pay 1or tIte war, iho proteste."a' ~'tsgettîng late," remarked tue firt fisherman, "and we haves't caUght a Sing1e fishi." 4'Wel,"repled bis compan- ion4iet's 1ct tw,.o more big onles get iway and thein go home," A nman wbto'd jusýt joinaedl'or tratJiainýg paýssed a ca(ptain withiout aitg.Tise captain stopped hlmi. 'Tale a look at me," he saidl. "Po yoilattach a-ny special sîg. uiisc'te this uuliformil." Tise nnw cbum looked lmovr dog" a eciimel,"you've gta Suit Ptatmis!, A Mtte English girl came in M tfr sacol with this note: "Pkase excuse ay for bein1g lae.. Wewerbitz-ed lîtnight a1nd h ws' dug out un 3 I-los DOeuvre Tocuy iebiInterval be- twen rdein adorlçaof tha first item la meai, radinigmt ter l provided on ail menu card coes nuseo n n ing cars of thse cioin thseservices operataid 0on tis GrndTruink \Westeýrn linos. Maqtariai used! in isoaltr hors dourscovars a wida ra-,nge of Canadjin sub)jects, economic, historý(- ie andsceniu. Collected lu Oaa olue tesebriais, froll pro- ation oonceriag canada. A new issue eto cards prapared GnalSupeýrintendenit of Sleep- igadDiling CrDepartment, CaadanNaional Railways, is iii laise. These cards are illus- trtdby rpouto et atural celr pbotograph)is dpctaScones astrapart asthe bLions' Gate BdgVancouiveri, &c., and Hope- welRocks, Shepedy, N.B. thier illustrationsý indlicate tise beauty ef SnwDomie in Jasper N'ationial Pa,- aad5-1(tisa choice situation et1 the CaenLuirla Ottawa. Tis acopaylgtext la oaci instane g'iiesa comprehensive descrption et city and ena. ÏacIs bOl ut tae begias with a captal"W'for Victory and car- retieMor.se symlbol et tise now so readhly recognizyd tisree dots aad a dai, Long War For llow-ý seriously tise Sovies are' countîngun a long nm is mi cated by orders placed la the ing tanks by air Thy have made mhe futassertion taoteir. trans- portplaes re lrge thn our tant. Apparently,tie usan nt only intend t ofgtn ih ontulî,s f7rom ew uttob tk inig tise offenîsivýe. AIse it woul appear that German daims or havi a NnnhatdtiseSoviet air fore a-re e-ntirel-,y ufounded.-M And rEn.,oY Them- "Cle an u or lt;lote, of littie boys lu Erp are goiagw h ungry 1"Twenty,,-five yars ag thse výersionD a"Tik fthoase star-v,7-ing11 jlttie Belgin. n ev-e nftisen vweucouCdn tseia ire msesela ise ri rmide tha-n did tishterig aifry te whom it wa-sadrse.W dutswido ns oUappalin te a cihild's apeieb e inig Dubieu-,s sca mlctosaa motivation 1like ýt hi, iput vth wrong eihsso etn-a- right ephaisisoenomt of it. .SSCLASSUEIED ADVERTISEENTS.St SELLBRITS4I A NA O1 A N prîntd, alo -boxd assrmets. day for 1 detail Samples on ap- rý prpa.Biish11 Canadi Room 44, 24 Iing estiToroHto mob'1ile1 , truc, tatosbuin Ai jmail ifor ouick11 ifomio n!ý)Ù i usWite fo ter rioy.Det 1. 1oxl63. Incouve. EC1nsa 11,ROMAtoi 1 TITER imobile,1Trck. Tract, 1Busaf and31 A s i i l foi i iifomaion!r. ofHalem, 70adzn 50s A lbet St., rat or Ii dS-_ t. ,8 laitl]Teara(ilin, t Toms Ontaro, bpecifoieprtmeî1fo o taps xiiipay ash fr old eneloiP. ot( mre2n. ntr stdcutb o c l ý ldYug1 u ou'ibave. Ail le:Titesilban- ivrdR Cp Euner Mrpth 110FTiMMrS,' 30 IînCHe catioifaciin guranteed.$3,2i1 de PEROASIiL O plermanenly, pivaelyremvad anteea, kil! roopps w 1tbfonetpi-> catio. CaadianChemsryCom- Tany , ilie.Sak A1RPUA1S - BOT - RAlOADs plavt bobby ousLe. wbouisaiaan ratil.oofÇopata-cat'algueIlf ail Liyd '] Hobby 7 c ra i lFt.(".,'35 lS, ýp.Cli WesNT:,-Toronto.À M il 1FJNl PROý.TiT OUsýii, sTEEL:i ROOFS.i Havetbe coaad itb ur pac CV. ï yNi nAvnue WUnieg suffer-er l o! Roeuatcain o ad.Munros rug StEchange and Oe 2035 OuPulltbact, ho113-m. nix. ss td, o ic. ity Uvprtsed lain boadco Fou ýreondhfocon dolaipot. T oroato en ofEie tamsprachngfec flso gneral htfy ouseor, no co-2" ing. 427 Pal eratonBlvd to eure suItlscriptlonsin rural ara.Sae xerec hlfl PemnnLoiin eeo, r RJad hus- We likekth 0ver baFgr fu rte th t an t'hth a ùkek leDclicaoiUld ib OuIt~dea tedSteak LT , '-