ies Require OdDrainag e Plantng Neuasa'For R1ut s Ait ou-_gh tb1e ip Uta£ooElly b)u ' bas fadlila off, ai otttthe vaashig oin,ïAe5canprdc ,f11trebuls inl posec. eyer- thelesa ti ey are uneotplntifueun- sbould n githi evr cacef Vub-Ce Mes du omgiruDa WeSl arl urichI. latat l teir aa'ti eu aiat byotu rw ~ poor, s nrvud Soi'lo- th eg 0'fwodornshuerwuu fahr hae vetlyspl tonum wctc fodt loue ner, bubuls do Cbave god draingeeveal tbbD nfrequently clccatd eep lar tire g' .Tire MdnaLily (b. caniumli) and the Nakeeni Lily (c.t"esteu M2 renotable excj ros blirue tobu lan1imt. ed ol toor threinche duep. Eight, ton or even twelvu inchus, is n rnecow de"p 0un rumosfliY busb', The Late Mr, ýRooseveit A speaer la Iuhaîf 1fhmaa DyFact in Am -v elopc, thc,"eep"atmoie annourcdture 1941 icmodl ey- dcasec poato. Thu- rD,_cuprtmeatDof he Unite Staes rporte tha mac "rogrMis ba ben maindrecnt foos 'ota rop catrýe fiu "Take tIre hd potato for cx on te 1u94ct " bxensiearu seacb Cicao b exert"ut Recocrd Plane lTests Lnlmed Mteni, 4have announu- ad what Ney believe to bu anaew ý, Caniadci,'rcodfor ithe tesfig ~ eadaccepanceof planesuse4 l doiinswnr effort. They s id -tbat rceutiy tr uopn' est pilot, E . LC-apreol and FG, P. Lortie tete ight miachLi-nes la ue day. So fý ar as they newofficlals andded, tr ý,trrk neyer lhas been eqahldil wî-tirne e irla aua rtr by CALES ONO CH-APTER 22 "JJoped thegirl 1mn," e x- Iatc o ask H'rt' n U? lie sa)w Ft be h gof onut of thre taxi? 1'd amotforgott t,,j, buit smoetoldumen that i t taken the dope dure-used to be an addict. IleAdbe familiar withI hypodermics,"ý "-fou'!! have a barýd Urnecova cig me thaf ha coudld hae vecl mnore thank a few minutes wift,hat bole lihmii si Fabrt, bt say hie could. ft ahl comues cluýar, He dopes the gdilas ber on the sidewatlk. Wit ili Headundrsont and tire maid baeucore out, te goes ila like Il si.Now, imaybethe girl Cldi't shoot him , all e. shoots ber ltriLe fight for, thegu -she isn't as dopy as buexpce to find ber. Thien sue Lieedsý ail over teC ae b" nd bu tvoas She Jdead(. Shootes bisef-e Ou! ld have done il. if bu was thiin.Jing quick.liebucoulrt have dropped thuý g=n down nheflue, got back toui apartmient, al! before Le collapised. Thien rire cornes Io, sees hmtue PUB OUT TIED ACKFES je AO Mhe carydrwup hanfront0f the *naoce of tneHgbarf bnuldng. "OnuetQing I muant ty ask you, w a upthelev or.-Do you ru- mmbu'aoe we ha penedef0 tiiî th iamgb'dwthe cim- "That cos Tony 2Marfnul's bunch," saild Isector Flaberty. sayi n Ibogstbe Um.ut drop- lad tuat LnMua assoo as we saw bow cehCOto f the bimaey was "Rurembe wbeeiyougofthMe chimney suggestion, bave you?" smiled Micbaehi YI don'f kn o uiwatyou bofir ae faikig abot," gowledDaun Fia- berty, as bu -ýpressed tobutton af tir do 0 unusosqua1rter.s, "YoVwil e laa fw inutes, Tbrougb a Perforatud dosl cov- o9fbedo h oe0fElmeýr Hu- derson answuredt the rig. "Marin razbr,"respondud Pt1- Assitan Ditrit Atorey."Danl Flhaery andMax MîcauHis are with 1mc" "Pardou - ý n omnent," s j3tie 51iu.,I rad'txpcCted îyou qulteý Frazier and Flaherty 1ooke~d at eahothe'r !wonderingly,, thua uat Max AMchahîswb"o fae was3 spbix-hke, esetlythe dloor wasï o!pene J by Hnero imself, - tes Mr a weddig or a cburch. apologud. "orne i n l, genfle. iea." "Exucfng s uîe you?" asked IMn Flahrty la a Puzzled tone, "OhI, yes; uer saeyou pOsýted our muanhiru ad thucebuildig abuiourococnhsmoan, wastheamalngrepy.Huade1rson1 tjmiLed at thiE three of themi, as cool end. self-possessud a-1 ho bad beenC l) tHe poker gamie the niglit before. Witne3Sses "Shail we Sît cfn t the saine hele" uinquiirçcd, as the iitr ill teir wraps. 4"Excusce u Jut a jinom-ent," lie went on, as the fouir saajted tbemseives. "I just wanit ta da.te and sigal somec papers." 14,1,cke up t-wo long isfeets otf pappur whlicb were oly ingonte table arud wbiuLht1ley bad played poker thie ignt be!ore.,[At"tie bot tom of Ceach sheert be affixed bis1 ne le,"busaid, trigonu ee face dw oe'the --other so ,that ony He naine lho hiad wita1< a bakpacebedetshwd "Willeah f our gnteme b good enougb to10sigu as wtes to 11ysiaur" Ho p-assed his îfountam pua1 across t'ie taýble anid ec signeýd in turu. Then Hiend-ersoevesd h Leuitook ihe ppesbak no bts own biands anc. oldedeh 0f tbem. Onu ,of tbeun1bupasseacrss to MaTýx Mcas Wllyou bu go eaougb-o talteý chage f thus tforme? ', bu askuCd, ;Dn' othuer to radif o. Teothier docLiiument h ccul la bis own ands, looklng 1froDmMi- aulis to FriazirandFlery as if uncerta,îi as to int wos hnd tage uf tie pauLsef i aqustin wbic buie bad ben f alrly burlstrnlg f0 asr,- (Iht o you m11ean1aoutposf- îng my mua arund 1the bidn? liu dlemanded. "I bvntposted any muaei hur]e." "N'Jo, Dani, they were my muea," interpo.,sed Michauhis. ' You se. f w asn'fsure iuntîl I got this tele-. gmthaf if was a csefor, the A Message Le ýdr-ew ,from is poc4etthe yellow ielope whlcbhad 1,been deliverd to hm attlire hospital, npld gacdslgniflcantuly fromft "Ihad a-1message, f00," isaid Henersn."A lonig distance cal from Pasadenia. I still hiave frienid2 tburue. I take il your telegram from ilthe same pace? "Prciel,"replied Mvax Mi 1 auli, "Ad I take ift, laf one o1 the, docum.ents just ia ed JIs ac ý,fessionl?- Henersn'seyus indicateil Sur- prise by the sligtes.t 0'.Ito thea loýoked fuili af'Max àMichaolîs wlfh unconcualed admiratIon, wvhfle the othier two stared from onu f0o tht otur)erplu-xelD'IaId imazed. "Ys"was Henderson's cool ru- ply. "And th,, other Is miy ast wih and testamient. If is apesue Thewhle ýe ,Health0nful ,rfreshn fryounig and old. And the chewlnizg helpes keep youdr tetdi ean, bright nnd at- tractive. The deliclouis fa sweeten8 your breath, freshiens you uvp. Joinithe mililions of happye failles who enijey Spearmint fter every ineal. wben one la beateni, f0reize t1at onu bas yielded f0 sujpii4r braina and n(f ot nmerely te supieriorfoc. "Spoeyou let iPle thru inlute, Hnesn"si ihul ond documnt ft Inspectar Filbor- fy"Iapprvec.iatu your infeidqad complient, but you bave beert baften -ne].ubyspuirban ,toi, by su'perio foceunelssyoil "Ifvas inot the Czai 's ris eoa la-ussi; 'f-s not thle poiLe Hedrobut the snow Tes thtyudid noýltknwayig abunyrdsehdnttr UPon ifs probacb>1illty _orpto measuru By CADIE B. CH.AMBERS S eRequests About Lamb Teegof s lamb for roastingl andth co fo boiin e ithea gunernll el known cuts o centaten r easnn an pripeisterdsame as ail mea scoker, tat is,10"cookeat a mod- erate tempurandui'en t eat moa of sth imuls , ny met coked at high rtmperatue loss ice shrink0"" n fas ouradbe r cm StFor roastiagtndr ctsahm r areetwo io arames h r/ oasrs an added atrgo Hue are two geil era, l hints.ou at hghtmpeur ha h Cos ot ukearm Sm lbs beatof lambl ' ar abepoon mincry onion u ce 2up dte celeryef andup o brad curnb ~ tensponwsai % tuasp1Onethyme ~incup boiling water a cupa wnter-£s 1Sprinklu the lan wthait, an. pepu.1Fy he oo an c ou, y la the butter ntlde cael rpnd. Add the bra crumlbs and okaou tvonu mcg u ,te, Sûrxinglguntly Rmonuro thu hent and d tesitv ep seaonigatnd ggtossing wit a UP fok nlwllmxe.Plc stufin ononsida f ah ic ["urbsand fry in deep- f;t oc saue ntà eep brrowiiServei wihcelery sauce mnade b adingïI saiuce Worceýstershire sacce- eyseedI, celery stockl and reiuin ngmilk. Mi-x wIandrhet Site (3lnmbrs ie1<~mes penf on toplue f' h-eclmad evn oit' eifn t in V4"p9 peevs." equeta f5 rc,is0 epeool mnue re l ordr. AICI a yor eter t "ie Sde B. ha'S Asýk any old timer ht a Oget f lie greatest satisfaton from rollng youv own and hu'lI feH you tb fie up tq, Ogde's -the ighf greenpake that' îs your green ltght f0 thq best smoke of your Mie! For ODgden' SiAp 'jusf another fine cul". In lt' iffrn gorguouslydffrn-aditciv W end of choicer, rper fobaccos. unymte ceegrstt paer-- aire3 gocd enough for Ogden's FINECT t Il k I~ 'I h-I e WEDNESDA,4YS 7.30ý E.S.T. - 8.30 E.DIT. Weekly Newspapers Re-view àre store for:you when pyou use Calumaet Baking Pwe.Yi uqUse ; as md its dul evnn acindring m-ixing anild inithe ovea -as;sures butter reguits.Es-pcig o'f-s'ill container, vwithhad rncasuing device undemr the lid,