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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1941, p. 1

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), ONT., -Vol. 5, No.' Ul1SDA-'Y, OCT. 3th, 1941. subseription, $1. ring Your Donations For R ed Cross Bazaar JDec. Eîght Teams From Durham Cou nty Compete Ini Boys' Club Meet At Guelph - Durharn Boys Make Good Showing But Fail to Win Any Firsts Tlie inter-Counity Club Comp n1et- tions wer-e held at Guelpr ou11Fn- day, Otober 244hti. One hnrdandi fifty-threýe teams wthvto boys to a team t0cok part, Copetitions were lreld in grain, potatoes, swinle, beef caittlie, dalry cattie, hurses and poul- try. Diurham iiiiCouitiy was representec ýLy eight teanis, and aluliou,'l th( bysar-e ta ha congýratulatdonte ýxeent showing they made, Dui Liani is without a firt prize winne ~for thre firast year since193 Thre Province o&f Ontario will b( ,preseiited in the Doininion Contpe titon on Noceiber &-cl, at Toront( ,ývith thre daiy, swine, grain and pc ±ato club 'wLfners. The two hiehircointy ýteanis anx the standing f t>urham G ounty ii ,each club are folows : Dairy Oattle Club, 38 teais- Ist Peel, ;E. A. Lunes, coachb, Agricultur el representative; 2 ird, Middlesex 5tih, Durhany ,team mnbers. Rarve, W. I. MEETING O ono Women's Institute me-it on Fridlay aïberuoon last and spent most of thre afternoon in quilthrg. At the close of the meeting- lunch was ser- Mrs. Riarold Allen,Scrt rrad the following report, shoin,\-ig what quan11tity Of jam and ho.uey w'a s do- nated to the Red &oi-ss Sceyfvom)n "the different branches of the WXo- 1men's Institustes iii We'st Durham, 'trCh s as follows : orono-................... am2 24 lbs. Roney 96 ]ibs. Tyrone ................. Jam 288 lb s. N ewtonville . ......... Jam L1441 lb s. lHorey 96 lIbs. Rampton ........ Jam 192 Ibis. fNestleton,............ Jam 192lIbs. BlÎaCýs'tOck ...........Illney 144 Ib-s. Solina .................Jani432 lira. BowmanvýIlle ........ Jamr 576 lb s. Honey 112 lb s. Gombiued total 2496 ibs, Jain, 2048 lbs; Honey, 448 Ibs. SApplication For Licenses tPouring In At Ottawa nada, s for Poytato Clill dlesex, R. K. D urhira, Mur MUaicolmn, Tar Foal Club, 4.E. Wlitel, ý-entative; 211 Harold Hepir Claire Kelloî- Beef 'Caîf( Ouitario, Fre( qrepreseiiativ( Duriram,FPa ncGrant F Poultry, 3 E. F. Nef, tive; 21d' Gr, Adding-toni. Tire tearns inices will ire York for tir, uNvmberl far-ms and t progri.11nie Niagara Pall 11o doul, irt tarie wiiî gi ~willbire cor this week. Tire is as )ersenu Leinnýox anc b)er L)1. 1941. se under tire useý, ail mnanu- n foodi, feeds, clorth, clotir fatemeiit is itolay bythe vvar- mne Price anadoTrade BoairdL. M re tirea300,00 liUn se aplinca- on form1-s are being distributedi te )ersýoas and firmns affected by tire 1- cens ing ordar tirrougir tire co-opera- ion cf tire thirteen thousand Cana- Han pont ofies andt hir mal ca- -iars, municipal and rural 1hrei o license fee. Altirougir tirese aprpýlic"ltion-ifonis xl1y want în',to tire mail on tire week- ,nd, severai h1undred ware iraok in1to ýhe Board'ls icensîng ivisioni Monday fternoon. "Ljt woutd appear tilat business- eau generally are eomplying MAI1i hac Boards request to get leenses )al.omlptly,l comn-itedi Director of icx IngC. R. MoIrphy. "Iiatire leadlue for securing a cua is )ecembar lsM it would ire ise for icensees to aily as quliclIY as Poýs- ible as ne ,uuflicenased person whro is xamned lu tire ordar, eau buy foýr rsal1e, iraudie or scl au1y of tire Est- cd go(ds after th-at date. Anuewfiro doesn]'t r~ev a hi- mail, anrd whoi is sub)jeet to tire or- 1e(r, sirold akfor. au ,pp1icatiîo1 at ruisuars post office," Mn'I. Morphily Ae For !Gwa-xy BIRTIAY HONOUR FOR BRITAINS FHOMIE GIJARD Ris -Majesty - the King zinspe-cted Honre Guards from the tst lCounty of London Battalonl who miounted g-uard at Pukuh aj aace to mark the firt irthdicay aiîverýsary of th,, Homie Guard. The King, in the uni- form of a Fieldi MaiaI sal seen inspeicting thie Home Guard at the Palace. Canada's War Effort A weekly review of devcelopmearti- on tire home front from October l,6th1 to October 23rd, 1941. 1. Primne M\iister announices Gov- cramn-enIt plans to conitrol Cost 0of liv- ing: Effective Nove*mber l7th, ceil- mng on al prices and basic av witrh compulsr'oy extensio)n froni No- vemnber I5th c o -f-lvigbonus to allwaeeres extraarng p'aymcnts' to pranirie farmers;fo aseufarmeurs, fiee rnpotto cf fued grain mnd other eed frIm 'lie West. 2. More tirousauids of Canai,1 l i ani rroups ý,land iu GreatBrtan.Coniti- getincluduldnme fCnda [aimoure'd uis olne rn Caniada and tire United. States for Polisir air force in Britain; detacir1- meut of Nathirriands trained in 'Can- I 3. Air Vice-varsal Harold Ed- wards, armme for personnel at R.C.A.F. haadqnairteras, appointad to comm1iand RýC-..F. opanations over- s;eas. Air 'Comm-odore L. F. Steven- son, ulow an oficer cormmîandîxg- R.C. A.F. ini Great Britain raturns to 'Can- ada as Officer Commuding, Wes - terni air eommnand, irealquarterèis, via- tomia, Britisir Columbia. Air Vice- Marfihal Edwards sucaeded as airi Three Non-Jury Actions QuickîyDisposed 0f The Coourg Eau Assizes of tire siupreme Court of OcnL ieiopenediii *Cdirurg'n Moday f last week ire1)-' fore tire ronourable Mn, Justice Ma- kins, i th tirree ciinllCharil]ge s, two m(mnlaghe an enaof thefýt, four jury atin Lat ireu non-jury actio)ns on tire d an duta gar.- rayv of legal talent pra'Lsenit to irandie tire diffeent csspraýs(nt. Iu tire divorUceatýLion of M\arslial v. MarAiali et aýl, 'Ciarle- Thoo a Marsaral su'ct for a1 divor-ce fromY Ethel Lucinda Marwsiraîl. Tire ivorce was gran'ted. No order nias miade iry Lire court asý to 'ira custody of tire two cilren. Tire second non-jury action -was thaet of Wilson, et a, v. Farus nn rv'iih tire plaintiff's clilr n for, M05t0 for board, lodging, cure andt niut-sr.of Ci'athrne Srnitli. ecas1d memiber for 'personnel by Group Cap- tain J. A. Sully, present Deýputy,Pe- sonel Division. 4. Govern-meu-t purchasýes Duifferýin Shi'bildngCo., Toronto. Plan is to ýonveit undertaking into une of langer shipb)uilding units in 'Canada. Ellarged underta.kiug-, iviicIl will bie ~wrÙl~cnctby Gvrimnwîll Ire known aýs Tooto Shipluildin. CDO., Desmo1-10ut ,rkDirator Gnr a'i, s'Ilipb uildlirg Badr Dprmn of Muitions antSupplyprs i du t of re Companly. 5.For-ty nurlise-s represeutative of ail pjarts o-f Canada sel2eted to mak!e uip scond groip of Canadian nri' aisers )b leave irfore end of year for service in mlitary hlospitals of So)uti Afr-ica. TotalI selected, 120. 6. Living ll'ane for raniks other than commlissioned offlicers la Canadian Army increased froim 85 cents to $1.0O a day. 7. Dis.abiity pensions authonizad for mierners ýof tire ýCanadian Wo mien's Armay Cbnps ando Carradian Wo- marn% Auxiliary Air Force. 8. Froni April 1st to Sept. 304ýh, 1941, Domninion war expanditura was $49ý8,519,624 as rompared witih $23>8,- 8022in first six nionths of pre- vious fiscal yvear. PUBLIC SPEAKINGCUNTEST Thle Public Speaking Cntestsp- soned by vtire luiiani Co. Trusteesý' anid Rtaes'Assciatiou wili ire beld ix Ononoý Town Hall on Fidaly, Noývembceî 7th, at 8 p.m. (D.S.T.). ag,,e tir.eeouig orators. WV. J. Rickard Mrs. J. R. Coopler Prue5i dent. Sec-Treas. Bownmanville o nmo 1 of tire lata Catherine Siiithr. daeceast speuit tire last year or of lier life at tire HoiIe for tire in Cobourg. After han deatir it ieaned tirait sire lef t an estai o0venF $221,000. Thre action was sc for $60>0 in favour of th ain The Tire thrd -non-jury action waso tire somn of damrages, w were apportiened et a flxad suil tire court. Canadian Westingirouse CiomPý asked fion damiagas resulting f roi maotor acucidlenit, nainely, $539 for t iiig ani re-pairs andi $150O for los Leader In Dairy Farminl Says "Many Milk Discu, Not Benefiting F, RICKARD--IIAY NUPTIALS In Trinity United Chuircir, Tovonto, which -was beautifully deoae rwithwit 'mums and ferai for tirel special occasion on Saturd'ay, coe 25th, when [Miss Chailotte DEliza'beth 'Hay, daug'hter of Mr. and Mrsý. Wil- liam G. Hay, Laurier Ave., Tro nto,' becamie the bride of Joi Franklin Richard, son of W .F. Rickard, M.P, of Newcastle, Ont. Lieut.-'Col. the Rev. George O. Fallis ýofficiated. The lbride, given lunmaïrniage by. i I her fatirer, -wr'.e a eowil of ivorY sani Ibrocade, madieon Princess lin'es. Rer fa"" fgrtp veil was caugh'it to a halo- nimail style lreaddress andi she car'ied a ~ cascade byoi(uut of roses. Thirmaid in of ironor, Miss Jean Rickard, was i facip coral crepe with mratciig halo and Ccf[ mnuif. A shlower of roses adorned wl] the muif. Thre bride's sisters, 'Misses the Dorothy and 'Madeleine Hay, were tion dressed alike lna black cherry with nlo t mnatching halos 'and mufs. Their 41 flowers were rosas in a-ýhower style. har( lYlus. Jennie Goodmian Bondir was at fo the origan, and Mrs. Inez sang "Love's any neau Howard Wright, King.ston, was its g-roomisman, and tire guoes were c oui usirered by BiHll ay and Charles lheaf IRog-g, Toronto; Doug-las Wiglhnt, 'Tof ûli Bonwanville, and Johin Ewrs of ,an( Kiirgston. pi At a rcp in i"ire Gr ige" n tire bride's mother reciewaigral French mbue crepe with craeof add ro0sesý. Also rciigwas Mrs. F. Rickarild in piairlce with br)ïoNwn dCon ccsrisand corsage ofrloses. Mr ao Tire bnidal couple will liveý in New- uli castIe ,after- a weddiarg tnjp. stol Germany seema Vto have anie-fo b-arustible suppiy of1nmen loy tire way live tlhat cou'try is using tiheni on thre aun Russian front. 1sti'L Celebrates 99th Birthday iu Peter Adidison Mabee, 'Haillowcl sa twspon Thursdlay, Octorber 23rd, o l 'celebrated bis. 99th bi-irthda.li.v e an- lo joys good healtir. Ris wif e died hiti Februaî,y,4, aged 95 yea s, an d until htfat timie hey were Caxadaqý>'s d dongest marnied 'couple, ho.v g n (1 MISS7 Fariner Pays Good8a and Sq Goods at "Ail over tire are bednlg leid on tl ony wanad meari duneu the c>f coin ix r for the 1 dairy farmer gioes lagey isused *creaed pice toýip ctt fNrwicho Se ontio oniýh LYLE PA Miss Anale Lyle, passed away la Bowni ti on Qtdoher 1l9th \ý heen coufinadTfor, t1irre Lyle lied liverd pucti 1fo e lu BwmanivillIe wi tion of a shiort penion! John Lye, ' IrrH1-ee sist( Bowmianvilie cenmateiry. mnade Governmient U Needsj 1-e canipaigu for tire vil- o :is stilliluprýog-rass, al- a a w of tire people ln have seaingily f orgot- longer tire var las tant this mattar ire ranent la insisrtîntg ranIivas bha made an'd

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