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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Oct 1941, p. 5

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Aýpply aet thé ORONO TIMIES OF~FICE Orono - - Ontario In Orono It's "- fC Mac Smith's at your service Men's Windbreakers, each.,........, $2.98 Mlen's Heavy Blanket Cloth Windbreakers, 4An each ....-...... ............ 49 Boys, same quality., each.ý......$.9 Girls' Sport Hose, choice of colors, pair. . . 59C We have some Ileavy Service Weight Si1k Stockings but the supply is lîmited, so shop early for these. Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance NAgent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC. SMIVITH j PHONE6r2 - - OIRONO Kw%&D WHIIITE STiORES I Rivermead Pasteurized Cheese, 1-2 IL.pkg. Cooking Oniotns, 5 lbs. fine Meaty Prwies, 2 lbs. Snow Apples, 6 qt. basket Connors Herring, tin Shredded Wheat, cash and carry, 2 pkgs. Icing Sugar, 2 Ibs. Clothes Pins, 6 doz. Butterscoth, Vanilla or Chocolate Pudding, pkg. Sheriff's Fruit Puddings, tin Serviettes, count 80, 2 pkgs. 15c 21c 29c 25c 15c 23c 21c 19C 25c 25c 23c 17c 29c 24c 28c~ 15e lb. 25c 25c 25c 22e 17c, towi. See of ùm- c;tizenis depar d( whthir - uI14 seekinIg the wiiy par-tridge, while a niumbiler journey-ed to Oshmaafor a gwmeof golf. The ClegaeOrchestra ailI hold thieir r-egular weekly dance at New- casle omnunit~yHaill on Fia 0ugv,uOtober l7tli. These danes are heco)ming more popular every week anal mnany couples attend. Orono 1.0..F. Lodg-e, No. -136, hed their installation of officers in thle town hall on Wedneýsday eveingii- 1aet when a large number of visit- ýIg 'r-chren and friends turned eout to see the ievly elected officerts ini- stle.The evening was roug-ht to a close by a (lance. AJf ull i-Epout aili appear in next wekseditn of thIis FOR SALE Four piece Liviqgrocmu Suite, two Double and one Single Iron Beds,oe i-early new; 'Buckeye' Br-ooder Soe orne Dresser, aIse New Cook S-teve.ý Can be seen up to Saturday nigIit.-I Rowland S 0yhOono). ïo,-c Repairs R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR 'entre St. Orono 'hn 01 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH sg. Rev. S. LittlewooLd I ladies ,SUNDAY, OCTOBER l9th 11.00 as.4V m ellor will preach. 2.30 - Ennday' Sdlorol. 7.(JO: p.,-- Servwie withdrawa lufaveur of St. Se-viour's ýciurclh, on oceasion of the visît v II!i Local News Dick Mrto has accaepted a rosi- tien in Tor-onto. Miss EvelyuuHuea 's pr ateýd ýon for appendficitis in Bwin viPell hospîtal lastwek MmLi. R. iH. Brýowni spentThrs g-ivîng holiday with bis soni BillI'l' ýLfo1treal and Valleyfield. Our "Joe" aV.ishes tot)h1ýanl<hie many frienals aiffl neighbo)(uis for, tiinteresit shomia jr hav:ing a new 1oof put on hie bouse, also for dlean- ;ing and fixing the well. The Colleg-iane d(ance or chestr a will liold their regular -%weeIly itance- ut New%\castle hall on Fialaity evening-, e-vening, Octo(berl-7th. These daluces arFe b)ecoming- more popu-lar every wveek with larg-e cowsattenîrg. Mr. Robert S. Litt1le held a -rery aucsflfaiim sale on Wedunesdaiy -,ftemnoon last. The stock bmoùu ghtL gýood1 prices, as did the other- articles offered for sale. MrP. Little ailI moave into town iin the neai- future. Am-ong the ainrers in The Gold M11edal People Ltd., '"We'il figlit it out for the Province of Ontario which la a Warý Saviuig Certificate for, $10.004Ie aIse rýeceirvedl a g'ohd medal given loy the Coinlipa.ny. One day*ast wee-k Mrs. John-Pat- ton brougilit inito this office a linge cucumber which ineasured 34 inches in ciircumnference and 12 inches in diamineter, which weig-hed exactly 4 pounds 5 ounces, the same weight as thlat brougiht in liy W. B. Iloar. CpI. G. L. Carscadden, ;of the Cana- dian Engineers at Gibraltar, wishes to express his gmrateful thaniks to the Orono Red iCross fo- the sweater lie received in the parciel sent to hlmi by hie niother lu Orono. These gifts are greatly appreciated bly The boys overseas. Stan. Payne lad one light smaslied on his car andl the grill lu fr-ont of the radiator badly dented on- Sunday evening leýst when one of Mr. Hue. Bowen's eows rar into the car head- o)n. The driver of the car, upon see- ing the coave, stopped te lut tlihun pat, when oee lindied loy t7he briglit liglits, plung-ed into the car and aras knocked ýdown, but got up again and Ini Lighter Vein Mr. Os. Ceavan has made Up lis niind to dispose of hie Geusbak goat whîi e simported froni the Alps. It le handsomely markedl -with one seu-gee hemn. The tickets n'ihl be on Sale sliortly. Orono Tinshop First Class PLUMBING HEATING and TINSMJTHING And ail kinds of "Bill"' Riddelh end Os. Cowen are contemplatinag takinug in Roýseneath Fair Friday -next andl1-ay pick np a fen' pointers,'to pesa on ,to our su- eiety. Mr. Jack 'Cob)bledicýk and Miss Enid Cobbledilk, 'oionto, speut tie Thianksgiviýng vacation aith their parenits, Mr. and 3 Mm. Newton Oo(b- ,bledick. Numerons faiis sales are be-ing held in this vicinity at present, owing hnirmost cases to the inability, of farmers to secure sufficîent lielp on the farms. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rutherford, of ML,.acTier', Ms. Brian Chapman and Mrs. Garlleld Patte, of Toronto, visit- ed1 their aunt, Mrs. F. Cowan, one day last week. Mr. and Mmes. John Stenvenson, who have heen Occupying part O-f Mi. J. F. tLor-iman's home or, Oolb HI111I, have renteal Miss Edna Stutt's homie i the south aard. Mm. and Mmes. Wesley Rae and Shirley, D' London, Ont., Mr. anal LMNrs. EIlgi WigIht, oi Bownanville, were holiday visitors -with IMr. and NIre. J. E. Richards. Mr. JoAhn Gibson, Jr., who ýlioas been emiployed i O.W. Rolph's hardware store for the past ter or t-wehve years, lias accepted a postion in tihe box factory at New,ýcastle. Remeanher the dr-,Aw and dance i the town hall, Orono, on Friday, Nuveniber 14tli. Vahuable pizes %vil! be givený to the lucldj ticket holders. Pr-oceede f'or iniprovemient te, Lodge Hall. large number of poulie ýtPart of We-dnes(Day viewing the s at the (For'estr.y, andl staying for- a, rlnne-, served by t!le 's qild nien of St. Savie)urle' ,h. MmU. and Mme. Jamies Hgercson, 'Mml. and Mis. Jodai Turn-er, Mm. and Ms Gi(ddns Jones and Mr. O. W. Scott arje attendiig the International Plon'- lng Match at Peterboro this -week. M.and rs. Eqgleson and Mm'f. Sco0tt n'ill alîni'take lu Roseneath Faim on1 Friday. New, maeltm test equipanent en- ablos c'ne tO makn fast, depende.ble repairs te auy mke ef radio. Chas. R. Knox~, 42 r 2, Orc»n. tf. - ww-dwqý .LOCAL AND SOIA Mýr. Wm. Martint has b(een on the MisEthel RutJerford is -visiting jriends in Toronto. MNiss Leona Curtis is taking a position îin Peter'bor'oý ilvrs. Peel, oï Peterboro, is -ýisit- ing her sister, -Mrs. F. flunca. Miss Bella Watson is now living with (Mrs. W. H1arrison, Church St. Mr. and -Mrs. George M\,itchell, of Toronto, spent Suniday at Mrs. Geoi. BuItters. Mrr. and -Mrs. John ilison, où Kingston. spent Thankgivirg at îber moter', Ms.J. Dixon. 1 Pte. Bill Mirtin, Of Pe2terb'-oo spent the week-end wiilih Mr. and Mirs. Arthur iCurtis and family. MUac. Smith lias had the Friendly Store redecorated wýith a fresli coat Of paint, bolih in ]d outside,-. A few carioads from 0O'.ono at- tended St. George's Hlarvest Tak giving sýervice et Newcaste on Sun- day Just. Sergt. C. (F. and Ms Duncan, of Ottawa, spent 'Thankaýgiving week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and -Mrs. F. Duncan. M.Jim 'Middleton, who lias been employed at the Forestry Station, lias accepted a position at the box factory at Newcýastle. !Mr. W. H. Barrett and MUrs.Cae spenit Vhe Tthainkiving week-end vis iting fi-iends in Aurore and Stay- ner mid report e good tim)e. iMr. and IMrs. C. Dunlop, Perth, ont., and Mîssýes Evelyn Norris and Velnia Morgen spent the ýweek-end with Mrs. Percy rgn 6th Line. Mrs. Harold Allun and Ruth, of New-castle, and lr.s. W. J. Shaw, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving -With the Misses Laura and Isabelle AllUn. ARMSTRONG'%' IT PAYS- TO PAY CASI Specials for Thurs., Fri, Sat -Oct. l6th, l7th, 1is Phone 70 r land 21 r 1 Hamburg Steak lb. Clover Leaf Cohue Salmon large tin Pork Chops lb. FRESH SAUSAGE 2 LB. Devon Catsup Large bottle 19e. Large Turips eachi Cooking Apples 6 qt. basket 1f9c Porterlhouse Steak L'B. 30c., Side Pork 25c. Shaker Sait pkg. 9e. Ginger Snaps 2 lb. 25e SIRLOIN STE.AK L B. 27e. Large Prunes 7ec Monarch Flour 241hb. bag Mincemeat 2 lb. 25. Shoulder Pork lb. 24co ROUND Tea "Dry Lar Smî ~-Rea FERN BLODGEV'TT, CBUG jotteS.O.S.,- ihwa a et GIRL, SAVES VESSEL ed byý Britih nav1-,al veSsds Vie sglset rm aNo vweg Ian The fregL0iter bear~ lety o- (f scars, freihterby Fru Bodg"t, (, i ing om nanrow escape1s fr'mNaizi air- gir wieles oeraor,~piyeda icaft. Wh ile shle 1loadîd inia B;irtiali part in svhgth-e span.dcac pot a bomllb dr'opped a fwfetfri aifter it was attaclked hby a U -duat te ten bdl d uggtu ra niid4ocean, of the shlip. She as atced p s "The submarine c-ame, to thesr isfactoily. face aboý,,ut 300 yar'ds away ft m tlirn Norwegjin shipping lsethie of-. and ad its sighIts tri ". n h ficial said, are decreaaasgse rapidly ship, ready Tto firatop oiîolethat the bs raltio is ams ei- hall", lie said. '"Miss Bogetsea ible. LEA'SE AND LEND -%1rREEM ENT SIGNED IN ,ONDON The f otrml agrieem-enit.,vh Grenvt Britain leases for 99 'y'ears Atlantit hases to the Unitedi States'of Amýneion, wnas sig-ned in Lonidon. The sigiiator-ies for Britain aver-eMr Winston Chuveohill, Lord Cr'an- boumLiTe (Secretary of State for Dora talnon Affairs) and TLord Moye iSe- retary of State for Colonies). In tlis picture, Mr. Churchill is seen signng the ag-reteietwith Me. Winant, the Amerien Amba,-ssadlor on hisilit and C2nadian HiIgh <oi ,nmsEioner M11assey on his left. mlli

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