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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Oct 1941, p. 1

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E 'Vol. c5. N-o:. 40. ORON. ON., HURSAY, CT.l6th, 1941. -Subscription, $ 1.25 Per Year Oirono A gain Visi'ted by Thiee On Friday Ni*ght 'Thi eves Make Getaway With Over $2,000 Worth 0f Merchandise In Oronol Thieves Cleari Out Suits, MUST RECEIVE LICENSE Overcoats, Dresses From BY DECEMBER lst C. G. Armstrong Store The C. G. Armbtong store in Ottaw,ýa, Canada. - Departmnental ~Orwoomas broken intoP) ther late and co.ntrygera stores, large- ho- 0tels 'a1dJsoda 1bers,mafctrs Friday ighit or erySatur.day moa n aucýt ionlle ers, evry eriand inade their getaway with a largedealing infoud, feed, livstc, amount of merchand(ise la in 's and ýs poltry, yarln l, clothinig (or'foot- lades' wearing apparel. wear *muLst secure a licen1se f'rom the Mi.W.E.Armstrong was in the Wartimer Prices and Trade Board by-, Store on Friday evening at tun o'coc December utof this year. 1ld n'jti.nig was wron; at thautinie, Afer etiha tme, no ulicesedper ~John Grady totalled up the csi r- sLo o firm mnayy for resale, han- gisters andi id tne iash1r.;V qsto e "or se11 any of chose comnodities. ten ocok More than 20,;000 businesses are. ~round affeeted by this vast plan to set up,, The thieve-s entered theoe by a1 the muachiinery aecessary for policing =widow au the rear of the building.1ýpices and f or seeuing speedy re- ]Eleery 1-igl-ht at cosing time tihe rear ports on avaialhle supplies in the -Windows are cocered un the outsid e cvent ofwrtm shortages. Ili the(- ly wooden doorq itbrogh which a Township DI Clarke it is expected ~bot un uhou'hthe side of ithe that over sixty pertsoias nil rm <window frame with a nut onithe la- will somn be displaying on the door Lide, making it practically impossible or- windowý of tiheir place of business to aise the wndwthn attracitirve gold and bjue 4curtifi- ito ceate slihows the public that they The tiieves broke oeut the panel ii have otained their wartinie license. ~one of the doors, then pulled on the There is ino Icense f ee. License ap- M4ie bot, bviging the nut tiglit plicaýinsms will he distnibuted against the wîndow frcame. 'he hole, through the nail late this niionfiih and ±hrough whicsh the boit passed as aýny businessan irwho, is smbject to larger than the boit, thus allwing the licensing or-derand does net re- nte rWbeis to push senie instrum-ent, ceive an abpplictioii form ahouild ap- 4hSa.rugh the hele Along sie of the ply fior one at his Mpst office. At the :-jolbtto hold tihe nui, then by tura- Post officscopies of the complete - ig È1le boit the net was taken offce. ig rder will also be avaiile. « allwin tem e tis th wido To 'facilitate fur-liher the introducion cosultingtes ex ntir, aresii e Pints, shoult iio- yr with tei Rgin1 The elmen's su'l ocent ut on' 'the atonre, mIile tiremreexpen, krss, irundreds ,zall the foowl anc -mas carried aSM in-ýuSt have been The robbery until-tire store ý'lokon Stu ±Ile Provincial1 ville mers called goods or hidi later ou. Two overco lu this lins a -custom.ier on cot mas on a -was not taes the office upsié iloney bag thi aiway ;- illTe 4ess. If they' 'very lose te tihe refrigerat( thre fEor and the ment tire: a0cope of fe Most of th( unew stock, hi bc-fore the ro After going Arrnstrong f ýr dLsp theni rown on ken mvas al in the day his inivoices M. tirat iis lossa "Li!enýse -cards and wir.dow; trans- i fers will be supplied to alil MVose- atpplicationi:s are received and ac!- epte1," said ýMr. Morphy, "and the display, of this transfer on the win- dow of an establisihiment will not anly serve as an indicatioýn lihet the finmi- isi licensed, but will also show the pub- lie tihat the licenisee is coopera ting with the gonveram-ient inf, its effort toi avoid unneIcessýary increases in the cost -,f living." The first lipense identification card will he ligh1-t blue in colour and xill eipire on Marcllh 31st, 1942. lt m;ilI carry the liosanse ni.inbsr allotted to the applicant in the uipper right Gand corner. At the ieft la a space for tihe siggnature of the holder. This license idqntificatic,, ni>ad will be mildto sncb l-icenses along "xith lis window .e-tifloate. - Licen.ses and ýinîlow transfers will be renlewed every six m1onths. Tt will tnet, however, be necessar-y for the license4hoider to apply for a new l- (Coni-tiniued on page four) amoeunted toarourid $2,3829.00, which is covered by insur-ance. The cern- pamiypy 80 per c-ent while Mr.A- a:troegI takesý a lessi of 20 per ýeat on the toýtal ameunt. Tie police aýre workiag on. th(- case but wýith th(, hie'ves having such a stant it is, doubtful w'hether tbey will [re aipprehiended, rProduction Up Tire pr tcmiber il in the sa xmake of te 8,740,1 7. 1 % *ove 776,042 'eadingiSý corresipor 3 ,70k3 pountis. The- total oduction fer the count.y for r, 1941, mas 106,382, as 8,831, a gain for the montih pounds. of creamery butter at lt mwers reporteti at 6,- omnds as comiperet mitir ,- ouai at Sateiertt, anti tories throuirout tirs Pnoýv- S7i0,530 puuntis as corimared. 4Ç . ~Over 100u Entries On Firat Day At The International AIRCRAFT 0F BRITAIN'S ROYAL AIR FORCE1 ICIITER PLANES The Bristo l Bleheim 31K, IV F (fghter version). Thce e as-t and heail-anedlonig-range aireraf i are doing useful wok in sweeping the Alantie andi convoy patrolliing. Fighlter Blenhems in formation areý senin Tispicture. MARVELLOUS DISPLAY AT ORONO FALL FAIRI Mrs. Walter Farrow, of NewmcastLle, lad an, exhibit of her farniprodu_,ce at ths- Durham Central Fali Fair hieldl et Orono that was ml morthi see-ing. Oas hundred an.d ixty-one exhîbi-its mi-(e up this mnarvellouLs collection, - aînti anyoca whio cid net visit this Section Imisseti thp beat dspayeer shovma here by any sngepeson-. Ai theg artja es s -gi-co-vn acpro-~ duceti on their omu nfawna. Follow,,ing is a list of the differeat Articiroke, asýpanaguL7s, bttr eans, elw;brown wax beans, blacuk nax beentls, motiei boma be5an, eiot'led rea mwax beans, suiper bea(n, white wiaten bean, banana bean, soya 1been, limia bean, broad bear., beets, bro- cccli, brussels sprouts, red cbae grueer. abbage, wirter cbagChia- esc3 calibage, ca ntaloups, canrots, cauliflomer-i, Clery, celery asparaglus (red), citron reti seeti, citron grreen sed, yellom bantani corn, pop corn, squaw corn, evergreen corn, cress, cllutum1ber (early ýsliciagl), jkln cuicuimber, serpent cucumbers, large ripe oncumbers, egg plant, herse vaidis!h, 'koli raibi, leeks, head lettuce, Chinese lettuce, red mnang-les, whbite niangles, nruskmsleOns, sum-mer watenmeIon, winter,, M'aternmelcn, Tom Loýng watermelon, Okra, Span- isb onPion, ysllom globe onilon, lange- whitse, nion, multiplier onion, pick- ling onion, larg-e red celons, parsley, arappeanuts con socshelled peanuts, garden peas, catnip, green pleas, swveet green peppers, sweet red pe jpens, bot- green peppen, hot redi peppelr, white potatoCes, neti potatoes, pie pumpjkini, stock ,punpkin, icicle risiwietip nadish, >scariet inii- ter radis1h, rbubarb), salsify, spinacli, ih(bbard squash,,baianasquash, roced necksquah, el, lom ,scallop- ,d squash, white scalp isuasl, aora squash, golden sýquas>h, ppe Squash, vgtble marro'x, Smîss e ' d.C, benny bsttomatoas, pear- ubti Voiates, ssotsd fruittma tewhite Ltnipspeuletop tur- alps, vinereacitubow Sluasli, canýned bestaspr.ýing chieke , i pork, apple cdefal mIret, p7 wheat, arleyoats, black bal, spning rsfal ryssmaillwite peas, Amierican Benýuty peas, br-ick- wýheet, flax ssed, sLigàr can e seed, fild crsuinflomer seed, cotton seed, ànnangel seed, turvip seed, swýeet e- ver, alfalfa seet, red choyer seedl, tim'iothy seed, millet seed, sydant' grass, buttereuts, beechmiuts,bra lien eggs, wits eeg lgs, duck eggs, turk'ey egsanty eggs~, butter, milk, crein, betteniilk, cottage clrssse, sage, neti grapes, Coircoýrd grapes, mine grapes, green gaýge plunis, blue plumns, crat aupples, weal- thy appis, Mlts apple, tbinmble hernies, grisugar 'ens stock, puff baIl, mnusbrooms, haws, aecouns, dili, mint, vegetable spaghetti, hick- ory nut's, bartlett pear, clappa favor- ite pear, gourds, honey, elderberries, sumIac, oi river apples, siaom ap- pies anf glaiolus. Canada's War Effort A weely rviem of tievelopnIentsý oun thehbo-me front freai Octobér 2nd1 1. Tendonis calleti for co)ntruction cf niaval base- at Shelburnie, Nova 2. Wartime Pices antiTrade, Board fixes _Deýociber lt as date by which ail pensonis or ffirms rumafc- turing- or dealiag ilaf o o (,fee-d>, lietcpoulti-y, yarni, eth, clIb)I- inig or footmear mnust obtain a 1- cense. 3. Offices establisieti atMote, Toronto anti Winniipeg in eannectior. witb thse orato f tirs Ir.ustnýy anti Sub-contract Coordination Bramtrh of Mis Departmnent of Muni- tions anti Supply. Purpose ef ±hie brancir is te spread mar effort te smller shops anti paints hrouglout the Domiiinioa. 4, Announiseti at R. C.A. F. breati- quartera tirat tmo meeka' ground scheol mork are te te atIde-lti iitial tiainiir.g achool courses for pilots and observera8. 5. Pay at tirs rats of tmo-tlhirds cf that cf offliers nti airmen cF Vbs Royal Ganeadian Alir Foreanuct f,,r the aemly estalisheti Ganadianl Women's AurýiIiinry Air Force. 6. A ene point nias lan cost cf liv- gie, since wari stareii-, te 13.8S perý 7.Anone that Canaýdinnk aire te lbe shiippedti t Russia. Objec- tive: 100 cr-uiser ifntytaniksl- foire hs end of Vhs year. 8. Cannada's naýtional incen aths first eig-ht moatha of 19411 $ ,4 46, - 000f,000, an incroase cu f 10.5 per cent oven VLhs samne penioti of 1940. Naýtioni- i inemoe is nom at record b-eigilt. q. Cenadiani munitions pflanits turai- ed out on Octouber 7th the Ver. mii-] lionthe cartridge case of ths preseat war. 10. Centracts amardsdl by the De- pairtm-ient of Munitions anti Supply, foiSeptember 24tb Vo 30ýth indeu- zive nunrbersd 2,M86 anti totalisti $G8,216,586. 1 Aincraft orders te Canadian Car.d Foundry Ltd., Montreal, te- tallinig $17.4,46i0 Ireade t hs list. 12. G. W. Spir.ney, Joint Genenal Ma-ýnag er, Bank cf Moutreal, te mni- tiate ar.d e rgaaize National War Fi- nan!e Comm-ittes. Gemm-iittes will as- sumle ,respnsibity fo- gaizn saile cf iGevermament securities Vo the pýub)ic o vtefunds for mer Plowing Match, Peterbor. Frances MeMillan Wins Stubble-Tractor Class Over Nine Men The InternationalPoigMac held nlear Peoteio got away to a good start on Tuesdaýy whea more- iir.al hndvdea iswere regis- teredi. Theý rainfaili of the irighit be- forle made the greund cecellent for lowinlg and ethsas an Ihi-Ih nnrong Uhe conpttr.The vmora- ing S,11edle was postponed until the -aternooa wh(?n maay- events had to be crowded into a f ew hours. Tlice flrst prize le the stubble tra-c- ton class for contestants nip to th1e age uf 18, weat te Frances 1dMýillanl, R. R. 2, Beaverton, a 1.ya-l il Ninesmer. wvere ln the coiipetitsir.. Doreen Seeasy, of Ida, mas first le the 18-and-ander class 'n he stubble jouter plow conipetition. Local Counties Day Stuibble-horses, 17 an.d under, Res Miller, Sunderlan.d; 20 andi unden, Roy Bickle, Cobourg; Grant MelMýil- lar., Blatikwater; Glass 4, opee Vo lnon prize-win-ners. R. H. Mc-Aithur, Idla; H4arvey 'Mc!lntyre, Keene; william flolden, Manilla; K. Gornelins, Omsi- mese; Roy Millen-, Pe)teaboro. Clalss 5, oeer, st.uhblle horses (ne hanl 1.g, arry MoManlus, Ida: lYave S 1aIe da; Len Shortit, Wood- ville; Robeit Leahly, Lakefleld; Stewv- atBaU!, V ~ Thomias Moe Petelabono. lass 6, pnstbefofrw plwwallting ot ridiîi, V. R. IHua- terý, Cavar., Alex.Oaow dir River; Alex. NobIle, Uxbridge; Ccii Nealls, Peterboro. Chass 7. st)Ubble, tractonrs, Fr-ances Mcý_illîln, Beavertor.; Jack Beateon, Blakwlte; M. Gibson,Bac atr Riceha rd Thompsonl, Bcbceygeon)1; Glass 8, soti, tractons, two-furrom piews, Russel Mocrriso, Beaverton; Ken McMlaus, Reaboro; Rot Mar- quis, Sunderland; Harold IHooten, of Peteirboro; Oscar Welsh, Sandiford. Class 9, -stuibble, tractors, open Vo non piemnes F. Costehlo, Dow- nley'ville; William iRobsýon, Peterboro; G. Roertson, Dunsford; Fred Web- ster, Woecdvill1e; Glen Suggitt, of Wodville. Glass 10, open, stuibile, t-ractor, three-furrow plow, Paul Maguire, of Omenmes; Walter Tho-ras-, Peterboro; Rcoward Henry, Campbellcroft; Man- son Cathucaot, Peterboro; Vernon Cýan)pheil, Peterhoro. Northumberland-Durham Classes, lass 1, stuble pIowaý, 20 aid un- WIIAT IT COSTS TO MECHANIZE WAR For every dollar speet in the last wIar on11a riai ilenllt and tranlspyort> Victor SiftoIn, Ma.Ster-Genieral of Lhe OrdliLeac, madle seoe revealing coin- panvsonIs l a broadcast o ver the C_.B.C. national nletwoek. firsare a few fcil s l'ven hy Mr. Siftonl: In 1914 18, an infantry dvso mov 1onfoot at L21/2 1miles an - A dlivision -,as doing well to cover C20 miles in a da--y. Today an infantry divis4o-n move at a minimum speed of tee miles au, hour, A Canadien infantry division i in 1918 lied 1,53 miotor vehicles ~and 4,- 4100 horses. The ýcost plus upireep at the front for ons year wta $Z0,00G.. A division today lias no horsûsor w onbut il lias 3,500 itor vet1i- dles of more than 160 different types, The cost of the vehicles usetil by a modemn division plu~s one year'ýs uip- keep is ~200Cf0 Ia 1914-18 over-ail eo:st of -a divi- sion vaieduL from 3'0 too 4S millions a~ year, according tu scverity of figlit- in.Todlay's cost of ereating and- maintaining ani infanitry division for oase year is$810,0. To equiip nndmýlmainitain ai Canadiare 'anino)redl division jr. the ýfiel for one in 1918 to comlpare wji the m-ode'ri armoured diiio.'But the cost of maintaining the xvlhole Gana- dlian corps in France ir. the f ull fiscal year 1916-17 was -1300,t0or $12 000,000 less than nmaintainîng an armoured division, One arm-oureti dirvision. develoips 394,23~7 hmepwoeýr, as muchb'as the electrical power used in the eity of Toronto. Over l-$20J0 mas 'aken l i ilvere collection'et the LI.O.E. installatioýn eat the tIown hail on Wedmesday evein- ing. This amnount will jbe-usétil foir the Oddfedllows iRelief lfual. dier, Ned Ballentyne, JIa; Ciscs 2, 18 and undier, Doreen Seeney, Ida Class Sý, open to non prize-winniers, ýJohn Heoýten, Idla; Tom MMns Ma:d a l Daws;on, B-ailieh_-oro; Gus, Anstey, Bailieborno; Nermuan Mars- Fdn oseneeth. Canadian Army Now Calling For Women Cooks inivitedti tefil-'lt Hitier with 0en- 0' ýltheiin favorite weap-jons-a goodim-ei. An urgeunt on bas geonot froni Vhs Deplartient cf National War Ser- vices for.300 cooks. Aipp)licants don't need to ýbe faaoy culinaery exper-ts or tiititians la order te qjualify. The imain requirement is ùhat they knomhseimlerecîpes fer hs "homsn-cookled" styvle cf fooed se dear to the ireart cf the airmen andi soldier boys. 9If thes volunteer is accepteti, shie mwiii be issueti a smarut uniform ani enhisitet inlatheCaiiadiai Wco-nen's Auxiliary Air Force or bhs Canatilan Women's Arniy Corps. Thre nesti is a -vital oe anti autb-- wiU b e1 orities have promiseti tiere milhi be ne Net ciii delay jr. bandling applications. Suc- Canada' cessfi appicants -%wilI be ýcù,tifled at b)y prepa octeeport for medical xain- ie miii tion. Rate cf pay is niasety ýcents a serviceh dýay, with nifrmdclsrie and clboard sphei Applcatons re vailhleat al R.C..F. ecrutingceatesatl ii tary distî'ict le iuresanti at tire offices of Nati oaal MWa r Serviýes divisior.al rgaasthnougliout Can- ada. Successful odtes for tlirs Canadian Wnrmen's ;Auxiiary Ai Force miii be sent for tirres meeks cf training at ilavergal College, fol- 1omsd by a spoecial si-x meekscoka coursle at Guelphi. Tbey mill firenr he pestedti teR.CA.F. etations. -Chances for promotion la the cook- in-g brancir will be as gooti as, Jhi any otlrer ýtraie cf the service auxiliaries. tg ge-Oocifo o be rele ind a guxi

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