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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1941, p. 2

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IRD?1I Jones and- il know, i's a very odd bits are always riren hie goes for a got tire idea of tying hind ta pick -uptire lropp)edl." una, anyway." ;in the end Joues If riding on the mt-a- "Yes," aid the. great man, 'x woke up one rmorning ind found myseif mus' "It was sliglhtîy different witL me" sîghed thé. other.ý '4; feund myseif famiot-4 and then 1 woke Dp." Gener:al: "Confound it sir; why a'tyou bo more careful?"' Selectee: "What ha-je I doue, Generel: "Instead o! addreýs. Mn tins 1etter ta the, Intelligenceý Cfficer, you have addressed A ta thle Intelligent Officeri, you shouldkowtiret there is no oucir persan lathearmiy." 'And what la a SyDncym, Wllie?" asked tii. teacher, "9- Synonymu," Said Wifie, "is a word that you utse wlie you can't spel the othier A fin callcd u-p a guest at aj hotel, knocked, and asked hiM to open 'tLe door. "Caýn't; or' oce 1"ti ocewit iin anniounice(d. WeJIl nlock it!"ý "Ca't; have ncu kePy", "4Great Scott, mn Wliat will yau d if tirere's a fire-?" .Mther: "BiIly, why are4 you mkin your little broth- er cry?", BiIly: 'ai not. ~esdug a Lhoi. and e', crying b.- rausýe Le can't Lring it into tii. haàe" It was bedtime, and IMrs. o, was ovniookng t elleing toIlet (f b ler mailsoni. %lo t yoii9r ïhaud! 1 t's Il ,cratcired and leeding. How did that hpe? i"Well, you see, maother, tirose ýer-e afli hapteth Jimy Jolinson used ta av. '41 Want leo buy a petti- dreDsra nd period costumes on tetrdf loor.", S BY ANNE ASHLEY Q.,owaLn Iwater-proof My Sýh 0es? A.I sa . a splan ta keep a contotabe air o! shoes on hand thatrewterpooffor, aut-doorý ïTsec- Apply a dreassinig made by melting tog-,ether two parts o! bons- wax tic onie part of umutton fat, Apply at nlighit, aid remove thre nqxtmonn by wiplng wth a piece faiflnel. Q.UwcI n a soled feit qowt? A. 11u,0)it ver,!y iglirtly wth a fine grade, o! sandpaper, rnlbtung witlirbtirap. Thon mub avernwitir a miture. o!sait, coramieel,ad gaisoline- anti allaw ta stand la tire Q. HIr wca i gprevenit icing Lfram hardaig if I amn inerrtttetiby tire dooerbeli or telephone Mirlle icig a eale? A. Pacea tampClatirovatire balcontaînîng tie fastng Q.Wrat are somie o!.tire values ~fvarions vegete-bies? A.tLetuc s18goati for, tire ere.Bots ýýantitdniscontain don. Tomatoes are good for tire liver and stimulate it. Ceery Ms the Uc cucple- gooti for tire kldn n 1 menti a loose 3are ýxioci D aeys, uin- Lei 0 Thouscsinds ofMchisf Wantedl This New ENC YCLOiPEDIA 0F MACHINE SHOP PRACTICE helpi you, get startred for ci big pay job! ONL rill io $75 luainýst eayo- ïnderýtandJ.text exac:l is per!ormied. A reaàdir-' courisefo menu echancs. dited by George W\. Barnw e l, Prof of Prducýt'on PraCtice, Stevenýis Institute of Te-ch- nology, assisted by a score of prace,- tical experts, 570 Pages Cav0er. Every Prelens Thýat Ceftrants Even thke Ex1pe rt Machliist complete chapJters devt'ad oevery typa 0fr Benli work;types of imatai Us ed by la c hinists; Tre and Auitoma1tic Laa1eýs; Screw-Ctting; laper TrigKulig 4iling andi Griding. AsoJige anmd Fix- of matais; Waiing and Soldering; GuIngl dT tn.Spca hap- ter on . Raingl M a chlinle Biue PraS. Dozens of h ort-cut mte matia1table S.C aaa neads ma- 1cin1iss!4,000,000 additoinalta-1 ed 'raltsan ,wated by dae'nse indutris ti s yar! 1-1elp vyo Ur countriy 1A boost youir earnings. Star tu1o ea1r 00W. An amazing bar- sainforonly) $2,0. Odaer )yoUr cop'y etone C. COLE& COMPA7NY, LTD. TUE BOOK EXCIIANGE 370Blor St. W. Toranto, Ot Passadme .. ois0f the 1HP RACTICE, et 32.500 ýaach, QIen1close paymnent. Q SenS for our, FREE 0-ag - 1 ,1Catalgir oftechylicalan ineciIaniical bookafor, trade(s- meneaand engieers, Cruelly Deceived Mrs. Sopie Brtitt 73 a roiHenry BarthiottL, 8C, Sire, cirargeti drueity anti also tslid '11c)deceivetüi me e fore wwe irre inarrIedl. He told me -,ire was onily 80 years aid1." Modrn BY ROBERTA LEE i. Should word esntt h hotel to holcd the room tUha",a bee rserodit cone tiids heis arrve n he cay stie 1 i 2- Shboul-d the wman;r LtI inani prec'ede wo lacg i ni ng room ouf a hot? 3.should anaýï-ays uaýss-,t & wonma to enter Lor -levean, auto- 4, Is -l al rihL o e 'ect1fOM m ;t o the flO4,1sthe-,te pcC otc- tbacco that s2parate tesie frm he cigare-te 01o hecigarý? ment be provided for chidren while taeigwith 1them n 1 a train"? 6. Are place-cards ,ns u t thi* l' es. Bcautsehtesdno lldthe ro;om i. fyou are inot there, to daýimt it withili a ieaoai time atter you hlaves iyou ,wo -Id be tbhere. 9. The womian pecd -sLte man tollows. Nedier shî)u!dîUoget ire- "gud lgt"to thle waiter orf h--ead w.aiter. 3. Yes. 4. This is exý,ceedinigly bnd tast. Remove these particles from tire inoutL with1 the ithumb )and --tt inger and place thiem iin tireash tray,. It 15 best t- do as ifttie or this as possible. '. Yes. it jIs too miucli to ~p th1emn to remain quiet anthirset with-ouýt some knd o, amlusueent, so tk alongL somle gamle o ' toy. 6, No; the hostess ives iriec- tions as to thie seatlng, -uiless t~ guests Iare so mnany that pae cards must be, used. WHJAT SCIENCE 18 DOING?. SQUEAKING DIAMONDS Toucl a iamrond an aimos any penn witl a piece of dry ice and they scqueak-, Imita'tionsi do0n' t. So reports MAiss Miary D. Waller, of the London Schooi of Medicine for Womeni. The explanation i siple Whcni dry ice (lsolid carbon diox- ide) is heatcdC it tu-ms at oncp into a gas and skip,- the liquiti stage. Touch eaimetal plate with a point Of dry ice, and lient pse froin thecplate to the dry ice, wliereupon,-ý gas is formed. Tkire stream pushes a.way part of the plate in front of it, weepni stops and tLhe plate spring-s back., This liappenis ;about 1,000 to 4,- 000 timies a second, so that w. have higli-pitclied souid vibra- tions Toucli a picece of glass or somne ther nion-conductor in this way and, no10squea-ks are heard. Miss Waller- lias ieaýrnecd Ltir WANTE MIEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 45 TO TRAIN FOR RADIO MECHANICS Applicants nmust b rtsiubjc.ts,; nust have, âuccessfully cmpeedGade X, of ftheir secondary scoleduication and 10e prepared tio enlist in týhe R.C.A.ýF. at thie comipletion o ýf"their 2-4 weeks' course. Before enrolment a-pplicanrts aegiveni a miedical ex- aination bhy Officers iif'the R.CA,. The cour-se is free, -with tasotto costs paid to the trainin1g centre, and a subsistenuce 1 ýaloc given duriing fthc traiing ivperîod. As [the need is URGENT1, oNOW, in tis, VITAL .pha-se of the WAR EFFORT by vfillinig iniand miailing TO-DAY ithe coupon below to thiie Dominion-ProvinciW War Emergency Trainîng Programme. East Blockr, Parliâment Buildigs, Toronto, Ontario. -~~~~ 0 U p O N-m-- - RADIO MECHANICS COURSE Name..................Age.......... trick aof produacinig enntin uo us, vry hligh miusical notes fram ia mnonds and peanis. A verY liglit, steady ,ýtoticbi is demandeS ti o nike a gem sing, as o 1.5s asense of whvlen tlire vibrations arýe about ta begin. OCEAN YIELDS MAGNESýUN1 Recovery of mnetailie Magnes- :nm from seawater at Freeport, Te--., bythe Dow( CemcaiColo- panly of ilnMd. recently wnvs called Ltire otnigc'hemni- caleniernacieensie 190. Art the Fieeport Pilnt,soe 300,00,00 galo o! mnw ocean wtrare dnily procassed ta pro- duce c,100,000 pounds or! metal ajs well ps large quantities of bromin- fojnti-noc notor Magnesium alloýys(nwna Donetlare Ltic iightest structural mataiJs used in industry, being onaethrd igiter thin alumi- irtnm with cmarbestrength and toUgin1.1ess. Todny 100 per enrt of!MDows output goas inteo defence uses, pnrticulaynlylu<st- ings for nirpnes, caci of which on 1tiýc average will conitain 1- 000O pounds of t1ins remlarkable mataI. F FrstCh'aU-r(ch 0 Halds A Thanksqivung Ser- vice In Tarante A Tirsnksgiving, Da Y Ser'vie was ireitiby irst church uf Christ, Sciantist, Torontlo, int the church edifice, St. George Street and Loir- tirer Ave, at 10.30 o'clock Ontire morning of Thnkgiin ay. Tirh eie oplened witir the con-ý gregationi siniging tira byma, "This is tire day; tire Lord bailth imade." The Tnnksgiving P-roclamaUtionk b)y the Gvro-Gnrlo! Can- ada mas tiren read by Mr. John Canl.etoni, Iere irstRedr ire crptualsaIection wes; from Colossians anti was, reand by tme Firrt Reade. Hyma No. 1No, "1-a]mer.cy, in fgoodnes,'halw qireat is our ling" wa's then lSung by tire congregatin, Tire subject a! tire Lesson- Sermion was "iakgvn"andi lied for, tire da Text: "Offer un1t)odGoS tianitsgivlng; and pay thy vows unto tire Most Higir: anti ýca )II - i-le in tire day o! trouabie: 1 wOll delver tbee, andi thon siret gioniy me." (Psalms 50 : 11) After tire responsive m,.eeting of Pible Passages, Ms Jean Wiirt tire Second Renier, rend tir cia- tions ciroseni from tire Bible, wbiîl Mr, Caineton, tire Fir-st Reeder, readýtlire correalive ýpassages froin Sciencý,eandi Henîtir. Amionig tire citations froni Science anSd aiirws "'Gotiis ntttmo-v- et by tirýe breatfiro! praise tai do more tlîan lie iras already done, nor cen the inintedo imss thau bestoieal got since Hie is un- eirsngn1g wstmandi Love. _ GoS is loe.Cn r asIe Hini tas bo miore,? ..Sirail we pleat for mjoreý at tirýe open fou1nt wblicir is pouinhýg forthl more tiran we ac- cept r, A sl a suig by Mliss Eieeni Law, Tire cIosing hynm aws No. M7, "01ur GoS shall reiga where- e'er tlie suni iocs iris successiveý Tire meeting was condddwhI tie boeicin."ý Somie gresshoppers surround their eggs ini the fal irîitir an in- sulateci wall -of air bnbbles ta pro- t,(ect theus froni tire winîter cold, science Ha$s Hopes 0 f D e feaigM Sice -eId out Lope to) the housewife and others today of making woolien articl!es safefrn maths and -ieavy-liand.(ed iaund- resses, The Bureau of Standards ý and Textil Foundation of tire United States announced dstv ery of a ciermical trentmnent which shoýws promise of making wocil i'ess edibie for ml-otirs, less sensi- tive> to Alkalirne factors in soaip and less likçely to nhrink. Aggravating Gas Whsn 5t0!flch $58 8ê8Dns ta smaSher Yen. ud you eau hardly take a deep brezitb. tri LDLEBRA. ?IVE crlaivato varia sud( soothe 5th. gtomïch and expel Pmalla TUEE laxatives for geie, rik bewti metiou. At your Drug Store. AT YOUR DRU- STORE Woluea who sufer pain of Irregular perioels wth cranity nervpjUs-ess-- due to nronthiy Iùnctional disturb- ances-shouid find LdaEPint- u)m's Vegttsble ompournd Taliets (writh ac1ded nron, verl, efjective to relieve sucidlstress.PlnikhamisTlab- letsnmade ospeciallu fo-,womren help buin np isit nceaainst sncb. annoylng symptois. Foi1ow label directionsý. Made la Canada, t ISSUE 44-'41 *..CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS- WAITED AEctMAICMETLERFOR AUTO- ýmobile, truck' rctr bus and marne enins.Morecipoweýr! Stscarbo-n! 2%more mnileaga. Airmaýiî for v uick ifrain Agnt, rite for, tarritry, Dapt. 9, ox 63,Vencuvar. Canlada. EARN EXTRA MOGNEY SLL MAUýSTER KRA',J-FT CHR,'IST- mas Cards with ninei mprînltet, also Boxed Assor tmenits. LExclu- ivattractive carda of highest workïmnship s e_ 1i l themseiýý'- 1ve s whnshown to frianids. Up to Ï00i profit. Make sure - ýsali thahat. Epeiace uecassary. Wrte odeyfor i, til.Samlpias' onaproai1Mstr raft, '143 , ;herty Bidg., uTorn BABliY CIUCKS SHORT IFONPLET? EVED - nid, aS der,1upto 2 eeks, for immad(iate or 1 a1e 1 e rSlîver.y. T-hey'l haelp you on the gond comîofg markatýs. 3Mixad chlicks, dayold. tatai Ode ow. Bray Hathey, 30John St. -N., lHausil- tonl, Ont. RED POLLýS COWS HEIER CLVES3 10 12 mionths. Bul13 moths P.Honï- singer ThornoOntario. BULslNElssES SOM) ALL TYPES 0F BSNESSSO-LDL. CityRa, Large, Snmll! Every- Lty yaears aprac.G i o 'b e Exchalnga, 2I College S t r ose t. Toronto (poieBtn) Toronzto's oldaîtCryePym uuth denie-r's; tee lctos3 Mt. VFiassent Rnd 04 olge St'. , 1)0 nfrh ne ui Used Cars mage us mnfrianjds. PHILL1,IFS SC1EýNTIFUIC GEiNLERAL Healh Srvie. Witeforpartie- ulars. 12 Q'ueen E., Torontýo. fruit- l,: i i o E li L 'vans, FOR SALE haroi, 52-80; good housa, good waeothar otuldns WO mes eSt of -Montrose. Fred UbrgVestMotse J, N LNS AWOFCCAP- itolA Theatre B'uilding, St. Thbomas, Onal.Special Department for farmaers cletos WITH EAICH ROIAL 0F FiLM Di elopetd or 11j raprints ail FOrI5e l'lt opraphic Labaratories, P0 Box .545. Sherbrooke. Que. REBUJLT~~ '02 cCRIK-DE ER- lnjg Tracrtor,. Saea guarantae as ane w. International Har vester DerJ. H. McCaw, BriOt MAEMONEIY 120 AYS TO MAICE MN Bok)e t o f 12,) pages, Size 6 x 9 Prica $31.00. Muita ýIgn a,4 41 Manlitoba Ave., WinnripagMan. YES, à 1I- XR ',A 1S 1,N G 1 LUCH1ýA. tive. Býut dontI forget, ynur suc- ýcass dapends on the fudto stock yo U stan w i th,. lnvast a stamý)p to ko about "BIG- LA-1B" rmink breedars: the pouaso beajutiful large, dark, si];,,urs Maýskýa MnerS t. Hyacinthe, Que. MEDICAL DONT DLY EE SUFFER- Or of Ithuomatic an or Naurlitis shoulti try Dixons Ramd..Munl- rosDru'g store, 23'5 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpald $1,00. 'l'R O 1INVEfNTOiS AN 0OFîER TO BVER?-Y lINVENTOR)f Lisýt ni InventLionIsand 1fu11 infor- mation szent frac. The R-amnsay Co, Ragistered. Pai(tnt Attornays, 273 EakStreat. Ojttaiva, Canada. FILM~S DEVELOPED AIS 1RIN'ED 6 OR S EXPOSI PRES 25c WithEVery neail AERH IL I'FINISRERS 110,x lui TORONTO ity prints andi plain broadtciot. Forpountis for onedllrc ot paîi. extleJobbars, 51(; 4iîeen PROEN EMEY -EVRASUP- ferer of -Rhleumiat ic Painls or Nertshsouid try Di >n' ïRa- edy. Munroýs Du toe 35 El- gini, Ottawu. Postpaid 31.00. LET DR., cEDS TMCI bring you happineýsa this year. G. Townvisend, (;o rne., Ontario states: 'SuffUead for, years îtl terriblegain pains few hours after etn.Also lhedvmiîg alttacks andheorhae.Nothý1ing seemled to help much but soda, andi Iloonly for short tim,then 1 learned or Dr., Lo'Stomr- achie. Afteýr taking threýe botties Iwas fea from pi.Kapt n iimprinf-g and hava now ibeen we-ll forinia yersenjoying m'eals wtot eiin. tom- acie is gond for ail rm o indigestioni. Drug Store or Write Dr. cbodsStomachieCo.,558 Ba'ýthurest, Toronto, $1.25 par bottIc pos"tpnîid. TIMBER WANTED STA,-ND)ING ROK 5M 0'R WALL antid Winter requiremntsi-. IP.. Box 101, Station F.. Toronl1o. W'OMEN WNE relatives, ohar, ith Fuie ouaodNacessities 'and mk mone0y fuim iiespare tima! Lowýj Prices, Lattractive cnanr.Ex- cellent ,profits. ia ordrs.re- pea ts. Cet your sharre of oia spri wth bst lina iii tha f le!r. ilax, 50 1St. Cament, ontreal Play Safe! Scnd Your Filmns To Imperial For btter rsleailà faster 'bse- vice. 6 or 83-ipesnrafilms i25c; re- prints 8 for 2e;bath lwith ýre-u largement, Phitagraphic Xmas Carda mate ira frm Yur o-iran- -,t1ves in 2 attractive styles -- folder tp wvith mountietipicture '12 ror- $1.25, fliat type witl emibUsseS margin. '-2 for 89o. No or-ders for less, than siï x, limp)erlaml Phato Servie Station J, Toronto, For maiximutn iiil LwLtockç productionl. Simiple tce use 1- expnsve 1Oder thrlough yOur dlerorc write us. Frac bookliet. lodargol-lodine Company

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