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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Sep 1941, p. 4

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-~ TUE ORONO Times Establisihed Janulary, 1937: ed every Tlhursday mioringi, at Thie Timecs Office Oroito, Ontario Advertising Rates on request Suibscription, $1 .25 Subseription to the Uni.ted States, $2.00 AI!lJob Printing Wýil1 Receive Our Promi-ptAttention R. A. Forrester, Publisher An Object Lesson lu one niontfli, thirouigýh a voluntar-y c pin the Ou Controller lias 1been ejble to ýoniso1idate lus g-ains in gasoline ecaoser-vaticu into 'a definite ont of 2.5 per cent on dliveries to service stations. Thus-, conservation hias been acthie'ved by 'vountary mneans without any ser- ,jeus dislocation to the G-a,nineeoi-orn-y. This is areaial achievement and a tribute to tlie press anld the people of Canadai It is a complete indication cf, the volunitary systern of secu-iiýg 'lhe active ýco-upration of tlhe Canadian pe-ople in eny reasonabel move be advanece or aid the( war effort 'in any way. it îi, the rising spirit oif' determination and tlue will to ývictory. 'Thei l3earcený -vhidh (de tiens to ICOe er tp'aý fadicate1 The Sincerity of P1edges ie sever'al fetuesf the War- Sa'vîngs miovenient thet nl reiteration by publishers aaiid edlitcÈs, ne)t the least of wit ffie vrios jledge f omis used for regutar subscrip- r Savin'gs Ceitificatecs. The great 'buLlk, of the pieidges I caývings or bank accounit subscriptions. Ourrieut reports tthese are net beiig imaiataiaod. tive of 'ýihethier the pied'ge is for $1 o-r $40 Iperrnotu ple'dge and should be Gihoniored. War Savin'rgs is dlefiniteiy anada3,s qai- effort. Il is dcesigned as a stafiilizer of ovu- onaomy, to damipen flue niad 'whlirl cf useloss spending-, te gs and encourage thrift, and teo divert buyiag power bo ient for war purpeses. s part of our- war effort me ane afford te be cýasual or ijr-e- in our support cf tihe rnovement. Neglected 'pledges are dan- .s fron two ]atcua points Of view'. 1Ihey weaken the war and eue failure llands te anotiier, resulliing 'n a eonsequent do- ýatien of Public moi-aie. 'ho grini aad Pver îwideing ctruggle ilu whidlu we ai-e engaged reality, a conbiet between two malys of life. 'If mwe cannot main- lue santity of oui- pledg:ed Nword, me nannot asaintain Oui- way ýada Paying Between 70 and 80 p.c. War Cost "aada'as 'paty as 'yen go" poiicy Of fnauing the war as far as le is prOvidiag blen70 sand 80 percent of tile total cost, ýce Minister Ilsloey said at SaskiatoOn, ia opening the Fal carn- on behaîf cf tWar Savintgs. Te bridge thue balance, tlue Gov- ,t is a!ppealin'g to the peopde fer savings and baas. ,willingnesc of tihe 'Canadiani people te make ýsacrifices in Sder ,ane thue war was the finst cf Tour major develdpmients since itbrealu cf ai- listed jby thue minister. The ether *~ree develop- Swerp: he sharpness wilh vhich tihe issues cf war have been dtefinied; ,o-opeiration of tihe United States; Aad, lýhe inspiration of flue ;ni of the British people, ýpeakinigcfth clarification of war airnis, Mi-. 1isioy declared the las beccme a -war betlmeen1 the principios on riwihich flue opposing s are fouLiided. "The Germnan Empire lias adopted and prac- ivil as a miatter of prineiple. The Nazi plilosophy, if sn'ch it e called, repudiates thue Christian ethics, ha'ving no use for *,brotheulluoed, equaity and the like. It repudiates the scie-i ýpi,il nt ipeLraittîug due free pursuit cf truth wlhen the coui- ns reached wonid be injurions te flue gang tihat rules the staIe. ,t repudiates the rule of law, substitutiag for it flue cupiicieus ýs of the dcao. Tie issue bas beconie 'We' or 'They'," Mi-. Ilsd!ey said. "If Rit- ins it would hie vain te hope that if me stood aleof me couid efety in isolati*on. Tee miany nations have ali-eady lest every- by failing te enter the comimon strugI1gle until it mus tee laIe." ýh simple, civilized airs of fthe eight-poin't declaration framied lie'MiilsrChurc{hilfl an'd Presideait Roosevelt formied a se- ýasie for ailI hoseo cpp'eing Hiitlei's aggressiens. Rom thanaMai we isiliould lue fluaIt hese elected leaders cf the si-at nations cdould be ablie te agi-ce on this positive and pro-i ve declaration of piiln'ciples.'> tock Winners and 2nd, R. iM. Bromen; cockerei, R. M. BroFsea; pulilet, 1-st and 2nd, R. M. At Orono Fair -Brown. Jersey BIael, GiaIs -- Hon, R. M. Brown, cockerel, lst and Znd, N. R. Andrews; pullet, isI aad 2nd, ntinued fric page one) N. R. nw. New Ramsphires- Gai-net B. Rickard. C'ck, R. M. BrNcwiu, Noe-%,ton- Taylor ires and Tuiojth & Son; hon, R. MU. Brown, Nemý,ton <, lst and Zud, -Br-ue2 Loc- Taylor, & Son; cockerel, laI and bon Taylor & Sons; brood 2n'd, R. MX. Br-omen; Newtbon Ta-ylor & d, icI anauj2-,,d, Bruce Loc- Son; puliet, IsI and 2ud, R. M. uider 12 and over 6 m-on- B ImN. R. AnKlrems. sud 2rd, Bruce Lochkie2, New- Ebglîtl- Sussex, Cock, R. M. r & Son; s0, Uflinder 12Brmu N. R. Andrews; hon, R. M. 6 momthis, Bruce Lockîe, Broma, -A. Ayre, R. IM. Bom;cock- 'aylor & S'eîn, Bruce Lockîe; erel, A, Ayre, Mrs. Walter Farrow, or 6 an-d 4wer 8 mo10nths, N. R. Andre-vs; pilet, A. Ayre, N. la1d, Bruce Leckie, Newtcn) R. Andrews, Mrs. -Walton Farrow. Son; sow, under 6 and 'ever Medterranean - Leglcrus, white, lst and 2nd, BueLcckie, uiitcck .R.Bi; eW. R. laylar & Sou.n . itiiY o -W. R,- Bl-; - - FIE In ouflujh e «Qk, - D -A m e k, 1 i -l E. RZEWARD For return 1of smaILl bhack cag pusewîth 1ab)out $10.ý00 lu saille. Lost Saiturd]ay, Suptember 2Othin roo.Finder plense 2Le Iave atUTirne' ofieand eeieread IBe sreto aten 1Oono S-reet Fair on Wdnedu, Ot rLst.Ai ldndis of gameos for your mseet followed later on I-sy a dance. Bu yourticetsfor- the gr1and dra whliih wUIli e hcld later on)iinM he Missing Welcome Airman Now Reported Prisoner ez Ibjat lVike Lefwisbias bentakeni prisoner somewhere in eeytri torýy qover -whjIcI2jî the ý(Oltarjo0 tai-M boy hadl flown as a bomber pilot for vearly sixty thies. Mike, known b'ry t!-e R.C.A.F. as FLIg11t-<Lientenvant WilfrEdI John Lewis, D.F.C., was inruded 1anong R.A.iF. mien vIh ose names wvere mnen-- tionc-d hy the Germian radio as 'hýav- iqng been shot clown in a raid on Ber-- lin. He is the son of : My. and Mm-L. W. E. Lewis of Weoornme,' Ont., a few mIiles west -)f Por1t Hope. His capture b-rougio-t a temporary ei to the careev of a snmiiing yonngl- sýter cf 23yas On Septemb)er 27th, 1940, he was mI\aiarded] the D.F.C. for aryngout an a,,ttack which was as ,SUeC"essfuil as it 'was drigagadInst Thle baiges ard power boats, Ilitler thlen -was ccncentrating at Antwerp. Anti-afirci- iddIfled his 'plane wi'dh 10( lioles, but he cropped bis boibs with 'telling- effeet. Now Mike hai-js a br-other -wlo will coao etakillg Ibis place- and ijs ex- peoted to ar-rive ini England shcrtly -witb thle ever-icreaisi.ng contingents of the Bitish ComYmonwealth Air traiing plan, wývho w'11 continue to straiff the Gernman cities wîi bomb7 and miore )hoin5br. Allen & Son. Duds- -Maie, old, R. M. Broma, WylauaiL- J. Farroiw; fenuale, ol1d1,isit and 2nd, R. M1. Brown, Wylmna J. Far- rom; male, 1941, ljst and 2sud, W. S. 1okffatt; fernale, 1941, R. M. Br-ome, IW. S. -Moffatit, W\,ylrna J. Farr-ow. P'e- kmn, maie, oic, R. M. Browu, Nemtn Taylor & Son; femiale, oid, R. M. Bro'ýme; male,4, R. M. Brýome, .New,tou Taylor & Sou; fnao 1941, R. M. Brown, Ncewton Taylor- & Son. tMuiscovy - Male, old, R. M. Boe Wylm-a J. Farrowv; fenmle, old, R. M. BrmWylrna J. Farrow; mnaie, 1941, Isit and 2nd, R. 'M. Breme, W'ylm-a J. Farrowv; female, 1941, R. M. Brome - liI and nd, Wyirna Far- riow, 3rýd; femiale, 1941, Ist and 2n-d, R. ;M. Brown, Wylma Farrow. Turkeys - Bronze, male, old, R. _1. Brýome, Jas. MeKenzie, Mica. R. G. Mouat; female, oIC, R.M.Bo , Mrs. R. G. Moffatt, Jas. MeKeaizie; male, 1941, James IVcKenzie, Mrs. R. G. ft. R. M. Brome: flema.le, 19ý41, James tlVcKenzie, .Mrs. R. G. IMoffatt, R. M. Brome. Turkeys, any other vaiety, maie, old, W. R . Bal, Jas. MeKenzie; f ernae, old, Jas. Mc- Keuzie, W. R. Bail, Jas. McKeazie: mihee, 19F41, W. R. Bail, 2nd and 3rd, Jas. McKernzie; female, 1941, W. R. Bail, 2nd and 3rd, Jas. McKenzie. Geese, - Toulouse, maie old, 1st and 2nd, R M. Brown; fensale, old, lat and 2nd, R. 1M. Brown; maie, 1941, R. MI. Broma;i fem-ale, 1941, R. M. Brome. Embd)-en, maie, old, R. M. Bromn, A. Ayre, Newton Taylor& Son; feirale, old, R. M. Bromen, 2nd and 3rdi, A. Ayre; maIe, 1941, R. M. Br-\va, 2iid and 3rd, A. Ayre; fe- mnaie, 1941, A. 'Ayro, R. MN. Bromewr, A. Ayre. Oshaw a us dcddte ildfifty- 11,W orat -a Lesýt of $100,&0. Twetyfiv miibe cf the smlaller Wl,. R. -SrikqBmn'il, wa.s re-electedpresidnt filheEatr Ontril Muicial lecricAssocia- toatt'le c ldngssinof tlue covninheld at Osbt\aacon Wed- nkesýlay of lasit 'we.k. Whelin a miýxture ef sulpbUrie acid and ati soda splashled on him, Jamles Rolhings, of cobourg and nq member of the council of tbat plae, aufrdserions barns t- the side cf tbe he,-ad on ThuIrsdý,ay cf last week,. Alt.,,-hougbluewas -bunned neai- the crcdnone cf t-he ixture ,-reach- odl bis eyes. .e , * il Jamnes Syelkszay, 21, of Oshawa, was fineud $15 and costs 1,ndi bis ji- cense su!spended for 30 days mlien found guilty cf reckless drivi-ig by Magistrate R. B. Baxterý, lu Porýt 'Ho pe ipolice court on i-Monlday last. Szýksrzay ri-an lo the rear cif a parh- ed car and injured t-wo Tren'ton air- men who we-re standing at the ruai- of the parkledc car. David Dicýk, 21, of C vovg, as sentenced ttc seven days wehea found guilty iii Poit Hope ie court on Thursday la st on a cýharge cf driv- ing a car -while in an intoxicated Condition. A. second charge of dan.- gerouls driving mas with'ran. on Auguist 306h, Dik' ar truck a tree and 'turned over on its side. Be -was; alone at the ýtinue,. Obniistian ReMder, founder and late President cf Bownanville Foundry Ceo, and dean 'cf local industries, passed %-way at tihe home of bis sonP, C. 'E. ýRehder, on Saturday, Sept. 131h, in hic 87tli yea'r. Me mes bei-a in Denmark and carne te Canada wkhea onfly 2 years eld. Ira 1902lhe moved le Boi-)ýman ville sud startedl thie foundry. A fe years agpo lue Iuraied tihe busineàss over te his son. Bis wife predeceased hlm, in1930, and Ihe is Survived by o son a-id imo daugliters. Inteirment mas made in Bownianpille Cenetery. Gordon Winkle, cf KirklandLae aad J. J. I-olaad, of Dunbarten, meni- biers cf fthe Royal Canadian Air, Force, miýheiie killed ou SaturdLay aI- terinoon, Sep t. 131th. The two) air- mon -more niding on tlue i-ar 'of ai transport wien the rigbt front feon- dler cf fthe truck stnuck 'tle end cf the mtal irailing on the nor-tl side cf a 'bràilge J*u,t east ýcf Cobourg. la swrigaway tfrom fluIde brýidge Lthe rac1I was tora off theue truck and thi tmo mon -were itlu-cwn ite the pave- ment -witlu gieat force. Both ai-mnie mwere ruslied Ito Oobourig lospital 'but passed away mithia fluree lheurs af'ter the accident. Corporal C. 'D. Bradlbury, forrnerly ]of Coboui-g, 'whuosveayears a&ge jcined thue R.AýF. la England, is now reported rniissi'ng. HeRiems :a member of a four-miarna b omber orew tuliceli mwas reported lest late lu Jaune lasit. The bomnber was repor-ted overdue fi-cm Port Albert. Il mas a traiaing plane, partly earncuflaged. Corporal Bradbury, whvose parents ireside in CGobuiý, ment te Engla'nd caveai yeai-s age an-d joine-d flue R.AF. prier tl flue utbreak cf mai-. Lu 1940 lie amas sent hback te Canada te dû instructiýonal moi-k Me mas bei- in cobouu'g and attendýed flue 'Cobourg ýCollegiate. COME TO ORONO l J ill, R. 'M. Brown; cockei-el, Lewis ete priaI the Wood, Milferd E. Shtermîni, Mrs. EtI. clsi i nxtDean; puflet, LewisWod W. R. Baýil, Ms Ed. Dean. Leghorns, ricanis wývbite, exbhition .- Coek, R". Mv. Bremi; lhon, ltIaadf 2nd, R. M. i-dutiity Bruownvi; c Perl . M. Bromewi; pal- Gibsoa, Fred lot, R. M. Brotwn. Leghuorns, Brown Jose, Donald acRM.i'w;bi Itmd îcocker-el,S. 2w], R. _MIBroma;cckrl R. M. s.,,. G. Mol- Br-oma; -pullel, R. MI. Broma.'Min- pullet, Don- ereais, llak-. Cock, R. MU. Brown; -nutili Rock, , R. M. Bromen; cockei-cl, R. M., ,owu; hoen, ist Brown; puilet, R. M. Brome%-. Jamn-es Mc- Birom-i; pal- CaIpons - 1s-'anid 2ud, J. H. yandrtte, any Jose. id 2lid, R. Mv. Donald E. Gilhson Special -Besit cDckcerel, lct- Bai--ed Roýck Bird, ralsed fOi-cm a A. Ayre; pul- phsd rn ýeGbo MI. fi-oma, A. 'eg ao ao h Gbo Red - Coc k,' Fanms, Bommanville, Mrs. R G, Mo- On; 7hon, Ist faIt, 2nd, 3rd, 4tu, 5tl, S, Charles sTRE:ET FAIR Wed., October i st ALL KINDS 0F GAMIES AND FUN BEGINS AT 7.00 P.M. (S.T.) Proceeds will be used in aid of ORONO COMM1INITY MEMORIAL PARK SIIEEP TO LET On sbares. Apply to T. E. Gain, Pontypool.c38p FOR SALE Quanitity of Grorwinig Coi]., Pota- toes and 'Mangels. Apply Geo. But- ters, Orono. STORAGE WANTED1 Large i-cern1 for sttorimg furniture. AIply, to MVis. J. C. Mi 1-e, 1r1n. a-36-P. FOR SALE AND RENT 1 have M3 sections cof Cernent Well Cribbig- for sale at 20%, diseoiLt. Oui- homne is for rent. -- Rowland Smnith; Piýe 8~3 y 7, Onono. LOST A~t the dance on Sep'tenlibe.-, 7th, in O0rono towni hall, a pink eand ~blue plaid purse containing glasses. Any- one finding o c>i uigthe where- ,abouts of samne, please leave at the Times office, O'roro. THA-ýNKOFFERING SERVICES At Kendal Uniited ýClhurch on Suni- dj'ay, October 12th. Rev. .Mr. Gard- gmer,, of Canton and Eýlizabeýtlville circuit wiIll e the speaker. Service at 11 a.rn. aiud 7.30 p.m. (,standard timie). special massic. STOCK SALE A mo)rning- Stock Sale -will ibe 'held onr' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th at 8.00 o'cbyc"k a.m. ONE HUNDRED HEAD 0F STOCKERS ýat the fai c f E. A. WERRY, ENNISKILLEN Tai-ms'Cash Free Defivery NOTICE! 0Owing to pr-eseit -\vr conditions and aipid increases in the prices cGf dTrugs and biologicas, Con-lleleing ,ctober Ist, thleeYwi11 be an 'inerease in the price of aill'professional caîlls. Te-rms:ca sh within thiity days after calis are m-ade. DR. W. W SHERWIN LAuction Sale The undei-sig,,ned aiuýtionei- lias i-e- ceivecd instructions froini ARTHUR MANNING to selI by publia, au-etion at Lot 16, Concession 7, Hope Township Quarter mile south of Garýden H-ili store, '&n WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Ist, 1941 the followirg valtiabie Farrn Stock, Inuplements, etc.: HORSES 1 Blay Mý.are, 1600 pouands, 6 yeans old. 1 Bay Horse, 1300 pounids, 8 years old. 1 lB)-own Ma.re, 1500 pouads, 13 years o1,1. 1 Blaek Hore, 1500 pounds, 15 iears ad. CATTLE 1 Dronhani Oow, 7 years, due in i-erh. 1 Duifhainn Cow, 5 years, due ini Flbvuar-y 1 Jers-,ey '00w, 9 yeai,, ,due in April. 2 Heifers, 1 year old. 2 Heifer Calves. FEED Quantity of Hlay. SWINE 3 Piges, ready for Mvarket. FOWL Miens, Lig'hI Sussex, rnixed, HARNESS 1 'set Double Bi-eechiaig Hrnes, no.1 set Double 1>1cm Marnesý IMPLEMENTS, ETC.: 1 -Mas-sey4tlaaris Biadelr. 1 'Deeruiin IViower. 1 4Massy-Ilarriis lIoi Rake. 1 iMassey-Hai-ris Scuiffler, Kidl Kang-,a-oýo Double Piom. i Silig iPlew. 1Masyl ri Seed Diril 18.disc. 1 Cultivator. Set of Rfaï roma Waon.Gi-avel BOX andmi Rack StnebatWheelbarrow. S, Iportks, Sale to commiii The farm ha TERNMt MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSI(JIAN anid SUR GEONV Office lBoni- 2.00 to 4.00 p.xn.; 6.30 t'O 8.00 par. p Il0-YE 1 4,r1 ORONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Office Houi-s in Orono:> _Monday to Friday (inclusive) ,Fromn 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Evenirgs by- -A4ppointinenit Office Hours in Newcastle - every- satuicday froni 9 a.fl. te- 9 pzn. For appointmient phone Orono 18 r 1. VETERINARY Wifred W. Sherwini B.V.Sc., VETBRINARY SURGEON Office : Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillan. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRISI- Licentiate of the Colege of Optai»- etry of On tario Office Heurs: 10 to 12 a.m. aDd 24i 4.30 p.nl and by appointmeut office in C. B. TyrreU'e ]Yrig Ston, Phone 68r2 J. C. GIAMEY IN S U R AN' CE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile anbd Liability Orono - . Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auetion. Sailes of al es" and at reasonable rates. Cenirnunicate with him ai qý Ferry, Ontario, or see his Olerk, Ae. E.Merlan, ai Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Pracical 1Watchmal<er Alil Repaira to Watchez, Clocha, and J.weflery, wiIl receive Our prompt attention PARK STRE-ET CRCIÇO F. F. Morris& Son Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowmanville, Day 48K Night, 734 and 573 Orono. 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Servce-THE BEST Our Good--THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE L-OWEST IBOWMAINVILLE -&SONO 'li !//PORT PaP Saturday ROBERT TAYLOR In thie Bi,- Ontdoor Techaiiicolor Rfit "RILLY THE KID" Monday and Tuesday "THE GREAT LIE" WiVth Bette Davis, George Bront sud Mai>y Aswer i numrerous otaer il Wednesday and Thursday - enuce at 12.D30 (S.T.> "She Knew the Answers"1- s been renîe<î "UNDER ÂGE" sCASH__________ _ -Auctionieex; A. E. usretoherioTiw

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