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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Oct 1941, p. 2

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BY ROBERTA LME ape),rsonfor the second tîime and beor she doesn't seeý,m tareem ber the initrodctioný, what sol you say? 2. Watphrase shud e tised if one doea not wish to uase 3. Is it corre~ct ta sqrve a ,edding "breakýfast" if thecere eioniy takes place attheo'oc Jla the afternloon? 4. L-,it, bad f orm ta-)appl"ýaud ioudly in a theatre? 1. Where should the candies beplaced on.- the buffet sucpper bl? p Should a hnsesaways Wxend her hand ta at man, whan being introduced ta hinm? Answerg 1. Don)'t pmharrass the pr son by sayingWhy, 1 met you nt sucb and suCh a place" Mmre- ly say, e"Uow (do you do?"Nr Phould yau feel hurt or sligbtedq and accuse the persan of being a snob. Jt niight juatbe forget- fuiness, somiethiing- of whieb i7n are ail gulity at one tim-e ,or an- other. 2. If one prefers ta s English warods, write "4Thfa,ýfvor nf a, reply is requested," .3. Yes; if the ceremiony takres pL&ce beý- fore four o'clocki the refresJh- nments are spoken of as as wd dingbrafs. This is aýn LEng- lishi term u lsed for aniydatm wveddîng feast. 4. Yes. Ap- rlause that is protracted or tooý lýoud is in ver-y kad taste. n if you happen to be the only a-ne aapplauding, it is timie ta, stoip. 5 This depends upon w,,hethersigl candest cor candelabra are se.An attractive decoration l-a ta place a Single candflestick At eaCh of the four cornlers ai the tueatlepi'ce of flowers. 6). Yes; It shows friendliness adcordi- aiity. .Air Training Plan WiIl Be Doubled Air Miister Power dscloi reetythat the Br:itiahý Com-, nionwealtb Air Training Plan il ýb? extended until the nuibr f *chýoQis anti airdIrom-eýs ardy ý_Ie said tbiat: I ,An 1 exclUsivel!y F 1,e.nc- Canadiani squadron will bu, esta'b- Ilaheti overseas under aFrnc- Canadin leader as soon a enougb Frencb-s-peaking pe-rson- nel are obtained. 2. Aviation o ffera young muai an "'almroat unlimiteti fieldti of ac- ivt"ant iafter the war aviatio'n Ja ;Ur couni-tr'y." 3. Quebec will bu altiuo ta play a"bgy important part" in norganizatiba of airtrnpt 0f the future; already the fprov- ineis the terminal o! tranms-At- 4. Thé fe-w unfiniishetiahol prvosyplanned for the airý traiýning plan will bueneiwitb,- la thF"e net three wecIks, Beaten By SiegE',L One o! the last pochkets of Ual'- t a)n resiatancu la Eat>çAfrMicýaba b-cen elibinated by the urne o)f the 4,000-:man Fascist force 'at tobeit, n the mo0unilta inIou-is 1G4ntiar rgino! Ethiopia., The IaiasackanowletIged ithatï, hfis for-ce, under siege for16 aslaid down ita arma fe running out o! food antisppis This sur-render, the War Ofc la- Englanti saiti, left onfly betweenl 7'00and 10,000 Italian antid na- tive troops resisting in the Gn U.S. War Relief $80,000,000 ta 'war relief orýganIz- ions siace thý, beginngýo! the w a, Valetine E.AMacy, a! thuI,ý atialInformation Bureaui,ru portetlreetl.Glfts ila kinti ait- àunte1ti i$10000 ttiin r.»iklng a total a! $91,000,000 for, chrtbeorganlisations par. ýtcpaeci In taising this total. aiespecies af spiders bv twa sets of evezs, for dny at QUITS IN RUSSIA? istanh"uietins say Rumanian Premier General Antonescu bas dared ta wasb his hands of the RussÀ-iancampaign, relinquish prim,,e ministry, name bimself dfspminister. BY ANNE ASHLEY Q Ho canI soften and dean .A p amixture one patvinegar 'ta twa ýparts liaseed Q.Hwcan I bleacb white A.Try t h*s idea. S,-ve alyouir eg hlsfor a we-ek, aindl on washiday put them 1ntû a sait bag and, plaèe in the biler with theý, white clothes, The lime containied inth isells acts as a splendid bacand the clothes will be Q. Hw c 1 Iresýore pearl buttonsita their rignalbrigbt- A. Frtm hebtoswith a ittle oliail a akuway the blurd apearnce.T-heýn sprir'kle witb hamosskin. Q.Hwca-n I1 eanbaking A, she l' and pansri sod bs been add-ed, Use onue taisoniofseoda foracb hquart of waerrquired,-0 taf11te r ticle. Q. HJow caIpl h r eads A. Before atmtn apl the treadsfromlinen,ru a dam coth along teUne wer th e iad îs ta bepuPled, I il pullot muchmreesiywhi the cloth ' dampu, To, Be HeId At, igr.n The.Lake von OctoJber 18 -& 19 Ownýers of gun dogs hosWý fedpromise ,v'lJPhave Cjanopr tu "eytaget anideednap anucFî i ýeld Tial athea tarî' irdDogAsqsociatioýn ta pe h1eld at igr-n-h aeonl Saudyand SnayIcobrltii nd 1)th. Nvie lasses are sche-duled ta5 uru n LSaturda 'niig fo"r eters aadPontr am fie fr SpanuIýS, Ilu past yasthese nvc rashv broulitontsome excellent"dr blorse"prores S A FES tramPIREantiTiIIVES.We havee sze ati ype e Sfe o us, or Twrite for pI)Ve, etc tof Esthlist&d 81 1 Lydia E, Plnlham's Vr-getablýe Copipouauïd no' only helpa elev inonUhly pain Ibut aise weaknev oua feelins-dIue 'toD maatlly fne- reitnce agiat diatres-, -f "dian- trials fo)r Setters andiPontrsla clude a Shootiagr Do,- Stake, a Nov- ice Stakec andi an Open Derb,ýy, andi for sparties a puppy stake for puppies undler two years, a Nvc Stake ant ij Open Ail Age Stake.ý Setters anti Pointers wu! conm tend on Octobei T9th, in an O)peu Alil Age Stake andtilater ita theOn tarJ ia hapiomsbip Stakýe, unestrict etOt Ont1aio-ownutiduga Thu oûpun taeswill, nsusui havemetis cfrnm te unite Staua, Enliy ferma mnay be otie from Gog .BaWosok Ont., secretary of thue soiain It J i hpeti, M Ë oag astt ownelrs of ua!tric.d dogs wiill !bu wuli-1 represuetiin the nvc vns The novice trlials are î'estricted teý novice dogs anti novice hantler ati it istes trials wîeh !,pro. mate the wrko! theasoitn ftin ngi1ntercat in gun tieýgs ant i r I(.tri'noing for i' l ok Heatquarersfor' the trils w ,ir- be at the Prince of Wales otl Niaaraea-he-akeanti roada sur- roîînding the twnwil bu arke ta unabie spcttersta locate the tril,. cour.ýss ith ease. Chali 0f Airp-t lin TheNrhln ýThe "INorthw-%estPasg By Ar a ,vg hich il travel miitary anicivilian aicr f !ail ise-s, speeti and powur, lhas beenmai available by the Doinion avr men nt aa seasoh o! hart i îk A fylgjourney af moet Ihan %,060 miles 'ln British Clumbia, the Yukon anti Aiberta sbowed that the chain )of airports built ila the northiand to Alaska now la-, ad for use, althouigl netcmptti Radio range stations Ilave b)een installet inat met of the fiejldaat A Mil bu so equippeti this yuar. Airmien ili buable te travul intaý the Par Northi assisteti by uvie as -orapietu as those on lang-estabý. lishietiair linles. el-ontnt' runilways are alreCady ýbeingluseuib lar1ge machines, bothl Canadian ni ý Amunian, The fielts wUre huimtbyte Transport Departmunt untierar- rangemient with NationalDfuc Departments mwhich hati consufiteti wvith Uniteti Statuauthoriie A rca arm-ena-ytavlt, laOuLe ta Al1,a uec np frue hromithe fMg whSchburm ha.mpere ,sflying a; tiling the cast._ A nioderatranportmaie ena leav-e Np'w Yo)ruanti fy [ta Whlte. blorse, Y, T-., (or. Firbaniks,Alka landfing Sonly on fluliwere run- ways are goti andi ef!Suffielunt' leagtb. latprsunt, te Gny icouvun- %ece the pilot fuels la thatjadio range stations are not ap i cni plutui. Coat a! the suvunfieltis at equipment n s stmtiat 5, 000p000 SHTORT O0-'S,;'E OM jiay viopulluts,1uc o sipmint ilton, Ont. ALI, TYP'ES 0OP SNSESSL thing stictly cofidenitial.Twn ty yasGxerece 1eb Tor-ionolpoiu atn. MOUJNT PESN OOSL! Toronto'., old,,tuatChyser lyni- outh du1alurs; threeloctins,63 Mt. Pleasant Red, 040 Venge St.,f1650 Dnot vne u lJsd ars mail, nyfiend', net ove uthity o hsuhoiidu- tic s. ModemÀ h1ilIlome, g0ootI woi ki n,- conlditionis, gooti wgus. Eei and twe atunos r uiýqiýc. VW-re etc.,htsaehipu niwl be returnudJ. Addresýs Mrs.Bils 177 St.Lueonards AeTrno ïto! Theatre Buildinig, Stý . Thomas: Ontanlro. Spocý,IDprtet o farmers collions WVITH -fEACR 11OLL110Fy FILM DE)[I- elptùr 10 reprÎints ail forie Photora pie Lboatrie, . FOR SALýFE inig Traýcter. Samei) guaranitee as n P.Internaitionll IFa r vkst éri J.11, ar~rie, Ontý HAIRDRJSSSINq SOU(>OL N Il A f Pl LI SiSING T 'I RocbcýrtLso n Methiotd. Ifraion on rieciust rega7rdinig fail ase no'w beg>innringý,Robertson's FMin dresing Actidemy. 1C7Av,, A Sotmnbuh two tickets fo3r a golden, ballot, in which he first and onliy p ýie ws afi- dmrw as dethe Seat wonth cal . His fiend rushd-tahis hboUSe taongaaehm Tbeéy Joiud hilm t a long faýceadviet 1Wy, at'sthe n-matte, r ? oc o1 the ar, "4&sthat seCOnd I vrbought it I can'tthn. esodher suus butter t a rcrin a nearb-"y town,- Onoxie ocsion thie grocr said, "Your butter was Uni- lewib a- week." -1N1w, faýncy tat'"Said -MrS, arne."Baby ïmislaid my veeig't Lthat day, so I uâed the pound of sugar you sold me, askd the pretty gil, tappâng th-e glass wiher finger. "4Yeýsdear," bu repiied. "And that's the clutch?" "Tbaýt's the clutchdrin, he said, jamiming on bisý brakesý ta avoid a fastý-approaching .florry, "Btwhat on earthl is this?" she inquired, at the sanme tiine givingp the accelerator a vigo-rouis pUsh ýwith her foot.... "Tbi%,dea" be said, in a soft, cesalvoice, "is Hae. And p,cng up a harp bue flewawy The Irishinan. was relatïng !is, adventures in the jun-gle. "Ammunion, food and whisky had rua eut," he suid, "aod we were parched witb thîrSt" "But wasn't there amy wator ?", "Sure, but ;t was ne turne te b hnkn fcleanli. ness. Agenagler took a frien ,oradys sport. The fried knew notb00ing of1 fishinig, but de- cidedta tryhis luck. -Aîter a long. Silene as I -as f thestem the novice sId say, h fow inucAh do those red things COat? MYOU men the lats? Oh, Y once you for one.smne's, sMc of merrie England, as can goas 110,cul tei.r hair and went batless sa that ther cifure mihtbu seenan ad axd. WAN-ED MPMED1ATELF1 O Cok-enra. ges1ags Pr_ýhle1collet. ulaidolph 410, o Write EC,1 L!,oxboroulgh Dri, stat, y ofui atieuwý l.famly et tor eople t h . p S'ESM1NK AISIN k, UCItA beatif l a, 1dTak, Iilk urs Que. SIBIJ1C1% cuigtgas anti bioating. M1,y onlly relif ias odaand that n11Y foi shr u.Theýn IekDr'. Mc LedsStobîl-acic. -Mlter threue bet- tics ,>,asfree firo.1 pain. I ep on, iiIprovnIg nidhIave now been ai1 l, forma >eu finigest,__Lion.DrI. StoreorwrIit1e Dr. AMcLeoda Stn R E 3. V EH hIJPRFLUUS AIR, MOLES N epreu.Anine Grahiam Logan, '.40 1 arlton Street, Sui te Two FILMS DEi,"VE-LOPE'D 25c WiIl 1E )e ry R@I tElt FiV F1 % SHl1 E i THE "SU',LFA"' FAMILV RAT- CUR ee inrats away from stored grin- with a "skcunkiy" smlell that inmakes tbem- afraid, is the fa accoi-i-pilised, by two cbemnists, Le-onard A. Ford of the Mne sota State Teachiers' College and Donald F. Cluaser of the Hub- bard illngCompanly, says Tbeý Toronta Telegrain. The two ochemists ,were eon- fronted with the problemn of keeping rats away fromi stored grain in s a cks. 'They knew ,that rats fear skunks and ferrets and will leave the premises thesep predýatary animais inhabit. 'Tbey knew also the cheical bssof the strang musky odor of these two aiinimals. It is a copudcalled n-butylmec- tan. Sa they tried it ont, first ant the food of caged wbite rats., The rats refused the food, bu- camie resticas and excitdW n even fougbt eacb other. Tbey wo'uld f-1L touch the food antil the odor bad disappeared. Thenl a search was md for a sbacewhich would boldtthe mti5,u-us -ehoked, m intant relief, Jaýrs nnd tube,, 30e. Ae -MEDAg ,.>r hematc ains or erii shoul try ixonsidemudy Sit oniiMnro DugTte ,m11 El- ginI Ottawa.,ý ' 2Ï LOt et Inventaions ai fi ifr ofton enttru. Te t.1asyCo Rr'isteei, Paen1Atoocs,27 ]lank (1tree, Ottaxva, Cand.1 SCRAP IROS' AND IBTAL WANTED mtIino ready uca. Hih pnfeus paj id Scnd jfor eurpneus Inutia mon& SteulCma1 TIMBlER WANTED STNIGROCK Hý LM FR' ALL aniWinter reqlireent. p.) Box 01,StaionF., Toronlto. play Safe! setîd Your Film s To Imperial prnt 5fo,2e bth1 wjli 'u urenen- a rg ument.1 Photographic Xmnas Carda aie foiYour o' wn eaivs Iattractive y~- liirtp wvith enteipieture 12 fur 4, fiat tye ith unribossettnaign J13 fer 89e. No rtiens for leas tfîer six,' Station J, Torento. ISSUE 42-'41 odor for theQ longest poss3ibleý tue. Bst ont of a cnieal lis prvedta be hoiiey,, whick rdaetied he scent p ta s ixe mion-tha, ellin exceýs )f the time sîîllyspenit in stnrage by graïin aadl commliercialfedtfs The only rats Witb nases su taugb that tbey were mlot conisist- enty repcelld by the n -utyl muercaptan were tose on -ýa city dJumip, TE eprmtrscne ture -,that these animnaIs had bc-. came 50 -oused ta Éothe ier-captans produced by the natuM ferinen'. tation of garbage that tbe syn- thetie scent had relatively litt.l effcton theni, Seil a ensiçaion cohbrln gaggrv£ n ADLEE~K effeeteiy blaeà carmin%- tie reforrlief of gas pains andi 3 laxativez fr ' ntie but qui ck bowel ato.Get AT YOUR 9DRUG STORE Ihelp teureachmaxiumin al Leetciproduction, sbimple taý une -iepesv.Ask yaývur agricuraeresenttiufor!j itrouboo3,ýkiet or write us3. Ordei au ozbtte wcopetewihsec li doprandi feedling nstuc tins, $1.. Horiont al' ý K, Oplevewi z>rators etool esgners Cmcanca e un Ï4, T s

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