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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Sep 1941, p. 7

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Chck By Dpctor ~-' Mayse [Due te hylolAi teotUnd tie reason, Very otten Use younger desnet her eil sAd tlm1s ass uletienora tica given by ,tise tahr h ousgster 1 pl(C e d nearer th front emhacas nltepaet lng tsthd Similarlya youngster nnhave- a slight efeet in viin surai as ~hrtigstdn ,anid cnntprcp- erysece bacbor.heft tg et2sa abde glabses crrecs' thisdtetadaevraysgt zow is te 2ec a mcesebe um bier oet yungers wearig glas. enMhs e es net meanatiet de- fective cyesihtis bocoming mose common b1 UtLtatteche suad Par" entsnnwswucs for pschdees. recgnzcdbyparent or teacher is an udrcietypridglan-net enougi threid juc eing;mane- factured thumahaentt Wend e nh ed lndi "cy This cniini aldceiim ~#nary"untenormial h 5gl ,ce 5veight, being ist a fwpua DJhysical atiities it en", ed)u nndcrtoed hy thsecndto!e yvoud ne liesunspected byparn çrteacher, an anythneOcdoncfo tes ~hidre whlor want et mor!e ~hrod uieshow this iak e Yes. Js sthe rmva tan oveiacivc thyroid gland (goitre) ~vhic hasbeencausing nervous- -sss admna nd physicalevr- Sct.y, binsthese act-ivities te pt thproif, extrnct bL'mynin- êras tsegrwth andmntlad physicai acti vity et tiýse"lw biren. Tise togtthen fortecer Qet t ye, nr tetisj, tonsil 14 te thiLetthse possîbiliýý-vty o! S She wa5s a lov7-ing wfeand ImotherIL uniti CCffene-erv s ced by 0too ~~ mucli coffeeadta aebr rti temer!Howshecoud crryon at the chldren or her husband. But lier mother ztold 1lier abouit Psuiand that wvas thle end aof me" Perhaps osf ,s.l so rnigctr nd sta and s-wi c oPsuIf you have head eIche, inigçsti, reiesnre-yPstn u 30 cays. ~~ul no hsdlcesmatn youe rOe 7ThU à 'Aa by CALEB JOHNDSON A yard game is in sýession in Elmer PHenderson's pen-tliou.se atop a New York skzyscraper. The players are- Henclerson, Police Inspecter Flaberty, MIartin FIa- zier, .Ai-chie Doane, Max Mýicb- aeiand is frtn William5, a 3tockbroker. Tbey are waiting ,'for Steýphen Fitzgerald. Wben be fails te ap- pear, a telep-hone cati bringa tbe informnation that hie is eut witb a girl. Fitzgerald and Hender- son areý botb romantically inter- ested in Lydia Lane, the famous actress, but Arcbie Dean. reveals that sh i l engaged te marry im. Dean. leaves the party early -wben Fitzgerald fails te appear. A4 sbort time later b. telephon-es InsaFfctor Flaberty witb the fran.- tic news tbat be bas found Fitz- geiald and Miss Lane dead ini Lydia Lane's penthouse apart- ment. Wben Flaberty and the medi- cal eçxamin#ear reacb tbe apart- mnent, thy find that MISs Lanc in StAl alIve. She is rushed te and 'are promise ta restore ber. snuederer p espcialyWhea the Imurdier gun àa feund carCefulY patdIn te h Ciimney can-OUt Miss anesFrencbmid, Adele n'cau as beeCn oeher b.ddnet stop annoyinig ber. Tbe janier eprts tbat Maclen- oisele arcsanworks in a naigbt cLon ber day off and that she- Lad tlkdte imin nthe Ibasemnt on thoenit of the miurder. s Mdialexamination rei;tzals tbatI Lydia, Lanei, bad been given a bypodermirc ijection ef a byp- netLiz drug before beIng abot, and that Ftgradsbedy also 'Shows tbne Imark ef a b!ypodtsrmic needie CHAPTER 23 Wby Tbe Plot Faiod "Sha),I expa1 nto you, Hen- Ispectoîr Flaherty andAsstn -Attorney Frazier the modus Oper- pdi of youriim)e? How mTiuch time have wc? Hei-ndersnnganeathi,, wrist -watc(h. "I shail be2b to check yrou up, if you ha-ve gone wrong lu rxy of I your ldeductions, for aboutante haif houir," he said. MArwards - Who can teU? 3gi,1Mr. MichaeIis, 1. bow te your superior intuition and rea- sonmng Pourm. 1confess 1 arn curjous to learn howe your sus- picionis vere firSt dir-'cteýd in mny R1e srge hsse ecx- pressiveh"y, with a co(-urteous smnile, "What'sthis ahi about?" dew inanded inspector Flaherty, ïi- patýýInty. "Hndrsndid you "NoIony that," sýaid -Max Mi- ehaelis, -"but he-adiistcred 'te hlmsclef a dose of sIo,,-ac-tin.- Poison -hpdrialIpre.- sum-e, edrsn wihgivez hlm ianother haif heurof con- scio.:Usneýss before h ie lapses inte the .sleeýp from hich here is no Yor each pl-,edeî'dsn your nucme'nd'address mthe nameetth icur yuwnt Lwrit- tee on hebak.Addreýs De.J'12' Ltd. 41 elîg t onr St.E oot ISSUE 39-'41 I i crime irrevocably on Archie 1 awxakening. Arn 1right, Hnder- "Sucid?" exclaimied Martin Presley, as Henderson noddcd là Confirma'tion of Micha&lîs' stt- nt. We cani't allow ta. 1Sicd, onderstand, is net "IL 1 is uch preferable te death by ehecicty" "Nu, but attempted suicide is a criseand connivance At sui- cide is ais, ,se rm , ad Fa zier. "Wc'," would ai!l be gUi!tY- I shah te-lephonle tonýe for a physiian." "As",you pese"Henderson nsseted."Itwi11 bie uselcîss, I assure you, The îdeed is nl1readyî donc. I laas irrevocabi-e a. s ir reùvocabe a s Stcp1hen(_ Fitz geir- ald's denth. TheeÉi s ne aiti- dote known to science- for tire virus which is aýljrad curin through My veis Howpeer if it wil SAtisy the law to Send for a doctor, I have no objction. Y7ou will find thetpoe in the fCoyer, Frazier." A Came Rat ThJre Assistant Jistrict! Attoý'r- ney hurried te thep tehephlone, whie an Flaherty Ioe at the unperturbed countenian-e of! l mer Hender-son with an eýcxpreýs- sion in which amazemeint was mingled with, admiration. 111 owe yoen antpoïLegy, Hlen- d1ersýon," he snid, nfter 'axom ent's-steady crutiny. "Lnst night 1 snid yeu awcre a great poker player and a good wîinner, but that 1 thought you'd sowa Yel- low streak if Hc gamie n against you 1 take thait ail back Moère a rat, but you're a game littie rat, Atthat. "Takyou, Inspecter.," re- plied Hneropolitely. "I arn n 'soldier of fori.tunec-a gamibler with-1f e, if you lk-adwhen 1I loe I pay wihout grumbuig."ý "lThe2re'll be an amtbulance fo Bellevue here in a few iniutes," rteperted Frazier, returning fron the telephone. "PH'imake Mny recital brief, theni," sa,,id -Michaelis. "MýNartin, am 1I rght la the belief thtat it was Henderson who suggested te you,, the idea that the revolver j),tb foqrd ut the bottom of the CHmney?"ý "lYes; thJat wa a sgeto casually droppcd by hlm when 1 caHled him up hast nîght and re- pored that Missbanc was stili al-iv," ngced Frazier. "We nra- turnhly t-alked about ali the de-. tails, so far as wc knew themi at that time. I told hlm, Irememi- ber, that the wvenpon hiad net becun found, but that we had not look- ed outside cf the apartmcnt for At as yet. H1e said sometbring to1 the effeet that it might casily have been thr.own off the roof inito the street, dlown the chmney or inte the elevatvlor shaft. 1 at- tached -no special sîgnificance to what hie said thien. It was rely 1following out my ewn fine of Snow Ruined Plot DBut;'t was- said wt a pur- pose," Max, Michraclis resumed i"The purpose wvas te, pini the Doan, w ichte dscve ftlie guninteciny oudhv donc-, hditee videceof the snjow nt xve ha ecel neot have put it therýe. "Tesnow uicdYOur2plot, Henderson," eIet on, "It was obvins atcrthe f rst minuctes, genlemnte me-, at lest-thlat bothMissLaneand Fitz hd he shotbefre he now fel, Uc- gadiasofwht!Uthe Medical Ex- amnrsaid as t ImeFt coud 1av hved with a bullet cd that h a ie for t1hrce heurs, psil ogr fe e ing ;shot, A vaguemeor e simiar asestirred ina i4 Whil ~x' wer hùning!orche "It as cae wichwas w-ý,2 ly reOtdi h esnes f a an s U thoghi se heart, wha, dbent aivr frocv cml heurs theeafter by the2 propt dmiistato f aypo- presurecf hoo inthle arteries. "A-S senas Irm brdthat, Iaske h eia xmnrt loc ,ifr nnyab asion cfdh si on itzerld' bdy. Ye-n know that ccold hl ave belen nmade bya hypodermicnede "Tatdi nt connect anlyoïe spccificnilly with the!cimebut the fnigc'f thatrevolver at thse bttmf the ich,'iniey did. "It was theii ideal wceapon for thsecie Access te it could h.ý attriîbuted te Doane. And ;it wss, se far as Z;we knew, had anl Op- portnniuty te abstract that par- ticlarweaen rom thse Hig! ar)t studio. Th-ose five persoons, wer Ftzhiself, Ms ae Adele Ma-rcu, Arcie Dan and Elmner Hendersen., - "T he c îre i-cu a nýc es lim inated botis Fitznand Miss banc. They alse hmiae Doane, becauso of 'the- absence of aniy way iii whchhocel have tlhrowvn thi did et nowthen whethier thb4 maid was involved orneotî but 1 dropped hrt rfrem onirfraio for the timie being, after the janiter's stor.ý- "IJccidcd te ,con.entrate firsi, on Hndesonandthemore r Uve 2e the stain iemr clepar.y it Dail pointed to im. iYet there mwas inothing onlusve ",If m1Y th1eery was righit, theit Miss b anc did no"etiephone te Mehic Donne. She wslyn thee, ncoaciuswith Fitz'a decd body on the floor, Whep did telephene ý,D onne ,thien? ,And wh? "iss ase haýd been mai,,kiag voice tests lai Henidcrson's studic -rýcording lher vieon îfim by is new ethd.Arc(hi.e Doake confirmred iy suspicion .that thse words he heard ever thse 'phonfe were ,ýthe exact wvords fromi a pari Dietetic researchi las shown tihat the WheatGenlipson -vert fýoed into energy, stimulates the aladis eentiatn te normal growth. In Nab-is3co Shredded Wh7eat you geti WetGermi as Nature proviîdes it, because dahis cereýaI fred siiimcde from unmlilud 100% wbole wbheat. Yo'u also get gýe- X) er~ous amonçunts of protein-,cablyatphsousion M1îIil-Is of people, esplecially, cblldren, have benefited by thie hbtof eating a wliole wheat brýeakçfast of two Nabisco . Sliredded NWliet with a cupfuï of milik, andfri if desired. As-for this famous whote wheIat fodïby itS R11nme «Nabisco Sliredded Wlieatt.» THE CANADIAN SPREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LIe.N;D. q<t 4 ýfoIIs, Ce-cade v 1 >mIl use lýs a d iha double leavening? -assures betternrsuits. Ensy-epeniing, won'î-spýill container, with bandy mnensuring ,deviýCe under the Ilid PRICED SURPRISINGLY LOWIV casier thaon for Henderson te haecaIhled up Doanc's eng switched on the ffilin thIis sonnd- preof l raoyhere, andî lot Archie, he!ar tisefrantie calilfoi, lihlp lahîie fianý,cee's own voce?O1 "But -wc er ail playing pokel righnt here, at th(-e tmeD'ait Flahiertyebctd mitted, 'xcpttat yeunmay reý- cal that a just abo)Utdoyen tion te toise tim-e and weýnt info the other -room oýýn the p-retcxt of hsmnhad gene Geut. (CocIuedNext DIsue)1

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