OFF FOR LONDON John . Bigersis pictured leaving Ne-w Yerk b)y clipper platue fer, London,whr hei ir-ct ceý-ordjination- of Amenî- ýcan pouto ihBîii ii Sifting down slni ud lun- visblyet ight to b ikdu i tire mri or giint'_ing aga-intst thie sunilit sky Iin a disiuteg,ýrating e.lond, propag-andalafescn tinue te "om" iviian an ',d ýodier îlike üou beti sides o)f tire i.var in Europe, Miaiuud tire 'Jar EaStý Tirey were put to use ju t1 e 'very first momntseftire waýr e nd have boeeinmore or lesestd. l.y emioyed ever since. t Is im- '0sibet mensure thf-e effect hJey mnay have lmd. BetLir sides ,ttemipt in tirh fe tt plant seeqs efSuspicion ccerning *leein higir places, te Imrplant fear, te spread 1-rmr, te sloù W own civilian war effort, te, da- riiag"e soldier' miorale - et the brost otiisicteinpi eope Fevot aginst existing regý,jime, ,.As l sili-ýtar'>y tactica is a lias sirewni great strides, se iras it ýntire use ofe the pyiooia ,veAPIpouI-iittinig tire pepewhre irey tinl and feel. Chinla siipped22,2 doe pir s o0f cembroidered wolen 'lvsor mittens t ieUie StIates last year. DY PROBERTA LEE 1ShIouIld te npnW s to ireul at a ra i teebe o acrti éize? 2.,WMen clling ona fienti e 4 iotel er iin a prmnde one go d'irectly te tirý eroom?, 3. Is it al ighit te ooplz 0-1etireseat onnatrainbA Pimi" ý)ne's wr*aps and luggage on it?; 4. Whaýt i one (et île most cem. rnon and inceosideratu ýf 'offen- ýes.,hien ttending a tireatre? pe-Ë formance? .5. Wiren Slioutd onenupaciron! baggege vwhen tnking valnocean tnp? ,. VLaet solon it Catut won aýveld lien sicin iei 1ad robe? ANSW ETS i. Ys; tley shoufiti e tel hcirs squae, 2. Thnsis considered -very bad> taste and tiroughtîss. UneSaoleut lneyer go fnte e rind oo Iti- out flrst telep)hieing ,te sei r or Wlie hi Man bleteusue yen,ý Te telephoning miay eltIier 5;e ione frm oue's home er bit use eh tire liuse tleplione. 3, Ne; if psegr a-eguiug t'ir-eugh tire train leokin.g ficr ýseats rueinve yonr belongiugs ho'. siore semeene is forcet te ask foc tre 'seat. 4, Tirt of rr inglte, Tihis *xclýeedingiy incensidern-ýate of tire y, mfrt and pfeasure 0f tire etirrs Cho liave arud on time and are qntitied te an unspeiled perferm-i 5. Fer set ety's sSake do net ni, ~akuntil tire visiters have left ië,ld thie steamler .ias put ent fronm the dock. . tiff bior'nade clethes ac% 3bg aters BY ANNE ASHLEY Q.Hwcan Ike my drains A. P'lace a ar )gïe lump ef wash- in 'oa ite iiik and tiren pour boliing wter over it until i1lia waslied down t'ledriGes wiii fnotcuuae n tp the rai. D thi abut nce Pa Q. 11w can 1 remcoeLil Odo frmn pans that have been used for strog-msiniîg vegeahies sc as cabbage and onioxs, A. ýPlaco a littie sait on the liot range and turn the pans upside down over tuhe burnsit. The Q.How cari I tint lace oýr mu.s- lin curta- acream cler A, This can be atccm.Plihed Di dîpping them intO wealtcoW e«o tea. Besure, however, that the later s strained belore putting the curtans iltu it Q.o1w can 1 easily remove lint from firnitre upIholstery?' A(Io over tiuphoistery witli a wethamois wrung dy. Q.Hwcan I îprepaie cabbage A. abbage sauce is excellent whe sevedwith breîled £islinl place 0f the usuai tartar sauce. Rt can beamade by shreddingflluy iihead cabjbag ami miing wlth M eliopped grceenpejprs,1 cup diced celery, 3 tbeposcliopped nirts, 1 cup boiled dressing and 4 tabiespeons chili sauce, cliifor severa iohurs belore serving. Two aquainafcl were cele- brating a reunion with iiquid re- frîmnts ia hotel room wlen the-re- were lend poundings at the tqoor iand a elrlifmale voie was heard yeiing: "Let me in, you "Heaenstlia'e y wife.," 'wh1iS- clo0ftire m Ueü.n4, -ieikili mie iË sine finde s u irre drnk ingliqor'wellhave teaie.' -Wlerel 3 e ide'" said the pou.r f elow,"Th«ee'une hding place liere." "W'ell have te o on tl!:ugD the window,' answere iren excied one, TÎhe second eli wet o h windew, opened it and Poered on% Wh'"aske'd tire fîst mil Tisis ne time tei bu super- 3tt s,"sid the firet mun. "Go aliead and Jum," "Whats that pieuc f Strig tied round your finger for "1That's a knot. Forgeýt-mec- net isjea flowR; it leu>,r we m1ake bread and wt ra wîe cat zheese. This is ,;te re- mmeM2ta b"y sme pickled Two men O a cargo steamer wer cmparin ntes as tu thear occpatonsbetore tewar. Oneý ad be a porteran the otirer liad been a mnagician, The porter saïid tethmgcan "At [can yen do?" % eU maire thinge disppear. l'Il 0how yon, elidte ai oan, Just then a trpdohtth si an unr e.Tletomnwr fliuugrinto thewu r liysrm bled oýn ito a rait. The orer10k ed aon ihdsut nse ing ne sign oe, the iplesan to thle mgca: ups o Grandmother "Cf Yen wish your-face, l'i give you apiec 11have suffered cnidrbl rom ia sluggish digestive sýystem a.nd havez rie any remned-ies wilich failed te 1ring relief. But now, tliank's to eutiug EKELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN rglny tiret trou-ijble iýs onu' aRn upleasauit neme-ry," writes 1Howard E. ili P'enst, Besiatchiewan. KELLOGG'S ALBRNhelpa youx of candy, And if you wash >yur cars, yozu'lI gelt two plecez,", Grandsonw: Mîant 1take il bath ?" Ceming home onulisfirst leave tire younig Seottish solier wasget- tigit lot irom lis atebeas lie hnntwritte-lnnhoe otten en -you proised te wit eer 'An' even wlien i wrote Paeys, ecsnga sapfor aj, pyy bld ye daeswi' the stamp?" Officer: "o ogddi take you tA larn te oncdrIve whtor car?"ý Private: "Oh, thre or fore" Officerf Wek? cars iw"e ý, Afeliow got Don th-e bu -ài , and sat down. "What's tlitQou ce got on your iap?" asked tlieconductor, It's a deiayed acton bomb) l'm taing te the ,poflice saton" tam the answer, "Lummre," said tle cnutr "Iyen dio't went toecarry )a t-'ing lietirat 0on yo0r1a. Put îitne "Whatever made you buy a house 1i such a deSae spot?" "The smartest real estate agent Mn the business," PARCELS FOR OVERSEÀS5 SOLIDIERS elIate, Cigarettes, GurinIl, fOxe,4ý 1101>9 Laces' ,(Poar - AitH ng diflîiuit te procure lnu Britain Sa% e tîkme and trofle, Sead" $1.00 wlth name, 'iena 11nber, and unit e of dero Airman te C.A.0. PARCEL-S DESPATCH (Reg'd>, 35(Bo Street, Toronto. Reeiýpl ale te your address. iSAE fro FinE ni] ýT 5EVB.W haie ai, 7e aM tye oiS"er Ca4, t, fre ypurpoa.elVîsu us, eor swrit for rices. etn)c t 145 Prof ] Si . laE.. brot-am' rsî'abl, h!o.libeld simplvmi Wen smal o suep amluizegu..ii Ov1,000r000swinernsh,moody abulind enLi E. PInLL hamP'sÏi, etabl CI mo dsmlpm get at the cause of constipationde to lack of tire riglit kind of "'bulk" r tire diet. Eut this delicions cereul for bre-akfast (or try it in muffins) every day and drinkr plenty of water. But rmm rit doesn't work iike har3lh purtgatives . .. ALL-BRAN tukeýs time, AIt yeur grocer's, in two con- venient size packages or iniirdiviclual serving packages ut restaurants. by Kellogg's irk London, Caniada, 641 1 < M~~'r~ ~ypRODUCt CO ~ 1IcO ouï, cUSTO'vM8R 3.IUsti 11' espl~vitf u--.es1i 0 iosrpO'Of foi 1i~~'onU~iqut. il bO êivei~ ~e a.? woik -~ r4UO~ te eeour1 . albfi us4t-0 viy i3X9,abiY it e uldf0 auC w31k . pcb2el tr el uatW end Chrisimi tCarde11with ne i- F 1n. iravilabVen1 alu,1 "1 k frl-tIe\IdsT w iiwt thse cadi 44r, 2 ingf et, oroto A C MTERiFOR AUTO mble' t>, t tolbu n t , Box163.Vacove, anda Remede i og Stret Toonto AIEIOMATIC MMIE'U AEROMATIC Mý'tETEIR fVOR AUTOj mobile, TrJuek. Trtor, Bs noi Mrine Enýgines MorePoe iral for oik ifrain a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -T ll s, Bx 53, Vnovr, Cîa A FtW,1-4- ODES SI liI ea t eut onces. 200l gel. and Jîl el, tyls.AMosome1 rebuiir jobs icbhaebenpu go v~orkng iofe(.Let)u kuo you i' ED àLUWERvHULIIS 1sE c REU i s DALWJN TUi4P BLIL A 1 of Haa ieL 1 711 e a Voei L 1 i 1, u2dred-N JIlVe, 1 rbsO1l one" gran grit dr it "ta 1 g Toind e o s W.rIe eaty ro. imedLBo 1t , , SIrg us, Ont CL D ESI' I S H O LE A N HAt DIES1IN THî dtSSjn, Aad! y 17 ve1u TOLadWIToront,. flAV E t 1T E1A it ý ý l ,eatre i-uIldn S. hms rntarl . T eiel eortmni fo "d otL Aeu H Uta N rT er iSn fr catlogue. A. De nils & C, 31NrIvluWnnpg - h t'e ie eu rin<, HIamiiltoýn, Otne ti,-iuerot b mti Pan or eu. TVrunru iirugStr.15Egn C) 125/4l G17 PULL RATO and ne 2/51Oit ullTracter', Scot, romrt, AOnt. toi' le. HariesFlg Sto e', 5 paS.Tetle1 or a g, Wa11 St. 'i. oronto.ýaiýfju iý .s ýi-j, s t f Mtc, l, ( Lp qLREE T foi siADINUMEB'JS on conh ï t tapEïhne Box114 Wnnp-g-Mnitba ria i at!in n etterisive prvs onfr educatlin f ICils troes i "wy tey re fightin-g" Promînent l ie rcrd of (isr COiilvell is his conjlcept that ýbis brgads msi Ofru ef mulle hoshareld Uhis xsiorf of freedomn. lIiiue efhis vigor.ous statelr-Tnt ý, il'rOmwel,ýýlleoncede- "knowwhttthey7igh for and