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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Sep 1941, p. 6

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B;uild;ng of FWeghtere and Destroyers to Absorb 60»0 Worke rs Close ta î ,00mnarexeie eto buepoe n steel si ~i trconalisd 0onmanufacture o!5 eo'mponieat parts of sliips by -ubxt Mai wae said in a prese e- lease front the Munitons and 4i ply Dpaimeat. More in17,000 meanow Mew enxployedl on steel s1lp consruc- tion In Caniada," thbe annou*rce- ment sald. "At the peak of th prgawhich probably will 13eý r-eacbed between Decemiber, 1941, gnd March, 1941, la excýSE o 0,- t,000 mca xill berequlred ila ùhe "la, addition it ilecstimated tilt. iumber Lf men empioyed la the ntanfacureof ip comiponenis I about equal to the numben em- 3loyed lin thieshipyards." This teel construction lacludee tie large prQgsan forpodch0 gu1 9,300ton sanar ized freight- érs, keels for several of w;11,0i bave been, laid and whidh anc dit fon dellveny in 1942, There lias also; beena are r- vette bulding pr-ogrRans and cou- iitriiit!-iu o! Tribal clase destroy-> ers l a Canda le projectcd. It le expected IL mill take twoN years to bUhld ilthe destroyerssnc titi9 s l nw type of nsrtil ger Canada and the destroyer coni- stru1-ction Àle euh lai 'h e imnr vtage and 1V le flot believed an,ýiiy keele have been laid but imanufac- ýare o opoetpart s sgon Appoin2tcd to the newly Created, post or Chief Executive O.ffiqcOr of the Britieli Supply Counicil j- Nerilh Amerrica, 900 Conchies Aéc"re Doing Good Work ConscienItiaus Objectors ý Camps, Clcavring TraH là~ Build-ing Roads ~e9100 yugmen of iltr %ge who prioFees coasclenilons o6- jection to bearlng armens ow are, git work la reipote wooded aes olearlýng traile and bilding roads. Aftir a fcYw nmonthe'exeiec with tihe alternative serviCe plan on -oscientieuls objecior, ath 6jrlties ae mpressed witli thewl- hin ù f the mca to work ad titeir qameniî,Liiy to camp 1f e, "Once iwe get lieniintoiathàe1 tamps thcy are swcll1," saidMv ,ýjutice T. C. Davis, aqssociate dep- aty mrinisier 0f niational war serl- %vîces."T-hey vwerk lke Trojanis, Wbley ar'e doing a great job." Gettit hiim to camp, hwvr b, not f80 easy, 'Some fail ta ho ixp Plbeh ordiered zo report. Their iîames are IveIn ta oic.When br'cugh before the courSt liey are6 t2sually given c'onvictions and ji Week 0f Reconsecration Starts War's Third Year Twelvc million Cana dians- stilfe-in girded for their third y'ear of war to preserve that freedomn. September 10, 1939, those iwL-ve millions, uanhesitatingly anid of iheir own, free will, elecied to resisi the challenge of unprovckeýl Nazi aggessors, and tMus vo-wed neyer ta lay acide i he sword unll tis wonid truly shaIl be safe for ail peoples, uPtile as well as bg Minoities as- wel as nmajorities. Septemiber 10, 1941, Qende iwo yjeare of Caadaaiwar. -And e, Goveraiment of Canada has polie the wcek of September 10-17 as "a week of recoasecraion of tde Canadian peopleY tht democratie cause againt Nazi tyranny . . . in national honor for those who, on land,con tlhe bea nnd lai the air, are, defenders of our couatry-, and in proud miemory for those valiant hiearis who have gone oui from aamong us ia the mosi preclous of alI sacrýifices for our common freedoni," Two) yenrs ago, Canada'-- soldiere, sailors and] airmea, iacludinýg ireserves, ahl together totalled in mere 68,000 offîccre and mca, To- day, t-ic fightinig forces,icudn recerves, numnber 490,000 of ail ranks, Ia the BnitielIdlaes today are more than 100,000 Caniaianr ldiers, sailors and airmen. Ovr 1,200 Canadians have figured. on casualty lis; 736 o! *them kil- fled la action, 19-5 misýsîing, the reninder dcad froi natural causes. Defence of Canad's oi, n sh-ores la, tigbtiinig, Aloag Alni and Pncifi c concs are pntrollng air equadrons, antiaincrafi and coastal batteries, supporting divisions of troope., Ia two years, ah thie Ganadn fiMghtngpower, WetHi l We enough, Thse Canadian Active Armiy le calliing for atL leasi 7,000 volunl- tsor per monut TheRoa Canadina Navy plane ta increaýse i*se Lhipe from i250 A 400 and to boost itepersonel from 23,000 ta, 27,00 by Mrci o! nexi year, Tic Royal Caiad-ina Air Force je t~o secd more and more blue-cladýC squadronsovras to thc 1,000 radio ïocator experts and other epeialits already in Bitain are ta be, added anlother 2,500, ta go ibis year. And Cndinwomren are ta be volunîtarily enîAisted ila auxilianry forces of-"tic Airmy, and the Air ForceP ta lease more sud more fighting mca for actie duty ave- sens. Two years ago, Canada wacspjeadia1g lece than $1,000,000a day ofn are, To-day Canaýda is spendiag lbetweea2- $3e000,000 and $4,000,00 a a y on war; bwo years eganeticame bil wns les, Vian a milon 'y Mrci 31 nexi, the war bill will hanve passed$2O,- 00e00,icludiag ,Weil over haîf a billint finance purchases fr Bitain. ia addition toacasuaîing heavier taxes, Canadians have bought war bonde and saviage etiatsworth ,400,0; they h-as7e eotnhuedabout $00000ta uilaywar. ser-vices, aaid outriglit gifis 'ta the GCoveram1yent total 1ncanly $2,000,000, Food shipped Ao Bniain includes 200,000,000 bushels of whcat 7,000,00 barrels of flour 1,000,000 Ibe. of haoneyý, ne-arly 15Jh,00- 000 dozen eggs, millions of punade o! concentrated nsik, thousands cf ions of canned goode, By Dacembar, 800,000,000 Ibn. o! park producte wPUlhave been sent; by March nexi, 112,000,00Olbs.o! ehüeese Ai the dawn of tic third year of wnr' ,1 arlaadiens arenkd by. ffir, Gove3i-rment te reconebrate iheMeelvs P"t he democratie cause agane Nzi tyrana1y." Re-consecration Pledge "At this urne of penu] for My country, in iisfigit egainisithen evil powers wivich threatea ta engul! the carti, coneclous o! my duiy toward Canada and toward my fellow man, 1 solemay plee before Almighty God ibat I shah d(o ail tint lies wiihin imy power, and deem no sacrifice teoagr'eai, ta brnag about the victory o! our arme, tint right asay tcriumph, that justice may prevail and that a righieous peace ME37 raiga ib1roughout ticherd;ta ibis end 1 reconsecrate mysdcîf wiih fnith, wiii courage and with the kaýiowledIge tIsai, thoaugh the peth be bard and thc day be dark, our efforts can nat fail." Reconsecration FPrayer Te-xi of tie p.rayer and grae:- O Lord ýiof Haste, in ibis time of!0aur recoasecretion ta tily service and la defence of theic ihi brought into ibiswrd by TIsy Beloved Son, we mm to Tiece in prayer. Wc prey for. aur figiting mca on land, an tic sea and la the air that thcy may be imibued with cannage ta persevene and straagth tam VOICE 0F TH E PRESS AGAINST THE RMNPEOPLE Wlin iae w mrclsand Brteigoing to get itrog 111o, hleade thavt we are fgt a war againist the Grmnpeople? Tha-t les whar, an m-ca rndo oursase us la helai arnlesadwekeIt repeatinigthat wrenot'igit Ilag aaInsihý jeGma pope b3ut agaIinst th"e Kisr ad he Wel ebeat the Kaiscir and( look what we hjave no, We have the Nazis, io )ar-efr worse t!ian the Kaiser ever hoglt f being. There would neyver hiave been a Kaiser anidihrwud otba Hlitier, if fthe Germnan people Jid flot want leaders cf ihai sort. TIIey, have asmdpower bcasethe Glerman people -were anxious to have wrileade-rs to guidle GIr- naaly to world domination, The sooner we raiew r Iflghting the Gra epeanrd the soonier we undIermtand i liat the, German Iilpeople are efiietybe- hiind jHitier to suppo rt Inla bis war, the sooner e, ".willknow that we have 1tovage rutbiese war ,-to "THE FUTiILITY 0F IT ALL" Wiih word of theodee esrp tion of ihe ggnicDaieper dami ini the Soviet. Îthe comlete idlocY which mlust lhave moiivated kan aggressive IReicli to world confi3et again stands stark before us-. la Englanid and crseEu-rope It Nas bad enougli that cu1liured traditions should be blasted with trhe c ,,rumb- led wlsadtwr flber and caihedra,,l, Now thàce eforts 0ý-f a struggling, self-impro0viag peoffIe ar-e benligblw to nouight, Years have been sentla making pauper- ed parts of the wrl ivable. When 1thle mokTe haselaredA th11at Imuet be acoplhd ne m-ore. I l a i or wn aa adianchrche,Iur ciies and oui' universi>ies, rcnIour. hydro plants a"1 ou11 atores.er"pul verized, and weere ýast upon the land ias our p4-ineer ;,mforefihere, were. Th Ilat leihsIýe fuýITli'Lty 0f(1, -Gai1t ertr DOUIBLING EGG PRIODUCTION One grew before ma ouadlike a fanItasie drleaml, btI sentirely practicai. TheGovrmetcalle attention to t4c, need for lces la th e the he, 1e 4farmer-(îs to bring ibis about. Proper hednfeeiuig -aad care of poultry ill ccomliel yield. This hais beea proven tirile and iirne aai, aa'ote red ers illreqireassistane,.lii lie way of drcin as to proper methlode, , e ial.Thie Depart-ment of Arcluesad ready withl reliable sinli n formation, and i1lie patriotiefa- er will equiphimself wlh iis and start In u toget more out of MiS liens. -idsrDaily star. THE MEN CAN HELP, 700 Probably niiot nme- ti-ink of thle eUhk stockingstutin s aniex clIusively femîIlnince coacera.I 11t îea"'Me have a paýrt ',0 play WE CAN HELP A LITTLE HannikWilensVan Loon enys tînt whiea God tires 01f iiler, be'ldisappean. A .comiforting fibougit, but !thene la, notiiug lninistiaphl0so,,pIY theit foni,)deý peophe ýgiviag God a in.l llplugetting i- 0fevile. --FinanacilPost, 7ROUEL.E N THE NORTH We have a oqualWhbie Int ish Miltyof ifrainii tinte for, sayjing oo niuichi, Most of us have lad a terrbletUe wiU! tle m silice Il ws anaunlced tînit Br1illi wmewouldw]be,,ne- iineloywa taosixdrseaynr NoOn.Eeto "At The Moment", PreierîMitchell Hepburn snid in an interview recenily thai he is not planning an Alction la On- inria "itic m1-omen-jt." he said tint ai any menteAi would not eau! an election wvitfii Li.-Col. GereDrew, Conser-va-tive lead- er, la Eaghaad. Tînt would be unetiia nd notmnlk. Facts of Itrs Industriel emiplaymieat in Can- ada reached aiai-tme igJi level ntily 1, 119411, with 12,5-2 estnb- lis4imenis repoiingi 1,450,5412 per- sonislet wonk s com-pired wi-ii 11,9!70 firme nnd 1,117,547 work- ers 0on May 1, 19ý40, yanquisù tic dark forces wiich naw seek ta mile thI, is ceti. We pray for endurance for ahI tiose wio, lnanay wny, are- an- ggad libis grant cýonfIici, and, for our, peophas, udrtaigo! tic truis. We pray for mercy for tiJe nikeconsolation for the bereaved and eternai resi for thase wio, baviag blazed (ihe path, have been gatherad ta Thine -Arase. These ihinge we ank, OLord, sa Ut i theticfullaes o! urni-e tic dreed coaflici may cense, thse rghi mny triumph, and aur eilidren ha broughi up ta serve TIsce and ta do those thiage wicli are o! good renowm, Vo knaw and ta spread tie Chiîstian ligit-Amnen. Reçonsecration Grace For Vie courage o! aur fighting mcnannd the devation o! ibose Wbho stand behiind them, for aur cantiaued freedont and for these lessinge of aur unscared e-ani, %e give tiaunks la Vile week of recoasacration ta tic Lord o! Hasts, W'ho le tie only Defeader o! thi ngt.-Aineu. "T for, a newpapr cpy wri ai ejob when 1-1 Lme( pouc a l-laýtter- Word w-,i-tl whichta dsnb bm selves iha a eadmna, ",EnilZ eders" ,,was juaýt bWod tlaey sadlnstend aI ibe erm "Newzhes w lwn ppojin ut a ail esd me i te- i ow iliagf oywrers e vliat île wrdî"ew elnes a sigan f nl'Cf e th il-di-NAs - sadace sideyaî-ad uestmThe piobs.lninndagiccd ii Pie Lande nd lYrasteLangeorivwh "Ngwzie des"hi a s Mistey of otganof (mli a is edtirel As uP lca Utpfr ni n hC,iceas siulh ndro eiciexnin ler Stamp eco WarEconomyA thigbte cr saeS irte vce pof Bn'iia0"'s ï"pstag stnmp swilpr nm get 50 ecents a diay anld ,j anid iodging. They met Ieiný own clothEs ,ýand toî- A Lincoln Letter Eighty Years Ago Tlic London Eyeaing Standard L mnoedhbv an Atlantic mthin, 1REG'LAR FELLERS-What a Life! Bjy GENE BRE '1 Japaniese euh o ote nHcre's te pari: Mlen Agatha cornes hoieme itM lier firet pair of cotton stcelinge, and, sticking, out a tentative foot, inquires, "Hlow- (1,)thcy look," thai'e wlere thje mAan's part cornes la, F Stnlarig iie ne ight now: "REavishing, darling, iley 1ook jusi Owenl!"' Thus imay even ïa, m-er.e Maie contribute hie suitnlaPuting ilie axela Axis,--GUplu. Mercury. READING THE NEWS Trhe newsPapers do iheir level beett 'o keep the cacigcomn- muiniques straizght, Te aecane- fI tl" is r -eplort a rpots and rumnors ,,s iruior, but in the last analysisthe good judgment and diecerameai of the reader le the detemiaig factor umakng for l- telgeniperu u0ft he 1news. FREEDOM IN BRITAIN Witli20 1trbunle eviiag their cases, 60,00mn on laBritain have resered as conscintias objectons, and about 45,Q000 have been deai witliTisilluetrates the liberty for whili reat Bn-t tain is fighiting. miniSiie -a con- scienilous objecior receiving evea. a hearlng in Germany. --ChiathianmNews. "PEP" METHOOS TlieBPitieli governmneni ias in- irdcd"lep)" methoideiin a cami- paiga to increase war supplies. Producion maager7s broadcasi iakt!L ,io ilie rkrsnnd posters urging iacreased output have been igcked to fnctory wls A placard Ila a bomib-filling saion read. "You miake ihe best bmb.Our airmea drop tliem," -Canladian Pre5se, Th-_e DBind Mani's House E-,,HUýG H W A L PO Walpol e avsto the wo td bi message, sokn yib iading charactr " I have learnedibis les- son of ar iý nerdependeunce. -Thet and charty..n tseems toe that until w larItis fcllowsbîp - of ai l iing men n on i aii madýýe soe-snUl 10bY ou cose quarteùrs; heimpssbiltyofour escape une a rm Uothe%, tere CEllbe unopence." Wonl Warveteanreturned with hie bride, yroug, beautifuland ry, to the L'dtevilage of Gartb ln England. whý,_'ere lie had ave s Ma boy., liyre in- love with enacl othrer bu bi wfe le jealous or jle busin ans Vwon emmof lifs owa w Ii(--be ane tudr stand rc ntrSh4msii s isý Ench feers i and ceh le j ower- olea to reet the approcing ectrangemnt, AMatters are brought toa. aûrss';aJlushas0 Even aT J.uscudbrn ot illagers; hepig het oi~ove hie owa dificut problm TMn sud Man'sHouse, . .b Hugh W~oe...MCeln St wat,Tocronto .Pr U,$300. Are"n ZeddrýelAls" A n d Not"Newie0

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