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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Oct 1941, p. 8

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ORONO WEEMKLY TLMýEz e m-ioco' c Patte'son wce Pat~crson. ê~i îeli \vas hom the -c eeic-usd, nny Saott withMi rson on Sunclay. ynlt~cn, of Li t fo: ~he holiday. rinson motorenl t h for Thanksgiv- Mus. Stoici~ anti ~way for the week- Ilazel Hloy -was with hen paýr-1 r. and Mm. Jas. Boy, !forth nd. GîetGreig- is homne oun i ave ic omigfo e Neya bittie,, Alec, Donr, Ayl- C- anti Mis DrohyScott ywuee a~ ~ ~ ~~~~~f to'tý e-edj ato t. Mis. Stokr hasionhand a sp f ~ ~ ~ atocmaer fo thie PRed( 'nelit ard lie wuld ' rladý TheRet Cr~s i Li pt in a- ~~ea fo finds o crryon theirU n ori. Te carassrs a rrnged 011a n o nf'et wekPTis ýa ver wothywok so>try toLG, make yorrrcontrhurtim as arge spo- Sibte. The-Thianksgiving services of the 1Kendial United Gurc were held on Sunray mrga n d everinin-g -with the Rev. Gardiner of Canton in chage.lathe ,imio.rni ýg 'spe c ial1 lvsi as supplied by Kendal choir witlh Neil Stewart as organist and lr tihe eUnigbyTe junior cho)ir of Nýewcavstle. A go part of the sumn asked for was reuvived. The W.V. Lhèd llteir imeeting ion, Wednilesday afateruocon with Mrs R Mec-,er pnesi--din-ýg. Tite coU cal w '~a hl'l-omnghbi. ie topi. gýIven by Mis KIatie StewaýLrt, w. "Teeh." es.Berry- gave a rcadin. Owiln,'to Lthe buruing o.f thIe Nortl- enau Text -iles MUils at 'esyttc ol w\oollen-s !for. haketu illnot la senit untl, some futue date. TIi three gop are planing l-on resuri- ing thIeir quilting this week arco vtould weleemne the helpi of ail thc hiadies of thecofmuiy The nortli copi . chrg c -Ms. J. Eaitton, ani have miade two quilts. The Kn dal g-np inl charge of Me.s.Ston aud the soýuth iu char-e cof Kati'e ARoa Cainadian Air Force planje suff'ered damage te its udrcrig ,iu making a forcesi landing niear Go)- bourg recentiy. The men in charge- atm tedt land lu a filds of -wheat, but the machine struck a knoll and nh la'in ear 'was daniaged. Noue2 of the .crew w as hurt. 3e ust T 'R FROM THE WAR SAVUNGS COMMITTEE, OTTAWA are the most, e great sweep of space -m ocean to ocean. vast yield and immense forests, fields and mines. in our detuocratie insti- our freedom. ýed todlay as it e wod our un- is way of life defendedl ed-for our ownl future The respons.,e te every 'fetice blas been ma- g to the whole Empire grows threat t, t ki~ 1k' 1' 1' ê '-c '.5 t t Regu/ar Myhi/île'aàz nd w ageerï- WAR SAVINGS STAMPS -A lhendy instalraent plan. eyrell Savings Samp folders imiy be obtained front pos Offices, d his employer Bankes and man r etail outiets. 16 stamps wvill buy yfront his p'ay. ene $4 Certificate, worth $5 at imaturity. .business men RURAL SAVINGS PLAN-Fe'trmers i receipt of regular yroil. Simp-tly peyments front co-opervuives, creamieries, cheese give atote our fatories, etc., can eut horize deductions of any Vy deductions desired aîneunt regularly out of eacli cheque. Use the Rural Pledge Card. fIN YOUR COMMUN ITY Weapons Drive. You willI be asIked to put Ca~nada must provide more planesî, more lready buyintg War Savings Certifleates-. MuOl AREa M.aMl- lleNshittofTarot Miss . L,1siellaeofPckrig Me. a anMes. arIy bnc ian liganII accomipanied Pte. Chas. Ross to jArgylilabst weck. 1Mr. E'vrett Joues, of To)ronto, spent ha sgrg with his miother. Mrs. G. W. Joues. ýMr-. and -Mrs. Hýi.rryStn Sr. and Ethel, Tororito, spent Thanksgiving with is1is Jennie Tho'mpson. IMr-S. Norman Scott u-nderwen't anl operation suc cessýfuJ 1,y î inToronto and is conal-,escing at Mrs. Wmi. Milii- gan' 5. Rev. J. Mcbachian IhaFd age thie ThaIikrîviag erice, ot jroriig1-and eeîn tCanton on Mr-s. J. Pollar-d, of Newcaýistle, and Mv. Aldea Pollid, of Hami l-u, we 1 Tha'kgivngvisitors ai, Mr. Wm. MiliÏian 'S. Miss GwenGilimerwavýs witlhle v, eek.-Miss A vreyBuicy spenti Mis Aima Fise,, of Sarv.and Miss Adeline Wilkinson, of' Port! P-rr, splntlie we-edwith Rc(-v. andi M . J.Mcabchan. Pte. Chas. Ross, of Mointre-al, was at Mr. Wmn.[Miliîgan'~s for, the week- end on last le-açve. He reports ln Ot- tawa Wednesdlay for final ordera. M.anci Mrs. Bert Caldwell, of Tor-onto, visited at M.Goiige 'J. Stýapleton's iast w ýeek. Mrs. Ti-ios. Stapieton returned with them for a f or-tnight 'visit. M-Us. J. Wade and Jack and cousin, Ms.Walterýi G. Calverêt, of Lindsay, enjoyed a trip Last -weelr to 0ttawa avns Montreai. Jackc, who is emipioyed oni the R. S.MLagl estate, of Oshawa, was on Iia. ee'sholidays. Tlherýe Pwas Ino seitviec in the United chunclh-iionSnday ut a vweek ago the o-ie communion serivice wvs coh erved mnd there was theý lai- ges atendncethat anyone ean re- cali at any ConImumion sertvice la that r.and Mrs. Frank Harris, Rlich,- p nd1 11 isitedle oleMs Wm)-. Jaynies on Suniday and calLed on iMs. Wd'e.Mrs. ilrîs is enjoy- iing good healý_,th 'we are pleasesi to re- port. Mu\ýs Ade Jaynes, Tweed, was Ihome ais,-. Misses Beraiýee MIilligani and Shir- ley Payne recei'îved1 a severe shalking Up) andi Sirle WAS haly eut about the face when their car- was struck, by anaùtlier car, kaocked into the east of Newcastle. They were driv- in,- the mnail to) Newcastle station -when the accident ocenrred oeecdayl last weekl. 'The Preshyterian Annuai Thanks- giving serviceLs were held on Sunday. Rer. G. Rowlanid, of Port Hope, was the speaker in the afternoon, and Rev. W. G, Blake in the evening,. Especiaily fine asidresses were given at bot'h service;s andi the Osh;lorne Qiatrette, of B(owvinaniville,, renderesi two selections in the afternooa an'd three i l iheveening. STAR KVILLE Mr.- and Mrs. Geo. Sith spent Saturday in Oshaý-Wa. MeL. J. Conneil, of MîIihonk, withr isdauighter, . Lorne Todd. Me ad rs. JhIm Stark and fmi-ily with this imother, lMrs. 1. -Stanic. Mr.- and Mrs. Ross Hailowell, with Tyrefls rug Store> DRUGS STfATIoNEýRY KODAKS PHONE 63, ORGNO GieftsFoR Men In Service Postal re-gulationesreue that Christimas gifts for ovesea deCvr'ybe aied not later than Novem- ber lOth. Do you-r Ch-ristmas shopping early to be sure of deliveýry befoýrefe last day. Ilere are some timiely suggestio;ns in gifts that are sure t,, be appre- ciated.- Geninie Leather Bill1folds. each .,........... ............SO $.0 2.00 CX. ,S. F. Leather WVriting Kits, complete, each ......... ...... $1.40 R...F riting Kits, paper stock ..... ...25c. Leather ........S.00 Leather Utility Shaving Kits, compilete, compact .................$1.00 RoIls Razors, world favorites............ ........ ............... $7.9.5 WIikison, lontg life razo7s (7 blades) _. .............. ......... -$7.5U Gilette one-piece Razor Set . ..... ................. ..... ...................$1.50 Gillette Blades, box of 50 .. ........ ...... .... ............$2,50 Miitry-PE N % S ET EjIgl[e Peu andi Pencil Sets, Leather Case ......... $.......ý1. 7-5 MWaterman SyWie Peu ai Peucil Sets, Lea.ther Case ,. $2.50 W'aterman Standard Military Pen andi Penicil Sets, Leather Case, Ireh AsoresiChocolate Bars, il the -favorite Brands, 6 bas2,)2c Wrigley's C e ingGum, alil flavors, 1 packs for ................... 15e rmius 'N Chuelieus Coclae,overseas package........6 (This pcaerequires 24c. te mail o'verse-as) CaInterbury Totlee, Ihiti pouind bbox .................... . ... .......25 (We will giadly wrap yvoun parels for oiverseas mailiug} -WORTH WAUTUNG FOR CANADA'S GREATEST IIRVU" SALE -THE REXALL ONE CENT SALE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY NOVE MVER,3th, 6th, 7th and 8th Watch for further particulars later You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Healthy 1Tulip Belbu Colors, Pink, Red, Yellow, Scarlet, Salmon, Pink, each .,......... .......... ........ ... 5c Brilliant Blue Covered RoWasters, eaeh....... $1.19 New Small Aluminumi Sauce Panis, ideal for war-mîing sm,-rall quant-ities, or boiling eggs, etc., each ..................... ...... 25è Menj's Heavy Feit Insoles, pair..- 8c. 2 pair-.. 15e Clim-ax Rubber-izedl Feit Weather Strip, 15 feet in pkg.......... ........... .......... 10e Mens ileel Protectors, saves wear on socks, pr 25c Men's Horsehide Gauntiet Gloves and on Finger, Mitts, pair .................. 79e. to pair 98c. Metal Change Purses, each....... ....... .. 25e Misses' popular Calots, in navy, red, brown, each 29e Just arrived, Preserved Ginger, ounce ........ 4, Aylmer Pork and Beans, 15 oz. tins, 4 for ..... 25e Royal York Tea Bags, 4 for .......... ....... 5 Dr. Ballard's Champion Cat Food, 16 oz. tins .. 10e llvory Soap, large size bar.......... ......... lie Prunes, fresh stock, good size, lb ........ .... 15e Pr-unes, fresh stock, medium size, 2 lbs, for.... 25e Shredded Cocoanut, med. shred, fresh stock, 1/ý lb for 1... . . ..0... . . .. .e.. . o Tender Leaf Tea, 7 ounce pkg.............. 39e Marvel Cooking Bran, .3 b. bag ........12e YOUR POPULAR SHOPPIN\G CENTRE ORONO 5c. TO $100 STORE Mlotor Equipmnent Private Ambulance Northicutt anid S,>ith Fanerai Direetors ansi Furniture Dealers KIN\DNESS COURTESY SERVICE j Equppesito take care of the modest funerai at the moust j reasoniable charge as weil as the largest and Most exaetiîig Telephine: Offie 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephione Colect Bowm-anvilie, ont. Miýjss Tyler, of Toronto, with Mr. andi Mus. S. G. Hlwe. lMis. Fox, af Toronto, Miss lMtada- line Fox andi fils. Roy Chestnut, of Pout Hope, with Mrs, 'G. Si1mer. Mr. and M. W. lMcKay, of New- tonlville, Mi-S. G;rdou, e f Centreville, with Mr. ansi Mus. Wm. 'Halioweli. Chui-cih service ai Shîlo-h on Suni- [day was caneiesi owiug Vo Kendal andi Ne-wton'ville anniversary services. Miss Gwen GLîmer rstuned to le dutios at Clarke Central after a very pleasant holiday u, t lier homiehere. M\,iss Lauueynie Starpkai-dfned of' Hanover. _Ur. ansi ýM' s. 'Carlos ýTamî- Mrslr don Pba-eofwer and f-Mi.y, Clau-ke Union, with Mus. Ida Stark. ,Ais. S. G., Hailowiell andi Miss NormiafHalewell entertaiines the nibeus ->f the Sileh W. A. on Wednesday liast. Thie Nevemnbe-r iieetiig-s wlll be helM ait the homre of Mi-S.. as sel Saivery. suit ag ,n ýof Lindsay for -a fracturesi ieg jury was 'suffenosi alie slipped cn azi waI-Ikinkl rni owR The help of every Canadian is needed for Vieîory. In these days of war the thoughtless, Selfish spender is a traitor Io our war effort. A reduction in personal spending is now a vital necessity -Io relieve the pressure for goods, to enable more and more labour and mater- iais to be divtirted to winning the war. The al-ont effort, whieh Canada must make, demands ibis seif-denial of each of us. Invest in War Savings Certificates the dollars you don't need te spend. After Vietery, they cone back te youj -ifh interest. Spend less NOW se thai yyen can spend more THEN, whenci labour and materials wili be available for the things yen n1eed. There is no price 100 higli for freedom. a Rom

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