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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Sep 1941, p. 6

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VOC E 0 F TIP E DECLINE 0F wAÀLKI , N G dwalkinlg is a taiin otý been cecked by the car. People thinknoin kigtwenlty0or tit ie The late Lord Tweedsmiiu'ir old us, that he had wle .es 'n a single day; a ft was b)Y nomeuetro- for the Old Con ril rophets, priests andKig, *G. Gardinier told how thfe ;ord Grey had oncewle es in a dri in maroSsa oor tocor a bird's nest the storm, r- A dthno thecre are those tle(so igtsofwain by writ- elîv Hipr elloc. c' us~ migfht bDLcebtter !ýi th er in lcitk ,U ter ilu ur sou love aodrioel dies of the coun- nanly of us sub,1- valking-but whoc golfer sopn ing anythîing of HOVERS purged of rlefer- te Biritain's ai- alostop belitt The euem-iy is nscrupulouas, weil reaize t'Lhisau -at Jut that type soldiers, ofthe cthnxIt ibas And urnal. fi lesson thatamahi 'boy's ba'ýve Weeu tryiug te impa-ess upýon their f î7u-ts for agaes la cnfr Ïdy a 'ZOsdon medîcal authority. ÈHei yarDsnïagainat the habit of gttj-in 4%ut of Led suddanfly in the nou 1eastý fiva minutes before aiig i&reteh every 11imb, and aew rinutes spaut in raigi x lellent," Occ?**sinnlly Pa health seil ýLpresoýriba s omrething itat ea eparf"ormned witb leaue --Guelphi Mrcriry -o- DRINK "HOME" '7STIJFF Apple audtmaoJ uices will be- availabla l qin tiy fr Can- adians this Winter. This should Jessea the need fori:rnportcd ct- ïus fruits and thus conserve ex-. chang-e, wbila putting tile moncy- ihito the pockats of Cndinpro"- ducrrawho bave ba tai oer ëeas markatsý. -BrantfordEpstr -0- CARELESS SMAOKERS So a tossad-away cigarettead )sardly ever starts a fire, ehi. That's wbat you thinkl A statae- m.ent relaased by the aada Vnidarwrî-tars' Association de- elares that the carclessuessa of morswas rasponsible for by far the las-gest percantaga of the, ,f6,629 firas wbhichi destroyed pro- pertywot$2,526 in 194;0. --Brantford Expositor QUEEN GIVES TONE Nice comment from apa- grapher lu The New Yr Sun, W thqef fect that Queen Eliza- bethi, at 41, is equalled1 by few vomen for cbarrn with lesfix- ing up, and every timeRer M4aies- ty appears in a niews real, it lifts the wbole program u1p. --St. Catharines Standard -o- LINCPiN DEF11NED Prime 'Afiistar Churchuli, withs bisa usual gift of -eprs ion as called Can~ada ,"tiýc-linclipin of S'cene from Newest German "orr Film Released by British iNazi inovie cameramren whIo took tis picture of Germannaren racing paqe blazing ruins of a Soviet t owu niniteuded ?ýlthaCte finlisbed filml, cll ,war in, the Eatmwuld be shownin the Rei(ch to boot hoe orale. Iseathe fil,V which prcevws a Nai"it "overlusiasfeu nt Bit Is l hnd, isenowbeiig %shown nBiain as "amasterpiece of the Nazis' glorification ofbrualiy, wlh volutary" conributions' wages. -idsrStar TROUBLE TALKERS IfSom ie peo 0ple cd idur' t have tr!ouble, they'd have ,a liard1time calrïyin-g on, a conve-rsation.ý MARRIAGE 15 A rPRIVTE7 AFFAIR By Judith Kelly It iS interestiulg to read abo about peopÏee whlo are -not t-oo beautiful, 'tOc gooC, tooclever, tao abuormal, but wbo are jnst th average esus elbrou'glit pwell educated anid weil liougli e'ndowed withi thisrds goodï; for normal and graclous living. Sucli eeTheo Scbofield and Tom West iii "Mariagýe La a Prýi- viate Affair." This 194-1 Harper prcizenoe was written b Juditb Kelly a native of otarlo. The stor-y deals wit-te first >r u ra's of their mrid1fe üeepl'y in love, thr s every prosýpect that their lives wl be happp, hul more or lessý con- venionl.Toma is e wdwt mu,,cl commix-on seuse and,beis bis lov-e, baIs a great respect for bis wife. Tbeo tries 'bravely to liVe up to bis ideal of marýriage but, emotýional audyot-vig finds distraction away from bhone. Failing as a wife, she realizes tbat mnarriage is a system of rilts and obligations andll that more than love is uee to cope with its pro)blems. ý Even-itully tliey reacb their fuli mnaturity and understanding of each other, This story, is a fine eape bikillfully haukdledl, of essenitially: decent people, adjustiuig tbe- selves to sane living, Marriage la a, Pr-ivate Af f air7 by Judith Kelly . ,. Harper& Brothrs *Price $2.75, T H E W A R W E E K.Cmetr nCretEet Reos-eet A-nsCwers lrs Thr-eat ",Whoe(ver belie-ves he Mill be able to help Euglanid miiut efin- itely knowv one tbing: Every slip, weerwitb. or witbout a con-voy, thant corn-es before our torp-edo ftubes will lie torpedloed."> "No act of violence wvil!l keep 3us the occasion of tle 8tl auivesay of the Nazi aeccesion to power lait Jauuary, No act of vilence will keep us frm rnnitainlng intact twio blI. ýwarks of def'ense: Firs , our iïne of suply 7to thie Ieemies f IHitie_11, and, secondü, tliie frceelomu ofur shipping on tlie bigl seas. From now on, if Gerrnan or Italian vas- sels of war enter the w terhai proteotý,ion 0f wbichis ecssr for Aeia defense, they(do S,3 at tnei ownParU.>' 50 saud presient Rooseveit'il the ocso ci lts last radio atd- dress, an occasion wbîhlic--ad ar isea fronattaL-- on Ameriecan slipsjat sea. MIr. Roosevaît, opening iýsr specol itlialitig of these attacha said,: "These acta oùf iternational law- lesanes ae mniesato f ;**1* the Nazi desig to abbolsM te f-e dom of the sens and to acquire ab- solute cntrol * 1 * 0f those eSns * *Fr witli cntrol of the sens **the wsy can become obviously cder for tlier nexst ep, domina- tion cf tbe United States,doia tion of tDe Western Hemispereby fortce of nrrns. To be ultimately succesafL jin world naster,', Hitler knows thnt lie * *', nust finat Cdestroy tlie bridge oif slipsï wbicbi we are build- ing acroas the Atlnic and over wbhich weshiaî continue to Toîl the imlplem-ients o!f a to Lielp de(stroy hlm.ý Generation after generation, Arn- AND THE B~AND PLAYED ON erica hbasl bttîcd for thegerl poicof !thefreedom 0 ftesn. * c * N tation i Jas therilet mak lte Ibroad oceanis c0f t!e wolat gr'ant dtnes fron the aa"!theatreof IlandMwynrusafe for t'le commerLce of the's There lbas uow coirneIa tirn ýe be you aud Innust see the cold -inex- orable niecessity of s-ayïing to lis ***seekers af worldcouqoest ***"You shaîl go no furtber" ***Tliis is the Étma forprvn tbon of ï,aack. *** Uon our naval aud air patrl***nl li e dut of mnaintaining tie Anrcnplc of fre of these-nw ** Our patrolling vessals aud plaenb will prot-ct al1 neciat1lis-1 pot on.ý ly Amrîcan slubt s1lips of auy fla-engnged in cmmee 1 * ", It ila no s'ct 0f wr(n'ur p-art w1ln we cdecide to pot tte seas thnt iar evial to AneUus ê'd fenlse. Tha neaggr-ession'ila snotous O)ur:s la soleýydeus The essential elreentA0fLire uew situration cr-ented b tlie A 'men- eau chllenge to the axs isn the Nortli Aln iIt is ti ougli tbose uwateLrs that Bitisli vit1f e Unes to Canad d the Unitedil States ra.And !tlie ifett f tha PresidentL's staru oidrd- to the v is to place those lýife huies under1 Amarican armaidprtcin Spl itzb erg e n O0ffen sýve Inn expediition crept sucrataly acrosa notha es oSpitzbar gen Isi'lnds, nid src bfiethe Nazis kaew wlia was afoot.Bn- tain's imdaaobjctiveL was to0 deprve the Nazis 0f auy valuete 1sianda miiglit have ila strengîhe]n. ing itler's wreffort. About 1,000Norwegias mwrere rnoed 0 ew b Ioneusin Knglan Tbree time s nsamnny Rossi:ans tions. imusmtyo Huige socsof oh and1(lcoaler flred. Darnge done by efficient Canadjinnapasrenders ilie( isi- anida usles oi ea.The-y lie dapopuluted in the Arctic Oceanu, 40o miiiles oaNorway ,-and 750 miles for, dhe Northi Pols. Spizbrgn( meant f a",nmore to Biton's thsa a regrett'able bit of xartimiedsrcin Tbose wlio have been canrn for a Biil Naz-ocupedEurope, snw lu pitZ- bergpen a samiple of wilatt mîgbt be comiug. d A,, aiNor%-wagi;tn Ipossessionth Arctic islunds bogo dûe- f Bitiali invasion homne to Nazi sen- sibUiiCes. Berlin bas been rnost approeusve about Norway. Ae, wvith reason, judgjiug ]bYrece(nt Out- breaks in tint cuty Rursa Stil Holdig Russaia astili tgrant esnia. 10w can t[me ReAaramies be power fui enougli to old tha Germaus at bay? Part 0f tue amner;May be lui the treme1lndon) lss suffarled be the Germaus. lu men alone the cnaotimust be wPOU oer a II. lion. In lmetun atutiiora tIl- tive estimatie 0f forty ilýr n' ent is givan. Germran servicing 0f nd- vce uits lins d .ily bc miore d(ifiilt tsud the ecnid forces ba:ve fnnd the lfua!ý i ter rain ve-y costly il u ful ud pke The rest of tCi,-, w- r'îIetOu the -eC, ' ,e," 'Fin fused to re-,ireat eveni though itlIeY hiave suf fered terribly--but so hv the Gras Tleir air fore mirab lahndslelas had eln etrikinig power. Rurssian rllay have doue an arnazig jo", Mmnl due to the higli moalcf the- workers who ipgnlore odnr work- iug beours, The Germans haveimade two seions miscaluitins -- the volume of Russia's war mraterial reserves aud t-he fightînig poer 0fr lier civilianupopulation. Thus far, Napoleoni's road to M.,,os- c'ow lias provedl too tougli for Hi1tIer, The distance thiat the Fr-eucli gadalrm uiegotiatled lu, 80-oddi days, a-foot aud with horse, mnule ad oxen t" ransport, is twice or moüre than. that covered b-y EhIer's rooie legionls in ti samce tirne. Train ForRaids MJanagers 0f skyscrapers, spart- nt lioumes aud Innt bildings lu New- York City bave trained 50,. 000 men la th e lst tliree montMi toý cobt nedir ir aacki,îs and bomrbiuîg raids o the city if they sliould crne. This arrny of private tire figliters and salvage cirews wil otal -200,000 men witli- ia a fw ntlis, acýor'diu1g to B. H. :Beilkuap, het0fthe man1age- meut cdivisioni of the Real Estatec Board of Ne\,, York, The workI7 s b)eIng dloue under the supervision of Mvayor F.'H.LaGadiCivilian. Defece irecor.Mr.Bena' sttmetuas the flirst înkIin1g that NwYork oi-aiy other At- lantic Seaboa,,rd ityvas prepar- lng for eventualites that nmigit corne out of strained r-elaionis wil tlie Axispwes After , 000 key imein are fully traineud itey wvill iaistruct others so jIt 1tth privýate fire brigade wNItoa 200,000 highlýT efficienit mien who wlll not oniy know i, ow to put11,out firessalvgesections, but aise bandie sabotage and ail forms of subversivecivity. The fir-e brigade is being,, taoglit tMe sigaicauce of diffeentcolors of smoýke sud hlow Io figlit tlie fire Ibeind t) he samoke. Theie luoediary bom1b, lieexlaned bats to 3,400 denres luthe 'bomb l)explodeýs, lirwiug srs iu every directi and settingtre to everytbing wýithî1 n rnuy yards oî [the msi Believed to have tbrived lu the dlays of Shakýespeare, a gumi tree reentily felled in Kýoobau Forest, Australia, yielded 132 railway ties eight ~feet long, Fire en' est font Pase Severe Physical Tet Ar;p-in mmeut toC fIenwYork Fine lDentment is Me ambition oou C,40 yonma WCo Caveu,- dartaken to pasa qunlUifyturem- mations noes The Toron.oTele- grarn.Theupysicalte-ttd Commissione-',to c e tuis' of atlntla!of !itaaýirn TIc înattestis fr coondat ation; acli mn sus l n sen foot adbadbraikas sd ïju cd ou liunreonse toasignal felpt, o cor pfcnh ,Tion thmet asrisc 0A2,itte poitonbrmin nWa 171-"u wih vr 5led Afnlectolit eig duel s l aeg- n eni %ad,1 Tren tie a asprntYlIs caraï dmm wcighinacrepouda u lgt tep A.;jtadsin u e ffan M nidh li equirai o tak a eu-ootbrod jnmthadie ar tîeean-nlilfot nil dodget1i- ticgi arercim ae tan t hguw sig coa lader orf.ien cet1jump ut dr opte ro jan hotwe l a fors tliity-n Sends. Aner a fifà1tcen-miundïsLest, cmS ,-a mil Euatalfnaurem nthé- it- dada mtngcuatiustnin

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